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terminal illness, death, subtle body

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My husband Ram Rattan who was in this group, died of cancer on June 3. When

he left his body he visited me in a dream and gave me a sense of where he was

and It was PURE JOY. The night before he died some dear friends and a Sikh

minister came and we chanted for him. He was very aware of our presence and

wanted more and more chanting. I believe the sound current was his way of

transporting himself. Since then, I have gone to Guru Dev for Sat Nam Rasayan

and he gave me a meditation for my subtle body "so I will know where he has

gone". I would like to support anyone out there with terminal cancer or any

of you who has lost a loved one. God Bless You, Kartar




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Sat Nam to Everyone,


Thank you so very much for all the responses to my post about my illness. I

am very comforted that you are all there and willing to "support me." Your

notes of encouragement help give me courage and strength. I have a stage IV

pancreatic cancer. I'm hoping the KY will help me through the pain in later

stages. I got the prognosis in April. I did not do chemo, though I have

changed my mind and am supposed to start on Aug 26th. Every day I spend in

the company of my precious sons and grandchildren makes one more day I want

to have! I know that when my time to cross over comes, I will go. I am

working on the "letting go" process with my yoga instructor. It's the hardest

part of being in this life. I look forward, however to seeing what's on the

other side. I do hope I visit my family later and give them comfort.

Especially my 2 sons and my darling 4yo granddaughter. She is spending two

weeks with me now. This will be hard on her later. We are very close. Do any

of you have any suggestions how I might begin to prepare her for what is

going to happen to her "Mimi?" I've never had to tell a child something this

serious before, and I'm afraid I'll cry. That may frighten her or send the

wrong message. I find the eastern methods of handling death so much more

realistic than the way we "shelter the families" here.

Bless you all for your support. Thank you so very much!


Peace and blessings,



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Sat Nam Kartar,


I just wanted to say, the board needs your strength. Death, loss, and grief

are not easy to deal with.


"visited me in a dream and gave me a sense of where he was

and It was PURE JOY"

I had a similar experience with my grandfather, and it was a total release for

us both.

It was a fleeting experience but it was mental, spiritual and physical at once.

He was much younger too, maybe in his thirties or forties, and

I'll never forget that sensation of "pure joy", that is a good way of putting

it. Mine wasn't really a dream, it was like I heard his voice while

sleeping, saying my name (much, much younger), and it startled me, and then it

faded away. I think he just wanted to let me know and experience,

even just for a fleeting few seconds, what he was experiencing, and to let me

know he was ok. :-)


Thanks for sharing that.





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Sat Nam Paula,


I can only tell you how I handled it when my husband died and our

daughters were two and three. His death was sudden and I told them right

away. Children that young don't understand death easily, but what I

wanted to get across to them was that he was never coming back. I know

they understood that. Perhaps you could get her parents to explain that

you are going away to a place of great peace and joy, where we all go

after our time here is over. I would try to make it as positive as

possible. Then if she wants to ask you questions you'll have an idea how

to answer them from how she responds to her parents.


Sending you lots of love and good thoughts,





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Like Avtar, I can only share my own experiences. My husband was ill for

a long time and his children, my step-children, were very supportive; in

the beginning we informed them of every test and surgery, they knew he

had cancer but it was a slow terminal tumor, so we didn't think they

would understand something years down the road.


I remember a time came when I was told to prepare him and the children

for the radiation therapy, I was also told we were on the down-slope

(have you noticed how much the medical profession loves vague

metaphors ;-) The children were 7 and 9, we went for a walk and I

explained that their Dad would be going into radiation therapy. They

asked if he had cancer, I said that he did. They were quiet for awhile

and then my stepson, the oldest asked if his dad was going to die. I

said he was. I then asked if they knew that we are all going to die

eventually and that their Dad was going to go sooner than we'd like.


Well, much to my surprise they both started asking 100,000 questions.

Their parents had broken up after he returned from Viet Nam and they

wanted me to explain it all. They wanted to know why they divorced, etc.


I can tell you I was stunned. They had lost their paternal grandparents,

so death wasn't unfamiliar. Apparently though they did understand the

finality and wanted all their unanswered questions answered right then

and there! I felt such relief. When I told my husband he was also

relieved and the next few years were filled with such openness and



Also, they helped us to see the humor in everything. After all, their

childhood vaccinations were still recent memories, so they enjoyed

teasing their Dad about getting "shots". Also, a child's life is so full

of embarrassing, painful and unpleasant experiences, (broken bones,

vaccinations, stitches, etc) -so they never allowed their Dad to "wallow

in self-pity"


I think you will be surprised at how natural children accept life -they

haven't been taught to fear it yet.


love and blessings





Cris Naugle

SpiralXdesign, Inc



Walk in Beauty

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Dear Friends,


I know many of you are already including Paula in your prayers and perhaps

including her in your healing meditations. I would like everyone to do so.

This is such a great opportunity for us to work together and share our

healing energy and love. And if Paula is able to share with us, we will get

feedback on our sharing.


Paula, would it be ok with you to tell us the times of your chimo or the

times that you feel that you really need healing energy? A quick note is

fine. Then we can target these times as well.


The RA MA DA SA SA SAYSO HUNG mantra is a wonderful healing meditation. It

can be chanted while doing other activities as well, which allows us to

share this energy even if we are driving, walking or whatever.


I really look forward to our community coopertion.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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>Paula, would it be ok with you to tell us the times of your chimo or the

>times that you feel that you really need healing energy? A quick note is

>fine. Then we can target these times as well.


Gururattan - Yes, I would like this very much. I feel the need for all the

strength I can draw upon. Bless you for offering your inner peace and

extending it to me. Bless ALL of you, dear friends. I feel as though I know

most of you. I will give you all the feedback I am able to do. I can feel

your energy already. My first chemo is scheduled for Monday, August 26th, at

10:00 AM (if I don't chicken out! My reservations are still holding me back -

I hope it is not fear alone, but something instinctual)



>Perhaps you could get her parents to explain that

>you are going away to a place of great peace and joy, where we all go

>after our time here is over.


Avtar - Your suggestion has helped me to return to "center." I have found

these days that worry moves me off center. A gentle reminder is greatly

appreciated. The simplest approach is usually easiest and best. I'm

accustomed to using my "mentality" to problem solve. I have not mastered the

art of trusting my instincts ALL the time, as you can see from my writings.

FEAR truly is the greatest of enemies. Second guessing comes close ;-).




>Like Avtar, I can only share my own experiences. My husband was ill for

>a long time and his children, my step-children, were very supportive;


>Well, much to my surprise they both started asking 100,000 questions.


>I think you will be surprised at how natural children accept life -they

>haven't been taught to fear it yet.


Dear Cris:

What a beautiful and loving story to share with me about your children. As

usual, you guys have inspired be to rise above myself. I will. Love and

blessings Paula




Yes, I believe you may be right. This is a "test for Paula." Don't you hate

when that happens? ;-) Paula


My apologies to anyone's comments I may have overlooked. I am rereading all

my mail as quickly as possible. Paula


ps - feel free to ask as many questions as you like.....I'm very open about

my illness. I found all my personal friends had many questions and fears that

needed to be addressed. If I can help anyone of you, I'd be most honored.


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Gururattan, this is great, what are the basics for this meditation?



> I know many of you are already including Paula in your prayers and

> perhaps

> including her in your healing meditations. I would like everyone to do

> so.

> This is such a great opportunity for us to work together and share our

> healing energy and love. And if Paula is able to share with us, we will

> get

> feedback on our sharing.


> The RA MA DA SA SA SAYSO HUNG mantra is a wonderful healing

> meditation. It

> can be chanted while doing other activities as well, which allows us to

> share this energy even if we are driving, walking or whatever.


> I really look forward to our community coopertion.


> Sat Nam,


> Gururattan Kaur






Walk in Beauty

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What timezone are you in? so we can send you good thoughts at the

correct time


I'd use something like creative visualization and when I meditate I

would install this phrase in my mind:

"I am always making the right decisions for me and for my loved ones"

this should override fear and allow you to act on instinct


On Thursday, August 22, 2002, at 11:23 AM, pjmcleroy wrote:


> My first chemo is scheduled for Monday, August 26th, at

> 10:00 AM (if I don't chicken out! My reservations are still holding me

> back -

> I hope it is not fear alone, but something instinctual)



Cris Naugle

SpiralXdesign, Inc



Walk in Beauty

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When they inject the chemo, don't think of it as negative or painful, think of

it as pure nectar being injected into you, healing and loving your

cells in such a way that everything is instantly transformed. Think strongly

like that. It has helped a lot of people.


Blessings, Seva Simran

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'When they inject the chemo, don't think of it as negative or painful,

think of it as pure nectar being injected into you, healing and loving


cells in such a way that everything is instantly transformed. '


What a wondefiul suggestion. Perhaps the rest of us could think of it too

at the same time and it would help magnify the results. Last week I had

to take a medication I was terrified of, as I'd had a bad reaction to it

before. I visualised the pill as having arms that were hugging me with

LOTS of love. It really helped me and now I am no longer afraid.







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pjmcleroy wrote:

I feel the need for

> all the

> strength I can draw upon. Bless you for offering your inner peace and

> extending it to me.



Would you like distant reiki healing for the chemo session?



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I'm still a beginner, and I don't know what this is, but, yes, I'd like you

to try it.

I'm taking all your emails with me to read while I'm in chemo. It will calm


Love & prayers



Would you like distant reiki healing for the chemo session?



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pjmcleroy wrote:


> I'm still a beginner, and I don't know what this is, but, yes, I'd

> like you

> to try it.

> I'm taking all your emails with me to read while I'm in chemo. It

> will calm



Reiki is universal healing energy, and it can be transferred by someone

who has been initiated to do it. It can be done as 'hands on' healing,

or distant healing. The receiver must agree to have it, (as you did),

and then, what I try to do, is send healing energy to the session.


Once you are initiated, you can do it for your self, for healing and

pain management. To the tell the truth, I have not had great success

treating myself, I cracked a bone a few weeks after the initiation, and

could not do anything for the pain. On the other hand, I have REALLY

helped someone else. I hope I can do something to help you



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