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Will and 12 Steps

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Sat Nam All,


Great discussion about addictions and thanks for your detailed explanation,




Now, my question is what about other addictions, like sex, alcohol or even


I will appreciate any kriyas for phobias to start with, and are they the same

for those with anxiety attacks ?


Thanks again,

Sat Nam,





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Dear Friends and Steven,,


12 Steps is going to be an ongoing, periodic discussion on this list.


One of the first steps and requirements for breaking old and making new

habits is a strong navel center. This to me would be the first and ongoing

power to cultivate.


You might wish to look at that lesson in my KYTraining

classes. Also Surrender to the Zone covers the lesson on surrender which is

another basic ongoing step. The great thing about KY is that one can

actually cultivate these experiences and powers.



> i have read your response to Nick's e mail where you write "take your will

back" and "let us know when you take your will back" i have thaught for

sometime about this and i cannot understand what you mean. i assume that

you are referring to the will power involved in quitting

> smoking




but are you saying that during the period where he is trying to overcome

his addiction that he has lost his true will?


He has lost it by smoking and must take it back by ending the addiction.



surely not that he must resume smoking?


absolutely not.


The most obvious loss of will is to be addicted to a substance. In the case

of tobacco, the nicotine controls your life, not you. You are part of the

energy field of darkness and the tobacco industry which influence your



Less obvious examples are being a slave to past programming, negative

thoughts and destructive expressions of emotions that pull us into and are a

result of being unindividualized and part of mass consciousness.


The only way to be free is to establish your own individuality and force

field where you are in control of your own responses and actions. This is

the main job of being human. It is a a many life time process. Ky is very

helpful in this process. It helps us extracate ourselves from mass

consciousness. In the process we contribute to creating a force field of

light that shifts mass consciousness from asleep (darkness) to awake



We can tune into our joint efforts because all those with spiritual

practices that foster the creation of love (not fear) are creating another

"place to go." That is one of the goals and effects of this group too.


This field of light is expanding. It is much easier to access and be a part

of now.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Sat Nam,


> Great discussion about addictions and thanks for your detailed

explanation, Gururrattan Kaur!


Most welcome!


> Now, my question is what about other addictions, like sex, alcohol or even



A strong navel center is essential for any issue including all of the above.


> I will appreciate any kriyas for phobias to start with, and are they the

same for those with anxiety attacks ?


Start with navel exercises.


Calming meditations and breathing exercisses and strengthening the nervous

system are good for anxiety attacks. That is a complex area with no simple

answers. We will get to that. Or if you have my book Relax and Renew go to

the quick stress reduction section, pick any meditation and practice it.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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how do we overcome the ongoing of someone else imposing their will on us if

it is our karma? any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. leaving is not

always the answer.

with all me love,


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Sat nam Gururattan Kaur,


Thanks for your advice & insights!




P.S * Congratulations to all of you with your brandnew names....Enjoy the

feeling and thank you for sharing!




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Dear Gururattan Kaur,


Thanks for the advice again. This is very helpful for me in my practice with

my clientele, suddenly coming up with tremendous personal problems such as

the ones I was

enquiring about. I must admit not having the time to look up for better and


KY practice recommendations to provide them with, for their daily exercises.

I do not personally have any addiction problems or being a control freak.


So, I am taking pleasure in reading you all and particularly your posts as

they are

very helpful, not only for me, but for those who come for therapeutical help

as well.

Not later than a couple of hours ago, a patient just called to thank me

saying she has

contacted somebody I recommended for KY lessons and whose name is Tera


(Are you BTW on the list, too?) I found on 3HO practitioners' list!


So, thank you for being of tremendous help!


Sat Nam,





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Dear Melanie and Charma,


Re Controlling people: Peggy's answer is great. This is a question of

boundaries which is one of the 12 steps. Cultivating boundaries includes

being present to yourself, your feelings and sensations in your body. You

also have to cultivate a strong aura so you can feel your own presence and

distinguish yourself from others. There is a good aura set in Transitions

to a Heart Centered World.


RE: phobia and panic attacks. This a question partly of cultivating a safe

and peaceful inner space. Practice SA TA NA MA meditation (lesson 14 I

think). We have had testimonials that this helps with these issues. Do 31

minutes for 1000 days.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur


"Melanie J. Myers" <mel1961


Friday, October 05, 2001 6:17 PM

RE: Will and 12 Steps



> Gurrutattan,

> how do we overcome the ongoing of someone else imposing their will on us


> it is our karma? any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. leaving is


> always the answer.

> with all me love,

> Melanie







> - Yogi Bhajan


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Gururattan, is there a site or book where I can find the 12 steps to which you

refer? I am teaching as a volunteer at a half-way house, and would like more

information to use in my classes.


Peace, Love & Light, Sukhmani





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I'm new to this site but not to Kundaliny yoga . I was participating in

Kundaliny yoga for immune sistem in Kripaly YC.

Now reading your respond to Melanie you 've mentioned "lesson14" . Could I ask

you to direct me where can I get this lessons> And I'm intersted in Aurvedic

body cleansing and detoxification...Will appreciate all help .



"Gururattan K.Khalsa" <rattanak wrote: Dear Melanie and



Re Controlling people: Peggy's answer is great. This is a question of

boundaries which is one of the 12 steps. Cultivating boundaries includes

being present to yourself, your feelings and sensations in your body. You

also have to cultivate a strong aura so you can feel your own presence and

distinguish yourself from others. There is a good aura set in Transitions

to a Heart Centered World.


RE: phobia and panic attacks. This a question partly of cultivating a safe

and peaceful inner space. Practice SA TA NA MA meditation (lesson 14 I

think). We have had testimonials that this helps with these issues. Do 31

minutes for 1000 days.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur


"Melanie J. Myers" <mel1961


Friday, October 05, 2001 6:17 PM

RE: Will and 12 Steps



> Gurrutattan,

> how do we overcome the ongoing of someone else imposing their will on us


> it is our karma? any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. leaving is


> always the answer.

> with all me love,

> Melanie


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Dear Sukhmani,


I am sure there is. Look up 12 steps on the internet or a local AA group.

Probably one in your neighborhood. They always have literature.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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oh, I am VERY familiar with those 12 steps. I thought you might be referring to

a yogic version of them. I am one of those who traveled the AA path without

success. KY was the path that led to freedom.


Peace, Love and Light, Sukhmani


I am sure there is. Look up 12 steps on the internet or a local AA group.





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Dear Sukhmani,


We are putting together a yogic version of them. If you have any ideas

please let me know.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur


I thought you might be referring to a yogic version of them. I am one of

those who traveled the AA path without success. KY was the path that led to



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I belong to a group HumansAnonymous - also a , there is an

ongoing discussion on using 12 steps to overcome addiction to ego.

You might find some interesting information here.


May all love surround you.




Kundaliniyoga, "Sukhmani Kaur" <sukieclj@h...> wrote:

> Gururattan, is there a site or book where I can find the 12 steps

to which you refer? I am teaching as a volunteer at a half-way

house, and would like more information to use in my classes.


> Peace, Love & Light, Sukhmani





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Just seen this post after I wrote last. I also find Kundalini a

method more suited at my personality for reducing the ego. I found

the 12 steps interesting to see where my brakes are being jammed on!

Kundaliniyoga, "Sukhmani Kaur" <sukieclj@h...> wrote:

> oh, I am VERY familiar with those 12 steps. I thought you might be

referring to a yogic version of them. I am one of those who traveled

the AA path without success. KY was the path that led to freedom.


> Peace, Love and Light, Sukhmani


> I am sure there is. Look up 12 steps on the internet or a local AA






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Sukhmani Kaur,


You might want to check out The Handbook to Higher Consciousness by Ken Keyes.

The book presents a 12-step process devised by Keyes specifically for spiritual

advancement. It may have parallels to the

AA-type 12-step practice, but I don't really know enough about 12-Step AA-type

processes to judge. The book does emphasize taking control of your life and

your spiritual development. Keyes book was

originally published in the 70's; I don't know if it is still in print. It is

an excellent book.


Steve Porter





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Dear Steve,

> You might want to check out The Handbook to Higher Consciousness by Ken

Keyes. The book presents a 12-step process devised by Keyes specifically

for spiritual advancement. It may have parallels to the


Excellent idea. Great book. I am going to buy another copy since mine is in

storage. It is available for $10.


Sat nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Ask a metaphysical store to order it.

It is on the shelf in mine. Ask them if it is out of print, if so I can see

if mine has an extra copy.


Sat Nam,






Tuesday, October 09, 2001 3:11 PM

Re: Will and 12 Steps




> Sat Nam ,

> I have tried to get the recommended book: "The Handbook to Higher

> Consciousness" by Ken Keys. However, Barnes & Nobles does not have it in

> record - even in special order. Any recommendations?


> Humbly, Bhavagati



> - Yogi Bhajan


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Dear Gururattan,

I had an article in the last Aquarian Times about my own experiences with

traditional treatment and yogic healing ("From Addiction to Acceptance.") I put

a lot of my reservations about the traditional 12 steps in that article.

To me, the 12 steps are not about getting well, but about learning to live sick.

Addiction is something that is viewed as incurable. Also, the 12 steps are

couched in the Piscean view of God as an external force ("Higher Power") and of

human beings as defective and sinners. Even the number 12 is closely associated

with the Judeo-Christian tradition which was the basis of the steps.


One suggestion would be to make a yogic program an 11-step program--the number

of Mastery. Let the goal be to master the addiction for this lifetime and

forever. This would immediately distinguish the yoga way--the Aquarian way,

from the old, Piscean way.


I am interested in your project and would welcome an opportunity to participate

in any way I can.


Peace, Love & Light, Sukhmani Kaur




Gururattan K.Khalsa


Sunday, October 07, 2001 10:53 PM

Re: Will and 12 Steps



Dear Sukhmani,


We are putting together a yogic version of them. If you have any ideas

please let me know.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur





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Sat Nam ,

I have tried to get the recommended book: "The Handbook to Higher

Consciousness" by Ken Keys. However, Barnes & Nobles does not have it in

record - even in special order. Any recommendations?


Humbly, Bhavagati

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>I have tried to get the recommended book: "The Handbook to Higher


> Consciousness" by Ken Keys.


Check Amazon.com at:




They have it advertised there for $9.95 new and $1.98 used. (The author's name

is Keyes, not Keys.)


Good Luck!


Steve Porter

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Dear Sukhmani Kaur,


> I had an article in the last Aquarian Times about my own experiences with

traditional treatment and yogic healing ("From Addiction to Acceptance.")


I will definitely read this. Thanks. Do you have this article available to

send to the group to read?


I put a lot of my reservations about the traditional 12 steps in that

article. This would immediately distinguish the yoga way--the Aquarian

way, from the old, Piscean way.


Great idea.


> I am interested in your project and would welcome an opportunity to

participate in any way I can.


I can tell you have given it a lot of thought and we will certainly welcome

your participation. I will let you know as I get ideas down.


Sat nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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I agree with you. I work with people in the AA program. Because I am familiar

with the philosophy, I can draw from some of its underlying truths and fit it

into my classes. There are people who succeed at both AA and KY. For others, I

think it is important that they are at least exposed to KY as an alternative, in

the event they, like me, can't adopt to the AA program.


Peace, Love and Light, Sukhmani


Though I am

unfamiliar with the AA community, it would be impossible for me to abandon

them with their Piscean age beliefs. (I believe) As Yogi Bhajan has said:

it is our responsibility as teachers to bring the World out of the Piscean

world of chaos and into the Aquarian Age. Many will depend on us... Humbly,






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Amazon.com has it available.





--- "Gururattan K.Khalsa" <rattanak wrote:

> Ask a metaphysical store to order it.

> It is on the shelf in mine. Ask them if it is out of print, if so I can

> see

> if mine has an extra copy.


> Sat Nam,



> -

> <LHarris

> <Kundaliniyoga>

> Tuesday, October 09, 2001 3:11 PM

> Re: Will and 12 Steps



> >

> > Sat Nam ,

> > I have tried to get the recommended book: "The Handbook to Higher

> > Consciousness" by Ken Keys. However, Barnes & Nobles does not have it

> in

> > record - even in special order. Any recommendations?

> >

> > Humbly, Bhavagati

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> > - Yogi Bhajan

> >

> > You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the Groups Member Center (My

> Groups), or send mail to

> > Kundaliniyoga


> > WEB SITE: kundalini yoga

> >


> > kundalini yogaclasses.html

> >

> > Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Practical Books & Videos on Kundalini

> Yoga

> & Meditation. Also Meditation & Mantra CDs.

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >

> >





> - Yogi Bhajan


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> Groups), or send mail to

> Kundaliniyoga


> WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



> kundalini yogaclasses.html


> Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Practical Books & Videos on Kundalini Yoga

> & Meditation. Also Meditation & Mantra CDs.


> Your use of is subject to








Make a great connection at Personals.


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