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When I said mystic I meant anyone with supernatural abilities such as a true

psychic or new age type healer.(Also includes miracle workers in the Catholic

Church, etc.)


I believe if someone is able to conserve there energy and bring it up to the

higher chakras, such as in a true kundalini awakening, and not just during the

moment of sex, mystical things occur. Different parts of the brain gets

activated and the person is able to do mystical things.


The only thing with Martial Arts and Kundalini is the practicioner trains from

the "Dan Tien"(Solar Plexus) and stores his energy there. Its hard to get a

Kundalini awakening if all the energy is stored at that point. In most Yoga

systems the goal is actually to bring about an awakening. Most meditations

focus on the third eye.(I believe more mystical things occur there)


But anyway, that is why I said I do not believe there are any more true

mystics. In the modern world it is very hard to be a true mystic. But being

an ordinary person isn't so bad.



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Kumbhaka wrote:


> Kumbhaka


> When I said mystic I meant anyone with supernatural abilities such as a true

> psychic or new age type healer.(Also includes miracle workers in the Catholic

> Church, etc.)


> I believe if someone is able to conserve there energy and bring it up to the

> higher chakras, such as in a true kundalini awakening, and not just during the

> moment of sex, mystical things occur. Different parts of the brain gets

> activated and the person is able to do mystical things.


> The only thing with Martial Arts and Kundalini is the practicioner trains from

> the "Dan Tien"(Solar Plexus) and stores his energy there. Its hard to get a

> Kundalini awakening if all the energy is stored at that point. In most Yoga

> systems the goal is actually to bring about an awakening. Most meditations

> focus on the third eye.(I believe more mystical things occur there)


> But anyway, that is why I said I do not believe there are any more true

> mystics. In the modern world it is very hard to be a true mystic. But being

> an ordinary person isn't so bad.


> John


The American spiritual teacher, Baba Ram Dass, once asked his Indian

teacher, Neem Karoli Baba, "What's the best way to awaken Kundalini?"

His teacher replied, "serve others."







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> ------

> Sat Nam!

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don't you think the greater kan and lee is the same thing as kundalini?

the object of all real secret schools is to bring energy up to and out

the head.

the first 4 , or 5 for some, chakras could be considered mundane cuz

nothing cool happens when they open. but they are the most important for

having a healthy mind/body in this life. focusing on the third eye is

obviously going to open up psychic phenomenon, i mean, thats what it's


john, dude..you practice this stuff and have felt the effects, how can

you say there is no one with these abilities?

granted they are not on the local street corner, but i bet there are

more people practicing this stuff and probably more people with real

abilities in today's world than at any other time.

i think this conversation is really cool, at least we are putting the

list to a little bit of work..:)

serving others does not faciltate upwards energy movement, which is

my main reason for yoga practice.


everyone have a happy week-end :)

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Kundalini is a fully conscious energy. To think that you move it with

your ego is tantamount to the tail thinking that it wags the dog. The

energy is spiritual in nature and conscious. Service remains the via

regia, the royal way to raise it. Otherwise, just monkey shines and

silliness - the iron pumper's approach to energy manipulation.

The tone is serious here because Kundalini is very serious business.

Do you honestly think that the energy that first set fire to all the

stars can be used without any consideration of the spiritual

implications of service to others? Yikes!



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  • 9 years later...

Dear Khumbaka,


In this issue, I tend to aggree with Mushmush, and Passionate freak.

This is new age or Acquarian age. In this age there are more mystics than nany other age. In previous ages only hereand there people achieved the mystical experience - one budha here one jesus there once a while. But in New age it is supposed to be a age of spiritual revolution and people in masses attain the comnscious of mystics due to the evolutional progress. this is the western astrological prediction of acqurarian age. There are more mystics now than any time before. (Mushmush position)


Kundalini is not about mearly attaining some siddhis like psychics and healers as you have assumed. It is more than that. Even if a person has not developed any siddhis- it is all the more better that way , as siddhis strengthen ego- he could be still progressing spiritually. Kundalini is about genune spiritual development. It is more than attaining such siddhis you have mentioned.( Passionate Freak position)


As to your position, that being an ordinary person is not bad, I cannot agree at all on this. To be ordinary is to waste your life purpose. Having obtained a human life if you live like any other beast - eat mate sleep and procreate, and not seek your full potential, It is not just bad it is a grave sin.





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Hi buddies....


sure i agree with R K ....there are millions and millions people...nothing happened when we were born...and nothing gonna happen when we die...we don't got any knowledge of our past lives...and what next...it all comes if we keep ourself glued to the pure spiritual practices like Kundalni Awakening and alll....but we need to under go the holy feet of Sadguru...


srue there was only one Jesus...only one Krishna and the Buddha and all...

and let's be the only one and lets not die in vain struggling for the stomach only....lets get to some higher points....lets go to the Guru



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Hey guys,

two questions.

Is Kundalini awakening "THE ONLY WAY" to attain God? I means we see so many doing lot of Spiritual(if u can call so) puja at home, workship Krishna like their own child(Bal Bhav), etc. Are they missing something. Why their Kundalini is not awakened? Will they go to Hell if no Kundalini awakening happens. Perhaps since they are from old age now, they may not have even heard of this term perhaps and thus my first question above.

2. I would like to undergo Kundalini Awakening(not jokes please), can you refer me to a Guru in Mumbai who can help me with this. From groundup.


Jai Shree Krishna.

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Dear Jaguar,


I dont know whether kundalini awakening is the only way to attain god whatever that may mean. What I certainly know is that it is the only way to know god. All the vedic rishis too have known bhraman by this only though they dont speak of the word kundalini. The word was invented latter.


All worship methods are supposed to be tantric. Any worship a deity with a form and an emotional involvement like dasya bhava, saha bhava, vatsalya bhava, ect are all tantric. Employing a mantra jaba is tantric. They all are techniques of awakening kundalini only. Tantra is the technique of awakening kundalini shakti. That is the definition of tantra and all worship methods, falls under this.


Well , having said that, there are more effecticve ways and less effective ways of awakening kundalini. Iswara Bhakti is one method of awakening kundalini. But it is less effective than yoga generally. There are certain tantric methods that awake kundalini instantianeously too. But they are sectrets and risky too.


You will not go to hell if you dont awaken your kundalini. It is not a sin. But you will not get moksha with out awakening kundalini. (Moksha is a state achieved by souls whose kundalini has reaches sahasrara). You will just continue in the birth cycles endlessly, dictated by karmic chain.


There may not be any guru who can activate your kundalini just by grace. But you can try astanga yoga. That you can learn from any yogic teacher. But You must remember these teachers of yoga are not the ones whose kundalini is awakened. Hence dont expect miracles. I am still suggesting this because it is declared in yoga philosophy and in Geeta, that nothing is a waste. Anything you start will continue even in to your next birth. If you start your practice now some day you will succeed. At right time a sad guru will come to you.


If you are a krishna bhakta pray to krishna to lead you to a guru.




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thanks Ravindra. lots of things got clarified. esp. no kundalini no moksha. though come to think of it, what if someone is a real good person, who has never robed anyone, nor trouble anyone, done only good work. but he is having no great kundalini awakening(saw third eye and above) though he may have Muldhara chakra awakened but has not felt it since he does not know the term. Would god be so ruthless to send such a nice person for re-birth. but neways assuming your interpretation is correct this puts many things straight.

I am a Vaishnav and currently have assumed Sai Baba to be my Guru. Was on a look out for a Physical guru in mumbai who can teach me from groundup. I am in no hurry to reach the zenith since attaining Siddhi is not my goal. My goal is only to realise the "Real Truth" = God.

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Dear Jaguar,


Being good is not the qualification to get moksha. Moksha meens freedom from karmic chain altogether. A person who is doing a lot of good karma accumulates punya and gets Swarga, as a result of good acts. But that is still being bound by karma. A golden chain with wich one is bound is still chain - a good person is not free from karma but is still bound by his karma. A mukta on the other hand is free altogether - free from good and bad karma. All karmas are burned to ashes. Karma does not bear fruits- good or bad - for such a person. Only such a person attains Mukti.


One does not need to directly deal with kundalini to get mukti. Jnana yoga, bhakti yoga and karma yoga - the three classical paths for mukti - none of them deal with explicitly kundalini. Nonthe less they are valied paths. The difference betyween kundalini yoga( raja yoga) and the other classical paths is that Rajayoga is like a medical sciences - say gynaecology. The physicion knows all the technical details of conception and child birth. Where as a women not knowing any of these theories still gives birth to a baby is int it? A jnana yogi, bhakti yogi and karma yogi are like that women who knows how to deliver a baby(mukti) with out knowing the theory of it. Where as a raja yogy is able to explain and analysis what exactly happening in the process. Other jogas are arts of mukti. Raja yoga is the science of mukti. Hence it is perfectly okey if you follow one of the yogas perfectly. In any case kundalini is involved whether one knows it or not.


Sainat is a very great guru.




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thanks Ravindra. lots of things got clarified. esp. no kundalini no moksha. though come to think of it, what if someone is a real good person, who has never robed anyone, nor trouble anyone, done only good work. but he is having no great kundalini awakening(saw third eye and above) though he may have Muldhara chakra awakened but has not felt it since he does not know the term. Would god be so ruthless to send such a nice person for re-birth. but neways assuming your interpretation is correct this puts many things straight.

I am a Vaishnav and currently have assumed Sai Baba to be my Guru. Was on a look out for a Physical guru in mumbai who can teach me from groundup. I am in no hurry to reach the zenith since attaining Siddhi is not my goal. My goal is only to realise the "Real Truth" = God.


Your kinda queries give me a real joy that ppl are turning spiritual....


the world is filled with lotta possibilities but we need to seek it out...the Guru you are looking for might not be there in your territory...u just need to walk out of your seclusion with a bit of determination....you can reach to the Sat-guru.....and get to the point you are dreaming of....



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