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> A Garland of Sonnets


> By OM (Oleg Mogilever, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA)


> Translated from the Russian by OM

> Edited by Alan Jacobs


> I


> Sadguru is clearing the Path only for His devotees,

> Granting great Grace within and from heaven,

> And how lucky is one, who embarks on vichara,

> Yearning only for Atman as his God the Self.


> The Master, activated by his own Heart,

> Did not let Himself to dream, but left home,

> When He heard the call of Arunachala:

> "Leave it to Me, forget about the mundane!"


> It seemed He was bearing His flesh by tapas,

> But the dagger of truth, into the heart of death,

> Was thrust into this youth by Direct Cognition.


> Now for aspirants we're given the living clue

> And everybody must repeat His experiment -

> The purpose came to light by His experience.


> II


> The purpose came to light by His Experience.

> "Yes, the body perishes. But it's not my Self!"

> The fear of death is a most illusive snake

> Disappearing in the radiance of True Knowledge.


> If ego is then the life of the world, and is Real

> But if it is only a myth, only the lila of Being.

> Where is the Truth? " The Self will soon appear

> When all forms and names are discarded.


> Joking apart, there's no Path more serious.

> ' Know Thyself ' - here's the Practice, not a slogan,

> This maha yoga will work only for valiant ones.


> You must travel through a blazing fire,

> Through the test of the bottomless well.

> O, seeker, don't forget to wear your courage!






> "O, seeker, don't forget to wear your courage!

> It will support you in the sea as a lifebelt,

> If there is no any sign of hope from without,

> When impossible return to all normal footholds.


> Catching sight of ego-self, inquiring,

> Keep attention on Self, but closing eyelids

> Don't let consciousness, oh ignoramus, sleep,

> Let your self-enquiry act like a riding whip!


> Dispelling a stream of thought-forms

> Be vigilant, courageous and rigorous

> Doing away with all ego's sculptures.


> In order to keep the unshakeable course

> Tirelessly increase your spiritual resource -

> Keep a strong mumuksha beneath the garment!




> IV


> "Keep a strong mumuksha beneath the garment,

> A craving for Liberation, that powerful Will

> Which shall transform your Dream into a deed,

> Into effort of your Search, into the Path of Jnana.


> In order to get the better of the old monkey -

> The mind as ego-self, stand firmly at your post,

> Know your aspiration as your second suit,

> Do the work continuously, without any flaw.


> Always only abiding always into 'That'

> You shall feel yourself, boundless OM,

> As Bliss, Knowledge, and Existence.


> So, my dear, be always on the watch,

> Inquire into a question, who's regarded as you?

> Every moment don't lose sight of the Task! "



> V


> "Every moment don't lose sight of the Task!

> Open wide the gift of inner sight!

> Only by a mood of earnest devotion

> Can one disperse the mirage of the universe.


> It will lead away an adept with himself

> In order to stop the stream of his attention

> On the abode of eternal Fire-of-Existence,

> Desiring to destroy every available face.


> The thought-ores dissolve without delay,

> Pursuing the source of these falsities,

> Not giving way to speech, to food, to dream!


> Amidst nightmare of mental illusions

> In order to tear the mythical bonds

> It is necessary everywhere to see the Essence!




> VI



> "It is necessary everywhere to see the Essence!

> That Lotus of the glory, embodied at the Heart,

> That hidden, secret Reality-Doorway,

> A scarlet flame on the bridge with a bonfire.


> That way drive thy herds, the Sadhak,

> The indefatigable Cerberus of thoughts,

> And they will vanish in the crater of the Heart.

> You will be aware of the shore as only Silence.


> O, my dear! Be always watchful!

> Don't miss out on your inborn Gift:

> You are the Unity of Being and Knowledge!


> But to really experience this level

> You must first give up deceptive bonds, -

> Only by uninterrupted acts of Worship."






> "Only by uninterrupted acts of Worship

> And whole-hearted commited devotion

> You'll burn bridges to sensual objects

> And be consolidated on the Path of Knowledge.


> Give up by vichara your passions and whims

> When an obtrusive thought arises.

> The crutch of words has no need for you.

> Keep silence by subduing the heat of deeds.

> O, dear, feel acutely the Heart's air,

> Live in 'Who am I?' forgetting world and its breather,

> The Path of Self-enquiry is your true Path.


> Know, only by the ascent of an earnest Search

> Amidst mirages of samsara's reservoirs

> It is possible to win back your Primogeniture."





> "It is possible to win back your Primogeniture!

> As a kiwi bird in ancient times exhausted a vast sea

> With its beak, drop by drop, Siva' s Grce came !

And now there is no grief.



> When without thinking about heaps of obstructions

> You are invariably on vigilant Patrol,

> Being on the watch of ego - the root of thoughts,

> Questioning 'Who am I?' there and here.


> There are no more any sins, diseases and troubles!

> After casting them away as delirium of reasoning

> O, my dear, get down into thy bottomless well,


> The Heart's Path will lead thee forward,

> To that Reality which only lives alone.

> So aspire, being fully embodied in your Search!"



> IX


> "So aspire, being fully committed in the Search!

> Let since earliest times, play of the fuss

> Not bother you, the dedicated adept,

> No more the greedy stings of a mosquito.


> Without any expectations go on the Path! To Oneself!

> It is time, after leaving fruitless rooms of books,

> To practice the Return-to-thy-foundations

> Experiencing the world as a myth, a mirage.


> A family, a work, the body are only shadows

> Of your true Nature, shining everywhere,

> Not ever having either birth or death.


> As soon as ego arose and rushed boldly to the battle

> 'Who am I?' untill duality is still with you

> You are the Self-enquiry! The thread of Life there is only in 'THAT'!



> X


> "You are the Self-enquiry! The thread of Life there is only in THAT!

> The other is delusion, fraud and Illusion.

> The spiritual sabre of 'Who am I?'

> Will kill thought by this question of all questions.


> But that daughter of distinctions, as before, without permission

> Still strives to disturb your Camp, your Eternal nature.

> Very sharp is the way of Knowledge, which removes all outgrowths.


> O, my dear, throw off upadhis of the body,

> Give up all, to the very last one.

> To the death, end drive of the ego, the imposter in Self.

> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

> . . . . . . .

> Constantly staying at vichara

> Cognize the unity with no end:

> Your goal is a Heart of Being."



> XI


> "Your goal is a Heart of Being.

> THAT. Which is inaccessible to vacillating thought

> And to a word - son of that shadow of Life,

> IT is within all parts, beyond life of ego-'I'.


> A Single, Imperishable, Fatherland of all and everything.

> The authentic bliss lies beyond mirages of a day.

> There are not any further Truths behind IT.

> THAT is the Truth Itself.


> Is thy warrior's armor firm?

> Has thy sword of sacrifice hardened?

> You must without doubt, stop your profane life.


> It will be burnt down on that sacred Bonfire

> Where your real Home is manifesting -

> In the infinitely innermost Flame that's there."




> .

> "In the infinitely innermost Flame that's there

> Is living your Atman, Guru, 'I am' living

> Which is not subject to good and evil -

> Your Master is invariably calling.



> Have you heard my Voice through walls of illusion?

> Burn it to ashes by your Self-enquiry!

> Know only Love to Me,

> Practice it without any fear or treason.


> Not losing your attention, oh my dear,

> Go through nights of Ignorance to the imperishable dawn

> Without breaking out of touch with Me.


> We will meet in the source of Fire.

> And not before and not later.

> Only then ego - nail of the universe - loses its power."





> The ego - nail of the universe - loses its power

> Into the arms of Guru - the Self of all,

> The Great Bhagavan Sri Ramana.

> His sacred teachings are listened to now.


> Sravana. By finding the Direction,

> Love and Devotion for quest of THAT,

> It's possible to realize the purpose of Life -

> BE and enjoy felicity in awareness: "All is One".


> " The Lord, I am Thine! Now - forward! To the Meeting!

> THOU art my Self. Not empty words but only this Path

> Will bring forward the era of Happiness - Being.


> Let the Self-enquiry dry up a sea of vasanas,

> May tamas, rajas and their grief vanish

> And the Truth is throbbing as 'I - I - I'! "





> And the Truth is throbbing as 'I - I - I'

> Into Itself, by Itself, in its Nature,

> By Consciousness which brings the adept to Bliss.

> Bliss, carried through the fiery coach.


> "O, Guru! Save me by Thy Grace!

> As a doll of salt is put into the ocean

> When she comes make it sound,

> Let ego dissolve in the Heart, in Self!




> O, so thin is the bridge - as the edge of a razor -

> To THAT, who ALONE knows the result of battle.

> Oh Lord, give me powers for not turning aside from the way!


> I am going to Thee, checking the course with Thee,

> It is the boundless Aspiration to the Truth."

> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

> . . . .

> Sadguru is clearing the Path only for His devotees.



> XV


> (The main Sonnet)



> Sadguru is clearing the Path only for His devotees,

> The purpose came to light by His Experience:

> "O, seeker, don't forget to wear your courage,

> Keep a strong mumuksha beneath the garment.


> Every moment don't lose sight of the Task,

> It is necessary everywhere to see the Essence,

> Only by uninterrupted acts of Worship

> It is possible to win back your Primogeniture.


> So aspire, being fully commited in the Search!

> You are the Self-enquiry! The thread of Life is only in THAT!

> Your goal is a Heart of Being.


> In the infinitely innermost Flame that's there

> The ego - nail of the universe - loses its power

> And the Truth is throbbing as 'I - I - I'! "




> OM


> Sri Ramanarpanamastu




Life is a pure flame,and we live

by an invisible Sun within us.







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