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Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu ......................

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Thoughts presented here are assimilation of thoughts,opinions and quotes

collected from various sadhaks. The common thread exists in all, although there

may be lack of continuity in writing this mail.



Om Nikhileshwaraye Namah Om Gam Ganpatye Namah Om Nikhileshwaraye Namah


Before we say anything on this subject we would like to make sadhaks aware of

an important information from the point of view of progressing in sadhnas. This

has been mentioned many times in the MTYV magazine by Gurudev.

"In the field of sadhnas there is no difference between a man or a woman,

therefore a sadhak/sadhika should not keep any false pride of belonging to a

particular sex when doing sadhnas".

These words of Gurudev are eternal torchlight for the sadhaks to stop them

wavering from their path of sadhna. If you just spend a few moments on

pondering over these lines, you will always find many answers to dichotomy of

thoughts which you face while doing sadhnas.

" If women have been barred from doing sadhna on some particular days then it

has been done to preserve their dignity, not to insult them or their

sexuality." These lines are said by renowned sadhak of Gurudev in an article

on Bhairavi in MTYV magzine which explains about finer and surreal emotions of

a woman as a mother. The article unlocks many prejudices in the mind of a

person who looks woman only as objects of consumption.


" Every woman is physical form of Jagdamba". This line can be understood when a

person have divine blessings of Gurudev. Oridinarily aperson is always confused

by reading this line. Mother,Sister, Lover, Wife, Daughter etc. all are women. A

person has different realtioship with all of them. A complete person is one who

is able to manage his all realtioships and still be able to keep himself aloof

from all bondages which come with these relatioships and move on the path of

his life as shown by his Guru. This is impossible without the help of Guru.

What is "help of Guru"? It is the knowledge of Guru in the form of

discourses,mantra,sadhna,deekshas and many more forms which are not perceptible

to a disciple but they come from Gurudev without the disciple ever realising it

at that particular moment. In book written by Gurudev called "Tantrik

Siddhiyan" , you may read about the deatils of sadhnas where sadhaks getting

siddhi of Sri Bagalamukhi and Sri Tara by realising them as

their lovers. The readers should bear in mind that they were doing sadhna after

taking direct instructions in person from Gurudev. Gurudev had explained them

many finer points about that sadhna. Therefore sadhaks should not take results

of particular sadhna as general benchmark for realisation and act as per

psersonal advice of Guru if they want to replicate those sadhanas. It is

impossible to understand them without doing sadhnas after taking Gurudeeksha

and contantly moving on this path with patience, dedication and devotion to

Gurudev and His knowledge.

Shakti of Jagdamba is present in men also. After all they are also sons of

Jagdamba. Jagdamba's physical from is associated with women because of finer

emotional nature associated with selfless love emanating from the heart is more

prevalent in a woman than man. Shakti's representation as a woman signifies that

shakti (Power in every form-Physical,Intelligence & Material) belongs to persons

who is free from jealousy,anger,fear etc. transitory emotions and has only one

ever conscious emotion of love.

"When Gurudev say that to realise me in yourself you have to become woman then

they mean by developing emotional side of heart which is associated with love.

They do not mean a man to copy the outward mannerism and behaviour of woman."

These lines are said by Gurudev and you may have read these many times in MTYV

magazine and other books of Gurudev.

Therefore outward represenation of Shakti in different forms have specific

meaning which can be understood by sadhkas only. Others just spend their time

doing bhajan-kirtan. A sadhak not only understands the meaning but imbibe it

into heart and soul thereby deriving full protection by surrendering himself to

the shakti which is none other than Guru.


Surrendering to shakti is not an "unmanly" or "cowardly" act if taken in the

context of sadhnas. Modern philosophy and western thought has thoroughly

propogated various myths about courageous and macho behaviour in men. They just

can not digest the fact that woman is central to human existense. This thought

makes them feel very uncomfortable.To fight this thought their mind evolved

different theories to overcome the hidden feeling of guilt and loss of self

respect. How can be men the "great warriors", the "heroes" of human

civilisation can owe their whole progress to "delicate" and "weak" women ?


So to counter this they evolved different theories like Sigmund frued said about

Indians. "Indian men are fixated with their thoughts and emotions towards their

mothers". I am quoting these lines as said by Mulk Raj Anand, a noted English

language writer, who died recently. He happened to consult Frued during one of

his trips abroad and sought counselling from for his disturbrd state of mind.

Whether Mulk Raj Anand agreed with Frued or not it was not mentioned in the

article. Considering the contempt Mulk Raj had for Indian males we can make

fair guess about his concurrence with the thoughts of Frued. Mulk Raj

considered Indian males as "half males" as they do not know the finer aspects

of love making.

You will find large number of theories of psychology trying to decipher human

mind. They have just one common goal. To overcome the feeling of uncertainty

and vulnerabality. When a person can define a particular thing he feels

comfortable about it. As soon as something goes beyond his general

understanding or conventional logic and reasoning he starts feeling all kinds

of emotions like fear, pretense,anger etc. He wants to define the thing so that

he knows everything about its furture behaviour. If he can define something then

he gets a snese of "control" and "power". If they continue to evolve psychology

in the same a manner then they will never be able to achieve their objective.

Everyday in newspapers we keep on reading new discoveries about a particular

gene responsible form particular behaviour in men or women. Earlier these

behaviours were explained to us with the help of theorie s of phychology.

Tomorrow they may find something more finer than human genes. Of course

it is very much possible.Then they will have to start all over again, explaining

the human behavious from the point of view of new discovery.

This process has no end. If you ask any modern physchologist or physhiatric to

predict the behaviour of any person under some circumsatnces, his ablity to do

so is exactly the same level as it was of Physchologists of 19th century or even

those who belonged to more older era.

"If you think that you can realise me by your critical reasoning and logical

interpretation of my sadhnas or myself, then you are mistaken. You can realise

me only through love". These are the words of Gurudev. Therefore in the field

of sadhnas also if we keep on relying solely on logic and reasoning and do not

surrender ourselves in the holy feet of Gurudev then we will not be able to

fuse ourselves completely with the knowledge and conscious ness of Gurudev. We

would be repeating the same mistake which the so called Physchologists have

been doing for last so many decades.

We may get a few siddhis just like the few theories of physchology which have

eveolved over the period of time. These have no value beyond a particular

point. Love and only love moves beyond that point.

Therefore surrendering to shakti and effect to Gurudev is primary for any

worthwhile progress in sadhnas. Leaving ourselves completey in the hands of

someone else is very disturbing thought. As we have said earlier that western

philosophy can not just digest this fact. It just shakes their whole structure

of being the "torch bearer of modern human civilisation after the advent of


Western physchologists say " A mother treats another woman in the life of his

son as a compititor to her authority and right over her son" . They have many

explanations ready for every problem in social and personal life of human

beings. They just reduced the love of mother to petty jealousy.


A mother is a woman and so is a lover or wife. There can be endless arguements

about the manner realtioships are to be managed by a person. There is one fact

that a person should keep in mind that a mother would never like to see his

son(or daughther) wasting himself in reckless manner.


Most of the sadhaks have physchological barrier in their mind regarding the

manner which they percieve women. Listensing to word sadhna reminds them of

strict code of conduct. Due to this reason they do not enter into the world of

sadhnas. They have certain fears also in their mind. What if their leanings

towards women is revealed to Guru? Lack of complete trust in Guru gives rise to

this fear. Their mind is so overwhelmed by the consumerist image of women that

they just do not want to come to face to face with Guru whom they percieve as a

supernatural being capable of knowing their "dark thoughts".

This phychological barrier is not easy to overcome and large number of people

keep themselves away from the world of sadhna. They never realise that Guru is

not sitting there to to make their hidden thoughts public or make make fun of

their weakness. Guru means knwoledge. Guru's shakti works in a very special

way. Gurudev know that whatever garbage has enters in the blood of person is

different from the basic nature of that person as a human being. To purify it

is a difficult task. Lectures on moral science can not do it. Strict

environment with regimental control can not do it. Reading of religious texts

can not do it. Only a Guru can do it. The only thing which is important is

whether that person presents himself in the hands of Guru? or Just keep

standing on the sidelines out of the fear. Sdahnas are direct manifestation of

nature and so is the Guru. If a person fears nature itself then he can not

progress in sadhnas.


Progress on the path of sadhna and understanding the importance of shakti are

parallel. Guru is the converging point.

"Durga ,Kaali ........na Gururodhikam na Gururodhikam".

This line of Guru stotra says" Durga and other Ten Mahavidyas are not more important than Guru"


We can only say that we may be living life by keeping oursleves attached to

various theories,philosohies,guidelines,words of wisdom and whole lot of

similar things depending on the society we live in.We always feel shaky

whenever we are hit by something unexpected in life. In more unfortunate

circumstances we collapse completely. This happens without exception. Therefore

it is Guru only which helps us. Outward image of world is deceptive. We can

emerge unscathed out of it only if we develop the ability to think, act and

live in a relative manner. Then we are not part of whole deceptive setup which

leads to ultimate defeat and misery. We just can not do this on our own. Guru

helps us to reach this state of being relative to all actions and thoughts and

be free from their results, either good or bad. This just revolutionises the

whole life of iindividual. Just like the Einstiens's theory of relativity

revolutionised whole concept of

classical physics to the extent that Eienstien is called the most influential

personality of 20th century. That theory of realtivity dealt with the world

ouside i.e. material or physical universe. The sadhna deal with the world which

is inside us. Our thoughts, perceptions, consciousness, dreams, reasoning and

other faculties of sense organs. Therefore it is much more difficult to

achieve, because we are trying to put those things into realtive position which

are acting as the observer of phenomenon of relativity. Therefore we are talking

about a state of mind and a way of life that is absolute in itself and

everything else in this universe is realtive to it.

Einstien in later years was trying to develop a general theory of relativity,

whcih could provide all answers, which could explain whole phenomenon of this

universe in a perfect manner. He could not achieve that, because the path ahead

was concerned with transformation of self whcih only an able Guru could do. As a

scientist he could put one frame in realtive postion(observer) and another plane

into the observed position. He did that and won applause of whole world. His

next aim was to develop a theory for a "frame" or "plane" which would be

realtive to none. It means an "absolute frame". Everything would be relative to

that frame. If that happens then every phenomenon and every activity of this

universe could be predicted with 100% accuracy and nothing would remain

unexpalined or mystery. This aim can not be fulfilled by developing the

theories of physics or any other branch of physical sciences. Like all things

physical, physical sciences have a

limitation , a final frontier beyond which they can not move. From there

onwards begins the domain of sadhnas on which sages have spent centuries in

search of that absolute.Finally they all concluded that Guru is that supreme

absolute. There is nothing in this universe which a person ahould seek except

the Guru. Guru is not just the body but the precious knwoledge, which is the

sum total of this universe. All upanishdas have only one common base, and it is

their emphasis on having a Guru who is able enough to take us out of this great

fear called world and put us on a pedestal called the absolute. Once we become

one with Guru then whole theories,questions, answers, sadhnas, siddhis,

knowledge etc. just disappear. What remains is only Guru, only Guru, Only


How to describe that state? We can only say again those famous lines of Shiv

Mahimana Stotra by Pushpadanta."Even Goddess Saraswati can not define the

complete nature of Shiva even if she uses all resources available on this


Guru is Shiva.

Shiva is Guru.

Shiva is never without Shakti.

Shakti is never without Shiva.


On the practical plane of life it is important that we respect women. It is not

necessary that respect for women come only if you go near to them and praise

them profusely. You can also respect women very well by observing alertly what

exists inside your mind and eyes. Sadhnas beyond a particular level demand

strength in the character of person just like it existed In Sri Rama & Sri


A person should first do sadhnas which fulfill his worldly desire for money and

material comforts, after that only he should think of doing other

sadhanas.This is not our opinion. MTYV magazine has also suggested this many

times. That is the reason that emphasis is given on shakti sadhnas when a

person enters the field of sadhna. Only Shakti gives movement to life otherwise

which would be just monotonous cycle of days and nights passing without our

doing anything. Shakti gives the ability to a person to stick to his resolve

and not get defeated by adverse cicumstances.

So Guru is the very essence of ourlife. Ourlife, which is the manifestation of

Shakti and abode of Shiva.



Om Namah Shivaye

Om Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo Namah

Om Namah Shivaye














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