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Information on Nagamani/Gagmani

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Dear brother/sister,



Jai Gurudev!!!!


Just to recap, i did post a message earlier. I guess everyone is

busy with their own thoughts. Any help would be highly appreciated.

My name is Balraj, i am in New York City.(usa). I am new to this list.


I am a devotee of Gurudev.


I have two questions to ask and a few queries. They are as follow.


(1)What are the rewards and virtue of having a Gajmani?


(2)What are the rewards and virtue of having a Nagmani? I know

someone who has a Nagmani. Its over 300 years old.Handed down from

one generation to another. He promised to give it to me when his

father die,since he is not in good health .


What can one do with both of these. Does one get any siddhis by just

possessing any of them?


I hope my questions are not troublesome for this group.


Thank you so much for your help and waiting patiently for your

knowledge on this subject matter.



Jai gurudev,


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>I am new to this list.

welcome to this list.

> I am a devotee of Gurudev.

Nice to know that.

> I have two questions to ask and a few queries. They are as follow.


> (1)What are the rewards and virtue of having a Gajmani?


in fact iam hearing this name for the first time, iam sure that other

people might be probably unaware of it.




> (2)What are the rewards and virtue of having a Nagmani? I know

> someone who has a Nagmani. Its over 300 years old.Handed down from

> one generation to another. He promised to give it to me when his

> father die,since he is not in good health.



i heard abt Nagamani in MOVIES, in my childhood days my mother used

to take me to this type of movies where there were bad magicians/bad

tantriks doing crazy things to attain some powers..., (i too enjoyed

that kind of stuff, becos at the end ,HERO who was usually a good

gentleman, always used to prevail ). Infact in one of the movie was

abt "NAGAMANI", i dont remember the movie, but i remember that it was

associated with some poisnous snake woman ,that could attain "HUMAN

FORM" and she had this "MANI"(precious stone) and the bad tantrik was

after her to attain that ...


i dont know if NAGAMANI exists in reality,but the way you are saying

it seems to exist. i dont know how a snake can have a MANI(precious

stone), probably i assume that it is kind of chemical secretion that

gets hardened, and increase in size with age of the snake.


so as i said i dont know abt the powers, probably if some one is

keeping for 300 yrs , one can assume that it is not causing harm to

wipe out the "lineage".


but it is confusing as to why your friend wants to give it to you his

"FAMILY TREASURE". probably he may not believe in all this stuff!


any case i dont know.




> What can one do with both of these. Does one get any siddhis by


> possessing any of them?


your friends family possesed it for so many generation, did any one

of them get any siddhis(supernatural powers)?



one should work hard and earn the "SPIRITUAL WEALTH", then only one

can enjoy and rejoice, what is the use of "FREE GIVE AWAY " stuff,

brother ,spiritualism is meant for "FULFILLMENT OF A BEING" and not

to attain or enjoy siddhis.






> I hope my questions are not troublesome for this group.



defenitely, people might not have written to you , one good reason

could be that they do not know abt "NAGAMANI AND GAJAMANI".

> Thank you so much for your help and waiting patiently for your

> knowledge on this subject matter.




Jai gurudev

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