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purusha sUktam & nArAyaNa sUktam

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Namaste all,


Honestly, when I first came to know about purusha sUktam, I did not

seem to take much note of it. But when I first heard it being

chanted, I got deeply absorbed in it and my mind was filled with

tranquility. I am certain that if it can make me get absorbed so

much, it must have a deep significance, which I am unable to know by

merely reading the English translation. I have some doubts/questions -


1) I intend to know more about the significance of the purusha sUktam

completely, not just a mere English translation, for I am deeply

interested in it.


2) Further, I intend to know if the nArAyaNa sUktam is related to

purusha sUktam in any way. Are these two generally chanted together?

And the significance of nArAyaNa sutam?


3) Is it a mere coincidence that the Rishi for the purusha sUktam

also carries the name nArAyaNa? What is the name of the Rishi for

nArAyaNa sUktam?


4) As far as my knowledge goes, the purusha sUktam is chanted in

temples of Lord viSNu. Is there any reason for that?


5) And finally, from the point of view of advaita vedAnta, in what

way can I contemplate while chanting/listening to the purusha and

nArAyaNa sUktam-s. Can we say that this purusha is brahman? How do

these sUktam-s fit in the frame work of advaita-vedAnta? (Please

answer from the point of view of contemplating on them.)


I have posted these questions in advaita-L list also. I hope the

moderator has no objections. Thank you.





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