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Karana Janma---Jesus

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Namaste All,


In India Jesus is known in many circles as a Karana Janma. A being

that did not need to be born due to karma...a bodhisattva I suppose.


There were devotees of Jesus in India before most of Europe.


According to various records and mystics. He was raised in an Essene

environment and his personal teacher was Judy, who schooled him on

all the major philsophies and vedanta/buddhism etc.


According to Cayce, Mary was an Essene and had been chosen, by an

angel, out of 12 virgins for the task of bearing 'Jesus'.


Cayce also says that Jesus was Adam and many others such as Zend the

father of Zoarastra. He says Jesus studied with firstly the Jains in

India then the Hindus at Jagganath and kasi. He then went up to

Kashmir in the Leh area and meditated in a monastary there, where

there are records of his visit----St Isa.


He then returned home via Russia, Persia, Greece etc and took his

final vows with his cousin John the Baptisi in the 'Kings Chamber',

of the great pyramid of Gizeh. It seems the Essenes had a spiritual

base in Egypt, Karnak, Heliopolis etc. Hence Jesus's infant flight

into Egypt.


Some say that after the 'death' of Jesus he returned to Kashmir and

his tomb is still there, called the 'Rozabal' and is tended by a

Muslim family since hundreds of years. This is widely known!


Cayce said that Jesus actually did 'die', it was a dead body not a

coma etc, but then rejuvenated a dead body. Jesus was a Son or a

Sakti manifestation.IMO. However what is death? One of Jesus's

missions was to show that death didn't exist. He was an avatar of

love and was showing the correction of man from its original fall.


Om Namah Sivaya....Om Sakti.......Tony.

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I read this somewhere earlier and tried some links in the web. I did not read

that he was born and raised in his childhood in India though. Somebody conducted

a detailed research on this and came up with this. Seems there was a person in

India at this time, who claimed that he was born of a Virgin. This is recorded

by a King in history.And there is a grave in Kashmir. I think he was called

"Isa". This matches with the time after Jesus resurrected in the Bible. The

theory could be that Jesus did not die on the cross and came over to Asia. Maybe

he did live in India and bless the land. Whatever it may be, he has left a trail

of love which vibrates forever.

Om Tat Sat

Guru Venkat








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advaitin, Guru Venkat <v_vedanti> wrote:


> Namaskar,

> I read this somewhere earlier and tried some links in the web. I

did not read that he was born and raised in his childhood in India

though. Somebody conducted a detailed research on this and came up

with this. Seems there was a person in India at this time, who

claimed that he was born of a Virgin. This is recorded by a King in

history.And there is a grave in Kashmir. I think he was

called "Isa". This matches with the time after Jesus resurrected in

the Bible. The theory could be that Jesus did not die on the cross

and came over to Asia. Maybe he did live in India and bless the land.

Whatever it may be, he has left a trail of love which vibrates


> Om Tat Sat

> Guru Venkat

Namaste GV,


No Jesus was born in Palestine, however travelled to India etc when

he was a teenager. It is believed he travelled a lot. The records are

or were held in a monastery in Himis......ONS...Tony.

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On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 17:32:52 -0000, Tony O'Clery <aoclery

<aoclery wrote:

> advaitin, Guru Venkat <v_vedanti> wrote:


>> Namaskar,

>> I read this somewhere earlier and tried some links in the web. I

> did not read that he was born and raised in his childhood in India

> though. Somebody conducted a detailed research on this and came up with

> this. Seems there was a person in India at this time, who claimed that he

> was born of a Virgin. This is recorded by a King in history.And there is

> a grave in Kashmir. I think he was called "Isa". This matches with the

> time after Jesus resurrected in the Bible. The theory could be that Jesus

> did not die on the cross and came over to Asia. Maybe he did live in

> India and bless the land. Whatever it may be, he has left a trail of love

> which vibrates forever.

>> Om Tat Sat

>> Guru Venkat

> Namaste GV,


> No Jesus was born in Palestine, however travelled to India etc when he

> was a teenager. It is believed he travelled a lot. The records are or

> were held in a monastery in Himis......ONS...Tony.


There is plenty of material on the subject of "Saint Issa" both in print

and on the web. Assertions are put forth regarding visits to India during

Jesus' so-called "hidden years", and also following Jesus' crucifixion.


The subject is extremely controversial because of its inevitably disturbing

implications, not the least of which pertain to the hotly debated question

of whether Jesus ever existed in the first place. Few among those who

believe he existed are willing to entertain the idea that he survived the

cross by natural means. And those who believe in his survival by means of

resurrection are not wanting to deny the gospel account stating that he

ascended to the heavens.


It also goes counter to the doctrines of the Quran.


Supporting evidence is weak and dubious at best, partisans on all sides are

highly impassioned. Hence the argument goes on and on without hope of







A pair of English boots inflates even a languid man with the delight of

vanity. He immediately begins to whistle. -Sri Ramakrishna

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Hari OM!,


Blessed Self,


Sri Sri Ravishankar Guruji(Art of Living) in his Christmas address

said the following:


The following is available on the Palm leaves in India


To Krishna Dwaipayana Rishi (also called Vyasa) his disciples asked

lot of people suffering in other parts of the world,(whcih is in

darkness, why can't you do something for that and when are you going

to bring light there.


So because of Krishna Dwaipayana Risihi's Yogic Siddhi of Parakaya

Pravesham,(dropping the present body and entering into another body)

this is one of the Yoga Siddhis,he decided to take birth as the son

of Mary(Virgin) And the three wise men was Athri, Baradhwaja,

Vamadeva, were asked to come and visit him when He takes birth as

Mary's son. he said to these three Rishis you come from the south

and go back by the North, and you should bring incense and Gold.

While going back they take some rest on Germany.


Afterwards, Jesus (Krishna Dwaypayana) should be brought back to

India for the 12 years Gurukul. That is why in Jesus's history he is

missing, for 12 years exactly! And Jesus Christ incarnation of

Krishna Dwaipanaya, was studying Vedas and Yogic Practices at

Mylapore, Madras. Even St.Thomas first came there also. Actually

St.Thomas want to (doubting Thomas) find the origin of the Christ's

knowledge. And Thomas found out the place and landed at Madras,and

he went to Samadhi over there, there is still a place called

St.Thomas Mount in Madras.


So this is another version of story which is contoversial.


Have a Merry Christmas


With Love & OM!


Krishna Prasad


--- Shivaram <conte wrote:

> On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 17:32:52 -0000, Tony O'Clery

> <aoclery

> <aoclery wrote:


> > advaitin, Guru Venkat <v_vedanti>

> wrote:

> >>

> >> Namaskar,

> >> I read this somewhere earlier and tried some links in the web. I

> > did not read that he was born and raised in his childhood in

> India

> > though. Somebody conducted a detailed research on this and came

> up with

> > this. Seems there was a person in India at this time, who claimed

> that he

> > was born of a Virgin. This is recorded by a King in history.And

> there is

> > a grave in Kashmir. I think he was called "Isa". This matches

> with the

> > time after Jesus resurrected in the Bible. The theory could be

> that Jesus

> > did not die on the cross and came over to Asia. Maybe he did live

> in

> > India and bless the land. Whatever it may be, he has left a trail

> of love

> > which vibrates forever.

> >> Om Tat Sat

> >> Guru Venkat

> > Namaste GV,

> >

> > No Jesus was born in Palestine, however travelled to India etc

> when he

> > was a teenager. It is believed he travelled a lot. The records

> are or

> > were held in a monastery in Himis......ONS...Tony.


> There is plenty of material on the subject of "Saint Issa" both in

> print

> and on the web. Assertions are put forth regarding visits to India

> during

> Jesus' so-called "hidden years", and also following Jesus'

> crucifixion.


> The subject is extremely controversial because of its inevitably

> disturbing

> implications, not the least of which pertain to the hotly debated

> question

> of whether Jesus ever existed in the first place. Few among those

> who

> believe he existed are willing to entertain the idea that he

> survived the

> cross by natural means. And those who believe in his survival by

> means of

> resurrection are not wanting to deny the gospel account stating

> that he

> ascended to the heavens.


> It also goes counter to the doctrines of the Quran.


> Supporting evidence is weak and dubious at best, partisans on all

> sides are

> highly impassioned. Hence the argument goes on and on without hope

> of

> resolution.


> Shivaram



> --

> A pair of English boots inflates even a languid man with the

> delight of

> vanity. He immediately begins to whistle. -Sri Ramakrishna



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advaitin, Krishna Prasad <rkrishp99>




Namaste All,

>From the accounts in Himis and Leh, Jesus's life was much as that

read by the reader of the akashic records Edgar Cayce. These records

were read by several people, Notavich, and A Swami of the Divine

Light, Life? Math etc. I believe they were moved to Lhasa but since

the Chinese Occupation of Tibet, they appear to have been hidden



Cayce doesn't go into after the crucifixion, I don't think so anyway.


The resurrection, ascension and appearance in the upper room are

explained by yogic siddhis as Jesus was at least an accomplished Raja



Truth is always controversial for it is not made by man's musings.


I tend to believe Cayce whose 14,000 other readings on medicine etc

were found to be 95% correct........ONS.......Tony.

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Note from the List Moderators: Though the topic may be interesting to few

members of the list, the discussants are reminded that this topic is beyond the

scope of this list. It is quite important that we limit our discussions within

the scope of the list as much as possible. Thanks in advance for your




On Thu, 26 Dec 2002 17:16:29 -0000, Tony O'Clery <aoclery

<aoclery wrote:

> advaitin, Krishna Prasad <rkrishp99> wrote:


> From the accounts in Himis and Leh, Jesus's life was much as that read by

> the reader of the akashic records Edgar Cayce. These records were read by

> several people, Notavich, and A Swami of the Divine Light, Life? Math

> etc. I believe they were moved to Lhasa but since the Chinese Occupation

> of Tibet, they appear to have been hidden again.


I think these stories are elaborate misunderstandings at best, forgeries at

worst. Motives abound: Hindus and Buddhists trying to withstand Western

incursions, missionary activities, and colonialism; Muslims wishing to

undercut notions of Jesus' divinity, Abhedananda and Notovich

wanting to promote their own particular positions. How about the

Bhavishya purana that supposedly recapitulates the biblical creation story

and the

history of Israel, names Adam and Eve, Jesus, the apostles, the sons of

Israel? A medieval forgery.

> Cayce doesn't go into after the crucifixion, I don't think so anyway.


> The resurrection, ascension and appearance in the upper room are

> explained by yogic siddhis as Jesus was at least an accomplished Raja

> Yogi.


> Truth is always controversial for it is not made by man's musings.


> I tend to believe Cayce whose 14,000 other readings on medicine etc were

> found to be 95% correct........ONS.......Tony.


I'm not hostile and don't mean to sound that way; I would welcome solid and

convincing evidence that Jesus visited India, or that he existed at all.

There is no end of dubious evidence for this Saint Issa, but I fail to see

how piling any amount of bad evidence upon bad evidence tends to make a

good case.


To me the inclusion of something in Cayce's reveries is a good reason for

NOT believing it. You might take a look at http://skepdic.com/cayce.html,

but I don't anticipate you'll be convinced.



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> Note from the List Moderators: Though the topic may be interesting to few

> members of the list, the discussants are reminded that this topic is

> beyond the scope of this list. It is quite important that we limit our

> discussions within the scope of the list as much as possible. Thanks in

> advance for your cooperation.


Thank you, I wholeheartedly agree. I wrote at first in caution and then in

opposition only because I am dismayed to see this topic arise here at all.

My apologies to all advaitins for having prolonged the discussion to any





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advaitin, Guru Venkat <v_vedanti> wrote:


> Namaskar,

> I read this somewhere earlier and tried some links in the web. I

did not read that he was born and raised in his childhood in India

though. Somebody conducted a detailed research on this and came up

with this. Seems there was a person in India at this time, who

claimed that he was born of a Virgin. This is recorded by a King in

history.And there is a grave in Kashmir. I think he was

called "Isa". This matches with the time after Jesus resurrected in

the Bible. The theory could be that Jesus did not die on the cross

and came over to Asia. Maybe he did live in India and bless the land.

Whatever it may be, he has left a trail of love which vibrates


> Om Tat Sat

> Guru Venkat


Namaste GV,


Yes I got a book on the Dead Sea Scrolls for Christmas and there is a

long quote in there from the great historian Josephus who lived about

the same time as Jesus and he refers to him in detail. I have read

other Puranas on the same subject. My posting was for

Christmas...Thank you for your Satwick reaction.ONS...Tony.

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