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Om Namah Sivaya : Hare Krsna Mantra

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Both are used for God realization.


Hare Krsna mantra is called the Mahamantra given by Shri Chaitanya mahaprabhu about 500 years ago. An older form of the mantra where it starts as 'Hare Rama' first is also found in scriptures. It is a good mantra to evoke Lord Krsna's blessings, besides 'Om namo bhagwate Vasudevaya' which was the original mantra given to bhakta Prahlada by sage Narada.


Om Namah Shivaya is the Adi Maha mantra that was practiced originally by Vashishtha Rishi who was also the lineage Guru of Lord Rama. The Panchakshara adi Maha mantra Om Namaha Shivaya was also practiced by Vamandeva, Lord Vishnu, Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. It has been practiced by Rishis, saints and exalted as well as common people in every age and yuga. It is the best way to connect to Lord Shiva and evoke His blessings.


It depends which deity you feel an inner connection to. Then you can practice his mantra. Maybe you can take up an 11 day sadhna of practicing each mantra and record your feelings and dreams that follow. And then you can decide, where you feel the right connection. If you are sincere, you will get the guidance from the Lord. :)


Om namah Shivaya!!




Which is best to use?

What is each of them used for?


Hare Krsna

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Both are used for God realization.


Hare Krsna mantra is called the Mahamantra given by Shri Chaitanya mahaprabhu about 500 years ago. An older form of the mantra where it starts as 'Hare Rama' first is also found in scriptures. It is a good mantra to evoke Lord Krsna's blessings, besides 'Om namo bhagwate Vasudevaya' which was the original mantra given to bhakta Prahlada by sage Narada.


Om Namah Shivaya is the Adi Maha mantra that was practiced originally by Vashishtha Rishi who was also the lineage Guru of Lord Rama. The Panchakshara adi Maha mantra Om Namaha Shivaya was also practiced by Vamandeva, Lord Vishnu, Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. It has been practiced by Rishis, saints and exalted as well as common people in every age and yuga. It is the best way to connect to Lord Shiva and evoke His blessings.


It depends which deity you feel an inner connection to. Then you can practice his mantra. Maybe you can take up an 11 day sadhna of practicing each mantra and record your feelings and dreams that follow. And then you can decide, where you feel the right connection. If you are sincere, you will get the guidance from the Lord. :)


Om namah Shivaya!!


I'm born underneath Lord Shiva (March 28), and I am raised Hindu doing both Hare Krsna and Om Namah Shivaya at least 20 rounds of each daily.

Is this okay? Or is it an offense?

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Which is best to use?

What is each of them used for?


Śri Krsna Karmritam (2. 24)

by Shri Lilashuka Bilvamangala Thakura


“I have always belonged to the 'Śaiva Sect' and I have been sincerely chanting the

"Śiva Pancaakshari Mantra" - "Om Namah Śivaya" all along.

But I have no idea why this Young Sweetheart of Gopis is following me and my

heart is also enjoying the remembering of His Smiling, Beautiful Blue face!"


hari bol

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"My dear Friend, if you desire to enjoy the company of material society, friendship and love, then please do not go to see this smiling boy Govinda, who is standing on the bank of the Yamuna and playing His flute, His lips brightened by the beams of the full moonlight"

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