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Madhurakavi: CD ROM on AzhwArs Input: X.4, Meanings of the Paasurams of KaNNinuNN SiRutthAmpu .

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Dear BhakthAs:


In this final posting , adiyEn will cover the meanings

of the individual paasurams of Madhura Kavi's prabhandham

of KaNNinuNN SiRutthAmpu without detailed commentaries.


KaNNinuNN SirutthAmpu Prabhandha Paasurams


(1) Setting aside the incomparably wonderful Lord Father ,

who permitted Himself to be tied down to the mortar by

His mother (YasOdhA) with a multi-knotted , small cord ,

adiyEn has sought refuge at the sacred feet of the GuNa-

paripoornar(Nampi) , the sage of ThirukkuruhUr. The very

recital of his holy name activates the spring of nectar

in my tongue,which until now has been engaged in

the enjoyment of inferior anubhavams. (SiRutthAmpu is

recognized by Sri K.C.VaradAchAri as devotion , which is

of the form of a small cord capable of binding the world-

enveloping Godhead VishNu , the wonder of wonders, MaayAvi).


(2) Eulogizing him (Swamy NammAzhwAr) with my tongue ,

adiyEn has gained all auspicousness (viz)., the boon

of reaching his golden feet.Indeed adiyEn knows of

no other dhaivam other than my Nampi ( Swamy NammAzhwAr).

adiyEn will wander everywhere singing sweetly the holy

paasurams of my Nampi.(Sri K.C.VaradachAri comments that

AchAryA worship leads to God-realization.AchAryA is

recognized by him as the small cord that binds us to

the infinite Divine).


(3)Wandering thus singing my AchAryan's prabhandhams ,

adiyEn has gained the soubhAgyam of the vision of

the Neela-MEgha ShyAmaLa PerumAL adorning Sri Devi on

His chest. This is indeed the supreme corrolary gain

attained by adiyEn through total devotion to my AchAryan ,

ThirukkuruhUr Nampi.


(4)Those devout Scholars and paramikAnthis well versed

in the four VedAs ,who recognize the Lord as both prApakan

and prApyam (means and goal)might think low of adiyEn and

will abandon me as one , who could not be saved.Knowing

this fully well, my Swamy with the name of SatakOpa Nampi

has rushed to save me and has become my Mother , Father and

my ruling Lord and removed all my sorrows.He has become

thus every thing to me.


(5)Until now, adiyEn coveted other's wealth and went

after it;adiyEn desired women as my objects of bhOgam.

Today , after seeking refuge at the sacred feet of

of the AzhwAr of ThirukkuruhUr with its golden mansions ,

adiyEn has become his servant and devotee and thus

become a realized soul.Until now , adiyEn was an ignoramus

chasing unworthy things and after the prapatthi at SatakOpan's

holy feet , adiyen has abandoned the pursuit of artham

as well as kaamam and has acquired svaroopa Jn~Anam

to seek Moksha Siddhi with his paramOpakAram.


(6) From here on and for all times to come , adiyEn has

been blessed by my Swamy (SatakOpan)to have the auspicious

Jn~Anam to sing about his glories and his Prabhandhams

in a spirit of Svayam-prayOjanam . My Swamy hailing from

ThirukkuruhUr known for its mighty mansions will never

abandon me and will shower his grace on me always

( athra parathra chApi nithyam yadhIya charaNam madhIyam).

adiyEn has gained vivEkam through his abundant grace

and therefore have attained the bhAgyam of svaroopa-

aavirbAvam .


(7)My Swamy SatakOpan , the SuprajA of Kaari belonging to

the MaaRa Vamsam has opened his eyes and looked at me

standing in front of him with folded palms (anjali mudhrA).

With his dhivya katAksham , he has chased away all my

age-long sins(anAdhi karmAs) and out of his incomparable

krupA has accepted me as his dearest disciple.Wherefore,

I proclaim aloud my love and gratitude for his mahOpakAram

of banishing all of my upAya VirOdhis through singing of his

grat prabhandhams set in beautiful Tamil language in

all eight directions of this earth for the redemption of

one and all.


(8)My Swamy out of his matchless dayA for every one

has blessed them with the esoteric meanings of Vedams

through his Tamil dhivya prabhandhams (Draavida Vedam )

in a language that they can understand . He included

adhikAris (qualified ones)and anadhikAris for the recital

of the Sanskrit Vedams to receive this anugraham of

singing about the anantha kalyANa guNams of Sriman

NaarAyanan in Tamil.His compassion for the suffering

people of this world , which led to the creation of his

thousand beautiful paasurams of ThiruvAimozhi

is matchless in all the worlds. He thus spread

the teachings of the ancient VedAs and out of his

love for the people sang them in their language(Tamil).


(9)My Swamy has fixed in my mind the inner meanings

of the Vedams (BhAgavatha Seshathvam and AchArya

Nishtai) in an unshakable manner.He has fixed in

my mind the doctrine that AchArya and Bhaagavta

kaimkaryams are the parama purushArthams taught by

the ancient VedAs as their inner meaning. Therefore ,

loving and dedicated kaimakaryam to my Swamy ,SatakOpan ,

and him alone will be the adequate return for his

immeasurable anugraham to adiyEn.


(10)Oh my Swamy from ThirukkuruhUr , known for its

fertile groves, where the nithya Sooris (forever

liberated ones) take the form of nightingales and

sing sweetly your dhivya-prabhandha paasurams !

You are enjoying the bliss of ParipoorNa BrahmAnandham.

Although , there is no gain for you from us ,

you out of your infinite Dayaa engage in AchArya

Kruthyam and correct and train us through upadesam

and anushtAanam , even if we are deficient in

every way. Adiyen seeks Your sacred feet out of

deep affection and reverence for them .


(11)Oh my Swamy , the Sakala GuNa ParipoorNar from

ThirukkuruhUr! You have great preethi for all those

( bhakthars , prapannars, mukthars and nithyars ),

who have taken refuge at the sacred of Your Lord,

who in turn has affection for every one .Oh Master of

the beautiful ThirukkuruhUr! This prabhandham has

been created with visEsha Bhakthi by your devoted

daasan Madhura Kavi and placed at Your sacred feet.

Those who recite this prabhandham with mahaa visvasaam

in the supermacy of Achaarya Bhakthi over all else

will surely find their abode in Sri Vaikuntam.


Madhura Kavi AzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE saraNam ,

RaamAnja Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SatakOpan

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