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RE: ashtanga yoga Pinched cervical nerve for second time

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Hola Óscar


I Have not idea about mechanics of your injure, but I know one thing. Now

you will be more sensitive, now you will be more receptive and less active.

Now you will love more depply the practice and you will get away from your

practice things that can be dangerous. I don´t want to say that injures are

necesary to achieve wisdom, but can be a result of our love for practice.

Love can be learned too. It´s what I know.


Personally I use all that I need: blankets, half vinyasas, half postures and

so. Godfrey Devereux developed a lot of injures because his exagerated

practice (6 hours with vinyasas or so) and, of course, he is now a excellent

yoga teacher (and very clear, he lives in the island of Lanzarote actually).

I reccomend you his book Yoga Dinámico, in Spanish by editorial Tutor.


I hope you find soon what you need to heal yourself.








>"moderador" <gasofin44

>ashtanga yoga

>ashtanga yoga

>ashtanga yoga Pinched cervical nerve for second time

>Tue, 03 Feb 2004 13:45:24 -0000


>It is about my injure, is the second time in this year I hurt my neck

>doing sarvangasana deeper that I could. The first time i hurt

>(november 2002) i felt the pain in the upper back, the shoulder and

>sometimes to the elbow or the hand (in the same side, the left one).

>Now i know that it is a pinched cervical nerve or cervical

>radiculopathy. The first time I had to stop doing the inverse asanas

>specially sirsasana and sarvangasana, also some times i do setu

>bandasana insted o urdva danurasana (where the cervical zone is been

>pressing against the floor and between then), and I think that was

>the most damage asana for my neck the other day.

>I just want to ask for any advice because now in the beginning of the

>injure (when the pain is stronger but the injure can easylly stop

>with care) I can't do any open movement with my left waist scapula

>(shoulder,clavicula and cervical zone), that means I can't do

>vinyasas to change the poses and the trird and the fifth vinyasas of

>surya namaskar, and of course, all the movements of the neck must be

>doing very carefully and slow.

>So if anyone is living or had lived this injured can tell me

>something about the modifications of the practice and how to do safer

>practice instead of feel fear from it.

>Also I'd like to help someone who feels similar pain, to tink about

>this and to save time visiting doctors or similar: i went fo

>phisioteraphy and to the doctor (during four mounths), but they

>though It come from muscles back problems and in the x-rays don't see

>anything in my vertebras. At the end I decided to rest with any

>inverse asanas for a while. And after that the pain disappear, that

>was in June 2003.

>I hear that a person who has problems with his body is a better

>teacher that the person who everything is ok, the first one can

>understand the limits and the problems of others...

>Thanks anybody, and sorry for the english Soy español.

>Hasta pronto

>Óscar Montero





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