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.. So .. You think you are in touch with Spirit ..

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If you think you are "Spiritual", do you know what you are really

saying. You call yourself "Spiritually Evolved" what does that mean.

You follow "Spiritualism", what exactly do you follow.


You worship "Spirit", you call on "Spirit" .. some might even say

they have an intimate connection with the "spirit world" .. what

exactly do you worship, call on or have intimate connection with ..?


You think you are a "Spiritual Master", what is it, exactly, that you

are a master of .. what does your mind (the only 10% of your brain

that you are conscious of) think that you have mastered?


And .. If 10% of you thinks you have mastered Spirit, what does the

other 90% that depends on "Spirit" for its survival think about that

.. have you bothered to ask?


What is this "Spirituality" that is shouted from the rooftops 'My

Spiritual knowledge is greater than yours" or spoken of in hushed

tones that take your breath away ..?



If you bothered to take a really deep look into the etymology (the

study of the history, source and development of words) of the word

"Spirit", you might not be so cocky.


Spirit is an English word which is derived through translations by

the Church of Rome from "Biblical" (found in the Latin Vulgate)

roots which (from the original Hebrew and Aramaic) transliterate as

"Universal Breath" or "Universal Lifeforce". No more .. no less.



So .. two things come from this .. every time you claim an intimacy

with "Spirit" you claim intimacy with the Doctrine and Dogma of the

RC Church .. at least, the 90% of you that you are not conscious of

does. The other 10% thinks it knows better.


The preponderancy of the ego to claim ownership of one's own

"Spiritual Perspective" is nothing more than a replay of the Doctrine

and Dogma of Roman Catholicism throughout the last 2000 years.


Is it any wonder that the "do-gooder" Christian followers see

themselves as Messianic Soldiers .. fully intent on saving the world

.. even though they cannot save themselves.



In your claim as to your own personal (10%) corgnisance of matters

"Spiritual", what does the other 90% think about that? The conscious

mind is so preoccupied with accessing, manipulating, controlling and

understanding matters "Spiritual" that the other 90% which depends on

unfettered flow of breath for its very survival, finally gives up the

ghost .. the possibility of what it might have been.



There is not a single objectifiable thing in this Universe that does

not flow with the Universal Breath. That is the way of the Tao. Yet,

the mind of Man has learned to deify this "Spirit" out of awe or fear

so that the very mention of the word causes an interruption to the



and the 10% which is busy thinking about it, analysing it, dissecting

it, is not even conscious of this interruption .. even though it

requires the breath to function.



Whilst reading this, pause for a moment to consider .. the breath

that you just inhaled .. how many people over how many millions of

years have exhaled the very same molecules of breath that you just

took into your 90% in order to stay alive?


How many other living things shared in the same molecules .. the

trees, the plants, the flowers .. even the ground beneath your feet

breathe with the Universal Breath.



Yet, the ego mind of the "spiritually evolved", "aware" or

"enlightened", in its catatonic state, believes that it has a mandate

to be an authority on matters of the origins of its own stuporous

state .. and seeks to gather members to the same tribe of

behaviorally indoctrinated suicidal separatists .. totally regardless

of the way of the Tao or the Universal Breath ..



which is fine for them .. but what about the children .. who in their

innocence of infancy, see the lies of their parents and the

limitations they believe in ..


90% finally starved of "Spirit" finally dies .. and the other 10%

hangs around in the dimension some call "Soul" (where it is able to

finally see a bigger picture but can do nothing about it), looking

for another potential 90% to inhabit .. to see if it can get it all

together next time ..


only to find that it is the peers, the parents and the adults that

never give it a chance to become 100% .. and not only that, they seek

to either control or destroy other parts of the planetary ecosystem

which are vital parts of the "Living Breath"



-- Christopher Wynter


lifestreams is an open archive

and containing this article along with previously published material


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