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Dear heart-friends,


I'm a happy lurker on this list, sky-going feminine-type contently

circling the periphery of the mandala. Hey, SOME(NO)BODY 's

got to witness ...


Tim Omkara said:

>How come it feels, often, like trying to discuss on

> is like navigating through a minefield?

>As though one must tiptoe to avoid upsetting the 'spiritual

>agenda' of someone else... and the complaint is loud, indeed, if

>ever a toe is stepped on!


I've been upsetting people's 'spiritual agendas' for years. Prefer

to kiss, pinch and lovingly tweak those tinkle toes (not

agressively step on 'em). Yeah, you guys could use a little more

estrogen in here... *{;-)

>Here, what is called 'Satsangh' means: 'Act in such a way as

>others consider to be 'spiritual', entirely arbitrary and based on

>various emotional and conceptual notions of 'spirituality'. The

>lowest common denominator becomes 'acceptable behavior'.


I have observed this LCD effect in sanghas most continuously

for (25+) years. It's worse when there's nobody around with

realization stabilized (emphasis on the word stabilized).


I'm reminded of a quote, On Lineage, from a heart-friend:


"Indestructible continuity of wisdom mind is the heart of lineage.

Realization of essence is the mind of lineage. Deep and

profound devotion to Padmasambhava and Yeshé Tsogyel

[substitute the name of your favorite Enlightened One] is the

bone and blood of lineage. Relationship with the [Vajra] Master

is the birth and transmission of lineage. Bureaucratic seal of

approval is the pus of lineage. Politics of Dharma is the corpse

of lineage. Sanctimonious authority is the rigor mortis of lineage.

Fawning disciples kissing ass are the maggots of lineage. Hope

and fear are the dusty bleached bone remains of lineage. Always

be careful about the quality of lineage." -- Traktung Rinpoche


Me -- I must be getting uncrusty and a wee bit wise, for at long

last, in recent years I am serenely content to rest in the nature of

spacious awareness, be with, hold that spaciousness, as I

witness and circle at the periphery of these rich and tangled

mandalas. On rare occasions I drop a pearl or too, mostly

unnoticed, save the earth, sky, rocks, and water. May these ripen

and bloom as heart-seeds of future beings!

>To be blunt, reading/participating on this list is like walking

>through a graveyard.


Aaaah, Omkara ... there's a reason some of us practice in the

charnel grounds!


Wishing you all wisdom, clarity and spacious awareness.


ah La LA HO! <cackle>



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