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  1. Hello all, I am a new member. But I have been following this website for a long time..I have been facing problems in my married life for a few months now. I have started reciting Hanuman chalisa 11 times everyday to show me light.. Last saturday, early morning, I saw lord hanuman in my dream and a lady in the temple told my mom( who was with me in the dream) to be positive and happy in life. What does dreaming lord hanuman on a saturday signify? As much as I want to believe in dreams, there is a part of my brain which also says that dreams are just combinations that the brain keeps working on while asleep. what are your thoughts? Thanks!
  2. 2,088 downloads

    “…Histories like the Mahabharata or Ramayana are also part of the Vedas. The Acharya or the gosvami must be well acquianted with all these literatures. To hear and to explain them is more important than reading them.” – Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.1.6, Purport by Srila Prabhupada This lecture series was recorded in Mayapur, 1988. To listen to this online without downloading files, please visit this page: Untold Stories of the Ramayana
  3. 31,106 downloads

    Ringtone of Hanuman Chalisa for mobile phones. http://www.indiadivine.org/content/files/download/154-hanuman-chalisa-ringtone.mp3
  4. 15,482 downloads

    Anjaneya Stuti chanted in Sanskrit in MP3 format. Mantra for worshipping Hanuman.
  5. Hanuman with Suvarchala, daughter of the Sungod.
  6. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  7. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  8. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  9. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  10. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  11. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  12. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  13. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  14. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  15. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  16. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  17. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  18. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  19. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  20. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  21. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  22. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  23. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
  24. A picture of Lord Hanuman.
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