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Found 1 result

  1. Hello all, I'm new to this forum. I request the members' help regarding marrige. Your suggestions and Jyotish solutions will be of great help to me. My Date of Birth is 11.06.1983 Time: 8 or 8.05 AM (Saturday, Bangalore, Amavasya) My marriage has been inordinately delayed. My parents have been looking out for a suitable alliance since my 24th year. None, I am not exaggerating, have been suitable. 2 alliances agreed and both rejected at later stages and some, we have realised later, were completely bogus people. My parents are not interested in an alliance from outside India as a Pandit ji had advised my parents in my childhood to not send me abroad. Some prospective families have even said that I have Kuja dosha hence I cannot be considered a good match. We as a family are in a real quandry and my career is also not going great guns despite all the efforts. Please advise. I have a brother who is younger to me (27.12.1985, 9.40 AM) and his chances of marriage are also getting delayed. Please advise suitable solutions. My family has perfomed Parvati Kalyana, Arka Vivaha, Haridra Ganapati Homam, Katyayani Homam, Kalyanotsava at Tirupati. We are at our wits end regarding this. Will I be married (India/abroad)? will my married life be joyous? Many thanks for listening to my woes and your time. SM
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