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Found 7 results

  1. Greetings. I'm am writing a paper on Lord Ayyappa and his birth from the union of Vishnu as Mohini and Shiva. I am wondering if anyone knows where I can find accounts of his birth and subsequent acts in scripture? I am trying to trace the origins of the story, so I am also wondering if any can point me to anything authoritative about that. I have read the account of the union of Mohini and Shiva in the Bhagavata and Brahmanda puranas, but I have not found anything describing the birth of Ayyappa or of his subsequent acts (e.g. vanquishing of Mahishi) other than in colloquial recountings of the story in websites or some current books (without reference to the history or source). Thank you very much.
  2. I am writing a thesis on the story of the birth of Lord Ayyappa to Lord Shiva and Mohini as well as Lord Ayyapp's subsequent vanquishing of Mahishi. I have found many different versions of the story. Does anyone know where I can find the most authoritative or original version? I have tried to trace the story to the puranas but this has proven difficult. I would very much appreciate any suggestions. Thank you!
  3. Ayyappa is known as "Hariharan Puthiran" because he is the son of both Hari(Vishnu) and Haran(Siva). His most common name is Manikandan because soon after his birth his parents (Mohini & Shiva) tied a necklace with a bell (mani) around his neck (kandan). Background The asura princess Mahishi was burning up with anger at the trick the gods had pulled on her brother, the asura king Mahishasura. As Mahishasura was blessed with invulnerability to all men, the gods had sent goddess Durga, to fight and kill him. Thus, Mahishi began performing a fearsome set of austerities, and pleased the creator god Brahma. He granted her the boon of ruling the universe and being invulnerable except to a being that had not been born from a Woman's womb. Since such a person did not exist, she thought she was safe and began conquering and plundering the world. The gods implored Shiva and Vishnu to save them from this catastrophe. Vishnu found a possible solution to the problem. When Vishnu had taken on the Kurma Avatar, he also had to manifest himself as Mohini, the enchantress, to save the nectar of immortality (ambrosia or amrit) from the demons who were not willing to share it with the gods. If he became Mohini again, then the female Mohini and the male Shiva could have the divine child who would combine their powers and beat Mahishi. Some versions give a slightly more detailed version of the union of Shiva with Vishnu. One version tells that the asura Bhasmasura had so pleased lord Shiva with his austerities that Shiva gave him a boon of anything he wished. So Bhasmasura asked for the ability to burn to ashes anything which he placed his hand over. No sooner had Shiva granted this, than Bhasmasura ran after the god, threatening to turn him to ashes. Shiva called to lord Vishnu for help. He hid himself in a peepal tree as Bhasmasura ran here and there searching for the god. Vishnu became aware of the events, and decided that he would take the female form Mohini, "the Enchanting", and try to trump the asura's powers. When Bhasmasura saw Vishnu in this form, he was bewitched by her beauty. He earnestly tried to court her. So Vishnu instructed Bhasmasura to hold his hand over his head, and vow fidelity. With this act, Bhasmasura was reduced to ashes. Vishnu found Shiva and explained the whole affair to him. Shiva asked if he too could see Vishnu in this female form. When Vishnu appeared thus, Shiva was overcome with passion, and united with "her" (Shiva's seed caught in Mohini's hands, per one version of the story). The two gods thus became "HariHara Murthy", that is a composite form of Shiva and Vishnu as one god. From this union lord Ayyappan was born. He combines in himself the powers of Vishnu and Shiva, and is a visible embodiment of their essential identity. Lord Vishnu gifted the new-born deity with a little bejeweled bell necklace, so this god is called Manikanthan Swamy. He is also called Shastha or Shasthappan by most South Indian communities. In most Tamil versions of the story, the legend ends with the birth of the god, and with his passage around the region. But in Kerala, the story continues with Ayyappan's adoption by the Pandalam Raja, and the subsequent encounter with Mahisi.
  4. 1,746 downloads

    Ringtone of Saranam Ayyappa for mobile phones. http://www.indiadivine.org/content/files/download/9-saranam-ayyappa-ringtone.mp3
  5. 677 downloads

    Ringtone of Sarananuthi Ayyappa Devotional Bhajan for mobile phones. http://www.indiadivine.org/content/files/download/8-sarananuthi-ayyappa-devotional-ringtone.mp3
  6. 1,244 downloads

    Ringtone of Pallikettu Sabarimalakku for mobile phones. http://www.indiadivine.org/content/files/download/7-pallikettu-sabarimalakku-ringtone.mp3
  7. 763 downloads

    Ringtone of Ayyappa Ganangal for mobile phones. http://www.indiadivine.org/content/files/download/6-ayyappa-ganangal-ringtone.mp3
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