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Found 1 result

  1. My Namaskar to everybody, I appreciate for your time to even look at this post. I had a love marriage and we got married three times to each other(same person), 1st was arya samaj mandir, then court marriage and third proper hindu marriage as per parents wish. I met my husband when I was 16, we use to fight and argure quite a lot but now everything is ok by gods grace and we do love each other immensely even though we dont express that much to each other. My husband is brahmin and I am Rajput, nobody told us that we have nadi dosha in our charts as with my husband DOB ( year seems to be debatable) We were trying for a baby from last 7 months after I had my 1st miscarriage last year, finally when i got pregnant, I was been told when I went for my second ultra sound that babys heartbeat got stopped in 8th week,I was in a state of shock and sorrow...now i have underactive thyroid for which doctors says its normal.... Now i am looking at from all point of view that wht is causing miscarriages... I tried to match our charts again and I took my husbands(both DOB)into consideration and I found out that we have nadi dosha.( even though on his birth year , he is also manglik)...now I dont know if its true or not because i used online software.....my inlaws dont understand this and they think I have a problem in me.... Could anyone help me out with these, I live in a foreign country so getting puja done from a pandit is not possible and even if try to get this done , my financial situation wont allow...i can do puja myself...I can do fast...I can wear gemstones...I can keep yantra....i can recite mantra.....I cant give anything in charity here and neither we have sacred trees here like peepal...nor i can feed cows or crows ...(these are the limitations in living a foreign country) my details Female ( Rajput) Moon Sign: Aries( Mesha) DOB : 21/11/1980 time : 4:55pm Place : New Delhi husbands details Male ( Brahmin) Moon Sign :(Sagitarius) Dhanu as per janampatri....but by called name (Aries) Mesha DOB : 14/11/1977(on papers) or 14/11/1978(in janampatri,but this is a new janampatri as old one got lost) time : 7:05 pm place : New Delhi I really want to have kids , pls help....my husband is also getting weak and both us are not able to get any fruitful results in anything we do - like job interviews, my exams..anything. Many thanks in advance to even look at this post. Regards
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