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  1. Nostradamus is indeed genuine. He did predict that the British would have an Empire for 300 years. The problem is people dont know how to interpret it and give all sorts of wrong interpratations and it fails. The above is very hard to fail. The word Alef is quite clear, because Allah is indeed derived from Alef. No other religious name is derived from Alef. Also the three seas has to mean India for in other places it is not three seas. For example in South America and South Africa it is two seas or rather two water ways. In South India it is indeed three seas - Arabian sea, Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean. It is clear that this person will appear when the Earth and especially Europe is in big danger. This will no doubt be from islamic terrorism. So it could be very soon in my opinion. Already France has about 10% muslims and in Britian muslims have a seperate Islamic court of law. Is wont be soon before Muslims begint o give trouble like in kashmir. So pretty soon this instrument of God(not an avatar) will appear in India and defeat out the Muslims. And probably this will pay the way for Krishna consciousness to be spread in the Arab world also. We all know how the people there are suffereing from torture, rape etc. because of lack of Krishna Concsioussness.
  2. Nostradamus is indeed genuine. He did predict that the British would have an Empire for 300 years. The problem is people dont know how to interpret it and give all sorts of wrong interpratations and it fails. The above is very hard to fail. The word Alef is quite clear, because Allah is indeed derived from Alef. No other religious name is derived from Alef. Also the three seas has to mean India for in other places it is not three seas. For example in South America and South Africa it is two seas or rather two water ways. In South India it is indeed three seas - Arabian sea, Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean. It is clear that this person will appear when the Earth and especially Europe is in big danger. This will no doubt be from islamic terrorism. So it could be very soon in my opinion. Already France has about 10% muslims and in Britian muslims have a seperate Islamic court of law. Is wont be soon before Muslims begint o give trouble like in kashmir. So pretty soon this instrument of God(not an avatar) will appear in India and defeat out the Muslims. And probably this will pay the way for Krishna consciousness to be spread in the Arab world also. We all know how the people there are suffereing from torture, rape etc. because of lack of Krishna Concsioussness.
  3. Regarding Nostradamus here a few interesting quatrains worth noting: Quatrain 75, Century X Tant attendu ne reviendra jamais Dedans l Europe, en Asie apparoistra Un de la ligue yssu du grand Hermes, Et sur tous roys des orientz croistra. ----- Long awaited he will never return In Europe, he will appear in Asia: One of the league issued from the great Hermes, And he will grow over all the Kings of the East. ----------------------------- From the above it is clear that the World is in terrible distress, and looking for a great man to appear in some European country. But he appears in Asia. This person will grow all powerful and his influence will spread to all over Asia. And the comparism with Hermes the Pagan God shows that this leader will be refined and cultured. And since this is a distress regarding the World we can say at this point only Islam can be what Europe is suffering from. Now in order to find which country this magnificent Hero is from consider this Quatrain: C1Q50 De l'aquatique triplicité naistra, D'un qui fera le jeudy pour sa faste: Son bruit, loz, regne sa puissance croistra, Par terre & mer aux Oriens tempeste. ----- Where the three seas meet there will be born one who will make of Thursday his holiday: his fame, praise, rule and power will grow, by land and sea a tempest to the East. From this quatrain we can see that this hero will be born in the east and in aplace where three seas meet. This happens in South India. Three huge water bodies - Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal meet at Kanya Kumari. It is inetersting to note that this person will make( not follow) Thursday as his holy day. Hindus dont have any particular day as the holy day. Each week has it's deity and the person is free to choose or make his holy day. So this means this person will be a devotee of Brihaspathi(for Thursday) and likewise adopt follow Vedas and Shastras. Brihaspathi is the lord of Vedas and Shastras. The thrid line in the above Quatrain 'his fame, praise, rule and power will grow' shows that he will not be a dictator, but people will follow him because of his greatness and nobility. Now consider this Quatrain where Nostradamus predicts that the Hindus will win over the Islamists... C10Q96 Religion du nom des mers vaincra, Contre la secte fils Adaluncatif, Secte obstinee deploree craindra, Des deux blessez par Aleph & Aleph. ----- The Religion of the name of the seas will win out Against the sect of the son of "Adaluncatif": The stubborn, lamented sect will be afraid Of the two wounded by Alef and Alef. --------------------------- The only religion named after the seas is Hindu called so first by the persians who could not prounounce the S in Sindhu. Sindhu is nothing but the name of the waterways in Sindh, where the Vedas etc. were composed. Now the obvious reference is to the religion being defeated is Islam. For example Prophet Mohammed was the son of Abdullah, which Nostradamus in French writes it as Adaluncatif. Obviously two forces join together and fight against Alef and Alef(Alef is an Arabic pronounciation key, the Quran is the only holy book to contain them). Nostradamus mentions two Alefs to indicate that Hindus along with another ally will win out a war not against only one Muslim country but many countires. Nostradamus also gives a brief account of how this Hindu enemy tamer will wage war. C2Q29 L'Oriental sortira de son siege, Passer les monts Apennis, voir la Gaule: Transpercera [le] ciel les eaux & neige, Et [un] chascun frappera de sa gaule. ----- The Easterner will leave his seat, to pass the Apennine mountains to see Gaul: He will transpierce the sky, the waters and the snow, and everyone will be struck with his rod. ------------------------------ Obviously France(Gaul) is in great trouble from the Muslims since it already has 10% Muslims from within and it's proximity to Algeria and Morooco make it suspect easy invasion. The Hindu warrior will overpower the whole world(everyone will be struck with his rod). Nostradamus explains how the Hindu Hero will use Vedic techniques like Astras and Mantras to fight. For modern weapons cannot trnaspierce the sky or the waters or snow. So obviously the Hindu warrior throough meditation will obtain the divine weapons like BrahmaAstra, AgneyaAstra, PashupathiAstra etc. and use them to subdue the all the enemies of Mankind.
  4. Regarding Nostradamus here a few interesting quatrains worth noting: Quatrain 75, Century X Tant attendu ne reviendra jamais Dedans l Europe, en Asie apparoistra Un de la ligue yssu du grand Hermes, Et sur tous roys des orientz croistra. ----- Long awaited he will never return In Europe, he will appear in Asia: One of the league issued from the great Hermes, And he will grow over all the Kings of the East. ----------------------------- From the above it is clear that the World is in terrible distress, and looking for a great man to appear in some European country. But he appears in Asia. This person will grow all powerful and his influence will spread to all over Asia. And the comparism with Hermes the Pagan God shows that this leader will be refined and cultured. And since this is a distress regarding the World we can say at this point only Islam can be what Europe is suffering from. Now in order to find which country this magnificent Hero is from consider this Quatrain: C1Q50 De l'aquatique triplicité naistra, D'un qui fera le jeudy pour sa faste: Son bruit, loz, regne sa puissance croistra, Par terre & mer aux Oriens tempeste. ----- Where the three seas meet there will be born one who will make of Thursday his holiday: his fame, praise, rule and power will grow, by land and sea a tempest to the East. From this quatrain we can see that this hero will be born in the east and in aplace where three seas meet. This happens in South India. Three huge water bodies - Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal meet at Kanya Kumari. It is inetersting to note that this person will make( not follow) Thursday as his holy day. Hindus dont have any particular day as the holy day. Each week has it's deity and the person is free to choose or make his holy day. So this means this person will be a devotee of Brihaspathi(for Thursday) and likewise adopt follow Vedas and Shastras. Brihaspathi is the lord of Vedas and Shastras. The thrid line in the above Quatrain 'his fame, praise, rule and power will grow' shows that he will not be a dictator, but people will follow him because of his greatness and nobility. Now consider this Quatrain where Nostradamus predicts that the Hindus will win over the Islamists... C10Q96 Religion du nom des mers vaincra, Contre la secte fils Adaluncatif, Secte obstinee deploree craindra, Des deux blessez par Aleph & Aleph. ----- The Religion of the name of the seas will win out Against the sect of the son of "Adaluncatif": The stubborn, lamented sect will be afraid Of the two wounded by Alef and Alef. --------------------------- The only religion named after the seas is Hindu called so first by the persians who could not prounounce the S in Sindhu. Sindhu is nothing but the name of the waterways in Sindh, where the Vedas etc. were composed. Now the obvious reference is to the religion being defeated is Islam. For example Prophet Mohammed was the son of Abdullah, which Nostradamus in French writes it as Adaluncatif. Obviously two forces join together and fight against Alef and Alef(Alef is an Arabic pronounciation key, the Quran is the only holy book to contain them). Nostradamus mentions two Alefs to indicate that Hindus along with another ally will win out a war not against only one Muslim country but many countires. Nostradamus also gives a brief account of how this Hindu enemy tamer will wage war. C2Q29 L'Oriental sortira de son siege, Passer les monts Apennis, voir la Gaule: Transpercera [le] ciel les eaux & neige, Et [un] chascun frappera de sa gaule. ----- The Easterner will leave his seat, to pass the Apennine mountains to see Gaul: He will transpierce the sky, the waters and the snow, and everyone will be struck with his rod. ------------------------------ Obviously France(Gaul) is in great trouble from the Muslims since it already has 10% Muslims from within and it's proximity to Algeria and Morooco make it suspect easy invasion. The Hindu warrior will overpower the whole world(everyone will be struck with his rod). Nostradamus explains how the Hindu Hero will use Vedic techniques like Astras and Mantras to fight. For modern weapons cannot trnaspierce the sky or the waters or snow. So obviously the Hindu warrior throough meditation will obtain the divine weapons like BrahmaAstra, AgneyaAstra, PashupathiAstra etc. and use them to subdue the all the enemies of Mankind.
  5. Gautam


    Quote: It's a fact that such accusative statements towards others' shortcomings or mistakes only begs the question, "What are YOU doing any better?" ~~~ I am not occupying the position of Congress presidentship. Gandhi pushed out Dr. Anne Beasent, Lokmanya Tilak and later on Bhagat Singh and Netaji. So Gandhi was responsible for millions of Hindus. And what did he do? He let the Muslims have a free fiesta of rape, murder and slaughter. Gandhi was responsible for the rape slaughter and murder or millions of Hindus. I may be a worse person than Gandhi, but it does not matter, because I am just a person behind the computer. So I can never cuase the kind of damage Gandhi did to Hindus.
  6. Cows are not so badly treated in India. Atleast they have the freedom to roam about on the streets, instead of being killed so that Humans can drive freely. I like the way animals are given equal freedom as humans. But just as most humans have no food to eat or houses to stay cows also share the same fate. Islamic invasion coupled with British colonisation has shocked Indians so much they dont know what to choose. That is why they choose a corrupt man like Gandhi and are paying the consequences. Anyways this period is necessary so that Krishna can descend. According to Shri Aurobindo man is an evolutionary being. For example if we look at the sequence of Avatars we can see the evolution - Matsya - fish, Kurma - fish/mammal, Varaha - animal, NaraSimha - man animal, Vamana - dwarf or undeveloped man, Parashuruma - man, Rama - perfect man. Rama was predominantly Sattvic Guna, but since all three Gunas exist in man, his Rajasic and Tasmic Guna showed up when he killed Bali from behind and banished Sita Mata. Krishna was trancended man. Rama never said he existed in all men, but Krishna says that he was the aatma in all beings. While Brahma was never subservient to other avatars, he realised the superiority of Krishna Avatar because Krishna was the avatar of a higher conciousness. Brahma was a god Krishna(of the Gita) is God. The Gita was spoken by Krishna when he had supramental consciousness which is the bridge between the Krishna consciosuness and the absolute nothing (Brahman/Nirvana). Krishna lost this consciousness as soon as he spoke the Gita and returned to Krishna consciouss state. According to Shri Aurobindo, the next step in the evolution of man is a new species which would be different from man just as man is different from animal. Basically it is like bringing Brindavan on Earth. Or rather earth will be transformed into a Brindavan.
  7. Sri Aurobindo on the Chaturvarnya(Record of Yoga, I, pp.7-11 SABCL, vol. 27, pp. 359-363) Virya The Chaturvarnya By Virya is meant the fundamental swabhavashakti or the energy of the divine temperament expressing itself in the fourfold type of the chaturvarnya, -- in Brahmanyam, brahmashakti, brahmatejas, in kshatram, kshatrashakti, kshatratejas, in Vaishyaswabhava, shakti and tejas, in Shudraswabhava, shakti and tejas. We must realise that the ancient Aryan Rishis meant by the chaturvarnya not a mere social division, but a recognition of God manifesting Himself in fundamental swabhava, which our bodily distinctions, our social orders are merely an attempt to organise in the symbols of human life, often a confused attempt, often a mere parody and distortion of the divine thing they try to express. Every man has in himself all the four dharmas, but one predominates, in one he is born and that strikes the note of his character and determines the type and cast of all his actions; the rest is subordinated to the dominant type and helps to give it its complement. No Bhrahmana is a complete Brahmana, unless he has the Kshatratejas in him, the Vaishyashakit and the Shudrashakti, but all these have to serve in him the fullness of his Brahmanyam. God manifests Himself as the four Prajapatis or Manus, the chatwaro manavah of the Gita, & each man is born in the ansha of one of the four; the first characterised by wisdom and largeness, the second by heroism and force, the third by dexterity and enjoyment, the fourth by work and service. The perfected man develops in himself all four capacities and contains at once the god of wisdom & largeness, the god of heroism and force, the god of skill and enjoyment, the god of work & service. Only, one stands dominant and leads and uses the others. Brahmatejas Jnanalipsa jnanaprakasho brahmavarchasyam sthairyam iti brahmatejah. Lipsa I give only the dominant qualities of the type in these definitions. The purna Yogin does not reduce his nature to inaction but perfects it and uplifts in order to place it at the service of the Ishwara in His lila. He accepts the jnanalipsa and purifying it of desire turns it into a divine reaching out towards prakasha of knowledge; this divine desireless reaching out of Brahman in personality to Brahman in the vishaya or object, is the new sense which lipsa acquires in the language of the siddha. Jnanaprakasha Jnana includes both the Para and the Apara Vidya, the knowledge of Brahman in Himself and the knowledge of the world; but the Yogin, reversing the order of the worldly mind, seeks to know Brahman first and through Brahman the world. Scientific knowledge, worldly information & instruction are to him secondary objects, not as it is with the ordinary scholar & scientist, his primary aim. Nevertheless these too we must take into our scope and give room to God's full joy in the world. The methods of the Yogin are also different for he tends more and more to the use of direct vision and the faculties of the vijnana and less and less to intellectual means. The ordinary man studies the object from outside and infers its inner nature from the results of his external study. The Yogin seeks to get inside his object, know it from within & use external study only as a means of confirming his view of the outward action resulting from an already known inner nature. Brahmavarchasya Brahmavarchasya is the force of jnana working from within a man which tends to manifest the divine light, the divine power, the divine qualities in the human being. Sthairya Sthairyam is the capacity of fixity in jnana; the man who is sthira is able to hold the light and power that enters into him without stumbling or being dazzled and blinded by the shock and to receive & express the divine gunas in himself without being carried away by them & subjected to the blind, rushing stream of Prakriti. He has the dharanasamarthyam & does not, from incapacity of the adhára, lose or spill these things as they enter into him. Kshatratejas Abhayam, sahasam, yasholipsa, atmaslagha, iti kshatratejah. Abhaya & Sahasa Abhayam is the passive freedom from fear which with a bold calmness meets and receives every menace of danger and shock of misfortune. Sahasam is the active courage and daring which shrinks from no enterprise however difficult or perilous and cannot be dismayed or depressed either by the strength or the success of the opposing forces. Yashas By yashas is meant victory, success and power. Although the Kshatriya must be ready to face and accept defeat, disaster and suffering, yet his objective, the thing towards which he moves, is yashas. He enters the field to conquer, not to suffer. Suffering is only a means towards victory. Here again the reaching out, the lipsa must come to be free from desire & consist in the divine reaching out of God within to His self-fulfilment as the Kshatriya. Therefore the Kshatriya must manifest in himself the nature of the Brahmin, jnana & sthairyam, since without knowledge in some form desire cannot perish out of the system. Atmaslagha Atmaslagha in the unpurifiedKshatriya is pride, self-confidence & the knowledge of his own might. Without these qualities the Kshatriya becomes deficient in force & fails to effect himself in type & action. But with purificationit becomes no longer the slagha of the aham, but the slagha of the Atman, the divine Self within rejoicing in the shakti of God and its greatness and its power as it pours itself out in battle and action through the human adhara. Vaishyashakti Danam, vyayah, kaushalam, bhogalipsa, iti Vaishyashaktih. Dana & pratidána are the especial dharma of the Vaishya; his nature is the nature of the lover who gives and seeks; he pours himself out on the world in order to get back what he has given increased a hundredfold. Vyaya is his capacity to spend freely for this purpose without any mean and self-defeating miserliness in the giving. Kaushalam is the dexterity & skill which is able so to arrange the means, the equipment, the action as to produce the greatest results possible & the best arranged results. Law, arrangement, suiting of means to ends, of expenditure to return, are the joy of the Vaishya. Bhoga is his object; possession & enjoyment, not merely of physical things, but all enjoyment, enjoyment of knowledge, of power, of self-giving, of service, comes within its scope. The Vaishya, purified and liberated, becomes the supreme giver and lover & enjoyer, Vishnu's ansha preserving & making the most of the world. He is the Vishnushakti, as the Brahmana is the Shivashakti & the Kshatriya the Rudrashakti. Shudrashakti Kamah, premah, dasyalipsa atmasamarpanam iti Shudrashaktih. The Shudra is God descending entirely into the lower world and its nature, giving himself up entirely for the working out of God's lila in Matter & in the material world. From this standpoint he is the greatest of the four shaktis, because his nature goes direct towards complete atmasamarpana; but the Shudra bound has cut himself off from knowledge, power and skill & lost himself in the tamoguna. He has to recover the Brahmana, Kshatriya & Vaishya in himself and give them up to the service of God, of man, of all beings. The principle of kamah or desire in him must change from the seeking after physical well-being, and self-indulgence to the joy of God manifest in matter. The principle of prema must find itself and fulfil itself in dasyalipsa and atmasamarpana, in the surrender of himself to God and to God in man and the selfless service of God and of God in man. The Shudra is the master-spirit of the Kali, as is the Vaishya of the Dwapara, the Kshatriya of the Treta and the Brahmana of the Satya.
  8. In audio: http://www.musicindiaonline.com/xplayer/xload.cgi/niufojdfiumoiunungjngunbahdurenkfdi/00000Z06/? For lyrics: http://www.geocities.com/promiserani2/c1298.html Info: Name:krishnaa nee bEganE baarO(Krishna come hither Hurry!) raagam: yamunaa kalyaaNi taaLam: caapu Composer: Vyaasaraaya Language: KannaDa Saint Vyasaraya reaches his devotional pinnacle in this song. There is hardly anyone who is not moved when he hears this song being rendered correctly. Here the Saint calls out to Krishna and implores him to come to him . He launches into a devotional trance where he sees Krishna at a distance. Krishna's immaculate dressing and exquisite beauty makes the Saint detail them in this evergreen song. The amalgamation of genuine Bhakti with touchingly simple composition, sets one thinking whether is Krishna who is decorated with the ornaments, or the other way around. There is a more profound philosophical meaning to this song. The anklets are worn in India with a belief that the bells attached to them would create a sound which beckon good fortune and drive away demons. When the Saint describes Krishna, he allocates a first place to this ornament, thus requesting Krishna to ward off all the demons of ignorance in our heart and bestow all his divine mercy on us. The next in line is the armlet. The armlet (popularly called as Baajuband in the northern parts of India), is an ornament in the upper portion of the arm. The Armlet is an ornament that restricts the free movement of the hand, it has a tight grasp and is a constant reminder of its presence. Ideologically, this ornament is considered to be a symbol of restraint and control, of what is called as 'SaMyama'. Hence, the Saint calls out to the Lord to grant the benign qualities of restraint and control, to his devotees. Not only does the Saint ask Krishna to come, but He also implores the Lord to come dancing ..... a symbol of pure, unadulterated joy. WaistBands are worn mostly by the affluent, aristocratic families in India, and the mention of these here has profound significance. The Waistbands worn on children, apart from their other mundane practical purposes, is supposed to disenchant and protect the young one. Since Krishna's beauty is above all, it is as if the Saint is imploring the Lord to not forget to wear the waistband, so that the evil eye cast by his devotees on him (when they see His lotus like face), does not affect him...! Rings have always been associated with the show of dedication all over the world ( be it the royal insignia, the Seal or even the wedding ring). The Saint implores Krishna to bless him with dedicated unflinching devotion, so that he may never stray from the path of Love towards the Supreme. The Vyjayanthi Mala, a divine necklace born during the churning of the KsheeraSagara (Milk Ocean), is a sacred and potent ornament. It is said to bestow unrestricted victory to anyone who wears it (hence the name Vaijayanti -- Vijayee Kurvanti iti Vaijayanti ). The Saint describes the Lord wearing this ornament, so that the Love for the Lord (Bhakti) in the devotees heart always emerges victorious over the other emotions that ravage the human heart. Kaashi is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world, and for the Hindus, it is the sacred city of death. Every devout Hindu aspires to breath his last in this city for it is believed that one who does so attains salvation without doubt. Kashi, also called as Benares, is very famous for the rich golden silk cloth that is made there. The Saint remembers the City through its famous silk, imploring the Lord to bestow him with the ultimate goal of any living entity .. the remembrance of Krishna while passing away. The Flute is a unique musical instrument. Utterly mellifluous and demystifyingly simplistic and practical, the flute is Krishna's favorite instrument. The flute not only soothes the humans listening to it, but even the beasts have been known to slow down, calm and be subdued at the sound of the Flute. Metaphorically speaking, Krishna's flute is remembered here to defeat the beasts in us and to congregate the saintly ( the cow has always been associated with a saintly nature, and Krishna's flute always calls the cows together). After all the ornaments and instruments, the Saint directs his attention to the most revered of all beautifying agents - Sandal Paste. The Sandal tree is a unique tree. It gives itself up, and though it undergoes pain and torture when it is rubbed together vigorously, it endures it all and perfumes even the hand that caused it the suffering. The Sandal has always been a symbol of sacrifice and total submission. Devotees of the highest grade have been compared to the Sandalwood. Hence, by mentioning the aromatic Sandal paste here, the Saint cautions one towards the ideal of complete submission to and absolute dependency on, Krishna. Lest the devotee take Krishna's love in jest, the Saint reminds him of the famous episode from Krishna's childhood when he shows the entire universe in his lotus like mouth to his startled mother. By this Krishna shows to the devotee that he is the be all and end all of everything. He is the originator, benefactor and ultimate destroyer of everything. The Devotee is cautioned that he should never take Bhakti lightly, for that may sound the death knell of his existence...and the pure devotee is spirited away into remembrance of the splendid world of Krishna Leela. A befitting end to a glorious song. Shri KrishaarpaNamastu
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