TIME OF BIRTH: Approx 1am
DATE OF BIRTH: Nov 14 1967
SEX: female
Your current status : Business
Educational background: high school
Work Industry and current salary: Retail business
Major events: Mental worries constantly as soon as one problem is over another is kncoking to come in,divorced and now remarried.Have faced lots of embarassing situations.
Father : Diplomat
Mother : house wive
Brothers : 1 Older brother..married with 1 son and 1 daughter.
Sisters :1 younger sister ,married with a daughter
Children: 1 son 20 years old born sep 14th 1987
I am always facing constant problems from friends and relatives and lots of mental stress. I wear a Ruby ring on my ring finger and a yellow sapphire on the index finger.I also wear a 12 mukhi rudraksha and have started saying the mahamrityunjaya X 11 times and gayatri mantra x3 times daily. Please advice me if there is anything I need to do or be careful of.