TIME OF BIRTH:18:05:00.
DATE OF BIRTH:02nd May,1986.
Your current status : Studying.
Educational background: Bachelor of Pharmacy.
Work Industry and current salary:Not Applicable.
Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember:
>Lots of events such are
>Good:Got great grades in study, got yes from love with no from her father, every time when I see my parents happy especially because of me.
>Bad:Got hand fracture in elbow and still it is wrongly placed, Hurt my friend very badly without my knowledge.
Family background:
>Father : Service(Having kidney failure).
>Mother : Service(Teacher, Accountant).
>Brothers : one, elder.
>Sisters : no.
I want to ask that many told me that I have Gajkesri yog.What it is in simple terms means what will it do in mormal life.May I marry my love and will settle well(Abroad or India?)?Always make my parents happy as I presently do?If any clear seen prediction good or bed tell me with free mind.
Having faith in you,
Thanking you.