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Everything posted by cindybindy

  1. Holly Cow! I am glad I haven't done anything with the original image that I received. I must apologize for being out of the loop for so long, I have sold my house, was moving, in with Kamal, we have been extremely busy making wedding plans and I just changed jobs! I must thank you so much for being concerned and following through with persistence Avinash. What I see above is correct?
  2. Thank you so much! I can not believe how beautiful the words are when written in Sandskrit! I can't thank you enough!! THANKS! Cindy
  3. Hi, I was wondering if anyone would be able to translate the following into Sanskrit for me? Kamal and Cindy - Infinity towards Eternity - 08-08-08 Kamal and I will be getting married on August 8th of next year. His parents are Hindu. I would like very much to have this translated so that it could be incorporated into wedding invitations etc. Thank you in advance for any help that may be offered. Cindy
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