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Posts posted by Taipan


    Dear Taipan,


    In order to get a clear picture of your chart, please mentioned the following details in appropriate format.


    Date of Birth: Day/Month/Year

    Place of Birth: Place, State/country

    Time of Birth: hour:minute AM/PM





    Thank you Ayush


    I was born on the 10th day of October 1961

    In the town of Barmera, in the state of South Australia/Australia

    Time was 12.30am (although time is based on my mother's memory, as I do not have access to my birth certificate at this time)

  2. Namaste,

    I was born 10/10/1961 just after midnight in Barmera, South Australia.

    I was told I am a Jeevatma yogi and my jeeva is Jupiter.

    After doing a little research, I feel Jeevaatma is more appropriate as I have been caught in Karmic fetters most of my life.

    I had a spontaneous Kundalini experience in 1985 and again in December 2001.

    I trained in Kung fu, and Satyananda Yoga during the eighties and backslid during the nineties. I basically volunteered to be a householder sanyassin/bodhisattva and rough it in the suburbs instead of being 'driftwood' (as Milarepa put it) in an ashram or temple but it near killed me so here I am asking help from your sangha. I am currently regaining my health and psychological stability after years of trying times, including many coincidences, visions, synchronicity and dealing with volatile kundalini shakti. I feel intuitively drawn to Yoga Tantra and Buddhism.

    I have been meaning to visit a local Buddhist establishment in Adelaide where I now live but always seem to be distracted from doing so and feel drawn back to Yoga, so I plan to visit our local Shiva Yoga centre.

    I seem to have experienced past life regressions and rapid karmic purging over past 20 years but am stabilising now.



    My question is regards to distinction between Jeevatma and Jeevaatma.

    Also any relevent information regarding my astrology,etc.

    I do not own a computer, so I will not be on this site often.

    Thank you for your time.

    Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    Har Hari

    Hari Om Tat Sat

    Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

  3. Not Evolution vs Creation again?


    How about Evolution and Creation for a change.

    Evolution of the Gods create universe which continue to evolve.


    Speaking of evolution,


    must be that time of the Kalpa again, given Kali yuga has spiraled down to now.

    When does the next Kalpa begin?

    Must be 'round about now in human time.


    How much longer must we put up with these monkeys fighting about who did what and what started when?:)


    I was very happy to read this. Often times I have read that big bang was the beginning of time and therefore we should not ask what happened before big bang, because there was no 'before'. But, it never seemed believable.


    If the was nothing before the so called "Big Bang", then there was no creator.


    Such foolishness!:smash:


    Just another attempt by overly proud,resource hungry Godless clowns trying vainly to replace faith with psuedo-science & money. :rolleyes:


    I had a major realization last night.. I know it may not seem like much to others but I finaly see the truth in Jesus in relation to Krishna. For a long time I loathed Christianty because when I was a believer what the Christians taught me really screwed me up. Last night I was thinking about Buddha and Krishna and Kabbalah and their similarities.. and Galatians 5: 16-25 and how it's very similar to Bhagavad Gita chapter 16. and Kabbalahs view on Satan. (Not the accepted Christian View of a Evil being trying to rip people into Hell)

    I saw how Todays Christians dont understand real Jesus's truth.. How the Bible isn't Infallible and I can point out major mistakes in it's teachings that are accepted today. And I realized Jesus is in union with Krishna. I'm so happy.. I dont have the rising doubt that being a Krishna Devotee is going to send me to Hell because of what Todays Christians preach. And that is a BIG thing..


    I am pleased the truth is unfolding for you Tirisilex.


    The truth wears many faces :idea:

    I am pleased the truth is unfolding for you


    Tabhyon rays? STAR TREK. Amazing I never even thought about mass. Oh i get it, the mass of the spirit soul and supersoul. Anyone know how much the spirit soul weighs?



    Duncan MacDougall claimed in 1907 it weighs approximately 21 grams.

    E=MC2 dictates the movement of matter creates energy.

    The same physics keep our mammalian bodies warm.

    I remember reading something about this in "Kundalini Tantra", by Swami Satyananda Sarasvati. Have misplaced my copy, so can't quote from it at this point in time.

    Raja Yoga states, "The Soul is not the Body", so the matter in our bodies exists in a different dimension from the soul.

    The matter our bodies are constructed from comes primarily from our Mother. She is the matter master.

    This infers, in my opinion, the soul exists in Shiva's domain where matter doesn't matter. Therefore, I would assume there is no matter, in a soul.

    It weighs no thing!

    Centifugal(expansion)...Causal...Consciousness,Supersoul & soul...male aspect(Vishnu)

    Centripetal(contraction)...Material...Nebula,Galaxy & Sun...female aspect(Sarasvati)

    Brahma=Expansion=Creation(conscious intension(context))

    Sarasvati=Diversity=Matter&energy(content in space)


    Excuse me if I am incorrect. Just my opinion.

    I lean toward Bihar reverence of Sarasvati in this world.

  7. Damn, why won't God stand still for a minute?

    E=MC*(variable eternal change)

    No wonder there is a food shortage on this planet!

    Us humans must be the dumbest race in the universe.

    Quite frankly, if Vishnu happened to turn up on my doorstep in human form I would feel like such a fool....:pray: Sorry Boss, we tried to warn them!;)

  8. I prefer the Gita to Revelations. Good vs Evil is old hat. Our Lord will not allow us to destroy life on this planet. Life itself cannot and will not be destroyed. Fear is one of our biggest enemies. Look around....Kali should have got our attention by now. Best we respect Durga or she may get upset again and revert back to Kali. Which Nebula did your book fall out of? Which Nebula gave birth to our sun mother?

  9. Hello, I am new to this site.

    I believe Kali has been preparing us for the golden age by shaking the planet up to knock some sense into us mere mortals.

    I am a devotee of Swami Satyananda Saraswati(Bihar School of Yoga). One branch of which is of course Bahkti Yoga. I have only recently learned of the passing of Sri Prabhupada. Some of us work in the body, while others work from the spiritual skies. Let our work glorify his intentions.

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