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Posts posted by Eternity

  1. Maybe men and dinosaurs did not live at the same period because the datations methods are not good. :)


    Currently datations are based on Carbon14 and 18 ; mainly chemical reactions. But atoms are just inventions of Leucippe de Milet and Democrite 500years BC. They are mathematical concepts ; can they be taken for pure evidence ? Have those chemical reactions proven to be good for more than 100 years (a human life span to check it out) ? What to say about 1 million yrs ?


    Also scientists are dating like that, considering that time is linear. What if time is not linear. What if time is circular or solenoïdal or sdfngsdflgnsbn-al ?


    In the Greek old texts, in the bible it is often mentionned evil monsters like dragoons fighting with early Christians and all. Maybe these dragoons are pterodactyles from the prehistoric times ; that's what I am wondering.


    Well, it is not stupid what I'm saying, no... By the way I'm looking for a girlfriend so if you think it is not stupid please write me milady. Thanks.


    Eternity, to be of service to you :)

  2. Hello,


    Sorry for this question which is no answer to yours : What do you mean Mars and Mercury are moving retrograde etc... you mean the real planet in the space ? Or the conceptual fact related to astrology (and not astrophysics for instance).


    Sorry, I'm interested in this matter of astrology and astrophysics, the spiritual and material, and where could be the connections and all...


    Thank you,





  3. Yes maybe I seemed high. I don't know what my problem is. It seems I have lost my consciousness, or a piece of something ; my mind is wandering here and there sometimes I feel, I don't achieve things and I wonder what is all this life... what this is all about.


    Maybe it's because I haven't found a girlfriend and married or something. I feel strange that lots of things are going wrong in our world. We haven't fought to be alive for all that, have we ? (Iraq war, unemployment, TV real shows...) How come we see the very same things on TV everyday, how come it seems there will be a nuclear blast or the arrival of the martians soon... I don't know. Anyway my mind needs to find a reference, or to become stronger and more conscious, to remember things maybe. It seems (despite it is not my religion) that I have lived other lives, that there is something else out there. That I belong to a bigger perspective and more conscious universe.


    Well, these are my thoughts and I am questionning about this website also and the people there, who are you exactly what is this website about. And what is the Hindu religion purposed for ?? So many strange things in these old texts...


    So that was my contribution to an attempt of explaining things to you.


    Thanks for your attention,




    PS : I have chanted the "Hare Krishna" song and haven't been catapulted in another holy dimension :eek4:

  4. I have difficulties to see the path... still puzzled on how to get the Krishna consciouness or discover the absolute truth... I feel my mind is shrunk between 2 walls and not free... sorry..


    Is it interesting to have guidance with a Guru or something, you think ? How to find him on this website ?


    Also, I live near Orléans in the Center of France ; do you have any idea where I could find a book of the Srimad Bhagavatan if this is possible... ?


    Thank you, mercy



  5. Thank you for your answers. And thank you gHari for providing this clear map that I could follow very easily. :eek4:

    Well, thank you all I am self-realized now that's cool. You have other questions ? :)


    No, but I have one question really if I may ask. Who are you ?? Et... est-ce que vous pratiquez la langue de molière ??





  6. May I ask more questions and make it more clear ?


    1- In order to become Krishna conscious, we then have to remember. And we remember through reading the Srimad Baghavatan, performing Yoga, chanting the name of Krishna. Is it so ?


    2- Are some people talking on this website Krishna conscious ? What does it change to their life ?



  7. I am opening this thread, hope it will not be too irrelevant or offending and all... I don't understand exactly why we have to be in Krishna consciousness constantly as people mention on this website. Why we have to pray him all the time and all... what is the exact connection with death, upper world or something ?


    I am a Christian and I have difficulties to understand these things. And the fact of being in Krishna consciousness, what does it mean exactly ?? I read that when you die, your thoughts become solid or material, that's why you have to think about Ksirhna, like this you will reincarnate in a human form, Krishna ; is that it ?

    Don't we also separate from the ones we love and who don't share the same opinion or views, when we pray for Krishna ?



  8. pffffiou... incredible... yes, then it is true !!!

    Hey Mohan, I believe Asterix was talking latin at that time and not french... some french language I think is traced only from around 1200 AD.


    By the way I will investigate and try to find a graveyard with the face of Asterix in some old french ruins ! :)

  9. Beeing a french, I don't believe french culture is very old like the other ones you mention (Indians or Chinese, Mayas,...). Maybe you can talk about Celtic civilization but that's all... French really were born around the 15th century AD according to me. Or from the Westphaly treaty in 1648 wich shaped Europe as it is now, and limited some kind of hexagonal frontier limits for France as it is today...


    Not so far in the past for dragoons existence, I think there are also stories of dragons slain around the year 1000 AD and even after... ;) Watch through your window, who knows you'll maybe see one flying by héhé...

  10. Yes that's cool. I believe just after the last image, the baby however surely made a big triple loop and crashed the TV and everything...:)


    Regarding dinosaurs, also to be mentionned that in all the christian books, bible,... it is mentionned about dragoons which have been slain by Saints. St Michel killed a dragoon, St George also defeated dragoons with his sword. I believe dragons were in fact what we see as the pterodactyl of prehistoric times. It is also mentionned in the greek myhtology, god Apollo killed a female dragoon, they speak about the big reptilian beasts I think also in the Hades (the kingdom of the deads -hell- in the underworld) ; some multi-headed reptilians,...


    Isn't there also mention of the snakes and big reptilians below the mount Kailash or wherever in the hindu scriptures... what about the Rakshasas of the ramayan epics in Sri Lanka... still there maybe... think about the dragoons from Komodo, today existing in Indonesia...


    Well, I myself strongly believe humans and dinosaurs co-existed. And yes that would have been great fun to ride a fast archeoptérix in the jungle while fighting with a powerful T-rex or whatsoever... Nobody has a time-machine to doublecheck that ? :):eek2:

  11. Thanks for your answers.

    Yes, that's right Vaishnavas don't need Fenugreek... that's a good point... :P


    Well, I think on my mother's side I'm a little bit subject to hair loss so I believe it is genetic also (my grandfather and uncles had hair loss). But I don't loose that much hair, just a little. As a matter of fact, I have tried many products and none of them work. I would have liked to find this herb in the Vedas just to try it and see... today there's no real remedy for hair loss, it is a big lack in the medecine field.


    For my conceptions of things (besides the hereditary aspect and the stressful occurences of life which scientists put forward), I believe that the hair fall has a simple explanation. I am questionning hair specialists here. I believe that maybe the hair fall is due to the fact that the hair don't regrow, and not to the fact that the hair is falling (1 hair is falling and regrowing and falling etc... 25 times in a life time). The remedy problem maybe resides in the fact that doctors try to find a way to prevent hair fall and not a way to encourage hair fall. Because by encouraging hair fall, they would set the machine (hair gland) to work again maybe and make this process of falling-regrowing-falling-regrowing,... start all over again... well, that's an idea I have. I would like to know what you guys are thinking, or if a hair specialist can give me his opinion... a Shaivaite maybe ;)


    The hair falls naturally... why want to stop it from falling ? Maybe that by creating these products to push the hair to fall, we will have hair which will regrow and will regrow... and the hair fall will be cured !

    Everybody is waiting for this product, maybe the Hindus can create it and they will convert the world to Hinduism héhé ;) . I have a feeling that this mysterious herb in the veda is not anodine and is something important.


    Thank you, good day.



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