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janardana prabhu

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Posts posted by janardana prabhu

  1. Maharaja Nanda (the Prabhupada disciple from Vancouver) UPDATE:

    Recent sightings of ‘Prabhu’ have been made in Vancouver; apparently He is reduced to rummaging around dumpsters and such. There was some incomprehensible talk about how, ‘ Maya was out to get Him’.

    This situation and others like it can be helped by a proper initiation into the DASIRA NARADA healing group. No matter what His beliefs are, now or then this Energy is a gift from GOD and should not be seen as hovering somewhere in the mode of goodness.

    Personally I believe this energy is SPIRIT vibrating the HARE KRISHNA MANTRA.

    Only such a conveyance could so radically remove a KARMIC dept so quickly in such a sinner.

    It does not matter that the Master fully understand, just as long as He has mastered the technique, and uses this for the benefit of the whole world. Whereas the siksha would

    Be able to explain, and direct towards the Master. The person undergoing the healing requires only to allowing the master to initiate and cut the karmic threads.

    In My case I felt a reduction in good karma and bad karma both. It turns out that a lot of what I thought were Spiritual thoughts were mere shadows, bliss within the mode of goodness.

    Dear Tarun Prabhu, I have personally seen this done “Through the toes”, sometimes with multiple Healers working on other Chakra points simultaneously.

    Very Interesting!

  2. "Everything rests on ME" Is stated very clearly by Sri Krishna In any properly traslated Bhagavad Gita. And now it seems that the Giza pyrmids would agree with that (at least on the surface). It looks like they might provide a mathematical formula proof.

    This is from the TriTen: Lixcaliber the Golden Section Scale of Earth Measure site.

    Balanced on a Point

    "I have evidence to show that the core masonry and the casing stones of the Giza pyramids

    were positioned according to this triangle. It is not a right angle but approximately 89 deg. 56 min.

    This accounts for the longevity of the Giza pyramids as they were among the first built along the Nile valley.

    Subsequent pyramids built by the plumb-bob method deteriorated over time as earthquakes loosened the stonework. The masonry stones of the Great Pyramid slope four minutes of degree down toward the centre. Built this way earthquakes tend to tighten the joints".

    "quotes": j.b. I recommend bookmarking this site http://www.klatu.com/lix/.


  3. Masters teaches that each soul is wearing several subtle bodies, and

    that the path of self and God(KRISHNA) realization means (in meditation


    one starts to shed or transcend all the bodies gradually till all that's

    left is the naked soul, which then exclaims "I am That!I am That!"


    This is similar to my experience except that in pure soul realization you must wait until the humilities of mind, intelligence, and ego, are restored to you by the grace of The almighty before any exclamation can be!

  4. Masters teaches that each soul is wearing several subtle bodies, and

    that the path of self and God(KRISHNA) realization means (in meditation


    one starts to shed or transcend all the bodies gradually till all that's

    left is the naked soul, which then exclaims "I am That!I am That!"


    This is similar to my experience except that in pure soul realization you must wait until the humilities of mind, intelligence, and ego, are restored to you by the grace of The almighty before any exclamation can be!


    Bhakta Shakta writes


    How do I differentiate a so-called mystical-experience, the voice from inside (Paraatman), or talking with God from my imagination.

    Especially when I lack the saucam (purity), specifically mental-purity

    The mystical-experience that you speak of ‘is’ the differentiation itself.

    Until you reach this first level of soul realization, you are helplessly in Maya. And although the ‘so-called’ mystical experiences that are available thru Maya are immense and wonderous, they are still just an illusion and you are still neglecting your soul nature; which has nothing to do with this material experience.

    The only mental purity you need is just enough to humble yourself in front of a bonafied spiritual master.

    Only Through such contact can the veil of Maya be lifted from your eyes. Until then your eyes are faulty and should not be fully trusted. And don’t judge the spiritual qualities of another lest you think they are also completely spiritualy blind(and dumb for that mater).

    Please try to understand the so-called mystical-experience you speak of IS the experience of the soul. And when’ you’ gain this knowledge ‘you’ can ascertain the position of THE ALMIGHTY SRI KRISHNA (Paraatman) in relation to ’you’ (atman). Up to this point, everything ‘you’ are saying is from a theoretically positioned point of view. And your theories are a little bit non-submissive to the Divine(my theory). Tisk. tisk. If you do not form the required fine brain substance that is needed to engage in such a disciplined and fine pursuit as that of servitude of the servant of the Supreme, JUST ASK(or prey)to be put in-touch with your spiritual guide, everybody has one. Otherwise it is completely up to you whether or not you will gain this understanding. Until that time, could you refrain from any personal abstractions. They do not conform to the lateral placement of knowledge for all, or to put it in other words; is not of absolute origin and therefore does not pertain to ‘every-soul’ both here and in Heaven Good luck!!!



    Bhakta Shakta writes


    How do I differentiate a so-called mystical-experience, the voice from inside (Paraatman), or talking with God from my imagination.

    Especially when I lack the saucam (purity), specifically mental-purity

    The mystical-experience that you speak of ‘is’ the differentiation itself.

    Until you reach this first level of soul realization, you are helplessly in Maya. And although the ‘so-called’ mystical experiences that are available thru Maya are immense and wonderous, they are still just an illusion and you are still neglecting your soul nature; which has nothing to do with this material experience.

    The only mental purity you need is just enough to humble yourself in front of a bonafied spiritual master.

    Only Through such contact can the veil of Maya be lifted from your eyes. Until then your eyes are faulty and should not be fully trusted. And don’t judge the spiritual qualities of another lest you think they are also completely spiritualy blind(and dumb for that mater).

    Please try to understand the so-called mystical-experience you speak of IS the experience of the soul. And when’ you’ gain this knowledge ‘you’ can ascertain the position of THE ALMIGHTY SRI KRISHNA (Paraatman) in relation to ’you’ (atman). Up to this point, everything ‘you’ are saying is from a theoretically positioned point of view. And your theories are a little bit non-submissive to the Divine(my theory). Tisk. tisk. If you do not form the required fine brain substance that is needed to engage in such a disciplined and fine pursuit as that of servitude of the servant of the Supreme, JUST ASK(or prey)to be put in-touch with your spiritual guide, everybody has one. Otherwise it is completely up to you whether or not you will gain this understanding. Until that time, could you refrain from any personal abstractions. They do not conform to the lateral placement of knowledge for all, or to put it in other words; is not of absolute origin and therefore does not pertain to ‘every-soul’ both here and in Heaven Good luck!!!


  7. Thank-you Gauracandra prabhu that’s a perfect example of’ big business’ being blatantly diametrically opposed to the welfare of the common man the non-stock-holder. And yet there lies the method of attack. Just as a devotee will attempt to uproot bad habits and such; these ‘nonfriendles’ are trying to uproot the foundation of our life here on earth, agriculture. The very word we use ”agriculture” imbibes culture as its derivative. And all cultures MUST be lead by the elders of that society. And any fool that thinks its necessary to manipulate matter on that level is stupid, and should lead, by the elders of that society, away from the brink of their own destruction. That destruction of course is of the mind, intelligence, and ego. The soul can never be destroyed. Well at least that’s my opinion.

    From Greenpeace site. Family farmers, hunger and development experts, and environmentalists around the world were stunned to learn in 1998 that genetic engineers, with the help of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), were developing a technology that would make it impossible for farmers to save their seeds for re-planting.



  8. Technology is going too far according to Krishna Consciousness.

    Now that we as a group of spiritual people can gather in cyber space such as this, the focus should be to alter the perspective of the modern scientist away from achieving an ever increasing understanding of the fundamentals of matter, and rather turn there attention to equalizing the balance of living condition so that all people everywhere in the world can lead a good life, free of the annoying things that are but ‘want for a little understanding’. In other words do we really need a completely life like virtual presents on the Internet? Is there not a point when the message can be delivered? All messages are sent’ via media’. All messages are received ‘;via media’. That message is of course being pursuant to the Vedic version. That Vedic version being of course, KRISHNA level of understanding, since the only truly defined message or media ‘or both for that mater’ is Krishna Himself. Once this point has been reached there is no reason to waist funds that should go towards feeding the hungry right now! Long-term goals and interests of the global industry family should wait until the short-term goals are reached, like global kindness maybe? Rather than sending bombs, India should send devotees to Pakistan on random feeding and chanting excursions. Technology and its adherents need to be steered just like a dumb bull. Any thoughts?


  9. "For the definition of a true guru includes perfect understanding"(shvu). It is soo much more than just a definition folks. Its like asking 'can you define Krishna'. all our so called definitions end up defining nothing accept our ignorance. Even if you try to translate 'true Guru' falls short. Srila Prabhupda interupted a question with a simular bent and said that there is no such thing as untrue or bad Guru. Guru is appointed by KRISHNA. A so called bad guru is simply something else but NOT GURU and such unproductive speculations do not help anybody anyway. Does not Sri Krishna say in the Bhagavad Gita that HE IS THE CHEATER OF CHEATERS. I think that if you look for anything other than KRISHNA, you will find it! But I don't recommend it. Why waste time with defining KRISHNA, better to WORSHIP KRISHNA He prefers that anyway!

  10. Shvu writes-If you disagree with my postings, you should as a minimum, read at least one other translation of the Gita and prove me wrong by providing proper references. Now that would be worthy of a Veteran disciple of SP. Otherwise I consider your postings as meaningless rambling.-

    Dear shvu and other members of this forum, I apologize if I have offended anyone by my standing up for Srila Prabhupada. But stand up I must! And I will continue to do so whenever and wherever I find His good name trampled underfoot, just as you have been doing in your postings. As far as reading other translations, so that I can debate you further is of no real interest to me . It is not important for me to prove you right or wrong. I am only taking advantage of some of your more stupid comments about Srila Prabhupada to preach His message. If you could understand anything about the devotee you should know that any opportunity to chant, write, type the name of SRI KRISHNA is bliss. And I relish the opportunity. For that I thank you! You may try to steer the conversation away from KRISHNA and I will reassert that it is none other than SRI KRISHNA, who sang the Gita, who is the true friend of us all. So go ahead and play with others with your infantile circular logic games. Just remember that if you continue to offend the dear object of our affection you will be rebuked and forced to read over and over the wonderful and magical names of the Supreme Lord SRI KRISHNA AND SRI RAMA! Go ahead MAKE MY DAY!


  11. Many a hack have penned there name to Sri Krishna's Bhagavad Gita. But all fall short but one. A. C. BHAKTIVEDANTAS BHAGAVAD GITA AS IT IS even with its minor falts it carries the spirit of Sri Krishna in full. And those that read its pages with awe and reverence(take note shvu) will have found Krishna the true friend of all living entities. As amasing as it seems there are those that are trying to remove the Personal aspect of Krishna from this book. this is complete madness, and there is no philosphy that can ever cool the burning heart of these rascals. All they can do is harass others, but even this does not cool there fever. There can be no solution when you reject the soul and supersoul. Dear brothers let us pray for these miserable people! Even though they ask to be engaged in philosophical debate, what they really need is a hug and gentle words that even they are dearly loved by the Supreme Lord! even if they reject Him for a million lives, they too will evetually see the Light. untill then they are fare game for those Sadus that take pleasure in defeating there stupidity. Let them rant and rave, when its our turn, we will glorify the Personal Form of Sri Krishna and drink the nectar that eminates from His golden flute.

  12. Hare Bol from vancouver b.c. in the far reaches of the western world. I think your inquiry of the devotees that post here is nice. Krishna devotees are known to be very personable and not impersonal, But I would imagine they don't like to talk about themselves and will immediately redirect you to the Lotus feet of SRI KRISHNA. I hope others would put aside there great humility and discribe there victories of spirit over matter. personally I was an impersonalist until I had a vision of Srila Prabhupada in 1978. To me this confirms He is my Guru present or not. the Guru is always present. maybe the devotees can discribe the first time they ever chanted: HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE.

  13. Hare Bol Devarsi, you responded


    -Someone who can not do this, with other words a false guru, a kanistha adhikara guru, someone who is not very highly advanced who still needs guidance himself, he will fall down under the burden of his disciples sins and may even go to hell.-


    This is true but it is not the point I'm trying to make. the Guru easily burns the karma of a surrendered devotee. The burden of the Guru is the burden of love for the mixed disiple. It is said that the spiritual master will return to help the devotee life after life if need be. My point is why would anybody forgo this type of loving relationship? Or why disturb someone elses? The topic is bogus! and let me conclude with JAI SRILA PRABHUPADA!


  14. dear shvu, It is you how are twisting the words of the Baghavad Gita! And at that they are not even origional just the same old crap one might expect from some fool who has no understanding of the soul. Have you expierenced the soul? The false ego is a covering of the soul in the same way true ego is a covering, one is in the preview of maha maya and the other in the preview of yoga maya. Both are lovingly supplied and maintained by Krishna. It is clear that your feeble attempt at understanding Srila Prabhupada is a joke. the only thing I think we can learn from you is the nature of false ego. you seem to be an expert in that field.

  15. Dear Mevin, Hari Bol, I do not think you can equate suffering with the various moods of our Srimati Radharani. This just does not sit well with me. Neither does equating suffering and devotee. Such mixing of terms is like rasa bhasa. It is better if you don't understand a particular mood or feeling to ask your Guru about it. I can tell you that what we see as suffering of advanced devotee is in fact Lila. Any Lila serves only to increase ones love for Krishna. If you are materialy suffering then you are not yet a devotee, its just that plain simple. If you have not envisioned what is the true nature of the soul then you have not really begun to be a devotee. How can you devote yourself to God if you do not know what self is? Suffering is simply ignorance and only breeds more suffering.If somebody is suffering then CHANT HARE KRISHNA! and your suffering will fall away!

  16. There is no suffering in the spiritual world hence no offences are committed. In the material world the Guru is bound by the karmic activities of the disciples. It is not nessasary to take on such a burden, but a devotee does so if he thinks it will please KRSNA. The bliss in the material world is a mixture of love and compassion. Even if you know your disiples are fools. The pure devotee will always remain a bridge between the spirtual and material worlds. this type of suffering is not material suffering. Material suffering is illusionary.

  17. Does anyone know the whereabouts of Maharaja Nanda(the Prabhupada disciple from Vancouver) The Dasira Narada group told me they can help him with his addictions by opening his karmic chakras. These are the chakras reached from the back. Sometimes they have to expell wayward spirits to do this(through the toes). Its nice to know that no mater what trouble a devotee gets into, KRISHNA will ulitmately save :)

  18. dear R_Srisan

    You seem to have been hurt somehow, your messages are filled with spite, I am sorry but your attitude nagates your ability to understand some very simple truths.the chanting of Holy names is always good, either for the person chanting them,or for those who overhear them. Any other CONCLUSION IS ILLUSION (temporary).

  19. I'm not sure if I should continue explaining the DASIRA NARADA healing group here or not. melvin seems to want the last word for some reason. Even though he doesn't have a clue what I'm trying to reveal here. but for the benefit of the others who have asked for more information, I am now gathering some information.

    I discovered that of the five teachers, only one of them is outside Vietnam, one is possibly in china or taiwan. master THUAN lives near Seattle Wa. He does not speak english.

    I can testify that after going though the meditation classes, I have noticed an improvement in my KRSNA CONSCIOUSNESS. A devotee should be interested in anything that helps. And also a side benefit, that I have, or can channel, healing energy. more to come---- HARE KRSNA!

  20. Yes I did notice a very peacefull meditation on that day. here in Vancouver B.C. it was sunny for a change, so I chanted some rounds while allowing the sunlight to filter though my eye lids. I picked up alot of green light which is a healing colour. If anything it was interesting to think that there were a lot of other people simularly meditating at the same time. Although probibly not that many were chanting, any form of healing energy is needed at this time.

  21. Before I was a personalist, I was an impersonalist, simply because that was the highest form of realization I had experienced. nervana, which seems to be the destruction of the self, really is not. It is the point of shared intelligence and ego. For a person that does not really understand the SELF this would seem to be a state of no soul. They are mixing up the soul with the energies that surround it. Only when I was introduced to KRSNA CONSCIOUNESS did I understand that the ture purpose of the SELF; To chant the HOLY NAMES OF HARE KRSNA AND RAMA! I PRAY THAT I WILL NEVER HAVE TO BE PUT INTO AN IMPERSONAL UNDERSTANDING AGAIN, YUK!

  22. Your doing it again melvin--

    "I really don`t know how I knew. Only the

    Supreme Soul( Paramatma) knows the Truth

    and nothing but the Truth. " This is not Krsna Conscious understanding and if you were to meet Srila Prabhupada personaly, He would simply laugh and call you a busy fool!A fool can pretend to be the king, until he opens his mouth. By your words are you contributing to ignorence or knowlege.

  23. Dear Melvin, Again you lost me, what do you mean-

    "Just like practicing the art of mystic yoga with Krishna consciousness. "

    Could you explain this further, if you are just making something up from your impressive mind, could you include some type of disclamer so we do not all fall into the trap of mental speculation


  24. "How can I carry out A.C. Bhaktivedanta

    Swami`s Mission without displeasing him?

    Should I distribute his books to those

    who are interested or help in publishing

    new ones? Which is which? "

    Dear Melvin, I am still thinking about this post I find it very confusing. first do you know what Prabhupads mission is? Is not the first order of business to purify ones self. would it not be displeasing if you skipped over this most critical part of Bhakti yoga. why are you trying to please Srila Prabhupad. when you understand the answers you will not ask which is which, you will know what is what.

  25. open the door of your heart and face east at this time, it is the direction of KRSNA's flute vibration



    Just as our earth revolves around the sun, so does our solar system revolve

    around a group of stars in the center of our galaxy. The exact center of

    our galaxy is located in the constellation Sagitarius at 26 degrees.


    On Friday at 3:27 PM [Pacific time] an event is occuring that is of the

    GREATEST significance and import to aboriginal and shamanic peoples

    everywhere. At this moment, the full moon and sun conjunction will occur at

    exactly 26 degrees Gemini, which is in exact alignment with ---GALACTIC



    The importance of this event IS HUGE. Our sun is a step-down transformer

    of the energies of the CENTRAL SUN, the galactic center,which is referred


    in the sanskrit as the EYE OF BUDDHA. In Mayan teachings, as well as the

    teachings of most other aboriginal ancient wisdoms we are told that the

    intelligence that infills our creation comes from this EXACT spot in the

    heavens.[ Science is beginning to catch up to these teachings in the

    information coming from the Hubble telescope and other cutting edge

    scientific areas .]


    WHAT THIS MEANS is that on Friday, there will be an easy and automatic

    access to the highest frequencies of encoded light information from the



    It is strongly suggested that at some point during the day or night,


    you allow direct light to be taken into the optic nerve, through glancing

    at the sun and/or moon.


    The optic nerve is the only exposed nerve in the human body. It is

    directly connected to the hypothalimus and the pituitary gland. The

    information embeded in the light rays will go directly into the brain, via

    the optic nerve, and inform the chemical processes of the master glands of

    the immune system and the master control of the entire glandular system.


    It is interesting to note that in the ancient Aztec culture, only the

    king and the head priests were allowed to look directly at the sun. IT WAS




    this is that only the king and head priest were supposed to be in direct

    communication with Hunab Ku, or galactic center. There was a fear that if

    others looked at the sun, then they too would have power.


    Since Friday falls on a rain day in the Mayan Calendar, there may be

    cloud cover. In this case, the light filtering through the cloud cover


    still be strong enough .


    Most likely there will be a tremendous feeling of BALANCE and stupendous

    attunement to higher BEING.


    Schedule in a time of quiet and inner receptivity on this day.


    It is also suggested that INTENT for healing and enlightenment be the focus

    of the thoughts while glancing at the sun or moon.


    The reason for this, according to the ancient teachings, is that

    intelligence travels both to and from on the light rays of the sun.

    Whatever requests we make through the intent in our eyes will reach

    galactic center. This is the basis of the practice of DARSHAN in India,


    during the Wesak Festival the rishis and great yogis come down from the



    mingle with the spiritual seekers. It is said that if a saint or

    enlightened master gazes into your eyes [darshan] even for a second, that

    spiritual enlightenment will follow. Humans are the only red blooded

    mammals on the planet to have whites of the eyes. Shamen explain that

    light rays, encoded with informational frequencies are emitted out of the


    of the eyes.


    This is a perfect time for DARSHAN, the gaze of the master, to be

    experienced with the CENTRAL SUN.Be aware that it is a time of both

    receiving and transmitting and form your prayers accordingly.


    May you be filled with light!



    {Note from Isis: I am forwarding this message due to it's importance, but I

    would be remiss if I did not remind you that looking directly at the sun

    can damage your eyes. This is why during an eclipse you are told not to


    directly at the sun. I would say looking at the moon would be much safer.}

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