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Dr.Jogeshwar Mahanta

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Posts posted by Dr.Jogeshwar Mahanta

  1. All answers to my question will be emphatic "NO". Rationalizations will be poured. But my experience here reminds the following slokas from Geeta:



    Kutastwa kashmalamidam vishame samupasthitam,



    Klaivam ma sma gama partha naitattyayuprapadyate,

    Kshudram hrudaydroubalyam twaktottistha parantapa(2/3)


  2. Dear believer friends! Below is the Article 51A(e) of the constitution of India legislated in 1976. Absence of "and men" at the end has caused a man woman disparity in suicides in the order of 31000 as data given above. Can your spiritual intuition say when "and men" will be added in Article 51(e) of the constitution of India?


    "51A. Fundamental duties.—It shall be the duty of every citizen of India—

    (e) to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women"



    Maybe God is allowing Europe to become overtaken by the Muslims because at least the Muslims are ultimately theistic whereas it seems Europe has devolved into atheists. Same thing with Mexicans taking over America as ultimately the Mexicans seem to be a pretty theistic people. Whereas Americans have seemingly turned to atheism over disenfranchisement with organized Christianity and various other forms of disillusionment.



    And India is plagued with communist thoughts, abolition of family and community of women.


  4. God is not going to reincarnate any more my dear friends.


    500 threads here on divorce means 6%. that is, at least 6% persons in this site have either divorce problem or divorce concern. this is 'Vedic culture' forum. Let them show their faces, present their views and pledge to re-establish Vedic culture and see how others are co-operating.


    Unless this is done the "happy and healthy" India mission will remain just as an utopia.


  5. God is not going to reincarnate any more my dear friends.


    500 threads here on divorce means 6%. that is, at least 6% persons in this site have either divorce problem or divorce concern. this is 'world review' forum. Let them show their faces, present their views and pledge to re-establish Vedic culture and see how others are co-operating.


    Unless this is done the "happy and healthy" India mission of Swami Ramdev baba will remain just as an utopia.


  6. The following trend goes unabated. How can happy and healthy India be expected?


    Please find male -female difference in suicides between 1983 and 2005.

    > >

    > > 1983(BPR&D)

    > >

    > > Male 27260(58.5%)

    > > Female 19319(41.5%)

    > > _____________________

    > >

    > > Difference 7941(17%) (A)

    > >

    > > 2005(NCRB)

    > >

    > > Male 72916(64%)

    > >

    > > Female 40998(36%)

    > > __________________

    > >

    > > Difference 31916(28%)(B)

    > >

    > > Difference between (B)-(A)=23967(11%)

    > >

    > > How do we explain this difference? What will be the fate of India?

    > > regards


    divorce rates are going up everywhere, it is a part of a larger problem: the human society is becaming more and more animalistic. this is how Kali yuga progresses.


    the dam is leaking in hundreds of places - fixing one leak does not solve the problem.


    How the dam itself be reconstructed then?



    I don't know anything about Surya meditation. I am pretty much a Hare Krishna fundamentalist in my beliefs. The remedy for all ills in the Kali-yuga according to my Vedic understanding is the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra. The way to perfect health and well being is to get the favor of Krishna and return back to Godhead when this material body expires from my perspective. It is noble to create medicines that help people ease their physical suffering and all that but as long as people still associate themselves with matter they will stay stuck in the material world which is full of miseries. But that is just the way I look at things and I could be wrong. I apologize if I have offended you in anyway. Best of luck in your spiritual journey.


    There is no need to apologize brother. We are all imperfect. Complacency is detrimental to progress. So I do not allow it to over power me.


    Against spiritual progress sage Patanjali enumerates 13 hindrances in Sutra 30 and 31 of the First Step. Vyadhi(ailment) is No.1 hindrance. Here are my English translations:


    30.The ailments, inactiveness, doubt, negligence, sensuality/indulgence, wrong

    philosophy, absence of proper grounding and instability or unsteadiness are

    are mental disturbances and these are hindrances too.

    31.Sorrow,disappointment, trembling of body and irregular inhalation and

    exhalation are accompaniments of mental disturbances




    I avoid doctors as much as possible. :)



    This means you are yet to reach the stage niroga(aliment freeness), the fourth stage of health mentioned above.


    As far as I understand according to Swami Ramdev baba (1)pranayam(2)asanas and(3)good conduct will give you niroga state of health. I rather reverse the priority-(1) promoting healthy thoughts and extingguishing unhealthy thoughts,(2)pranayama and(3)physical exercises including asanas.


    Ayurveda has recognised sadvriti a important health requirement and Achara Rasayana is a branch of Ayurveda.



    Hare Krishna mantra is one healthy thought. Let it lead you to niroga state.



    Well I pray that you are right and Krishna has empowered you with the ability to reduce divorce in India and hopefully in other countries. Best of luck in your noble pursuit. I tend to be a bit of a cynic and think humanity is going to continue to degrade more and more until the arrival of the Kalki-avatar but there may be brief periods in the Kali-yuga where people become more religous, who knows for sure. More power to you and I hope Krishna blesses you and your family.


    Thank you ancientmariner for your blessing.


    A drop of water does not make an ocean.


    Cynicysm yes, it visits me too at times and then Iask Him -why have you sent me here then if I can not work?



    It seems to me you are interested in using mantras to try and attain some sort of material perfection. All that and more can be attained simply with the Hare Krishna mantra in my opinion but whatever floats your boat. :)



    Dear ancientmariner,


    I am here to learn what are the ways to make people no medication men or women. If Hare Krishna mantra made you so then it it adds to my pleasure. Wish you all the best on your spiritual journey. I am pragmatic.


    Not only that I want to know what are the ways to perfect health and well being but also I want to know relative effectiveness. For example, I want to know what is more effective, Surya meditation or Surya Namaskar?


    At the moment i am most engrossed in Surya meditation. Yes, do you have information that Samba, a son of lord Krishna was infected by leprosy and was cured by sun worship?(I have no leprosy?.


  12. Dear ancientmariner,


    Deaspite wisoms of Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras and Puranas we are groping in miseries.


    If the enlightened men failed to arrest the degeneration of human societies then room is left to ponder over.


    But be sure there will be no Kalki incarnation in any future of humanity.


    The degeneration is to be altered by persons like you and me,if at all, by His grace.



  13. Dear ancientmariner,


    To be sure I am not peaching any religion. Every one is free to choose his/her religion.


    But what is surprising to me that being concerned about human suffering means getting drifted away from God.


    I see, in fact, a wonderful devotion to God which seems to be the general mood here.





    Well WHO is not an important issue to me. What they think or say has influence in the world I know but not with me. I thought the issue of health in regards to spirtiual life however to be a good topic.


    Of course if you can influence WHO to a higher level of understanding that would be a very good service. As a Dr. they would be likely to hear you out but someone like myself they would not spend a moment on my thoughts.


    I am more concerned with my more immediate brothers and sisters with whom I am fortunate to chat with here.



    Thank you dear.


    Well what percentage of people here have come for TP means time pass and what percentage of people have come here for TU means time utilization?

    What is your best guess?


  15. Here are some mother mantras to stir fresh vibrations:



    1. Let us attain perfection and pleasures in the constant flow of the

    most favorable decisions and happenings to us and extinction of all unfavorable decisions and happenings against us instantly, perfectly, permanently and spontaneously.

    2.Let us have

    breath in our nostrils,

    voice in our mouths,

    sight in our eyes,

    hearing in our ears,

    hair that has not turned gray,

    teeth that are not discolored and

    much strength in our arms.

    Let all our organs remain unimpaired

    and our souls in peace and harmony.

    3.Let us attain perfection and pleasures in simultaneous and

    spontaneous regeneration, fresh generation, repair, readaptation,

    regularities and cell health medicines instantly, perfectly,

    permanently and spontaneously.

    4.Let us attain perfection and pleasures in feeling free, relaxed,

    comfortable, reorganized and produce and progress instantly,

    perfectly, permanently and spontaneously.

    5.Let us attain perfection and pleasures in the constant flow of

    clear, vivid and correct feelings and ideas and not any wrong

    feeling and idea instantly, perfectly, permanently and



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