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Everything posted by Madanmohandas

  1. That Hari Bhakti Kalpa Latika is a fabulous book indeed. I wonder who actually wrote it? I have heard that it was composed by a certain Ramanandi sadhu.
  2. Srimad Bhagavatam, Book 12, chapter 2, texts 17-22 The incarnation of Visnu, the supreme lord and preceptor of all beings, is meant for the protection of the dharma of the virtuous, and to redeem them from the bondage of karma. He will incarnate as Kalki in the house of the renowned Visnuyasa, chieftain of the village of Sambala. Seated on a fast horse named Devadatta, Kalki, the lord of all, endowed with eight yogic powers and peerless spledour, will course over the earth at high velocity, destroying the countless plunderers parading as kings. When all the evil doers are slain, the people of towns and villages will have contact with the fragrance spreading from the unguents on the body of Vasudeva, which will render the minds of all of them pure. When Vasudeva, the embodiment of strength and purity, is lodged in their hearts, they will procreate issue that are mentally and physically strong. From this time of the incarnation of the worshipful lord, the lord of dharma, the Krta (satya) yuga begins, and a race of men with sattva predominating will be generated.
  3. Again, why only Prabhupada's books? Or you mean Prabhupada's translations? The Bhagavatam goes way beyond that kind of sectarian and dogmatic attitude.
  4. Indeed Radha is younger; and did no one remember that she is already married? In Dhyanacandra's Paddhati it is stated that the eternal age of Krsna is 15 years, 9 months and 7 and a half days. And Radhika's, 14 years, 2 months and 15 days. And the above post recomends only BBT Bhagavatam, why? There are many more editions available in English. The Bhagavatam is not by Prabhupad, he is not the author. Moreover, Satyabhama, Krsna's consort in Dvaraka is Radha. See Sri Rupa's plays, 'Vidagdha Madhav' and 'Lalita Madhava'.
  5. It might be worth noting that Thakura Bhaktivinoda has composed Bengali songs on the verses of Namastaka in 'Gitavali'.
  6. Here are the same slokas in English verse by C.C.Caleb. I am the source of all;from me all creatures are evolved, In ralp emotion, thinking thus, the wise do worship me. Minds fixed in me, lives giv'n to me, each praising me to each, Of me conversing always, they with joy and peace are filled. To those who ever are attuned, and worship me in love, That knowledge do I freely give, whereby they come to me. And all for love of them, indwelling in their very hearts, With wisdom's light resplendant I, their darkness do dispel.
  7. I would not be surprised if Kalki's sward had some special power to counter any modern conventional weapons. There is nothing to wonder at in this, for, he projects, preserves and withdraws the entire cosmos as a mere play. As Ram he slew 14,000 raksasas with one arrow. Ha ha ha
  8. All of the above would be best clarified by an actual reading of the Bhagavat. Where Kalki is spoken of as 'like a comet', is from Jayadeva's Gita Govinda and I think the general assumtion on that is that is a poetic device called metaphor, which does not imply an actual comet. The word in the song is 'dhuma-ketum-iva' the 'iva' means like as in metaphorical terms. Budha is also an avatara during Kali yuga whose appearance is 'foretold' in the Bhagavat. It is also suggested in the Bhagavat that Kalki brings on the cleansing required for the renewal of Satya yuga.
  9. Adhikari means eligable or worthy. It refers to the candidates for the practice of vaidhi bhakti. There being three grades of eligables; 1. Uttama adhikari - first grade worthy. 2. Madhyama adhikari - middle grade worthy. 3. Kanistha adhikari - bottom grade worthy. The first has firm faith and is versed in scripture. The second has firm faith, but is not so versed in scripture and the third is of tender faith. (Bhaktirasamrta Sindhu, East, 2nd wave, verse 16) This is not to be confused with the similar classification of the devotee in general, in which the same Uttama, Madhyama and kanistha terms are used.
  10. Ha ha! Whoever the lord slays in combat is blessed. You might have to do a lot more penance for the lord to kill you and get that blessing.
  11. It says in the Bhagavat that Kamsa knew the 8th issue of Devaki would kill him, but just to safe he decided to kill all the issue at birth, thinking that Visnu could be anyone of them. There is also the case that the first six embryos were brought from Patala loka to get absolved from some curse. The Visnu Purana states; "It is said that these, to the number of six, where the children of the demon Hiranyakasipu, who were introduced into the womb of Devaki, at the command of Visnu, during the hours of Devaki's repose, by the goddess Yoganidra, Visnu Puran 5.2.29. Also see Bhagavat 10.85.47 - 51. For the more detailed explanation of it. Of course the 7th embryo was Baladeva, but he was transfered to Rohini's womb, and so the 7th was taken by the people as a miscarriage.
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