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Posts posted by naha

  1. hello USRji


    my doubts are regarding my career as a doctor in USA...things havent workd in my favor so far....hence i am wondering if i should still hang in there and keep trying or change to a different field (related to medicine)


    also the yogam you mentioned guru chandal....how will it affect my career..will it remain for life or the phase will end.


    i have already given my particulars in this forum hence please feel free to reply here.

  2. hello astroseeker


    i joined MD in India in May 1999...completed in April 2002...one gets paid in india during MD also. then I joined the same hospital as a senior resident in July 2002 and resined in April 2003...In april 2003 I came to USA


    hope this helps


    waiting for more insight


    dear USRji..I was told about a Gajkesari yog in my chart...is it same as guruchandal yog...i am naive in these matters...hence this question


    please guide



  3. Here are our details:


    1. My husband came to USA in August 1999. Did his Masters and PhD in Engineering..completed PhD in 2005.

    Joined job in jan 2006. currently working in the same company..lots of job related tensions...(he faced tensions in his job in India as well...so he was keen to come to USA..thinking that it would be better here)


    2.We got married on 12th Dec 2002. I came to USA in April 2003. I resigned from my job in India in April.

    Am a doctor by profession. Since I came to USA I am unemployed...although I dont blame anyone for that as the process of getting into medicine is timeconsuming and cumbersome in America.


    We had a baby in October 2007.


    let me know if this will suffice.


  4. Hello gurujis


    My husband is going thru a rough phase in his career..is an engineer by profession(PhD also) but is not satisfied...job tensions are always present

    when will his problems end? We live in USA.


    His details are:


    date of birth : 6th July 1974

    time of birth : 07:50 am

    place of birth :Kota, Rajasthan, India.


    Also, I have heard that the chart of wife is capable of influencing the professional and financial rise of her husband.

    Please do provide some insight from my chart too...


    my details are:

    DOB 18 oct 1975

    Time: 9:15 pm

    Place New Delhi


    thanks in advance





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  5. Thanks Vipin for your valuable advise...yes I have started worshipping to surya devta...i shall do ganesh pooja as well as advised by you..


    Also it would be very kind if you could estimate when will Sun be more favourable from my chart....ie when will I be able to pursue my career in the United States.

    thanks once again

  6. Date of birth 18th October 1975

    Time of birth 9:15 pm

    Place of birth New Delhi


    some one told me that I have gaj kesari yog ..is this true. I would like to know its effects on my career if present..currently I am facing a low in my profession..please do advise!!

  7. Hello advisors,


    I have afew questions regarding my career....i am an MD female doctor from India...been 4 years in the USA. Not yet joined into residency.

    What are my chances of becoming a doctor here in USA.

    Does my horoscope indicate living permanantly in USA or will I shift back to India for good.


    My date of bitrh 18 October 1975

    Time of birth 21:15pm

    place of birth New Delhi




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