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    I've been a follower of Sanatana Dharma and an initiated disciple of Sri Acharyaji since 2003.
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    Omaha, Nebraska
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    Web design; art; multimedia Dharma outreach.
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    Director of Multimedia Development

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  1. The Guardian of Devotion His Divine Grace Bhakti Rakshaka Sridhara Maharaja He Lives Forever http://www.dharmacentral.com
  2. Namaste, Chayah. The best way to remove any type of negative energy from one's life is to take complete shelter at the lotus feet of Bhagavan Sri Krishna by reciting His divine names. To specifically remove black magic from your life, I would especially appeal to Sri Narasimha avatara. The following mantra is dedicated to Him. Aum narasimhaya namah "Obeisances unto the half-man half-lion Lord" Just sit in devotional stillness, and recite this mantra repeatedly. Know that there is nothing to fear in this world. Bhagavan is always with you. I hope this helps. Take care. http://www.dharmacentral.com
  3. The Maha Jagat Guru His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada He Lives Forever http://www.dharmacentral.com
  4. The Role of the Guru in Sanatana Dharma Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya Founder-President International Sanatana Dharma Society tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya upadeksyanti te jnanam jnaninas tattva-darsinah "Just try to learn the Truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the Truth." (Bhagavad Gita, 4:34) The concept of practicing spiritual life under the guidance of an authentic and qualified guru, or spiritual teacher, has been central to the entire Dharmic world-view from the beginning of time, down to our present day. So important has the role of the guru always been in Vedic culture, that there is no Hindu tradition or sampradaya (school of thought) in all of Sanatana Dharma that does not offer the greatest of respect to the importance of the guru. The great Vedantic text known at the Vedanta-sara paints the following dramatic picture in order to convey the importance of having a guru in one's spiritual pursuit: janana-maranadi-samsaranala-santapto dipta-sira jala-rasim iva upahara-panbm sotriyam brahma-nistham gurum upasrtya tam anusarati "Just as a person whose head is on fire runs to water, one who burns from the flames of birth, death, old age, and disease in the holocaust of material existence must run to a genuine guru for relief. Such a guru must be fixed in the Absolute Truth and well-versed in the scriptures. One should approach him with all that is needed for sacrifice and submit to him as a disciple, ready to carry out his every instruction." (Vedanta-Sara, 11) In our present era, the term "guru" has become very well known even throughout the non-Hindu world, in addition to being known within Sanatana Dharma. Indeed, the very word "guru" has today become a part of the standard English lexicon with such terms as "computer guru", "health guru", "economics guru", etc. being employed in daily usage. While the use of the word has become widespread, however, the sacrosanct importance of the station of guru is not as deeply understood in contemporary society as it once was. In the following work, I will be briefly explaining the traditional Dharmic understanding of the importance of the guru in the life of the spiritual practitioner, as well as dispelling some of the more common myths often wrongly associated with the principle of guru. Interestingly, the very word "guru" itself is actually a somewhat generalized term that simply means a competent teacher of any kind. Any skilled expert who is authorized to teach a specific subject can be considered a guru in the most general of senses. Thus, there can be a sitar guru, a martial arts guru, a medicinal sciences guru, or a fine arts guru. When the word is used in the overtly spiritual sense, however, then we are talking about a guru of a categorically different nature. The spiritual guru is specifically designated as a "sadguru" or a teacher of Truth. It is the sadguru, the conveyor of Truth, who serves as the underlying model of any and all other types of gurus. It has always been universally recognized that one can only learn a specialized field of important knowledge from a qualified and well-trained teacher, an expert on that particular subject who has both theoretical knowledge, as well as the acquired experience necessary to bring that knowledge to life. If one were to study to become a medical doctor, for example, it is understood that the only way to truly understand medicine is to go to a recognized school, and learn under the instruction of very experienced professors who themselves are recognized doctors trained and authorized to teach. If we attempt to learn to become a doctor by merely reading books on our own without the benefit of such expert guidance, we will be doing both ourselves and our later patients the greatest of disservices. Rather than curing our patients, in fact, we will most likely harm them due to our not having learned medicine from a living authority. Similarly, it has been universally recognized in our Hindu tradition since the most ancient of times that if one wishes to understand and make progress in the realm of spirituality, one must also seek guidance under the most able spiritual professionals available. Such a spiritual professional is the guru. According to the Bhagavata Purana: tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasum sreyam uttamam sabde pare ca nisnatam brahmany upasamasrayam "One who is searching for the Ultimate Truth must surrender unto a spiritual master, a guru. A guru knows the inner meaning of the Vedas, is fixed in the Absolute Truth and is expert in the shastra, the revealed scriptures." (Bhagavata Purana, 11.3.21) Of all types of gurus, the scriptures (Shastras) of Sanatana Dharma have recognized the Acharya as the most important form that the principle of guru can take. Acharyavan puruso veda, "Only one who has an Acharya can know the Truth." (Chandogya Upanisad, 6.18.2) It is only under the guidance of an Acharya who knows the Truth that a seeker can in turn know Truth. The sadguru is a spiritual teacher. The Acharya, moreover, is considered to be a sadguru who has attained a much higher stage of personal spiritual development, and who thus has more responsibility in the realm of Dharmic leadership. An Acharya is a spiritual preceptor who represents a living lineage (sampradaya) of Sanatana Dharma, and who embodies the teachings of Dharma in his own life, thus teaching the world by his own personal living example. While every Acharya fulfills the function of a guru, not every guru can be considered an Acharya. More than merely being a teacher in the formal academic sense, however, the Acharya guru is recognized as also being someone who possesses divine qualities due to his own years of practice and inner realization, and who thus perfectly personifies the fruit of spiritual teachings in his own life. acinoti yam sastrartham acare sthapayaty api svayam acarate yasma acharyas tena kirtitam "An Acharya is one who fully understands the conclusions of the revealed scriptures. His own behavior reflects his deep realization, and thus he is a living example of divine precept. He is therefore known as an Acharya, or one who teaches the meaning of the scriptures both by word and deed." (Vayu Purana) The qualified and authentic guru is not merely someone who teaches the Truth verbally, but who also lives that Truth perfectly, and who then reflects that Truth to his students in a living and dynamic way. In the present Age of Conflict (Kali Yuga), unfortunately, we often encounter unqualified and self-anointed individuals who claim to be gurus while often falling very far short of the true meaning of this term. Often such unqualified persons do not possess the prerequisite qualities, training, and characteristics necessary to call themselves a guru in the authentic and scripturally-based sense of this term. The scriptures of Sanatana Dharma have given us very clear and unambiguous guidelines of many of the most important qualities necessary in order to recognize whether or not a person is in fact an authentic and qualified guru. Some of these guidelines are outlined in the Bhagavad Gita: duhkhesv anudvigna-manah sukhesu vigata-sprhah vita-raga-bhaya-krodhah sthita-dhir munir ucyate "One who is not disturbed in spite of the threefold miseries, who is not elated when experiencing pleasantness, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called a sage of steady mind." (Bhagavad Gita, 2:56) Thus, the sadguru (true guru) is inwardly detached and transcends the sufferings of this world, accepting material pleasure and pain, suffering and pleasantness with equal demeanor. It is as a result of the true guru's transcendent status - and the consequent calm, peace, and gravitas that the guru exudes at all times - that the true guru has the ability to help his student to similarly transcend the darkness of ignorance. More, the true guru exhibits certain necessary inherent qualities that are a reflection of the fact that he is presencing the Divine in his own life. Again, the Bhagavad Gita gives us several lists of these important transcendental qualities of the true guru, or the liberated sage, including the following important characteristics: "The Blessed Lord said: Fearlessness, purification of one's existence, cultivation of spiritual knowledge, charity, self-control, performance of sacrifice, study of the Vedas, austerity and simplicity; nonviolence, truthfulness, freedom from anger; renunciation, tranquility, aversion to faultfinding, compassion and freedom from covetousness; gentleness, modesty and steady determination; vigor, forgiveness, fortitude, cleanliness, freedom from envy and the passion for honor--these transcendental qualities, O son of Bharata, belong to godly men endowed with divine nature." (Bhagavad Gita, 16:1-3) In this way, the guru personifies the fruit of a sattvic (spiritually positive) lifestyle and of years of meditative practice. A true guru is known, not merely by how much charisma they may possess, or by what cheap supposed miracles they seemingly perform, or by how popular they have become with the gullible masses due to well-formulated PR and marketing campaigns. Rather, true gurus are known by whether or not they personify the qualities of a guru that are clearly outlined in the scriptures of Sanatana Dharma. Any person who claims to be a true guru, but who does not exhibit all the qualities of a true guru that are revealed in the scriptures of Sanatana Dharma, is a false guru and must be immediately rejected as a charlatan if the student is going to make any progress toward the goal of transcendental realization. It is precisely because the true guru both personifies the very highest philosophical teachings (siddhanta), as well as the moral and yogic behavior described in our scriptures that the guru has the ability to deliver us from ignorance to wisdom, from darkness to the light, and from bondage to freedom. According to our scriptures, when we find ourselves in the presence of such an authentic guru, it is almost as if we are in the very presence of God Himself; because like God, the sadguru has the ability to show us Truth, and to thus set us free. In the Bhagavata Purana, Sri Krishna confirms this in His instructions to His great devotee Uddhava: acharyam mam vijaniyam navamanyeta karhicit na martya buddhyasuyeta sarva-deva mayo gurum [Krishna told Uddhava] "Know the Acharya as My very Self. I am the Acharya. Never envy the Acharya; never blaspheme him or consider him to be an ordinary man. Because the Acharya channels the infinite, He is greater than the sum total of all the finite. Thus, he is more important than all the gods." (Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.17.27) Further, Sri Krishna explains in the same sacred text that to even view the liberated Acharya as an ordinary man, and to not offer one's due respects to such an exhalted guru, is considered by Him to be a great offense (guru-maha-aparadha): yasya saksad bhagavati jnana-dipa prade gurau martyasad-dhim srutam tasya sarvam ku-jara-saucavat "The guru must be considered to be like the Supreme Lord Himself, because he bestows the light of transcendental knowledge upon his disciples. Consequently, for one who maintains the material conception that the guru is an ordinary human being, everything is frustrated. His attempts to make progress in spiritual life - his Vedic studies and scriptural knowledge, his penances and austerities, and his worship of the deity - are all as useless as the bathing of an elephant who rolls in the mud after his bath." (Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.20.17) Confirmation of these Vedic instructions on the nature of sadguru is found throughout the length and breadth of the Hindu scriptures. For example, in the Padma Purana it is explained that: gurus nara-matir yasya va naraki sam, "One who thinks that the guru is an ordinary man is said to live in ignorance." In this way, we see that the totality of the scriptures speak in one, unified and authoritative voice on the importance of the guru and the unique role of the guru is the life of one who claims the desire to know Truth. Later in this same conversation, Uddhava replies to Sri Krishna's instruction in the same vein: naivopayanty apacitim kavayas tavesa brahmayusapi krtam rddha mudam smarantam yo'ntar bahis tanu-bhrtam asubham vidhunvann acarya-caittya vapusa sva-gatim vyanakti [uddhava said to Sri Krishna] "O my Lord! Transcendental poets and experts in spiritual science could not fully express their indebtedness to You, even if they were endowed with the lifetime of Brahma, for You appear in two features - externally as the Acharya and internally as the Paramatman, the Supreme Self - to deliver the embodied living beings by revealing to them your devotional service and teaching them how to approach you on the path of divine love." (Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.29.6) In addition to explaining both the nature and the qualities of the sadguru, the scriptures also explain that it is likewise very important to understand the important qualities that must be present in a sincere and qualified student. In the Katha Upanishad, for example, we read the following: sravanayapi bahubhir yo na labhyam srnvanto 'pi bahavo na vidyum acharyo 'sya vakta kusalo 'sya labhda acharyo jnata kushala nushishtam "Many cannot even hear about the soul, and even after hearing about the soul, many cannot understand it; this is because it is hard to find an Acharya who is a genuine seer of the truth. Such a qualified Acharya is a great soul and is very rare. At the same time, realization of the truth can be had only by those disciples who carefully follow the qualified Acharya's teachings and become expert in the science of God. Such disciples are also very rare. Thus it is that only a few ever come to know the soul in truth." (Katha Upanisad, 1.2.7.) To find a sincere and worthy student is thus explained as being just as difficult as finding a qualified and worthy sadguru. The highest attainment of transcendent Truth, and the personal spiritual liberation (moksha) that results from such a realization, is the most difficult goal to realize. Thus, Krishna states in the Bhagavad Gita: Manushyam sahasreshu Kashchid yatati siddhaye Yatatam api siddhanam Kashchin mam vetti tattvatah "Of many thousands of men, one will attempt to reach perfection; and of the few who reach this goal, only a rare soul will perhaps know Me as I am." (Bhagavad Gita, 7:3) When a sincere student and a qualified sadguru finally do find each other, and unite in the eternal process of spiritual exchange – the guru sharing his insight, instruction, and empowering presence with the student; and the student learning and growing spiritually with humility, sincerity, openness and eagerness – we then witness the perfect conditions necessary for the celebration and living of Truth. If you are seeking Truth, then seek the guidance of one who has seen the Truth. Seek the sadguru. The Author: Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D.) is an American who has been practicing Sanatana Dharma for over 35 years. He has a Ph.D. in Religious Studies and is recognized by the global Hindu community as one of the leading Hindu Acharyas (Spiritual Preceptors) in the nation. With a large international following of both Indian and Western students, Sri Acharyaji is especially renowned for his highly authentic approach to Dharmic spirituality, his authoritative and scholarly method of teaching, and his clear emphasis on serious spiritual practice and direct experience of self-realization and knowledge of God. He has lectured on Sanatana Dharma at over three dozen top American universities, including such prestigious institutions as Harvard University, Columbia, Rutgers, Cornell, Northwestern, as well as for such Fortune 500 companies as Ford Motor Corporation and Lucent Technology. He has also delivered hundreds of talks and satsanghas at Hindu temples, Yoga centers, and ashrams throughout the nation. He is the Founder and President of the International Sanatana Dharma Society, the most dynamic and cutting-edge Dharma movement in the world today. His primary websites are: http://www.dharmacentral.com drmoraleslist/ http://www.youtube.com/DharmaNation http://www.dharmacentral.com/forum © Dr. Frank Morales, 2009 Please help us spread this Dharma message far and wide. If you found this article helpful to you in your own understanding of the spiritual path, please forward it on to others so that they too may derive spiritual benefit. We encourage you to add this article on your website or blog, but leaving it unaltered and properly credited please.
  5. In this brand new Youtube video, Sri Acharyaji speaks on the Spiritual Art of Victory at the Omaha Satsangha. In any of life's endeavors, the spiritual approach to victory is the most empowering kind of victory. The ideal victory is accomplished as a service to God rather than out of ego. This is true in any kind of competition that is performed as a spiritual meditation, whether it is in the office, on the playing field, or in the battlefield. Everyday life can be spiritualized in this manner for students, soldiers, athletes, and even office workers. This is what it means to perform Karma Yoga. Selfless spiritual service for God with devotion (bhakti) is the very highest service that we can perform. For more of Sri Acharyaji's revolutionary video talks, please visit the Dharma Nation Channel: http://www.youtube.com/DharmaNation For the most authentic, accurate, and cutting-edge information on the life-enhancing path of Sanatana Dharma available anywhere on the Internet today, visit Dharmacentral.com: http://www.dharmacentral.com Aum Shanti Welcome to the Dharma Revolution...
  6. Brief Update on Sri Acharyaji's Maha-Vrata This is the latest photo of Sri Acharyaji taken today, Jan. 27, 2009. He's on day 23 of his thirty day fast. He's doing remarkably well for someone who has only had water and juice for 23 days! He did become somewhat ill for a few days toward the beginning of his fast when the temperatures in Omaha were below 0 degrees for a few days...but he's fine now. He still maintains a full schedule of teaching, satsangs, lectures, meetings, and sadhana. Tonight, for example, after sitting in meditation for an hour, he then spoke to about four of us for another hour about the importance of progressive sadhana, the nature of Lord Shiva, and the glories of Bhagavan Sri Krsna. He sits in the temple in front of Radha-Krsna each evening and meditates publicly for one hour. He's usually joined by anywhere from four to a dozen of his disciples each night. His goal is to serve as a public example of the importance of bhakti and meditating on the Lord's Names for all the many Hindus and guests who visit the temple. Please check out Dharmacentral.com for regular updates: http://www.dharmacentral.com
  7. Dear Smiley, Namaste. As far as I know, Sri Acharyaji is pretty much in agreement with Prabhupada on everything. Whenever he does mention Prabhupada, he speaks about him with so much reverence and seriousness it almost gives one goosebumps! The only difference being a different style of preaching. I'm not 100% sure, but I assume that he accepts Srila Prabhupada's views on Sri Chaitanya. Take care. Aum Hari Aum, Tulasi Devi
  8. Dear Lokeshvara, Namaste. I know Acharyaji visits the east coast periodically. Once in a while he speaks at the Arsha Vidya Gurukulam near Allentown (Sri Swami Dayananda Sarasvati's ashram). I'll certainly let you know the next time he's there. Please either PM me or email me at info@dharmacentral.com and let me know more about yourself. Take care. Aum Shanti, Tulasi
  9. New Dharmacentral.com! Since its inception in 1998, Dharma Central (http://www.dharmacentral.com) has provided its readers with the highest quality, and most authoritative information on the philosophy, practices, history, and true nature of Dharma. Now Dharma Central has been completely recreated to reflect the new conditions that our world is facing in 2009! The old Dharma Central is retired, and a new and exciting era for Dharma Central has begun. With many more features, a radically updated look, and constant updates, Dharma Central has now been retooled to serve your needs better, and to serve a world that needs Dharma now more than ever. If you haven't visited Dharma Central in some time, come see our new changes! The New Dharma Central: http://www.dharmacentral.com Hare Krsna!
  10. The term is avesha-avatara, or sometimes shaktyavesha-avatara.
  11. LIVING DHARMA TODAY Authentic Dharma for Today's World ___________ January 25, 2009 - Founded in 1998 (Eleven Years of Excellence in the Service of Dharma) "Dr. Frank Morales represents the Sankalpa [the will] of the Hindu people and the cause of Sanatana Dharma. I urge all Hindus everywhere to give him your full support, assistance, and encouragement in his crucial work. He needs and deserves our help." - Dr. David Frawley (Oct. 14, 2007) ___________ Editor's Corner Welcome to LIVING DHARMA TODAY, the free online newsletter dedicated to the spiritual teachings of Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya, and to the global renewal of Sanatana Dharma. Though 2008 was a year of great economic catastrophe for much of the world, and 2009 promises to also be a year of similar perilous economic and political developments, this new year also offers us many unique opportunities for personal spiritual growth, and for the revival of Sanatana Dharma globally. Where there are tremendous challenges, after all, there is also the opportunity for tremendous achievement! As we enter into this new year, there have been many new and exciting developments in the teaching mission of Sri Acharyaji, with many more to come! The first of these changes is the new name of our old newsletter Dharma Journal. Signaling the new dynamic momentum of our activities, we are now called LIVING DHARMA TODAY. LIVING DHARMA TODAY is dedicated to bringing you the most cutting-edge articles, news, and information on the global Dharma community. As our new name indicates, our focus is on Dharma as the dynamic, living gift that it is for us today. Dharma is alive! Dharma is meant to be lived. And Dharma represents the future of our planet. Read our news section below for more new developments! Aum Shanti, Tulasi Devi Editor LIVING DHARMA TODAY ____________ The Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita Always perform your duty efficiently and without any selfish attachment to the results, because by doing work without attachment one attains Supreme. (3.19) King Janaka and others attained perfection of Self-realization by selfless service (Karma-yoga) alone. You should also perform your duty with a view to guide people, and for the welfare of the society. (3.20) Because whatever noble persons do, others follow. Whatever standard they set up, the world follows. (3.21) O Arjuna, there is nothing in the three worlds — heaven, earth, and the lower regions — that should be done by Me, nor there is anything unobtained that I should obtain, yet I engage in action. (3.22) Because, if I do not engage in action relentlessly, O Arjuna, people would follow My path in everyway. These worlds would perish if I do not work, and I shall be the cause of confusion and destruction of all these people. (3.23-24) ____________ Sanatana Dharma is the Eternal Natural Way "Sanatana Dharma (commonly referred to erroneously as "Hinduism") is a spiritual path that has existed since the beginning of time. It is a path that is both ancient in origin, and profound in its understanding of the nature of reality. Sanatana Dharma is completely unlike any other religious tradition in existence. Rather than reflecting the dogmatically inclined expressions of denominationalism, sectarianism, and divisive religious doctrines that are of more recent origin, Sanatana Dharma is a spiritual expression of the divine intelligence that naturally underlies the more empirical aspects of our cosmos. Sanatana Dharma is the Eternal Natural Way. As such, this path represents the pre-religious, primordial essence of all true spirituality, philosophy, and yearning to know the higher Reality, as well as the very foundation of any and all attempts to establish a civilization based upon eternal ideals." - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya " Sanatana Dharma: Eternal Natural Way ". To be released June, 2009. http://dharmacentral.com/dharmastore.php ____________ Announcements: 1. New Dharmacentral.com! Since its inception in 1998, Dharma Central (http://www.dharmacentral.com) has provided its readers with the highest quality, and most authoritative information on the philosophy, practices, history, and true nature of Dharma. Now Dharma Central has been completely recreated to reflect the new conditions that our world is facing in 2009. The old Dharma Central is retired, and a new and exciting era for Dharma Central has begun! With many more features, a radically updated look, and constant updates, Dharma Central has now been retooled to serve your needs better, and to serve a world that needs Dharma now more than ever. If you haven't visited Dharma Central in some time, come see our new changes! The New Dharma Central: http://www.dharmacentral.com 2. Acharyaji's Fast Update: As was previously announced, on January 5, 2009, Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya began an arduous thirty day fast. Living on only water and juice, and engaging in intense public meditation and prayer every day of this period, Sri Acharyaji has undertaken this very austere Great Vow for Dharma (Dharmodaya Maha Vrata) in order to prepare the spiritual groundwork for the revival of Dharma in our world, as well as to encourage others to practice Dharma more faithfully. While such Maha Vratas have been performed in the past by great gurus, rishis, and Acharyas, as recounted in the ancient Hindu scriptures, such an undertaking is very rarely performed in today's era. As of this writing, Sri Acharyaji is on day 20 of his thirty day fast, and has lost 15 pounds. We thank all the hundreds of people who have sent their heartfelt messages of solidarity, concern, and support for Sri Acharyaji during this historically significant occasion. For more information about the nature of this fast, as well as constantly updated photos, videos, daily updates on Sri Acharyaji's progress, and information on how you can be involved, please visit Dharma Central: http://dharmacentral.com/calendar.php#secondlevel Latest video interview of Sri Acharyaji discussing the Dharmodaya Maha Vrata: 3. "Taking Refuge in Dharma" Book: Are you interested in understanding the traditional process involved in taking initiation from an authentic guru? Sri Acharyaji has now written a booklet designed to answer all your questions called: "Taking Refuge in Dharma: The Initiation Guidebook." To order your copy, please visit us online: http://dharmacentral.com/dharmastore.php 4. Do You Live in the Midwest? Join Midwest Dharma! midwest_dharma/ The purpose of Midwest Dharma is to provide announcements about the classes, seminars, pravachanas (spiritual talks), and satsang schedules of Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D.) in the states of Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, and Kansas. Dr. Morales serves as the Resident Acharya (Spiritual Preceptor) of the Hindu Temple of Nebraska, and as the Founder-President of the International Sanatana Dharma Society. Currently, Sri Acharya Ji conducts two weekly Satsangs in Omaha, Nebraska (Every Wednesday, 7:30 - 8:30 PM at the Omaha Healing Arts Center; and every Sunday at noon at the Hindu Temple of Omaha), and a monthy Satsang in Lincoln, NE. In addition, Sri Acharya Ji conducts a full schedule of classes at the Hindu Temple in Omaha, as well as frequent seminars and intensives. Do not miss this rare opportunity to learn from an authentic and highly recognized Dharma Teacher. Please Join Now: midwest_dharma/ 5. Multi-Media / IT Volunteer Help Needed "Dharma Outreach through Cutting Edge Media Technology" Our goal is to create our own alternative global Dharma media infrastructure, completely independent from mainstream media outlets. We are in the process of producing the highest quality media presentations on Sanatana Dharma in the world today. This media includes the production of DVDs, books, magazines, websites, Internet forums, CDs, and other forms of media. We will also be producing Hindu television and radio shows. To accomplish this, we need your volunteer help. If you have any knowledge or expertise in web design, graphic design, video editing, sound editing, Internet commerce, podcasting, online promotion, forum development, or other aspects of Internet development, please contact us today and help us to increase the presence of Sanatana Dharma on the Internet. We would also greatly appreciate any digital video/audio equipment, computers, monitors, or other IT hardware equipment you would like to donate. Please also forward to us any copyright-free, royalty-free Hindu/Dharma images you have for use in our presentations. Please Contact: Tulasi Devi of Multimedia Development International Sanatana Dharma Society heatherlim7 (281) 235-3181 We appreciate your help in our mission to teach Dharma to a suffering world. 6. "Dr. Morales List" reaches 5700 members on !: Sri Acharyaji's primary message group now has over 5700 members, placing it in the top 3 largest dedicated to Sanatana Dharma. It has been the fastest growing Hindu group in the history of ! If you're not already a member, please join today and begin receiving some of the very best information on Sanatana Dharma available anywhere today: drmoraleslist/ 7. Dharma Nation Channel: The new Dharma Nation Channel is one of the fastest growing channels dedicated to authentic Sanatana Dharma on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/DharmaNation We will be adding HUNDREDS more videos to the Dharma Nation Channel in the next few months. Please check back often. Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D.) is widely recognized as one of the most important, inspiring, and authentic Dharma teachers in the world today. Sri Acharyaji teaches authentic Dharma philosophy in a manner that is practical for today's world, intellectually stimulating, and designed to lead his students to a direct experience of the Divine. This channel is dedicated to sharing Sri Acharyaji's teachings with the world. Please to the Dharma Nation Channel to see many more upcoming videos. Please link to this new exciting channel. Please forward this important notice to anyone interested in understanding and serving Sanatana Dharma. Help us to serve you, and to serve Dharma. Thank you. DHARMA NATION CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/DharmaNation __________ " Always have an open mind, but never at the expense of a sharp intellect. Discernment without an open mind leads to fanaticism and empty skepticism. But an open mind without discernment leads to costly mistakes and the deepening of illusion. Be open, yet discerning, in all your thinking. Learn to use the power of discernment in all your decisions. Discernment is having the ability to separate truth from untruth, real from unreal, good from deleterious. Discernment is a sharp sword with which you can separate what is truly in your best interest from that which only seems to be." - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya "The Art of Wisdom: Affirmations for Boundless Living". Released April, 2008. http://dharmacentral.com/dharmastore.php __________ Yogini: The Enlightened Woman Written by Shambhavi Chopra From the book, Yogini: Unfolding the Goddess Within by Shambhavi Chopra In the Bhavani-nama-sahasra (the Thousand Names of the Goddess Bhavani) as beautifully explained by Pandit Jankinath Kaul, "A Yogini is one who is possessed of magical powers.'' Para Shakti, the Supreme Shakti, in the form of Durga is given the name Yogini. She assumes various forms and takes on different divine energies to maintain harmony in the Universe, to combat evil and uphold the good. A woman who gains a transcendental state in sadhana comes back as a celestial Yogini or Bhairavi, a female adept at Yoga. She carries the energy of Durga within her. A true Yogini is an enlightened woman with exuberant passion, spiritual powers and deep insight. Yoginis communicate a sense of freedom, a sheer mastery in whatever they do. With their compelling gazes, they can hypnotize even a great yogi and are capable of changing their shapes at will. Tantric scholars have written about Yoginis as independent, outspoken, forthright women with a gracefulness of spirit. Without them, yoga can fail in its purpose and remain sterile. Shakta texts honor both women and the Earth alike as sources of energy, vitality, physical and spiritual well-being. Noting this analogy between a Yogini and the earth, an eleventh-century Tibetan Cakrasamvara commentary states: "Having recognized a Yogini who will delight and transmit energy and power to him, and feeling passionately attracted to her, if the male aspirant does not worship that Yogini, she will not bless the yogi, and spiritual attainments will not arise.'' Miranda Shaw's book, Passionate Enlightenment, which was introduced to me by Lokesh Chandraji, first exposed the world of the Yogini to me from a Buddhist perspective. In Hindu thought, the Yogini represents the Yoga Shakti herself, the Kundalini, as well as the resident powers or female deities of the different chakras. The Yogini possesses the power of Yoga herself and can awaken that in others, not only generally but at any point or place in the body or mind. A man's ability to achieve the higher states of Yoga can be facilitated by his association with such a female companion who reflects this energy. Just as a Goddess blesses and benefits her devotees, and the Shakti vivifies all biological, cultural, and religious practices, so a woman can channel this life force or spiritual energy to her consort-devotee. A woman is no more depleted by providing this spiritual nourishment than a mother by nursing her child. In fact, it causes deeper energies to well up from within her. This spiritual energy is not something that a man can extract or take from a Yogini at will. She chooses when and on whom to bestow her blessings. Her ability to enhance a man's spiritual development depends upon her innate divinity as awakened and brought to fruition by her own yogic practices, which include envisioning herself in the forms of various Goddesses and investing herself with Their appearances and ornaments, tender and wrathful expressions, and supernatural powers for liberating beings. By conferring energy and grace upon a man - ''blessing '' or ''empowering'' him - she is not weakening herself but rather sharing her energy voluntarily with one who has won her favour by meeting the various requirements that she may impose. This relationship parallels human-divine relationships in so far as the deity is the benefactor and the human devotee is the beneficiary. Although the Deity may derive some gratification from the relationship, the devotee has much more to gain than does the sovereign object of his devotion. What supplicants ultimately want from their deity is supreme deliverance or liberation, and this is what male Tantrics should seek to gain from their relationships with spiritual women. Tantric texts reiterate that a man cannot gain enlightenment without respecting women and allying himself inwardly with a woman. The woman's beneficence is a gracious, yet voluntary response to her devotee's supplication, homage and worship. The Goddess is a great Yogini, devoted to Shiva, yet matching His powers. She is the embodiment of pure energy, the Mother and matrix of all manifestation, the source of all time, space and creation. As they practiced Yoga together, Shakti accepted Shiva as her Guru, and he taught her the ways of transcendent being to guide her to her ultimate liberation. Shiva in turn also accepted Shakti as his Guru, and she initiated him into his ultimate liberation through putting him in touch with the supreme power of consciousness. The Goddess Chhinnamasta, the deity who cuts off her own head, symbolizes the great Yogini, the wonderful consciousness beyond the mind. She represents the opened Third Eye from which flashes forth the lightening of direct perception that destroys all duality and negativity. She is the Yoga Shakti or power of Yoga in its most dramatic action of granting enlightenment. Hence she is also known as Vajra Yogini. The Vajra is the supreme lightning force of the inner Self. Chhinnamasta is the Para-Dakini, the supreme or foremost of the Dakinis, the attendant Goddesses on the yogic path, who are the yoginis as the powers of the chakras. Sadhakas seeking the path of occult or yogic powers should worship her, as reiterated by David Frawley in his book Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses, invoking her through the mantra based on her name as Vajra Vairochani. This facilitates all inner transformations in a dramatic way. The Yogini is also Bhairavi or the Goddess of Fire below in the muladhara or root chakra. It is she who becomes Chhinnamasta as she reaches the third eye and opens the crown chakra beyond. Her blood is light that illumines everything. Mary Magdalene was such a Yogini, manifesting her Shakti through the flow of light from her heart and soul. Her Divine love was unconditional and independent of external situations and dogmas. Yet Divine love is not limited to the ascetic. In my understanding of Tantra, if two spiritually evolved beings come together in unconditional love, they also can create an energy field that is most positive and rare, exuding high vibrational levels of peace and love into the universe. The ancient cultures of Egypt, Greece, Tibet and India have esoteric traditions glorifying the initiatory power of the woman. She is considered to be the high priestess who unfolds all higher knowledge and powers for us. She is Sophia, the source and font of wisdom or Prajna, the deepest insight into the nature of things. Tantric teachings stress the importance of physical beauty in a companion but only to initially stimulate and then elevate passion from the sensual to the spiritual plane. The beauty of the soul surpasses physical beauty. The `initiatory' power of woman is tremendous, providing the force of passion that is necessary for developing experiential mysticism. By sharing the secrets of love, a woman can bestow transcendental power on her lover. The highest form of Shakti is the direct expression of the wisdom-energy she releases, creating a joyful transformation. A woman can initiate her partner into such mystical experiences through trust, surrender to higher ideals and spontaneity. It is the Goddess within each woman who really initiates. To be a Yogini is the highest spiritual goal for all women. It is the way to become one with the Goddess within and to bring her out in expression to uplift the world that is really her creation. Yet it is not an outer appearance but a state of inner energy and ecstasy that makes the Yogini. She cannot be manipulated, defined or even ever entirely known. For more information of Sri Shambhavi Chopra, please visit her website at: http://www.shambhavi-yogini.com/ __________ "Dr. Frank Morales represents the Sankalpa [the will] of the Hindu people and the cause of Sanatana Dharma. I urge all Hindus everywhere to give him your full support, assistance, and encouragement in his crucial work. He needs and deserves our help." - Dr. David Frawley (Oct. 14, 2007) _________ For further information on the philosophy and path of Dharma, please visit us on the web: National Sri Acharyaji Links http://www.dharmacentral.com drmoraleslist/ http://www.youtube.com/DharmaNation http://dharmacentral.com/dharmastore.php http://www.drfrankmorales.sulekha.com http://www.myspace.com/dharmapravartaka http://groups.myspace.com/yogaspirituality http://dharmanation.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46417306622 http://www.facebook.com/people/Dharma-Pravartaka-Acharya/1140161318 yoga-spirituality/ Dharma Media Links http://dharmacentral.com/dharmamedia.php http://dharmacentral.com/dharmamedia/dharmatv.php http://dharmacentral.com/dharmamedia/dharmaradio.php http://flickr.com/photos/dharmacentral Midwest Links midwest_dharma/ http://www.meetup.com/dharmacentral/ http://www.myspace.com/omaha_satsangha http://groups.myspace.com/OmahaMeditation Other Highly Recommended Dharma Links http://www.vedanet.com/ http://www.shambhavi-yogini.com/ http://www.hinduismtoday.com/ Thank you to all our many members and readers for your enthusiastic support and encouragement of LIVING DHARMA TODAY and the teaching efforts of Dr. Frank Morales. We wouldn't be able to accomplish anything without your well-wishes. Please forward this LIVING DHARMA TODAY newsletter to all your friends, family, blogs, and discussion lists interested in Sanatana Dharma, meditation, and Yoga spirituality. © 2009, Dharma Journal. Volume 11, issue 1 Welcome to the Dharma Revolution!
  12. ........ width="425" height="344"> Sri Acharyaji is on day 21, I believe, of his fast. This is a recent interview with him in which he explains why he's doing this vrata. <embed src=" " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">
  13. Dharmodaya maha-vrata: The Great vow for the rebirth of dharma January 5th – February 4th, 2009 Aum Sri Krishnaya Namah Dharma is the radiant manifestation of God's grace as that grace becomes operative as the Natural Law of the material cosmos. When humanity lives in cooperation with Dharma, we then experience the consequent harmony, sense of purpose, prosperity, contentment, peace, health, and joy that is Dharma's gift to us. When, on the other hand, society thoughtlessly abandons the spiritual principles of Dharma, we then experience the chaos, disorder, meaninglessness, and decay that have become the hallmark of our global materialistic civilization today. In the great Hindu scripture known as the Mahabharata, it is said: "dharmo rakshati rakshitaha", "Those who defend Dharma are likewise protected by Dharma." The very foundations of Dharma in our society are currently under attack, creating in effect an emergency situation of cosmic spiritual significance. It is up to us now to defend Dharma, and to reinstitute Dharmic Civilization for the benefit of all sentient beings. In ancient days, whenever the healthy social balance and harmony bestowed by Dharma was imperiled by the forces of decadence (adharma), great sages, yogis, rishis and saints would make the ultimate personal sacrifice and take upon themselves great vows (Maha-vratas) of penance (tapasya) in order to revive Dharma, and to bring the world back to its natural and healthy state of balance. The time has now come for just such a sacrifice. Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D.) has taken it upon himself to conduct a Maha-vrata for the global rebirth of Dharma. Sri Acharyaji (the Founder/Acharya of the International Sanatana Dharma Society) will be conducting a thirty-day fast January 5th – February 4th, 2009. Living on only water and juice, Sri Acharyaji will also be conducting daily pujas (worship ceremonies), prayer, and intense meditation for the rebirth of Dharma. Sri Acharyaji's Maha-vrata has the public and moral support of many of the nation's most important Hindu leaders, gurus, swamis and scholars. How You Can Participate in the Great Vow Sri Acharyaji will be meditating publicly at the Hindu Temple of Nebraska from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM every evening during this period of January 5th – February 4th. You are welcome to visit Omaha for a day, a weekend, or however long you wish, to be in the presence of Acharyaji during his Maha-vrata to meditate and pray with him. If you cannot be personally present with Sri Acharyaji during this momentous time, then you can join him in spirit by taking a smaller vow to meditate, fast and pray for the rebirth of Dharma in your own home for a short duration during this period. Beginning January 5th, there will be daily updates on Sri Acharyaji's progress in this great endeavor – with photos, videos and reports updated each and every day – on Dharma Central: www.dharmacentral.com Visit Dharma Central daily for these constant updates, and to show your support. Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti In All Directions, Upon All Sentient Beings, Always May Peace Prevail International Sanatana Dharma Society www.youtube.com/DharmaNation www.dharmacentral.com Please share this important announcement to all Sanatana Dharma related discussion groups, forums, blogs, and websites.
  14. Dear Raghu, Namaskar. I don't believe Sri Acharyaji is a "Sri Vaishnava" in the sectarian sense (at least he's never called himself that in my personal presence). Rather, he is inspired by the teachings of Ramanuja Acharya. He's a very unique combination of extremely orthodox Vaishnava-Hindu coupled with very cutting-edge approaches to preaching. He has a very inclusive mood when it comes to giving women equal opportunities in devotional service. He feels (as do many Hindu leaders and scholars, actually) that originally, in Vedic times, women were granted the thread just as men were and are today. So he encourages women to accept brahmana threads, to become gurus, etc. This is something that he's quite vocal about, and has even said publically several times that his goal is to eventually give brahmana threads to thousands of qualified, brahminical women. I'm not really in a position to explain Sri Acharyaji's teachings on this matter much more than this. But I know that he has written a small book on this matter called "The Shakti Principle: Encountering the Feminine Power of God" http://dharmacentral.com/dharmastore/acharyaji_books.php Take care. Jaya Sri Krsna, Tulasi
  15. Dear Smiley, Namaste. Currently Sri Acharyaji has been the Resident Acharya of the Hindu Temple of Nebraska for about 1 1/2 years now. He has revolutionized how the temple here operates and has developed a very large local following. In his short time here, many dozens of non-Indians have now been welcomed into Sanatana Dharma and consider themselves to be Acharyaji's students and serious followers of Sanatana Dharma. It's pretty phenomenal what he's accomplished here. Unfortunately, to secure these impressive results, he has focussed most of his attention locally here in Omaha and the surrounding areas. He feels that in order to get results in building a strong sense of Dharma community, it's important that Hindu/Vaishnava gurus devote themselves to staying and preaching in one area for a long period of time, rather than constantly touring the world on speaking tours. This is how the Christian missionaries have had such astounding success - they take root in one place, and build a local religious community, only moving on once that community has become strong enought to become self-sustaining. For right now, people who want to benefit from Sri Acharyaji's teachings are encouraged to either keep in touch with him via the Internet, or to consider relocating here to Omaha. That said, Acharyaji has told us very recently that the local Dharma community here in Omaha has now grown strong enough that he may actually consider commencing the beginning stages of creating similar start-up communities in other states, starting possibly later this summer. So we'll have to see. What state do you live in? For those who are interested in Sri Acharyaji's current activities, I'll post our latest newsletter, "Living Dharma Today", in the following post. Thank you again for your wonderful interest in Sri Acharyaji's unique activities. Take care. Jaya Sri Krsna, Tulasi
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