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Everything posted by Levi

  1. okay, now lets say that I am a Hindu, and I pray all my life and I am a good person. What happens if I come back in my next life, living in Bagdad, Iraq. Just living there would make my religion Islam. So after I died in that life, what would happen...would I just take a step back, based on my karma?
  2. so what is the highest level of reincarnation, where is the farthest you can go? or is their
  3. does buddhism, have the same beliefs of reincarnation as hinduism?
  4. that makes sense. I also would think that if the earth would ever end, and we all died. we would all go to new places based on the karma, so everyone would essentially forget their ever was an earth. am i correct?
  5. thanks, you cleared that up for me. but in the reincarnation into the heavenly plain, do you reincarnate to a whole new person with a new soul, or is it still your soul, just on a more heavenly plannet?
  6. I have studied the principals of hinduism. I understand Moshka, and Karma. I rember a teacher saying something about a form of Hinduism, that believes in a heaven and hell, instead of the reincarnation. is this true? thanks
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