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tara on lotus

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Everything posted by tara on lotus

  1. Dear Friends, My DOB- 1 April, 1970 (Female) Place of Birth- Chhattarpur, Madhya Pradesh- Near Khajuraho Time of Birth- 3.45 pm When will I get married?? What business would suit me and when are the chances of such opportunities??? There is always a finacial problem in any job I pick up I find myself surrouned by enemies for no major reasons as such??? Kindly tell me the solution to the above mentioned problems.....on this forum....thanks & warm regards TOL
  2. Dear Murlidharanji, This is regarding the shanidev remedies. Can u please explain how many betel nuts and leaves (Tamboola) are offreed along with til oil. Only one of these are offered along with til oil and coin or both leaves and nut is offered along with the gingliy oil. can you kindly tell me how many pieces..... thanks and regards Tara on Lotus
  3. Dear Tanvirji, I want a copy of the audio sani stotram...mp3 version can I get a copy please as a mp3 file??/ Is there any charges..Please let me know on my email rozamali@rediffmail.com Regards tara on lotus
  4. Dear Neerajji, Namaskar. When I saw that you are a disciple of Guru RAthji I know you could help me with my chart. But before this one more remedy for Shani.. 1 dried coconut 2- some powder sugar (Bura) or Jaggery powder 3- 5 types of nuts 5- desi ghee On saturday cut the coconut from top and in the cavity fill the mixture of ghee, sugar powder and nuts. Dig a hole under pepal tree ( shallow one) near blaxk ants nest and bury the coconut. Though I have nt tried it I hear it's a pretty effective remedy. Does any one else has heard something like this. Now about my chart--- 1- if there is any specific curse on me or the family and what could be the remedy?? Because my mars is badhak for me and Jupitor is Marak grah and sun and mercury are in Ishta dev sthan ( Please check if I'm right) 2- Is their a pitra dosh/preta badha since my ketu and rahu are in centre facing each other. Can you please suggest the appropriate remedy??? 3-At the same time is there a possibility of marriage?? I will be obliged if t you would go thru my details and guide me.... My details.. Name - Roshni Mallik DOB- I April 1970 Place- Chattarpur, Madhya Pradesh near Jhansi Time- 3.45 PM Ascendent- leo With blessings
  5. Greetings to all, No astrologer/pandit has been able to diagnose my chart properly so far. Someone suggest to marry peepal and Vat (Joined together) tree to be able to find life partner (Have not done so far) Someone tells me to wear Moonga (Which I have not worn) Someone tells me to wear Yellow sapphire since Jupitor sitting in house of Venus ----and it will solve all problems.. (I have not worn also). To do a pitra gayatri jappa and havan... (Have done but no direct effect as such) Atleast 3 engagements of mine were broken just before marriage. Lots of ups and down in career and family life... Can anyone read my chart and see if there is any specific curse on me or the family and what could be the remedy?? At the same time is there a possibility of marriage and when??? I will be obliged if the learned ones and those who are interested in analysing different charts would go thru my details and guide me.... My details.. Name - Roshni Mallik DOB- I April 1970 Place- Chattarpur, Madhya Pradesh near Jhansi Time- 3.45 PM With blessings
  6. Namaste, I am tara on lotus. I would like to know what line of astrology do u follow?? North Indian, south or Oriya branch. Can u please see my chart and find what malefic planets am I having especially significant of Jupiter in my chart. I'll be happy and obliged if u cud do that. Name: Roshni Mallik Date of Birth:1 April 1970 Place of birth : ( city / town/ country)Chhattarpur, Madhya Pradesh Time of birth:3.45 pm Query / question- Do I have any curse from prevous life that I can't have a family life and marriage if there is one than what is the solution??? Wish u happines and peace
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