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Sarva gattah

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Posts posted by Sarva gattah

  1. Get well letters for Jayapataka Maharaja


    Dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


    Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    I am so happy to hear the news about the improvement of your health. I am sure that this miracle happened only because of the ardent prayers of the devotees all over the world. I prayed too, again and and again, as much as I could.


    With a small group of devotees we went to Nathadwar, and there at the temple of Sri Nathaji I offered Him my prayers for your protection. I felt some relief after that because I felt that Sri Nathaji who has protected all the residents of Vrindavana and who gives shelter to all His sincere devotees will never forsake you.


    All the devotees in Russia love you and have greatest regard for you. I spoke with many of them trying to encourage them and to give them some solace during these days. We all feel your loving care and concern. Please continue giving us all your association.


    During these days I saw so many GBCmen and sannyasis crying because the very thought of your possible departure was unbearable for them. I cried too suddenly realizing how important role you play in my life.


    Please, dear Maharaja, get better soon. The news of the improvement of your health is the best news we can all have these days.


    Your servant, Bhakti Vijnana Goswami


    Dear Godbrother Jayapataka Maharaja,


    Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    All of us are are feeling so much consternation and deep concern about your present condition. It is a sad feature of this world that we don’t really appreciate the true value of something until we are deprived of it.


    That is what I now feel regarding your association. I have taken it for granted that you are there somewhere, safe-guarding ISKCON. Please get well soon so that I can have the opportunity to relish your association again.


    Never have I known any devotee who does as much service as you, and is able to multi-task; preaching, managing, caring for devotees, attending meetings and other duties.


    Certainly Mahaprabhu manifests through His devotees to provide vision for spreading the Sankirtan Movement. Many years ago when all of us were still in the temple mode, you began the Congregational Ministry, which is now the main beacon of hope, chalking out the direction for the future of ISKCON.


    You diligently watch over ISKCON, knowing its laws, and always take great care to assure that Srila Prabhupada’s legacy is carefully preserved.


    I hope that you can forgive all my offenses and return to your formal service, and allow me to try to serve you again. You have imbibed the intricacies of vaisnava behavior and etiquette, and I have learned many aspects of the same by being with you, and observing you in Mayapur. We need your presence and preaching.


    Krsna has already reclaimed too many valuable generals in ISKCON’s ranks. Please stay with us for many more years, as you are one of the pillars that provide strength and guidance to Srila Prabhupada’s mission.


    I fervently pray that your health better daily, and that you give us signs that you will stay with us for a long, long time.

    Your servant,


    Guru Prasad Swami


    Dear Jayapataka Swami Maharaj, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


    Ever since I first heard about your difficult health situation, I went into a state of internal meditation and constantly begged Lord Krishna’s permission to let you stay on this planet for longer. Your presence is vital for the Sankirtan Movement.


    We can all see how arduously you serve Iskcon so that devotees are aware of how important it is to fortify Prabhupada’s big family and foster the Congregation.


    You carefully help all those who meet you, and assist the Iskcon members to understand the importance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Panca-Tattva and Sridhama Mayapur.


    I have been reminiscing the moments we spent together in Navadvipa Parikramas. I recall one of my realizations while carrying Srila Prabhupada’s Deities during the Parikrama, and you were by my side. I realized how you are the very life and soul of Navadvipa Parikrama.


    I carefully observed your concerns on the organization, speaking on the radio with the organizers, and painstakingly taking care of all the details. I thank Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for granting me the benediction to receive your especial association.


    My only and constant request to Sri Gouranga is that you physically remain with us. It is too early for you to leave, and we all need your help. I have noticed in all the Temples of my zone that devotees are daily praying, chanting and begging for the Lord’s protection.


    They ask the Lord for you to continue your marvellous service to Srila Prabhupada.

    Sri Krsna, please attend our fervent prayers.


    Your servant,

    Param Gati Swami


    Dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


    Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    We were most alarmed when we heard of your sudden health crises and then even more worried when hearing of the possible outcomes. We thought,


    ” What will happen to his disciples and projects?”


    Hearing of your recent health improvement, we experienced great relief. We are most happy to hear that you are doing so well and that there is great hope and practical expectations that you will be able to carry on your services to our beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada!


    We thank you for your service to Srila Prabhupada and how it has affected so many devotees. We also thank you for your personal attention and association.


    May Lord Krishna, the eternal cowherd boy, continue to protect you and give you good health so you can once again go to the goshalla and drink fresh cow urine.


    See you there soon!

    Your servant, Balabhadra das ISKCON Minister for Cow Protection and Agriculture


    Dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


    Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    I am so happy to hear that your health is improving so strongly. Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda are blessing us by allowing us to have your association longer.


    I am praying to Them to help you come completely back to normal and continue your service to Srila Prabhupada enthusiastically.

    Please forgive me for all my offences.

    I remain,


    Your humble servant,

    Bhakti Caitanya Swami


    Dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


    Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    This is your spiritual nephew Praghosa writing to wish you well and offer you all my love during this difficult time.


    I would be hard pushed to think of knowing a more friendly, sweet, kind and loving person in my lifetime than you. So for selfish reasons I dearly want you to return to full health because otherwise I will miss the full benefit of your warm association.


    I have been fortunate to have had many opportunities to serve with you. Often we are involved in management together and while we sometimes have differing opinions, I have always been inspired by your detachment to those opinions and how all differences cease to exist once the discussion has ended.


    That quality of yours is something that I am endeavoring to learn from and is yet another reason why I am looking forward to your complete recovery.


    I know you have the best of care there in Mumbai and as a dear servant of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna, your recovery is definitely in the best of hands.


    I will continue with my little humble prayers for your return to full health and hope it comes in time for the Gaura Purnima festival next year, as things would simply not be the same without you.


    All my love Maharaja,

    Your servant,

    Praghosa dasa.


    Dear Jayapataka Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


    Many devotees are praying for your recovery, and some are writing to you expressing their love and appreciation for you.


    I myself would like to offer a few words from a particular angle, namely the foundations that enabled you to become one of the most prominent members of Iskcon and a world preacher: your obedience and menial service to Srila Prabhupada.


    Back in the early seventies Sridhama Mayapur was very austere. You had been ordered by Srila Prabhupada to stay in Mayapur and develop it.

    Many other sannyasis were travelling all over the world preaching and starting big projects, obtaining recognition by the Iskcon devotees at large and being honoured at the Mayapur Festival for their achievements.


    You would silently, undemandingly, and tirelessly spend the whole year going to Krsnanagar with the Mahindra-Mahindra jeep to purchase iron rods or cement (and you were so tough in negotiating the prices !), or dealing with contractors like Golam mistry, Channad mistry for the construction, or trying to get through to Calcutta using our phone:


    here Swarupganj 31 placing long distance call to Calcutta, operator it is urgent call ! And in the evening, after a whole day service, just some muri (puffed rice) and milk.


    This year after year. An obedient glorious servant with no expectation of recognition, but capturing the Lotus Feet of Radha Madhava and Srila Prabhupada in his heart.


    The devotees knew that you would protect them under any circumstance. If someone had gone to the Ganges and foolhardily swum a bit too far from the shore, better hope that Jayapataka Maharaja be nearby to jump in and save him.


    I someone had a philosophical doubt, a problem with his service, or some stiff relationships, you would calmly sustain him and give him real help.


    I recall one night when the Goshalla was being attaked, seeing you running bare foot in the fields, alone, going to help the devotees there at the risk of your life, without considering anything but the devotees welfare.


    Such spontaneous caring attitude is rarely seen.


    How pleased must Srila Prabhupada have been by such unmotivated service of yours.


    You may be apparently lying down on a bed in an hospital, but I am confident that your heart is in Mayapur Dhama with Sri Sri Radha Madhava, the Panca-Tattva, and Srila Prabhupada.


    Our earnest desire is that you may fully recover from this illness and come back as the great lion we have always admired.


    Thanking Srila Prabhupada for having granted me your invaluable association, I remain Your humble servant, Madhusevita das.


    My dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


    Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    I have been praying intensely to my Deities every day for your health.

    It is essential that you get well as quickly as possible.


    I am saying this not only out of concern for our movement, but also for my own reasons.


    When I came to the hospital and saw you in the intensive care unit, I had a number of realizations about you and Prabhupada’s great love for you.


    Whenever I have been with you I have observed such an outpouring of love from your heart not only towards myself and other devotees but towards every other living entity that you come in contact with.


    When I remember how you would greet me with such joy and affection, I am brought to tears. It is too painful for me to contemplate not having those interactions with you.


    The compassion you radiate is evidence of your connection with Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda.


    Because Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda’s mercy is shinning through you, you are able draw others to Their lotus feet like a strong magnet attracting pieces of iron.


    I am begging you to remain with us for many many more years. We need your association.


    Your servant, Bir Krishna das Goswami


    <!-- / message -->If we pray to Krsna sincerely, then such sincere selfless non-judgemental desires to help spread the REAL KRSNA Conscious Movement or ISKCON, will not only help heal Jatapataka Maharaj, but also attract so many great devotees to take birth here and help spread Lord Caitanya's mission.


    Prayer to the Lord does work, if we pray with the desire to bring a massive Krsna Conscious revolution to this mundane world dominated by exploitation, materialism, thinking we are the biological body, immature, juvenile so called Krsna devotees and sense gratification.

    Such prayers WILL help wonderful devotees like Jayapataka Maharaj heal so he can again preach EVERYWHERE on this planet.

    The fact is, if we prove to Krsna our sincere selfless non-judgemental desires are to spread the REAL KRSNA Consciousness or ISKCON, then Krsna will not only heal Jayapataka Maharaj, but also send so many great devotees to help spread Lord Caitanya's mission who are presently lined up ready to take birth, just waiting for REAL Vaishnavas to bring them up as devotees rather than glorified karmis.


    [comment feed]


    1 1847.jpg Bhakti Purusottama Maharaja so lovingly reguested - “But my humble request to all devotees around the world is that they kindly do not relax their prayers, chanting, and kirtans on hearing this news.


    The doctors are giving no medicine, as there is nothing to give and no surgery is possible. That means the only improvement we see now is due ONLY to the medicine of prayers from the devotees around the world, and the chanting of the holy names.


    Every little step towards improvement that Maharaja makes is fully dependent on how seriously devotees are chanting and praying. This is the only way he will recover”.


    I find this statement by Bhakti Purusottama Maharaja very interesting, inspirimg and very, very personal. After nearly 40 years of aspiring to be a servant of Srila Prabhupada, I am now just beginning to understand PERSONALISM.


    As the Supreme Personality of Godhead (the personification of Personalism), Krsna always tries to please His PURE devotees, just as His dear humble prideless devotees try to please Him.


    Therefore, Krsna’s discission is ALWAYS based on the reciprication with His dedicated sincere non-materialistic Devotees. So this is why the prayers to Prabhupada and Krsna are so important from those truely aspiring to unconditionally serve Krsna’s PURE devotees, because it is those wonderful selfless prayers that win the favour and attention of Krsna as the ‘Nectar of Devotion’ teaches.


    Krsna is not impersonal as the foolish impersonal ‘Swamis. yogis and Sanyasis portray, He does everything for His sincere devotees and NEVER makes a discission alone, Krsna is never alone.


    We rightly say everything is in Krsna’s hands, yes, that is true, but His discission is never made alone, it is always made in the association of His pure loving selfless devotees and frankly, that discision between Him and His devotees is really inconcievable to our small conditioned minds!!


    But Prayer to the Lord does work if we pray with the desire to bring a massive Krsna Conscious revolution to this mundane world dominated by exploitation and sense gratification. Such prayers WILL help wonderful devotees like Jayapataka Maharaj heal and again preach EVERYWHERE.


    We must always remember that Krsna can even put an elephant through the eye of a needle to please His dear sincere devotees. Krsna therefore, is always under the control of His pure selfless austere merciful devotees and rewards them accordingly.


    Your fallen servant Gauragopala dasa

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  2. If we pray to Krsna sincerely, then such sincere selfless non-judgemental desires to help spread the REAL KRSNA Conscious Movement or ISKCON, will not only help heal Jatapataka Maharaj, but also attract so many great devotees to take birth here and help spread Lord Caitanya's mission.


    Prayer to the Lord does work, if we pray with the desire to bring a massive Krsna Conscious revolution to this mundane world dominated by exploitation, materialism, thinking we are the biological body, immature, juvenile so called Krsna devotees and sense gratification.


    Such prayers WILL help wonderful devotees like Jayapataka Maharaj heal so he can again preach EVERYWHERE on this planet.

    The fact is, if we prove to Krsna our sincere selfless non-judgemental desires are to spread the REAL KRSNA Consciousness or ISKCON, then Krsna will not only heal Jayapataka Maharaj, but also send so many great devotees to help spread Lord Caitanya's mission who are presently lined up ready to take birth, just waiting for REAL Vaishnavas to bring them up as devotees rather than glorified karmis.


    [comment feed]


    1 1847.jpg Bhakti Purusottama Maharaja so lovingly reguested - “But my humble request to all devotees around the world is that they kindly do not relax their prayers, chanting, and kirtans on hearing this news.


    The doctors are giving no medicine, as there is nothing to give and no surgery is possible. That means the only improvement we see now is due ONLY to the medicine of prayers from the devotees around the world, and the chanting of the holy names.


    Every little step towards improvement that Maharaja makes is fully dependent on how seriously devotees are chanting and praying. This is the only way he will recover”.


    I find this statement by Bhakti Purusottama Maharaja very interesting, inspirimg and very, very personal. After nearly 40 years of aspiring to be a servant of Srila Prabhupada, I am now just beginning to understand PERSONALISM.


    As the Supreme Personality of Godhead (the personification of Personalism), Krsna always tries to please His PURE devotees, just as His dear humble prideless devotees try to please Him.


    Therefore, Krsna’s discission is ALWAYS based on the reciprication with His dedicated sincere non-materialistic Devotees. So this is why the prayers to Prabhupada and Krsna are so important from those truely aspiring to unconditionally serve Krsna’s PURE devotees, because it is those wonderful selfless prayers that win the favour and attention of Krsna as the ‘Nectar of Devotion’ teaches.


    Krsna is not impersonal as the foolish impersonal ‘Swamis. yogis and Sanyasis portray, He does everything for His sincere devotees and NEVER makes a discission alone, Krsna is never alone.


    We rightly say everything is in Krsna’s hands, yes, that is true, but His discission is never made alone, it is always made in the association of His pure loving selfless devotees and frankly, that discision between Him and His devotees is really inconcievable to our small conditioned minds!!


    But Prayer to the Lord does work if we pray with the desire to bring a massive Krsna Conscious revolution to this mundane world dominated by exploitation and sense gratification. Such prayers WILL help wonderful devotees like Jayapataka Maharaj heal and again preach EVERYWHERE.


    We must always remember that Krsna can even put an elephant through the eye of a needle to please His dear sincere devotees. Krsna therefore, is always under the control of His pure selfless austere merciful devotees and rewards them accordingly.


    Your fallen servant Gauragopala dasa

  3. Get well letters for Jayapataka Maharaja


    Dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


    Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    I am so happy to hear the news about the improvement of your health. I am sure that this miracle happened only because of the ardent prayers of the devotees all over the world. I prayed too, again and and again, as much as I could.


    With a small group of devotees we went to Nathadwar, and there at the temple of Sri Nathaji I offered Him my prayers for your protection. I felt some relief after that because I felt that Sri Nathaji who has protected all the residents of Vrindavana and who gives shelter to all His sincere devotees will never forsake you.


    All the devotees in Russia love you and have greatest regard for you. I spoke with many of them trying to encourage them and to give them some solace during these days. We all feel your loving care and concern. Please continue giving us all your association.


    During these days I saw so many GBCmen and sannyasis crying because the very thought of your possible departure was unbearable for them. I cried too suddenly realizing how important role you play in my life.


    Please, dear Maharaja, get better soon. The news of the improvement of your health is the best news we can all have these days.


    Your servant, Bhakti Vijnana Goswami


    Dear Godbrother Jayapataka Maharaja,


    Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    All of us are are feeling so much consternation and deep concern about your present condition. It is a sad feature of this world that we don’t really appreciate the true value of something until we are deprived of it.


    That is what I now feel regarding your association. I have taken it for granted that you are there somewhere, safe-guarding ISKCON. Please get well soon so that I can have the opportunity to relish your association again.


    Never have I known any devotee who does as much service as you, and is able to multi-task; preaching, managing, caring for devotees, attending meetings and other duties.


    Certainly Mahaprabhu manifests through His devotees to provide vision for spreading the Sankirtan Movement. Many years ago when all of us were still in the temple mode, you began the Congregational Ministry, which is now the main beacon of hope, chalking out the direction for the future of ISKCON.


    You diligently watch over ISKCON, knowing its laws, and always take great care to assure that Srila Prabhupada’s legacy is carefully preserved.


    I hope that you can forgive all my offenses and return to your formal service, and allow me to try to serve you again. You have imbibed the intricacies of vaisnava behavior and etiquette, and I have learned many aspects of the same by being with you, and observing you in Mayapur. We need your presence and preaching.


    Krsna has already reclaimed too many valuable generals in ISKCON’s ranks. Please stay with us for many more years, as you are one of the pillars that provide strength and guidance to Srila Prabhupada’s mission.


    I fervently pray that your health better daily, and that you give us signs that you will stay with us for a long, long time.

    Your servant,


    Guru Prasad Swami


    Dear Jayapataka Swami Maharaj, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


    Ever since I first heard about your difficult health situation, I went into a state of internal meditation and constantly begged Lord Krishna’s permission to let you stay on this planet for longer. Your presence is vital for the Sankirtan Movement.


    We can all see how arduously you serve Iskcon so that devotees are aware of how important it is to fortify Prabhupada’s big family and foster the Congregation.


    You carefully help all those who meet you, and assist the Iskcon members to understand the importance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Panca-Tattva and Sridhama Mayapur.


    I have been reminiscing the moments we spent together in Navadvipa Parikramas. I recall one of my realizations while carrying Srila Prabhupada’s Deities during the Parikrama, and you were by my side. I realized how you are the very life and soul of Navadvipa Parikrama.


    I carefully observed your concerns on the organization, speaking on the radio with the organizers, and painstakingly taking care of all the details. I thank Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for granting me the benediction to receive your especial association.


    My only and constant request to Sri Gouranga is that you physically remain with us. It is too early for you to leave, and we all need your help. I have noticed in all the Temples of my zone that devotees are daily praying, chanting and begging for the Lord’s protection.


    They ask the Lord for you to continue your marvellous service to Srila Prabhupada.

    Sri Krsna, please attend our fervent prayers.


    Your servant,

    Param Gati Swami


    Dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


    Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    We were most alarmed when we heard of your sudden health crises and then even more worried when hearing of the possible outcomes. We thought,


    ” What will happen to his disciples and projects?”


    Hearing of your recent health improvement, we experienced great relief. We are most happy to hear that you are doing so well and that there is great hope and practical expectations that you will be able to carry on your services to our beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada!


    We thank you for your service to Srila Prabhupada and how it has affected so many devotees. We also thank you for your personal attention and association.


    May Lord Krishna, the eternal cowherd boy, continue to protect you and give you good health so you can once again go to the goshalla and drink fresh cow urine.


    See you there soon!

    Your servant, Balabhadra das ISKCON Minister for Cow Protection and Agriculture


    Dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


    Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    I am so happy to hear that your health is improving so strongly. Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda are blessing us by allowing us to have your association longer.


    I am praying to Them to help you come completely back to normal and continue your service to Srila Prabhupada enthusiastically.

    Please forgive me for all my offences.

    I remain,


    Your humble servant,

    Bhakti Caitanya Swami


    Dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


    Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    This is your spiritual nephew Praghosa writing to wish you well and offer you all my love during this difficult time.


    I would be hard pushed to think of knowing a more friendly, sweet, kind and loving person in my lifetime than you. So for selfish reasons I dearly want you to return to full health because otherwise I will miss the full benefit of your warm association.


    I have been fortunate to have had many opportunities to serve with you. Often we are involved in management together and while we sometimes have differing opinions, I have always been inspired by your detachment to those opinions and how all differences cease to exist once the discussion has ended.


    That quality of yours is something that I am endeavoring to learn from and is yet another reason why I am looking forward to your complete recovery.


    I know you have the best of care there in Mumbai and as a dear servant of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna, your recovery is definitely in the best of hands.


    I will continue with my little humble prayers for your return to full health and hope it comes in time for the Gaura Purnima festival next year, as things would simply not be the same without you.


    All my love Maharaja,

    Your servant,

    Praghosa dasa.


    Dear Jayapataka Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


    Many devotees are praying for your recovery, and some are writing to you expressing their love and appreciation for you.


    I myself would like to offer a few words from a particular angle, namely the foundations that enabled you to become one of the most prominent members of Iskcon and a world preacher: your obedience and menial service to Srila Prabhupada.


    Back in the early seventies Sridhama Mayapur was very austere. You had been ordered by Srila Prabhupada to stay in Mayapur and develop it.

    Many other sannyasis were travelling all over the world preaching and starting big projects, obtaining recognition by the Iskcon devotees at large and being honoured at the Mayapur Festival for their achievements.


    You would silently, undemandingly, and tirelessly spend the whole year going to Krsnanagar with the Mahindra-Mahindra jeep to purchase iron rods or cement (and you were so tough in negotiating the prices !), or dealing with contractors like Golam mistry, Channad mistry for the construction, or trying to get through to Calcutta using our phone:


    here Swarupganj 31 placing long distance call to Calcutta, operator it is urgent call ! And in the evening, after a whole day service, just some muri (puffed rice) and milk.


    This year after year. An obedient glorious servant with no expectation of recognition, but capturing the Lotus Feet of Radha Madhava and Srila Prabhupada in his heart.


    The devotees knew that you would protect them under any circumstance. If someone had gone to the Ganges and foolhardily swum a bit too far from the shore, better hope that Jayapataka Maharaja be nearby to jump in and save him.


    I someone had a philosophical doubt, a problem with his service, or some stiff relationships, you would calmly sustain him and give him real help.


    I recall one night when the Goshalla was being attaked, seeing you running bare foot in the fields, alone, going to help the devotees there at the risk of your life, without considering anything but the devotees welfare.


    Such spontaneous caring attitude is rarely seen.


    How pleased must Srila Prabhupada have been by such unmotivated service of yours.


    You may be apparently lying down on a bed in an hospital, but I am confident that your heart is in Mayapur Dhama with Sri Sri Radha Madhava, the Panca-Tattva, and Srila Prabhupada.


    Our earnest desire is that you may fully recover from this illness and come back as the great lion we have always admired.


    Thanking Srila Prabhupada for having granted me your invaluable association, I remain Your humble servant, Madhusevita das.


    My dear Jayapataka Maharaja,


    Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    I have been praying intensely to my Deities every day for your health.

    It is essential that you get well as quickly as possible.


    I am saying this not only out of concern for our movement, but also for my own reasons.


    When I came to the hospital and saw you in the intensive care unit, I had a number of realizations about you and Prabhupada’s great love for you.


    Whenever I have been with you I have observed such an outpouring of love from your heart not only towards myself and other devotees but towards every other living entity that you come in contact with.


    When I remember how you would greet me with such joy and affection, I am brought to tears. It is too painful for me to contemplate not having those interactions with you.


    The compassion you radiate is evidence of your connection with Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda.


    Because Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda’s mercy is shinning through you, you are able draw others to Their lotus feet like a strong magnet attracting pieces of iron.


    I am begging you to remain with us for many many more years. We need your association.


    Your servant, Bir Krishna das Goswami



    Jayapataka Maharaj now eating solid foods



    Today Friday 14th November 2008, the doctors have allowed Jayapataka Maharaj to begin eating semi solid food, soups and an energy pudding.


    The nurse would say -


    “Swamiji please open…now swallow"


    Sometimes Maharaj would not eat so but when Revati Raman implored saying -


    “The doctors have seen improvement allowing you to eat…so you must take to get strong…please open”


    He would then open his mouth and swallow.



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    Jayapataka Maharaj now eating solid foods



    Today Friday 14th November 2008, the doctors have allowed Jayapataka Maharaj to begin eating semi solid food, soups and an energy pudding.


    The nurse would say -


    “Swamiji please open…now swallow"


    Sometimes Maharaj would not eat so but when Revati Raman implored saying -


    “The doctors have seen improvement allowing you to eat…so you must take to get strong…please open”


    He would then open his mouth and swallow.

  6. From Hari Sauri Prabhu


    bul1.gifQ&As: women sannyasis

    <SMALL>12 November 2008 </SMALL>


    November 12 2008

    We sometimes hear outlandish stories attributed to Srila Prabhupada. Here’s a curious question I received some months ago from Laksmana Prana dasa:


    “I heard one story that may have serious conclusions, and therefore I would like to ask your either to confirm or to refute.

    One mataji who preached a lot begged Shrila Prabhapada to give her sannyasa, referring to Jahnava Ma. Prabhupada gave her sannyasa and in one month that mataji left the movement forever and got married to a karmi.”



    I never heard this before. As far as I know Srila Prabhupada never gave sannyasa to a woman. It would have been completely contradictory to everything he ever said on the topic. I think this is a completely bogus story.


    In 1976 requests for sannyasa were becoming frequent. Indeed, Srila Prabhupada gave sannyasa to seven men at the Gaura Purnima festival:







    But he never gave sannyasa to a woman even though he was asked:


    [TD Vol 1] February 4, 1976 - Mayapur

    The acceptance of sannyasa has become so popular recently that even some of the ladies are asking about it.


    Aditya dasi sent an enquiry from Bombay. “I am writing this letter on behalf of myself, as well as the other women in our Society. Sometimes the question has come up, but no one seems to know the real answer, about sannyasinis.


    I know that sannyasa is the highest order of spiritual life, therefore is it not possible that we can be eligible? Myself, I do not feel like a woman, although I am in this body.”


    Prabhupada’s reply was concise and clear. Quoting from Bhagavad-gita, he told her the soul is neither man nor woman, and for those engaged in Krsna’s service, there is no distinction between man and woman. “Anyone acting for Krsna, he is a sannyas or sannyasini.


    Spiritually everyone is equal. But materially a woman cannot be given sannyasa. But you should not be bothered because you are serving on the spiritual platform.”



  7. If you have some suggestion on how to help H.H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaj talk, as he has NOT been able to speak now for 22 days because of a brain stem stroke, you can write to rdd@pamho.net.


    Latest update (13 Nov - Report)

    By gopijana on Fri, 2008-10-24 18:29. mainwelcome.jpg


    By Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai.

    Maharaj's consciousness is the same. He is trying to communicate.We are trying to find ways by which we can understand what he wants to say. If you have some suggestion you can write to rdd@pamho.net.


    Till yesterday, Maharaj was on minimal ventilatory support for a long time. Now he is back on normal ventilatory support. Doctors said weaning from the ventilator will take a longer time. Please continue to pray intensely.



    <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________

  8. If you have some suggestion on how to help H.H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaj talk, as he has NOT been able to speak now for 22 days because of a brain stem stroke, you can write to rdd@pamho.net.


    Latest update (13 Nov - Report)

    By gopijana on Fri, 2008-10-24 18:29. mainwelcome.jpg


    By Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai.

    Maharaj's consciousness is the same. He is trying to communicate.We are trying to find ways by which we can understand what he wants to say. If you have some suggestion you can write to rdd@pamho.net.


    Till yesterday, Maharaj was on minimal ventilatory support for a long time. Now he is back on normal ventilatory support. Doctors said weaning from the ventilator will take a longer time. Please continue to pray intensely.

  9. If you have some suggestion on how to help H.H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaj talk, as he has NOT been able to speak now for 22 days because of a brain stem stroke, you can write to rdd@pamho.net.


    Latest update (13 Nov - Report)

    By gopijana on Fri, 2008-10-24 18:29. mainwelcome.jpg


    By Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai.

    Maharaj's consciousness is the same. He is trying to communicate.We are trying to find ways by which we can understand what he wants to say. If you have some suggestion you can write to rdd@pamho.net.


    Till yesterday, Maharaj was on minimal ventilatory support for a long time. Now he is back on normal ventilatory support. Doctors said weaning from the ventilator will take a longer time. Please continue to pray intensely.

  10. If you have some suggestion on how to help Maharaj talk, as he has NOT been able to speak now for 22 days, you can write to rdd@pamho.net.


    Latest update (13 Nov - Report)

    By gopijana on Fri, 2008-10-24 18:29. mainwelcome.jpg


    By Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai.

    Maharaj's consciousness is the same. He is trying to communicate.We are trying to find ways by which we can understand what he wants to say. If you have some suggestion you can write to rdd@pamho.net.


    Till yesterday, Maharaj was on minimal ventilatory support for a long time. Now he is back on normal ventilatory support. Doctors said weaning from the ventilator will take a longer time. Please continue to pray intensely.

  11. November 12, 2008...12:13 amA Personal Note


    Jump to Comments I am still convalescing from pneumonia. On October 27<SUP>th</SUP> I flew back to JFK from Mumbai nonstop aboard Delta, and my first night in Philadelphia spiked a high fever accompanied by violent vomiting and chills. I feared I had malaria. (Mumbai records 6,000 cases this year.)


    The next day fever continued, and I began bring up rust colored goop from my lungs. My doctor immediately diagnosed bacterial pneumonia:


    At least I tested negative for malaria:



    He confirmed it with a chest x-ray and blood test and prescribed a ten-day course of antibiotics. I weakened steadily until the fourth day, on which vital energy made its slight, but firm, reappearance.


    I finished the antibiotics last week; still I find myself exhausted after even a little effort and I sleep a lot. My strength returns, but it seems to take its own time.


    On the Vaishnava Care website, I see many compassionate devotees have been praying for my recovery. Thank you all. I hope to repay you with service to Srila Prabhupada.


    As the Supreme Personality of Godhead (the personification of Personalism), Krsna always tries to please His PURE devotees, just as His dear humble prideless devotees try to please Him.


    Therefore, Krsna's discission is ALWAYS based on the reciprication with His dedicated sincere non-materialistic Devotees.


    So this is why the prayers to Krsna are so important from those truely aspiring to unconditionally serve Krsna's PURE devotees because it is those prayers that win the favour of Krsna as the 'Nectar of Devotion' teaches.


    Krsna is not impersonal as some foolish impersonal 'Swamis. yogis and Sanyasis portray, He does everything for His sincere devotees and NEVER makes a discission alone.


    Some say everything is in Krsna's hands, yes, that is true, but his discission is never made alone, it is always made in the association of His pure loving selfless devotees and frankly, that discision between Him and His devotees is really inconcievable to our small conditioned minds!!


    He can even put an elephant through the eye of a needle to please His devotees. Krsna therefore, is always under the control of His pure selfless austere merciful devotees and rewards them accordingly




    As the Supreme Personality of Godhead (the personification of Personalism), Krsna always tries to please His PURE devotees, just as His dear humble prideless devotees try to please Him.


    Therefore, Krsna's discission is ALWAYS based on the reciprication with His dedicated sincere non-materialistic Devotees.


    So this is why the prayers to Krsna are so important from those truely aspiring to unconditionally serve Krsna's PURE devotees because it is those prayers that win the favour of Krsna as the 'Nectar of Devotion' teaches.


    Krsna is not impersonal as some foolish impersonal 'Swamis. yogis and Sanyasis portray, He does everything for His sincere devotees and NEVER makes a discission alone.


    Some say everything is in Krsna's hands, yes, that is true, but his discission is never made alone, it is always made in the association of His pure loving selfless devotees and frankly, that discision between Him and His devotees is really inconcievable to our small conditioned minds!!


    He can even put an elephant through the eye of a needle to please His devotees. Krsna therefore, is always under the control of His pure selfless austere merciful devotees and rewards them accordingly





    The following is an interesting debate. Actually, I admire the writtings
    of both Kesava Krsna Prabhu and Rocana Prabhu.




    Avoiding False Humility





    Oct 3, CANADA (SUN) —
    I have recently been engaged in a discussion with
    . The dialogue began with my reply to his "Them ‘N All" article on Dandavats.



    I offered my comments in an
    Obeisances to Dandavats
    editorial, and received his prompt reply. There following several rounds of exchange (see links at bottom of this article).



    A few days ago I received the following note of apology from


    • Dear Rocana prabhu,

      Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

      I have directed my responses to you personally and have clearly displeased you by doing so. Whether in mind or heart, please forgive me if I have offended you. I hope you will look kindly upon me. I am very sorry.

      Your servant,



    It's comes as a bit of a surprise to me that
    is so fixated on this whole idea of offending… me offending him, me offending some leader in ISKCON, him offending me, etc., etc.



    Frankly, I think the whole concept of 'offending people' is blown way out of proportion in the ISKCON community
    First of all, we're not great, exalted Vaisnavas.



    The person we should seriously worry about offending is Srila Prabhupada. Beyond that, this offense business is used more as a ploy to keep people in line in the institution than anything else.



    It's obvious that
    has been well indoctrinated into this practice. Calling each other Vaisnavas, advanced devotees and senior disciples of Srila Prabhupada is all very nice.



    But when it comes to the point where we can't address something we think is not in line with the Sampradaya Acarya's instructions without being accused of being critical, then it's ridiculous. We're simply muzzled as a result, not protected from "Vaisnava aparadha".



    The gist of my entire theme of Srila Prabhupada as Sampradaya Acarya is not simply about putting Srila Prabhupada in his rightful place, but also putting us in our rightful place, which is infinitesimally small in comparison.



    As such, we can't get hung up with all this etiquette business to the detriment of our own spiritual life and preaching



    We can't interpret the dictums of etiquette in such a way that we become discouraged from correcting the problems that keep our spiritual life and the preaching from unfolding in a way that would please the Sampradaya Acaryas.



    I'm sure that
    and I would get along royally if we were just good friends or neighbors, or lived in the same community, but we don't. Instead, he has essentially taken the position of being a spokesman for ISKCON.



    I am responding to his writings, and that is the nature of our relationship. Many of us in the wider community don't often get the opportunity to discuss issues with those who run the institution, so we have to make do with what is given -- in this case,



    But that doesn't stop me from mentioning my Godbrothers, who are still strongly holding onto the reins of power in ISKCON, and who should be held accountable for many of the unfortunate things that have been and still are going on.



    I recently enjoyed talking at length with a sincere brahmacari. He told me about the advice he had received from an American guru/sannyasis who travels to various temples in ISKCON.



    This ISKCON leader advised him not to preach in North America because it was hopeless. He told this devotee to go to Eastern Europe, India or South America, because people are more receptive there. So no wonder the preaching in North America has taken an obvious downturn, so much so that they've had to form the quasi-corporate SSPT committee in order to attempt to remediate or reverse this trend.



    One of the main problems in North America has been the 'brain drain', wherein advanced preachers and sincere disciples are getting initiated by gurus who spend most of their time outside of America, and entice their American disciples to follow them as they preach to the "more receptive" people.



    Many of those gurus and sannyasis who remain in America appear to be in some sort of retired hibernation. We seldom hear anything about their activities.
    dasa's guru happens to be among this group.



    speaks out he represents both himself and his guru, and one has to assume that he's representing the guru as much as he's representing Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON.



    So in that respect, I feel it's within my right and duty to point out actions of his guru that appear to be contradictory from what Srila Prabhupada expected of him.



    This is one of the many points that I've brought up in my articles which Kesava Krsna has chosen to avoid under the guise of all this false humility.



    It's just a smokescreen. In reality, he's been defeated and won't admit it. In a morning walk conversation I was recently listening to, Srila Prabhupada was challenging the devotees to come up with an answer to his philosophical assertions.



    They couldn't, and Srila Prabhupada said if you can't give a rebuttal, that automatically means you've been defeated. If you want to follow Vaisnava etiquette, then you should at least admit it when you've been defeated. This is the honorable thing to do.



    prabhu, if I'm wrong and you haven't been defeated, than let's step away from all the aparadha allegations and apologies, and get down to addressing the philosophical points I raised in my original article.



    After all the time we've spent going back and forth about criticism, etiquette and aparadha, we could have discussed the real issues threadbare by now.



    Your apology is accepted, and I hope you'll also forgive me for having offended you or your spiritual master in any way. Now kindly address the philosophical issues I've laid out, or give me your hand in defeat.




    Links to the Discussion Thread


    (Most recent at bottom)












  15. By now most of you must have heard about the positive health developments of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja.





    As 'Personalists' Krsna always tries to please His devotees just as His devotees try to please Him therefore, Krsna's discission is ALWAYS based on the reciprication with His Devotee, so this is why the prayers to Krsna are so important because it is those prayers that win the favour of Krsna as the 'Nectar of Devotion' teaches.



    Krsna is not impersonal as some foolish impersonal 'Swamis. yogis and Sanyasis portray, He does everything for His sincere devotees and NEVER makes a discission alone. Some say everything is in Krsna's hands, yes, that is true, but his discission is never made alone, it is always made in the association of His pure loving selfless devotees and frankly, that discision between Him and His devotees is really inconcievable to our small conditioned minds!!






    He can even put an elephant through the eye of a needle to please His devotees. Krsna therefore, is always under the control of His pure selfless austere merciful devotees and rewards them accordingly - Sarva


  16. Jayapataka Maharaja’s Miraculous Recovery, Prayers To Krsna Do Work!!



    By now most of you must have heard about the positive health developments of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja.


    As 'Personalists' Krsna always tries to please His devotees just as His devotees try to please Him therefore, Krsna's discission is ALWAYS based on the reciprication with His Devotee, so this is why the prayers to Krsna are so important because it is those prayers that win the favour of Krsna as the 'Nectar of Devotion' teaches.

    Krsna is not impersonal as some foolish impersonal 'Swamis. yogis and Sanyasis portray, He does everything for His sincere devotees and NEVER makes a discission alone. Some say everything is in Krsna's hands, yes, that is true, but his discission is never made alone, it is always made in the association of His pure loving selfless devotees and frankly, that discision between Him and His pure devotees is really inconcievable to our small conditioned minds!!

    He can even put an elephant through the eye of a needle to please His devotees. Krsna therefore, is always under the control of His pure selfless austere merciful devotees and rewards them accordingly - Sarva


    The following is by Bhakti Charu Swami


    The other day, just before entering into Jayapataka Maharaja’s room in the Hospital, Kavichandra Maharaja phoned me and asked me if I would like to speak to Maharaja. I was naturally excited and agreed.


    Soon Kavi Candra Maharaja phoned me and arranged for me to speak to Jayapataka Maharaja through his speaker phone. I spoke to Maharaja for a few good minutes.


    Later on Kavichandra Maharaja told me how Maharaja looked so happy to receive that call. Other devotees present there also gave some very exciting reports on how Maharaja gave visible indications of his appreciation of that phone call.


    Upon hearing that I felt that if my phone call can give so much joy to Maharaja, then my personal presence could mean so much more to him and I decided to go to Mumbai immediately.


    I came here three days ago. After dropping my luggage at the temple I went straight to the hospital. Maharaja’s condition did not look good at all. He was unconscious and during the one and a half hour that I was there he did not open his eyes even once.


    I just stood there by his bed praying to Srila Prabhupada and reading Sri Caitanya Caritamrita with a hope that he may be able to hear.


    Yesterday I went to see him at mid-day. One of Maharaja’s disciples who was there with him informed him about my arrival and immediately Maharaja opened his eyes. The devotee told him again that I was there. Maharaja’s eyes opened wider as if trying to see where I was.


    Since I was on the other side of the bed, he could not see me. So I walked to the other side of the bed for him to see me. He kept looking at me and opened his mouth trying to say something.


    It was painful to see him in that condition. I asked him whether I should read the Caitanya Caritamrita out to him. He nodded his head in approval. I was reading and his eyes were fixed on me wide open.


    At one point he lifted his left hand. We felt very excited and informed the nurse and she told us that he had been doing that few a times already and she indicated that it was a very good sign. Soon afterwards the doctor came to check him.


    I was wondering whether I should stop reading the Caitanya Caritamrita. The doctor noticed my hesitation and assured me to continue reading. He seemed quite pleased to see the reports on Maharaja’s condition and noted his progress.


    I told him how Maharaja was lifting his hand and he asked Maharaja to lift his right hand. Maharaja did. He asked him to lift his left hand and he did that too. Then he asked him if he could lift his legs. His legs, which were covered with a bed sheet, started to move. The doctor was visibly excited to see his progress. He told me that it is a very good sign. All his limbs were working.


    I went back to the temple and gave the good news to all the devotees. It seemed that all of a sudden the heavy atmosphere of uncertainty and gloom disappeared and the mood became so joyful. The lady disciples of Jayapataka Maharaja whom I saw crying in the morning their faces lit up with a beautiful smile. Everyone became so hopeful.


    I would have written to you all earlier, but I did not because I had a strong feeling that today his condition would improve even further and I would be able to give you greater good news.


    Today I went to see him in the morning. Kavichandra Maharaja, Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja, Brajahari Prabhu and I walked to his bed in the Critical Intensive Care area. He opened his eyes when I held his hand and spoke to him.


    As I anticipated, his condition seemed to be much better than yesterday. I told him who all were present there. He acknowledged everyone. He was visibly excited to see us all.


    He wanted to speak but in that condition it was not possible for him. We started to chant the Maha Mantra and his started to move. I could see that he also started to chant with us.


    At one point Kavi Candra Maharaja started to chant quite loudly, Jayapataka Maharaja immediately turned his face to see who was that. It was a clear reflex reaction.


    Madhavananda Prabhu, a doctor disciple of Radhanath Maharaja, who also is the doctor in-charge of the Bhakti Vedanta Hospital came and when I informed Maharaja about his arrival he immediately looked at him and recognized him.


    Madhavananda Prabhu told him about a dream he had the last night. He saw that Jayapataka Maharaja took off the ventilator himself and started to speak.


    When he was told that it could be quite dangerous Maharaja did not pay any heed and continued to speak to the devotees and then started to sing and dance. He was indeed amazed at his improvement and felt that his dream was actually became a reality.


    Message from Bhakti Purusottama Maharaja


    By now most of you must have heard about the positive health developments of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja.


    Maharaja has become more conscious, is moving his limbs, and attempting to talk.


    But my humble request to all devotees around the world is that they kindly do not relax their prayers, chanting, and kirtans on hearing this news. The doctors are giving no medicine, as there is nothing to give and no surgery is possible.


    That means the only improvement we see now is due ONLY to the medicine of prayers from the devotees around the world, and the chanting of the holy names.


    Every little step towards improvement that Maharaja makes is fully dependent on how seriously devotees are chanting and praying. This is the only way he will recover.


    I humbly request all devotees to continue your prayers to the Lord for the recovery of our beloved Guru Maharaja, His Holiness Jayapataka Swami.

    Thank you very much.


    Your humble servant

    Bhakti Purusottama Swami



    Ratnavali dd: The doctors tried to wean Maharaj from the ventilator for 2 hours today. He is back on the ventilator now. The doctors said it will take its own time.


    Maharaj’s consciousness is the same as yesterday.

    Please continue to pray intensely. Maharaj remains critical as he is still on the ventilator.


    HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai


    Maharaj’s consciousness in the evening is the same as morning. He is fully conscious and trying to talk.


    The other parameters are also stable. Tomorrow the doctors will try to wean Maharaj off the ventilator. Please continue to pray intensely for this to be a success.


    Bhaktisiddhanta Swami: At 10:45 am Bhakti Caru Swami, Kavicandra Swami, Braja Hari and myself went to see him and GM was awake chanting.


    He looked at each of us and Bhakti Caru Swami said, placing his hand on GM’s chest..


    ”Wow you look great, just look at your fighting spirit… you really had us worried… we need you so much to guide us in service to Srila Prabhupada”


    Kavicandra Maharaja said “There are 24 hour kirtans going around the world for you”.


    GM was choked up with tears in his eyes and he tried to speak, Bhakti Caru Swami said “Don’t try to exert your self please relax.. And we all chanted Hare Krnsa out loud to calm him. Kavicandra at the foot of the bed yelled out “Gauranga” and then GM had to shift his attention to the end of the bed.


    Then BCS asked him would you like to hear from the CC?… how about the chapter Talks between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Caitanya? Gm made a slight affirmation.


    During the reading Kavicandra Maharaja was giving him reiki around the leg area and noticed that when the description of Mahaprabhu dancing GM’s right leg gave a small kick. He then was able to feebly lift his left hand over his chest to hold Bhakti Caru Swami’s hand.


    For the first time he was moving his head from right to left, up and down to take in all the persons that were there… sometimes he would look over head as we spoke.


    Doctor Madhavanada, the director of the Bhaktivedanta hospital arrived and GM recognized him motioning with his left hand and pointing at the ventilator system that is a plastic pipe that goes into his throat.


    The doctor said “that we have to keep that in for a while to help you clear the mucus… just some more days. You are doing very very well, we are very happy at your progress”.


    Last night the doctor had a dream and he was with GM at his hospital bed and he was pulling the ventilator pipes from his chest saying “I don’t need them any more”.


    The DM was amazed to see that he was pointing to the very pipes he pulled out in the dream. Again GM tried to talk and the doctor said you are doing fine in a few days you can write to us.


    A large card with the alphabet was brought over and he tried to point to a few letters but it was too strenuous… DM said don’t worry you can do this later”


    At the same time the local doctors had arrived and were watching, I think Doctor Ashok, the nuerologist, was there for the first time to see GM active, we were going to clear out but he motioned for us to stay saying” This is the best thing for him now”.


    Again we began to chant together and you could see how GM was trying to speak the mahamantra and say Gauranga… One could easily perceive that GM appeared to be restless… wanting to do more… Kavicandra jokingly quipped


    “He is probably thinking of an unused plane ticket that he hasn’t used up yet” As we were leaving it was clear that GM, looking at Bhakti Caru Swami, silently formed the words ‘Thank you’.


    Out in the hall DM said things are going well, he is stable and his platelets are up to 70,000 in my opinion we should not move him until he is completely off the ventilator. Two days ago I saw him and today I am amazed to see this. Kavicandra added “I could really see he has taking the reiki… I have not seen him like this since he arrived”


    In conclusion… a strong indication has been made: This is such good news but we are still in the critical stage… all of the prayers and yajnas are being felt, and now we have to only increase and not let up. Kavicandra mentioned(because today is Ekadasi) that if everyone in the movement did nirjala just think how powerful that could be? Krsna is reciprocating with the desires of his devotees… this is the most important cure. Now we have a lot of work to do to try to bring GM back to 100%… please please please continue….


    Best wishes Your servant Bhaktisiddhanta Swami



    Bhakti Purusottama Swami: At present Maharaja is showing less signs of consciousness and not responding to doctors orders. The doctors say this doesn’t mean there’s less hope, but it is difficult to give a prognosis of how long he will remain this way.


    At present there is no treatment going on for the the brain hemorrhage. The doctors are simply trying to keep his blood pressure, blood sugar, and platelet count stable.


    Now devotees are reading Srila Prabhupada books Maharaja throughout the day and night, 24 hours.


    The doctors will observe Maharaja’s condition for the next four days; after that time it will be reviewed and a decision made as to the next step.

    We request every one to continue with their intense prayers .

    Thank you very much.


    Your humble servant

    Bhakti Purusottama Swami



    Bhaktisiddhanta Swami visited Jayapataka Maharaja and wrote the following note:


    When I saw Maharaja in the morning around 11am and again at 7:00pm he was sleeping, some coughing clearing of mucus etc, and I was a little sad to not see so much of a continuation from the previous day, however in leaving the hospital one doctor alleviated my lamentations about the fact that Maharaja’s external condition has been pretty much unchanged for the last 15 days. He said that there have been some cases where patients have even been in this state for 3 to 6 months or even up to a year… and they suddenly snap out of it with no memory of the time involved and recover 100%.


    Of course we are not insinuating that it will take a long time for GM to recover from this state but my point is that we should not be disheartened at the apparent slow progress and that we has crossed a point of no return.


    The doctors are optimistic of a recovery.

    Bhanu Swami has also indicated that astrologically after Nov 14th… this is a period that GM should come out of his present condition.




    Devakinandan Das: Hare Krsna Kavicandra Maharaj,

    Please accept my dandavats at your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


    I have been reading the regular updates on the transcendental progress of H. H Jayapataka Swami Mahraj in Mumbai. I wanted to inform you Maharaj that devotees have daily been offering Nrsimha kavacas in Singapore.


    For the public programmes, we have been chanting one round of japa together and 1 round of the kavaca together.


    We have had 4 special japa sessions (once every week). We are all praying for Maharaj’s recovery.


    Personally, Maharaj’s present state reminded me very much of my Guru Maharaj’s condition 8-9 years ago and I wanted to share it with you Maharaj because it gives me great faith in the Lord.


    Guru Maharaj was diagnosed with brain stem bleeding and infarction to the left side of the brain. There were at least 2 major areas of bleeding in the brain and an embolism in the left lung. Doctors were not hopeful because of his age and the very nature of the medical condition. He also could not move his limbs.


    They told me that even if he regains consciousness, he would either live and become a vegetable or he would not make it. The 13 hours of flight to London was the most tortuous I had ever taken because I had no idea what to expect when I arrived in London.


    When I did, and rushed into the hospital, I found Guru Maharaj putting up both his hands high above his head and saying “Haribol”. Yet skeptical doctors cautioned me not to be very pleased as the bleeding was still there, but they could not explain how Maharaj was conscious despite the bleeding. It confounded them totally.


    In the next 72 critical hours, Maharaj got the small team of us disciples to daily do mangal arati at his bedside - and continuously chant Srimad Bhagavatam and particularly Narayana Kavaca from 6th Canto.


    Midway through the week, a 2nd embolism began to form in Maharaj’s lung, and the doctors got worried that this would spell trouble.


    Guru Maharaj’s purity got him through that to. He told us that we should never underestimate the power of devotional service - the process Srila Prabhupada has given us is complete and pure - we just have to sincerely follow it and Krsna will always protect us.


    He also told me that Krsna sends 2 kinds of diseases - the 1st can be cured when we try. The

    2nd no matter how we try cannot be cured - that means the only cure to that disease is death.


    Guru Mahraj suffered very much, from my material vision. The pain and numbness alternately tortured his old body, but I realised that he was transcendental to pain.


    That is why Maharaj I am very hopeful of Jayapataka Mahraj’s recovery.

    Just wanted to share this with you Maharaj.

    Your servant Devakinandan Das


    Although Maharaja is not able to speak but it is quite clear that he is fully conscious and he is also able to move his hands and legs which is a clear indication that there is no major brain damage or possibility of paralysis. Once again we are seeing how Krsna protects His devotees and makes impossible possible.


    Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada,

    Bhakti Charu Swami

  17. Jayapataka Maharaja’s Miraculous Recovery, Prayers To Krsna Do Work!!


    By now most of you must have heard about the positive health developments of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja.


    As 'Personalists' Krsna always tries to please His devotees just as His devotees try to please Him therefore, Krsna's discission is ALWAYS based on the reciprication with His Devotee, so this is why the prayers to Krsna are so important because it is those prayers that win the favour of Krsna as the 'Nectar of Devotion' teaches.


    Krsna is not impersonal as some foolish impersonal 'Swamis. yogis and Sanyasis portray, He does everything for His sincere devotees and NEVER makes a discission alone. Some say everything is in Krsna's hands, yes, that is true, but his discission is never made alone, it is always made in the association of His pure loving selfless devotees and frankly, that discision between Him and His pure devotees is really inconcievable to our small conditioned minds!!


    He can even put an elephant through the eye of a needle to please His devotees. Krsna therefore, is always under the control of His pure selfless austere merciful devotees and rewards them accordingly - Sarva


    The following is By Bhakti Charu Swami


    The other day, just before entering into Jayapataka Maharaja’s room in the Hospital, Kavichandra Maharaja phoned me and asked me if I would like to speak to Maharaja. I was naturally excited and agreed.


    Soon Kavi Candra Maharaja phoned me and arranged for me to speak to Jayapataka Maharaja through his speaker phone. I spoke to Maharaja for a few good minutes.


    Later on Kavichandra Maharaja told me how Maharaja looked so happy to receive that call. Other devotees present there also gave some very exciting reports on how Maharaja gave visible indications of his appreciation of that phone call.


    Upon hearing that I felt that if my phone call can give so much joy to Maharaja, then my personal presence could mean so much more to him and I decided to go to Mumbai immediately.


    I came here three days ago. After dropping my luggage at the temple I went straight to the hospital. Maharaja’s condition did not look good at all. He was unconscious and during the one and a half hour that I was there he did not open his eyes even once.


    I just stood there by his bed praying to Srila Prabhupada and reading Sri Caitanya Caritamrita with a hope that he may be able to hear.


    Yesterday I went to see him at mid-day. One of Maharaja’s disciples who was there with him informed him about my arrival and immediately Maharaja opened his eyes. The devotee told him again that I was there. Maharaja’s eyes opened wider as if trying to see where I was.


    Since I was on the other side of the bed, he could not see me. So I walked to the other side of the bed for him to see me. He kept looking at me and opened his mouth trying to say something.


    It was painful to see him in that condition. I asked him whether I should read the Caitanya Caritamrita out to him. He nodded his head in approval. I was reading and his eyes were fixed on me wide open.


    At one point he lifted his left hand. We felt very excited and informed the nurse and she told us that he had been doing that few a times already and she indicated that it was a very good sign. Soon afterwards the doctor came to check him.


    I was wondering whether I should stop reading the Caitanya Caritamrita. The doctor noticed my hesitation and assured me to continue reading. He seemed quite pleased to see the reports on Maharaja’s condition and noted his progress.


    I told him how Maharaja was lifting his hand and he asked Maharaja to lift his right hand. Maharaja did. He asked him to lift his left hand and he did that too. Then he asked him if he could lift his legs. His legs, which were covered with a bed sheet, started to move. The doctor was visibly excited to see his progress. He told me that it is a very good sign. All his limbs were working.


    I went back to the temple and gave the good news to all the devotees. It seemed that all of a sudden the heavy atmosphere of uncertainty and gloom disappeared and the mood became so joyful. The lady disciples of Jayapataka Maharaja whom I saw crying in the morning their faces lit up with a beautiful smile. Everyone became so hopeful.


    I would have written to you all earlier, but I did not because I had a strong feeling that today his condition would improve even further and I would be able to give you greater good news.


    Today I went to see him in the morning. Kavichandra Maharaja, Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja, Brajahari Prabhu and I walked to his bed in the Critical Intensive Care area. He opened his eyes when I held his hand and spoke to him.


    As I anticipated, his condition seemed to be much better than yesterday. I told him who all were present there. He acknowledged everyone. He was visibly excited to see us all.


    He wanted to speak but in that condition it was not possible for him. We started to chant the Maha Mantra and his started to move. I could see that he also started to chant with us.


    At one point Kavi Candra Maharaja started to chant quite loudly, Jayapataka Maharaja immediately turned his face to see who was that. It was a clear reflex reaction.


    Madhavananda Prabhu, a doctor disciple of Radhanath Maharaja, who also is the doctor in-charge of the Bhakti Vedanta Hospital came and when I informed Maharaja about his arrival he immediately looked at him and recognized him.


    Madhavananda Prabhu told him about a dream he had the last night. He saw that Jayapataka Maharaja took off the ventilator himself and started to speak.


    When he was told that it could be quite dangerous Maharaja did not pay any heed and continued to speak to the devotees and then started to sing and dance. He was indeed amazed at his improvement and felt that his dream was actually became a reality.


    Message from Bhakti Purusottama Maharaja


    By now most of you must have heard about the positive health developments of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja.


    Maharaja has become more conscious, is moving his limbs, and attempting to talk.


    But my humble request to all devotees around the world is that they kindly do not relax their prayers, chanting, and kirtans on hearing this news. The doctors are giving no medicine, as there is nothing to give and no surgery is possible.


    That means the only improvement we see now is due ONLY to the medicine of prayers from the devotees around the world, and the chanting of the holy names.


    Every little step towards improvement that Maharaja makes is fully dependent on how seriously devotees are chanting and praying. This is the only way he will recover.


    I humbly request all devotees to continue your prayers to the Lord for the recovery of our beloved Guru Maharaja, His Holiness Jayapataka Swami.

    Thank you very much.


    Your humble servant

    Bhakti Purusottama Swami



    Ratnavali dd: The doctors tried to wean Maharaj from the ventilator for 2 hours today. He is back on the ventilator now. The doctors said it will take its own time.


    Maharaj’s consciousness is the same as yesterday.

    Please continue to pray intensely. Maharaj remains critical as he is still on the ventilator.


    HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai


    Maharaj’s consciousness in the evening is the same as morning. He is fully conscious and trying to talk.


    The other parameters are also stable. Tomorrow the doctors will try to wean Maharaj off the ventilator. Please continue to pray intensely for this to be a success.


    Bhaktisiddhanta Swami: At 10:45 am Bhakti Caru Swami, Kavicandra Swami, Braja Hari and myself went to see him and GM was awake chanting.


    He looked at each of us and Bhakti Caru Swami said, placing his hand on GM’s chest..


    ”Wow you look great, just look at your fighting spirit… you really had us worried… we need you so much to guide us in service to Srila Prabhupada”


    Kavicandra Maharaja said “There are 24 hour kirtans going around the world for you”.


    GM was choked up with tears in his eyes and he tried to speak, Bhakti Caru Swami said “Don’t try to exert your self please relax.. And we all chanted Hare Krnsa out loud to calm him. Kavicandra at the foot of the bed yelled out “Gauranga” and then GM had to shift his attention to the end of the bed.


    Then BCS asked him would you like to hear from the CC?… how about the chapter Talks between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Caitanya? Gm made a slight affirmation.


    During the reading Kavicandra Maharaja was giving him reiki around the leg area and noticed that when the description of Mahaprabhu dancing GM’s right leg gave a small kick. He then was able to feebly lift his left hand over his chest to hold Bhakti Caru Swami’s hand.


    For the first time he was moving his head from right to left, up and down to take in all the persons that were there… sometimes he would look over head as we spoke.


    Doctor Madhavanada, the director of the Bhaktivedanta hospital arrived and GM recognized him motioning with his left hand and pointing at the ventilator system that is a plastic pipe that goes into his throat.


    The doctor said “that we have to keep that in for a while to help you clear the mucus… just some more days. You are doing very very well, we are very happy at your progress”.


    Last night the doctor had a dream and he was with GM at his hospital bed and he was pulling the ventilator pipes from his chest saying “I don’t need them any more”.


    The DM was amazed to see that he was pointing to the very pipes he pulled out in the dream. Again GM tried to talk and the doctor said you are doing fine in a few days you can write to us.


    A large card with the alphabet was brought over and he tried to point to a few letters but it was too strenuous… DM said don’t worry you can do this later”


    At the same time the local doctors had arrived and were watching, I think Doctor Ashok, the nuerologist, was there for the first time to see GM active, we were going to clear out but he motioned for us to stay saying” This is the best thing for him now”.


    Again we began to chant together and you could see how GM was trying to speak the mahamantra and say Gauranga… One could easily perceive that GM appeared to be restless… wanting to do more… Kavicandra jokingly quipped


    “He is probably thinking of an unused plane ticket that he hasn’t used up yet” As we were leaving it was clear that GM, looking at Bhakti Caru Swami, silently formed the words ‘Thank you’.


    Out in the hall DM said things are going well, he is stable and his platelets are up to 70,000 in my opinion we should not move him until he is completely off the ventilator. Two days ago I saw him and today I am amazed to see this. Kavicandra added “I could really see he has taking the reiki… I have not seen him like this since he arrived”


    In conclusion… a strong indication has been made: This is such good news but we are still in the critical stage… all of the prayers and yajnas are being felt, and now we have to only increase and not let up. Kavicandra mentioned(because today is Ekadasi) that if everyone in the movement did nirjala just think how powerful that could be? Krsna is reciprocating with the desires of his devotees… this is the most important cure. Now we have a lot of work to do to try to bring GM back to 100%… please please please continue….


    Best wishes Your servant Bhaktisiddhanta Swami



    Bhakti Purusottama Swami: At present Maharaja is showing less signs of consciousness and not responding to doctors orders. The doctors say this doesn’t mean there’s less hope, but it is difficult to give a prognosis of how long he will remain this way.


    At present there is no treatment going on for the the brain hemorrhage. The doctors are simply trying to keep his blood pressure, blood sugar, and platelet count stable.


    Now devotees are reading Srila Prabhupada books Maharaja throughout the day and night, 24 hours.


    The doctors will observe Maharaja’s condition for the next four days; after that time it will be reviewed and a decision made as to the next step.

    We request every one to continue with their intense prayers .

    Thank you very much.


    Your humble servant

    Bhakti Purusottama Swami



    Bhaktisiddhanta Swami visited Jayapataka Maharaja and wrote the following note:


    When I saw Maharaja in the morning around 11am and again at 7:00pm he was sleeping, some coughing clearing of mucus etc, and I was a little sad to not see so much of a continuation from the previous day, however in leaving the hospital one doctor alleviated my lamentations about the fact that Maharaja’s external condition has been pretty much unchanged for the last 15 days. He said that there have been some cases where patients have even been in this state for 3 to 6 months or even up to a year… and they suddenly snap out of it with no memory of the time involved and recover 100%.


    Of course we are not insinuating that it will take a long time for GM to recover from this state but my point is that we should not be disheartened at the apparent slow progress and that we has crossed a point of no return.


    The doctors are optimistic of a recovery.

    Bhanu Swami has also indicated that astrologically after Nov 14th… this is a period that GM should come out of his present condition.




    Devakinandan Das: Hare Krsna Kavicandra Maharaj,

    Please accept my dandavats at your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


    I have been reading the regular updates on the transcendental progress of H. H Jayapataka Swami Mahraj in Mumbai. I wanted to inform you Maharaj that devotees have daily been offering Nrsimha kavacas in Singapore.


    For the public programmes, we have been chanting one round of japa together and 1 round of the kavaca together.


    We have had 4 special japa sessions (once every week). We are all praying for Maharaj’s recovery.


    Personally, Maharaj’s present state reminded me very much of my Guru Maharaj’s condition 8-9 years ago and I wanted to share it with you Maharaj because it gives me great faith in the Lord.


    Guru Maharaj was diagnosed with brain stem bleeding and infarction to the left side of the brain. There were at least 2 major areas of bleeding in the brain and an embolism in the left lung. Doctors were not hopeful because of his age and the very nature of the medical condition. He also could not move his limbs.


    They told me that even if he regains consciousness, he would either live and become a vegetable or he would not make it. The 13 hours of flight to London was the most tortuous I had ever taken because I had no idea what to expect when I arrived in London.


    When I did, and rushed into the hospital, I found Guru Maharaj putting up both his hands high above his head and saying “Haribol”. Yet skeptical doctors cautioned me not to be very pleased as the bleeding was still there, but they could not explain how Maharaj was conscious despite the bleeding. It confounded them totally.


    In the next 72 critical hours, Maharaj got the small team of us disciples to daily do mangal arati at his bedside - and continuously chant Srimad Bhagavatam and particularly Narayana Kavaca from 6th Canto.


    Midway through the week, a 2nd embolism began to form in Maharaj’s lung, and the doctors got worried that this would spell trouble.


    Guru Maharaj’s purity got him through that to. He told us that we should never underestimate the power of devotional service - the process Srila Prabhupada has given us is complete and pure - we just have to sincerely follow it and Krsna will always protect us.


    He also told me that Krsna sends 2 kinds of diseases - the 1st can be cured when we try. The

    2nd no matter how we try cannot be cured - that means the only cure to that disease is death.


    Guru Mahraj suffered very much, from my material vision. The pain and numbness alternately tortured his old body, but I realised that he was transcendental to pain.


    That is why Maharaj I am very hopeful of Jayapataka Mahraj’s recovery.

    Just wanted to share this with you Maharaj.

    Your servant Devakinandan Das


    Although Maharaja is not able to speak but it is quite clear that he is fully conscious and he is also able to move his hands and legs which is a clear indication that there is no major brain damage or possibility of paralysis. Once again we are seeing how Krsna protects His devotees and makes impossible possible.


    Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada,

    Bhakti Charu Swami

  18. <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle width=275 bgColor=#ffffff height=33><TABLE class=interestsAndDetails id=Table1 borderColor=#6699cc cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=300 bgColor=#ffffff border=1><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdborder><TABLE id=Table2 borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=3 width=300 align=center bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR id=GeneralRow><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=left width=100 bgColor=#b1d0f0></TD><TD id=ProfileGeneral style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" width=175 bgColor=#d5e8fb>






















    </TD></TR>The book in question is about Srila Prabhupada's pastimes and I enjoyed reading Kurma's view of ISKCON's pioneering years with Prabhupada

    <TR id=MusicRow><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=left width=100 bgColor=#b1d0f0></TD><TD id=ProfileMusic style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" width=175 bgColor=#d5e8fb>267865879.jpg



































    </TD></TR><TR id=FilmsRow><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=left width=100 bgColor=#b1d0f0></TD><TD id=ProfileFilms style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" width=175 bgColor=#d5e8fb>


















    </TD></TR>Maybe he wilL eventually write Vol 2<TR id=BooksRow><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=left width=100 bgColor=#b1d0f0></TD><TD id=ProfileBooks style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" width=175 bgColor=#d5e8fb>300676692.jpg






    Hare Krsna - Sarva<TR id=HeroesRow><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=left width=100 bgColor=#b1d0f0></TD><TD id=ProfileHeroes style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" width=175 bgColor=#d5e8fb></TD></TR>



    <TABLE class=userProfileDetail borderColor=#6699cc cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=300 bgColor=#ffffff border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class="text tdborder" style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" vAlign=center align=left width=300 bgColor=#6699cc wrap=""></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdborder></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


    </TD><TD vAlign=top align=middle width=15 bgColor=#ffffff><IMG id=ctl00_cpMain_ctl01_Img2 height=1 width=20 border=0></TD><TD class=text vAlign=top align=middle width=435 bgColor=#ffffff>

    <TABLE class=blurbs borderColor=#ffcc99 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=435 bgColor=#ffcc99 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=text style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" vAlign=center align=left width=300 bgColor=#ffcc99 height=17 wrap=""></TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=3 width=435 align=center bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" vAlign=top align=left width=435 bgColor=#ffffff>panca2.jpg












    </TD></TR><TR><TD style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" vAlign=top align=left width=435 bgColor=#ffffff>267869193.jpg











































  19. So what are the medical facts of survival in Maharaj's case that we are all interested to know?

    Although Spiritually it's all in the hands of Krsna and especially the PRAYERS of the Vaishnavas


    The risk of death from an intraparenchymal bleed in traumatic brain injury is especially high when the injury occurs in the brain stem.


    Early diagnosis and treatment are important. The risk of death from an intraparenchymal bleed in traumatic brain injury is especially high when the injury occurs in the brain stem. For spontaneous ICH seen on CT scan, the death rate (mortality) is 34–50% by 30 days after the insult.


    What is a Cerebral Aneurysm?


    A cerebral aneurysm is the dilation, bulging, or ballooning-out of part of the wall of an artery in the brain. Cerebral aneurysms can occur at any age, although they are more common in adults than in children and are slightly more common in women than in men.


    The signs and symptoms of an unruptured cerebral aneurysm will partly depend on its size and rate of growth. For example, a small, unchanging aneurysm will generally produce no symptoms, whereas a larger aneurysm that is steadily growing may produce symptoms such as loss of feeling in the face or problems with the eyes.


    Immediately after an aneurysm ruptures, an individual may experience such symptoms as a sudden and unusually severe headache, nausea, vision impairment, vomiting, and loss of consciousness.


    Is there any treatment?


    <DISORDER_TREATMENT>For unruptured aneurysms, treatment may be recommended for large or irregularly-shaped aneurysms or for those causing symptoms. Emergency treatment for individuals with a ruptured cerebral aneurysm may be required to restore deteriorating respiration and reduce abnormally high pressure within the brain.


    Treatment is necessary to prevent the aneurysm from rupturing again. Surgical treatment prevents repeat aneurysm rupture by placing a metal clip at the base of the aneurysm.


    Patients for whom surgery is considered too risky may be treated by inserting the tip of a catheter into an artery in the groin and advancing it through the blood stream to the site of the aneurysm, where it is used to insert metal coils that induce clot formation within the aneurysm.


    What is the prognosis?

    <DISORDER_PROGNOSIS>The prognosis for a patient with a ruptured cerebral aneurysm depends on the extent and location of the aneurysm, the person's age, general health, and neurological condition.


    Early diagnosis and treatment are important. The risk of death from an intraparenchymal bleed in traumatic brain injury is especially high when the injury occurs in the brain stem.


    Intraparenchymal bleeds within the medulla are almost always fatal, because they cause damage to cranial nerve X, the vagus nerve, which plays an important role in blood circulation and breathing.


    This kind of hemorrhage can also occur in the cortex or subcortical areas, usually in the frontal or temporal lobes when due to head injury, and sometimes in the cerebellum.


    For spontaneous ICH seen on CT scan, the death rate (mortality) is 34–50% by 30 days after the insult.


    What research is being done?


    <DISORDER_RESEARCH>The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) conducts research in its laboratories at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and also supports additional research through grants to major medical institutions across the country.


    The NINDS supports a broad range of basic and clinical research aimed at finding better ways to prevent and treat cerebrovascular disorders such as cerebral aneurysms.


    Select this link to view a list of studies currently seeking patients.

  20. So what are the medical facts of survival in Maharaj's case that we are all interested to know?


    Although Spiritually it's all in the hands of Krsna and especially the PRAYERS of the Vaishnavas


    The risk of death from an intraparenchymal bleed in traumatic brain injury is especially high when the injury occurs in the brain stem.


    Early diagnosis and treatment are important. The risk of death from an intraparenchymal bleed in traumatic brain injury is especially high when the injury occurs in the brain stem. For spontaneous ICH seen on CT scan, the death rate (mortality) is 34–50% by 30 days after the insult.


    What is a Cerebral Aneurysm?


    A cerebral aneurysm is the dilation, bulging, or ballooning-out of part of the wall of an artery in the brain. Cerebral aneurysms can occur at any age, although they are more common in adults than in children and are slightly more common in women than in men.


    The signs and symptoms of an unruptured cerebral aneurysm will partly depend on its size and rate of growth. For example, a small, unchanging aneurysm will generally produce no symptoms, whereas a larger aneurysm that is steadily growing may produce symptoms such as loss of feeling in the face or problems with the eyes.


    Immediately after an aneurysm ruptures, an individual may experience such symptoms as a sudden and unusually severe headache, nausea, vision impairment, vomiting, and loss of consciousness.


    Is there any treatment?


    <DISORDER_TREATMENT>For unruptured aneurysms, treatment may be recommended for large or irregularly-shaped aneurysms or for those causing symptoms. Emergency treatment for individuals with a ruptured cerebral aneurysm may be required to restore deteriorating respiration and reduce abnormally high pressure within the brain.


    Treatment is necessary to prevent the aneurysm from rupturing again. Surgical treatment prevents repeat aneurysm rupture by placing a metal clip at the base of the aneurysm.


    Patients for whom surgery is considered too risky may be treated by inserting the tip of a catheter into an artery in the groin and advancing it through the blood stream to the site of the aneurysm, where it is used to insert metal coils that induce clot formation within the aneurysm.



    What is the prognosis?

    <DISORDER_PROGNOSIS>The prognosis for a patient with a ruptured cerebral aneurysm depends on the extent and location of the aneurysm, the person's age, general health, and neurological condition.


    Early diagnosis and treatment are important. The risk of death from an intraparenchymal bleed in traumatic brain injury is especially high when the injury occurs in the brain stem.


    Intraparenchymal bleeds within the medulla are almost always fatal, because they cause damage to cranial nerve X, the vagus nerve, which plays an important role in blood circulation and breathing.


    This kind of hemorrhage can also occur in the cortex or subcortical areas, usually in the frontal or temporal lobes when due to head injury, and sometimes in the cerebellum.


    For spontaneous ICH seen on CT scan, the death rate (mortality) is 34–50% by 30 days after the insult.



    What research is being done?


    <DISORDER_RESEARCH>The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) conducts research in its laboratories at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and also supports additional research through grants to major medical institutions across the country.


    The NINDS supports a broad range of basic and clinical research aimed at finding better ways to prevent and treat cerebrovascular disorders such as cerebral aneurysms.



    Select this link to view a list of studies currently seeking patients.

  21. Jayapataka Maharaj wanted to speak today but in due to the effect of the stroke and cerebral aneurysm 17 days ago, it was not possible for him at this time.

    We started to chant the Maha Mantra and he started to move. I could see that he also started to chant with us.


    Monday, November 10:

    HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:


    Maharaja's consciousness is the same as yesterday. He is trying to

    communicate by writing but is weak to write at the moment. The weaning from the ventilator is going to start today. Please continue to pray intensely.


    Sunday, November 09 - Evening Report:

    HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:



    Maharaja's consciousness in the evening is the same as morning. He is fully conscious and trying to talk. The other parameters are also stable.

    Tomorrow the doctors will try to wean Maharaj off the ventilator. Please continue to pray intensely for this to be a success.


    Sunday, November 09 - Report from His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja::


    The other day, just before entering into Jayapataka Maharaja's room in the Hospital, Kavichandra Maharaja phoned me and asked me if I would like to speak to Maharaja. I was naturally excited and agreed.


    Soon Kavi Candra Maharaja phoned me and arranged for me to speak to Jayapataka Maharaja through his speaker phone. I spoke to Maharaja for a few good minutes.


    Later on Kavichandra Maharaja told me how Maharaja looked so happy to receive that call. Other devotees present there also gave some very exciting reports on how Maharaja gave visible indications of his appreciation of that phone call.


    Upon hearing that I felt that if my phone call can give so much joy to Maharaja, then my personal presence could mean so much more to him and I decided to go to Mumbai immediately.


    I came here three days ago. After dropping my luggage at the temple I went straight to the hospital. Maharaja's condition did not look good at all. He was unconscious and during the one and a half hour that I was there he did not open his eyes even once.


    I just stood there by his bed praying to Srila Prabhupada and reading Sri Caitanya Caritamrita with a hope that he may be able to hear.


    Yesterday I went to see him at mid-day. One of Maharaja's disciples who were there with him informed him about my arrival and immediately Maharaja opened his eyes.


    The devotee told him again that I was there. Maharaja's eyes opened wider as if trying to see where I was. Since I was on the other side of the bed, he could not see me. So I walked to the other side of the bed for him to see me. He kept looking at me and opened his mouth trying to say something.


    It was painful to see him in that condition. I asked him whether I should read the Caitanya Caritamrita out to him. He nodded his head in approval. I was reading and his eyes were fixed on me wide open.


    At one point he lifted his left hand. We felt very excited and informed the nurse and she told us that he had been doing that few a times already and she indicated that it was a very good sign. Soon afterwards the doctor came to check him.


    I was wondering whether I should stop reading the Caitanya Caritamrita.


    The doctor noticed my hesitation and assured me to continue reading. He seemed quite pleased to see the reports on Maharaja's condition and noted his progress.


    I told him how Maharaja was lifting his hand and he asked Maharaja to lift his right hand. Maharaja did. He asked him to lift his left hand and he did that too. Then he asked him if he could lift his legs. His legs, which were covered with a bed sheet, started to move. The doctor was visibly excited to see his progress. He told me that it is a very good sign.


    All his limbs were working.


    I went back to the temple and gave the good news to all the devotees. It seemed that all of a sudden the heavy atmosphere of uncertainty and gloom disappeared and the mood became so joyful. The lady disciples of Jayapataka Maharaja whom I saw crying in the morning their faces lit up with a beautiful smile. Everyone became so hopeful.


    I would have written to you all earlier, but I did not because I had a strong feeling that today his condition would improve even further and I would be able to give you greater good news.


    Today I went to see him in the morning. Kavichandra Maharaja, Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja, Brajahari Prabhu and I walked to his bed in the Critical Intensive Care area. He opened his eyes when I held his hand and spoke to him.


    As I anticipated, his condition seemed to be much better than yesterday. I told him who all were present there. He acknowledged everyone. He was visibly excited to see us all.


    He wanted to speak but in that condition it was not possible for him. We started to chant the Maha Mantra and he started to move. I could see that he also started to chant with us.


    At one point Kavi Candra Maharaja started to chant quite loudly, Jayapataka Maharaja immediately turned his face to see who was that. It was a clear reflex reaction.


    Madhavananda Prabhu, a doctor disciple of Radhanath Maharaja, who also is the doctor in-charge of the Bhaktivedanta Hospital came and when I informed Maharaja about his arrival he immediately looked at him and recognized him.


    Madhavananda Prabhu told him about a dream he had the last night. He saw that Jayapataka Maharaja took off the ventilator himself and started to speak.


    When he was told that it could be quite dangerous Maharaja did not pay any heed and continued to speak to the devotees and then started to sing and dance. He was indeed amazed at his improvement and felt that his dream was actually became a reality.


    Although Maharaja is not able to speak but it is quite clear that he is fully conscious and he is also able to move his hands and legs which is a clear indication that there is no major brain damage or possibility of paralysis. Once again we are seeing how Krsna protects His devotees and makes impossible possible.


    Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada,

    Bhakti Charu Swami


    Sunday, November 09 - Report from His Holiness Bhaktisiddhandta Swami Maharaja:::

    There is no doubt the decision has been made...HE IS BACK WITH US

    At 10:45 am Bhakti Caru Swami, Kavicandra Swami, Braja Hari and myself went to see him and GM was awake chanting. He looked at each of us and Bhakti Caru Swami said, placing his hand on GM's chest..


    "Wow you look great, just look at your fighting spirit...you really had us worried...we need you so much to guide us in service to Srila Prabhupada" Kavicandra Maharaja said"There are 24 hour kirtans going around the world for you".


    GM was choked up with tears in his eyes and he tried to speak, Bhakti Caru Swami said


    "Don't try to exert your self please relax..And we all chanted Hare Krnsa out loud to calm him. Kavicandra at the foot of the bed yelled out "Gauranga" and then GM had to shift his attention to the end of the bed.


    Then BCS asked him would you like to hear from the CC?...how about the chapter Talks between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Caitanya? Gm made a slight affirmation.


    During the reading Kavicandra Maharaja was giving him reiki around the leg area and noticed that when the description of Mahaprabhu dancing GM's right leg gave a small kick.


    He then was able to feebly lift his left hand over his chest to hold Bhakti Caru Swami's hand.


    For the first time he was moving his head from right to left, up and down to take in all the persons that were there...sometimes he would look over head as we spoke.


    Doctor Madhavanada, the director of the Bhaktivedanta hospital arrived and GM recognized him motioning with his left hand and pointing at the ventilator system that is a plastic pipe that goes into his throat.


    The doctor said "that we have to keep that in for a while to help you clear the mucus...just some more days. You are doing very very well, we are very happy at your progress".


    Last night the doctor had a dream and he was with GM at his hospital bed and he was pulling the ventilator pipes from his chest saying "I don't need them any more".


    The DM was amazed to see that he was pointing to the very pipes he pulled out in the dream. Again GM tried to talk and the doctor said you are doing fine in a few days you can write to us. A large card with the alphabet was brought over and he tried to point to a few letters but it was too strenuous...DM said don't worry you can do this later"


    At the same time the local doctors had arrived and were watching, I think Doctor Ashok, the nuerologist, was there for the first time to see GM active, we were going to clear out but he motioned for us to stay saying" This is the best thing for him now".


    Again we began to chant together and you could see how GM was trying to speak the mahamantra and say Gauranga...One could easily perceive that GM appeared to be restless...wanting to do more...Kavicandra jokingly quipped" He is probably thinking of an unused plane ticket that he hasn't used up yet" As we were leaving it was clear that GM, looking at Bhakti


    Caru Swami, silently formed the words 'Thank you'.

    Out in the hall DM said things are going well, he is stable and his

    platelets are up to 70,000 in my opinion we should not move him until he is completely off the ventilator.


    Two days ago I saw him and today I am amazed to see this. Kavicandra added "I could really see he has taking the reiki...I have not seen him like this since he arrived"


    In conclusion...a strong indication has been made: This is such good news but we are still in the critical stage...all of the prayers and yajnas are being felt, and now we have to only increase and not let up. Kavicandra mentioned (because today is Ekadasi) that if everyone in the movement did nirjala just think how powerful that could be?


    Krsna is reciprocating with the desires of his devotees...this is the most important cure. Now we have a lot of work to do to try to bring GM back to 100%...please please please continue....

    Best wishes

    Your servant

    Bhaktisiddhanta Swami


    Sunday, November 09:


    HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital


    Today mornings' Srila Jayapataka Swami Maharaja is evidence of the power of prayers of all the devotees all over the world. By Srila Prabhupada’s and Krishna’s mercy Maharaja is completely conscious, recognizing everyone, trying to speak and chant (of course he can’t do that because of the tracheostomy tube) and moves all his limbs.


    HH Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaja, HH Kavicandra Swami Maharaja, HH Bhakti Siddhanta Swami Maharaja were all reading from Caitanya Caritamrta and Maharaja could understand everything.


    Maharaja wants to come out of the ventilator. His blood pressure and other parameters are stable. We are hoping that very soon he will be out of the ventilator as well but that remains unpredictable even at this moment.

    Maharaja is also getting acupuncture. Yesterday the first sitting of acupuncture was done and it will continue as long as the hospital authorities allow us.


    Please continue to pray very sincerely and enthusiastically.

    Gauragopala dasa ACBSP

    <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

  22. Jayapataka Maharaj wanted to speak today but due to the effect of the stroke and cerebral aneurysm 17 days ago, it was not possible for him at this time.

    We started to chant the Maha Mantra and he started to move. I could see that he also started to chant with us.


    Monday, November 10:

    HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:


    Maharaja's consciousness is the same as yesterday. He is trying to

    communicate by writing but is weak to write at the moment. The weaning from the ventilator is going to start today. Please continue to pray intensely.


    Sunday, November 09 - Evening Report:

    HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai:



    Maharaja's consciousness in the evening is the same as morning. He is fully conscious and trying to talk. The other parameters are also stable.

    Tomorrow the doctors will try to wean Maharaj off the ventilator. Please continue to pray intensely for this to be a success.


    Sunday, November 09 - Report from His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja::


    The other day, just before entering into Jayapataka Maharaja's room in the Hospital, Kavichandra Maharaja phoned me and asked me if I would like to speak to Maharaja. I was naturally excited and agreed.


    Soon Kavi Candra Maharaja phoned me and arranged for me to speak to Jayapataka Maharaja through his speaker phone. I spoke to Maharaja for a few good minutes.


    Later on Kavichandra Maharaja told me how Maharaja looked so happy to receive that call. Other devotees present there also gave some very exciting reports on how Maharaja gave visible indications of his appreciation of that phone call.


    Upon hearing that I felt that if my phone call can give so much joy to Maharaja, then my personal presence could mean so much more to him and I decided to go to Mumbai immediately.


    I came here three days ago. After dropping my luggage at the temple I went straight to the hospital. Maharaja's condition did not look good at all. He was unconscious and during the one and a half hour that I was there he did not open his eyes even once.


    I just stood there by his bed praying to Srila Prabhupada and reading Sri Caitanya Caritamrita with a hope that he may be able to hear.


    Yesterday I went to see him at mid-day. One of Maharaja's disciples who were there with him informed him about my arrival and immediately Maharaja opened his eyes.


    The devotee told him again that I was there. Maharaja's eyes opened wider as if trying to see where I was. Since I was on the other side of the bed, he could not see me. So I walked to the other side of the bed for him to see me. He kept looking at me and opened his mouth trying to say something.


    It was painful to see him in that condition. I asked him whether I should read the Caitanya Caritamrita out to him. He nodded his head in approval. I was reading and his eyes were fixed on me wide open.


    At one point he lifted his left hand. We felt very excited and informed the nurse and she told us that he had been doing that few a times already and she indicated that it was a very good sign. Soon afterwards the doctor came to check him.


    I was wondering whether I should stop reading the Caitanya Caritamrita.


    The doctor noticed my hesitation and assured me to continue reading. He seemed quite pleased to see the reports on Maharaja's condition and noted his progress.


    I told him how Maharaja was lifting his hand and he asked Maharaja to lift his right hand. Maharaja did. He asked him to lift his left hand and he did that too. Then he asked him if he could lift his legs. His legs, which were covered with a bed sheet, started to move. The doctor was visibly excited to see his progress. He told me that it is a very good sign.


    All his limbs were working.


    I went back to the temple and gave the good news to all the devotees. It seemed that all of a sudden the heavy atmosphere of uncertainty and gloom disappeared and the mood became so joyful. The lady disciples of Jayapataka Maharaja whom I saw crying in the morning their faces lit up with a beautiful smile. Everyone became so hopeful.


    I would have written to you all earlier, but I did not because I had a strong feeling that today his condition would improve even further and I would be able to give you greater good news.


    Today I went to see him in the morning. Kavichandra Maharaja, Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja, Brajahari Prabhu and I walked to his bed in the Critical Intensive Care area. He opened his eyes when I held his hand and spoke to him.


    As I anticipated, his condition seemed to be much better than yesterday. I told him who all were present there. He acknowledged everyone. He was visibly excited to see us all.


    He wanted to speak but in that condition it was not possible for him. We started to chant the Maha Mantra and he started to move. I could see that he also started to chant with us.


    At one point Kavi Candra Maharaja started to chant quite loudly, Jayapataka Maharaja immediately turned his face to see who was that. It was a clear reflex reaction.


    Madhavananda Prabhu, a doctor disciple of Radhanath Maharaja, who also is the doctor in-charge of the Bhaktivedanta Hospital came and when I informed Maharaja about his arrival he immediately looked at him and recognized him.


    Madhavananda Prabhu told him about a dream he had the last night. He saw that Jayapataka Maharaja took off the ventilator himself and started to speak.


    When he was told that it could be quite dangerous Maharaja did not pay any heed and continued to speak to the devotees and then started to sing and dance. He was indeed amazed at his improvement and felt that his dream was actually became a reality.


    Although Maharaja is not able to speak but it is quite clear that he is fully conscious and he is also able to move his hands and legs which is a clear indication that there is no major brain damage or possibility of paralysis. Once again we are seeing how Krsna protects His devotees and makes impossible possible.


    Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada,

    Bhakti Charu Swami


    Sunday, November 09 - Report from His Holiness Bhaktisiddhandta Swami Maharaja:::

    There is no doubt the decision has been made...HE IS BACK WITH US

    At 10:45 am Bhakti Caru Swami, Kavicandra Swami, Braja Hari and myself went to see him and GM was awake chanting. He looked at each of us and Bhakti Caru Swami said, placing his hand on GM's chest..


    "Wow you look great, just look at your fighting spirit...you really had us worried...we need you so much to guide us in service to Srila Prabhupada" Kavicandra Maharaja said"There are 24 hour kirtans going around the world for you".


    GM was choked up with tears in his eyes and he tried to speak, Bhakti Caru Swami said


    "Don't try to exert your self please relax..And we all chanted Hare Krnsa out loud to calm him. Kavicandra at the foot of the bed yelled out "Gauranga" and then GM had to shift his attention to the end of the bed.


    Then BCS asked him would you like to hear from the CC?...how about the chapter Talks between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Caitanya? Gm made a slight affirmation.


    During the reading Kavicandra Maharaja was giving him reiki around the leg area and noticed that when the description of Mahaprabhu dancing GM's right leg gave a small kick.


    He then was able to feebly lift his left hand over his chest to hold Bhakti Caru Swami's hand.


    For the first time he was moving his head from right to left, up and down to take in all the persons that were there...sometimes he would look over head as we spoke.


    Doctor Madhavanada, the director of the Bhaktivedanta hospital arrived and GM recognized him motioning with his left hand and pointing at the ventilator system that is a plastic pipe that goes into his throat.


    The doctor said "that we have to keep that in for a while to help you clear the mucus...just some more days. You are doing very very well, we are very happy at your progress".


    Last night the doctor had a dream and he was with GM at his hospital bed and he was pulling the ventilator pipes from his chest saying "I don't need them any more".


    The DM was amazed to see that he was pointing to the very pipes he pulled out in the dream. Again GM tried to talk and the doctor said you are doing fine in a few days you can write to us. A large card with the alphabet was brought over and he tried to point to a few letters but it was too strenuous...DM said don't worry you can do this later"


    At the same time the local doctors had arrived and were watching, I think Doctor Ashok, the nuerologist, was there for the first time to see GM active, we were going to clear out but he motioned for us to stay saying" This is the best thing for him now".


    Again we began to chant together and you could see how GM was trying to speak the mahamantra and say Gauranga...One could easily perceive that GM appeared to be restless...wanting to do more...Kavicandra jokingly quipped" He is probably thinking of an unused plane ticket that he hasn't used up yet" As we were leaving it was clear that GM, looking at Bhakti


    Caru Swami, silently formed the words 'Thank you'.

    Out in the hall DM said things are going well, he is stable and his

    platelets are up to 70,000 in my opinion we should not move him until he is completely off the ventilator.


    Two days ago I saw him and today I am amazed to see this. Kavicandra added "I could really see he has taking the reiki...I have not seen him like this since he arrived"


    In conclusion...a strong indication has been made: This is such good news but we are still in the critical stage...all of the prayers and yajnas are being felt, and now we have to only increase and not let up. Kavicandra mentioned (because today is Ekadasi) that if everyone in the movement did nirjala just think how powerful that could be?


    Krsna is reciprocating with the desires of his devotees...this is the most important cure. Now we have a lot of work to do to try to bring GM back to 100%...please please please continue....

    Best wishes

    Your servant

    Bhaktisiddhanta Swami


    Sunday, November 09:


    HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja's status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital


    Today mornings' Srila Jayapataka Swami Maharaja is evidence of the power of prayers of all the devotees all over the world. By Srila Prabhupada’s and Krishna’s mercy Maharaja is completely conscious, recognizing everyone, trying to speak and chant (of course he can’t do that because of the tracheostomy tube) and moves all his limbs.


    HH Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaja, HH Kavicandra Swami Maharaja, HH Bhakti Siddhanta Swami Maharaja were all reading from Caitanya Caritamrta and Maharaja could understand everything.


    Maharaja wants to come out of the ventilator. His blood pressure and other parameters are stable. We are hoping that very soon he will be out of the ventilator as well but that remains unpredictable even at this moment.

    Maharaja is also getting acupuncture. Yesterday the first sitting of acupuncture was done and it will continue as long as the hospital authorities allow us.


    Please continue to pray very sincerely and enthusiastically.

    Gauragopala dasa ACBSP

  23. krishna.jpg



    USS Hare Krishna (ARL-38) underway, date and location unknown




    The USS Hare Krishna (ARL-38) was one of 40 Achelous-class landing craft repair ships built for the United States Navy during World War II. Named for Krishna (a deity worshipped across many traditions of Hinduism), she was the only U.S. Naval vessel to bear the name of the Hindu Supreme God, and only one of two ships (along with the USS Indra, named after a Hindu demi or minor god) to be named after Hindu deities.

    Originally classified LST-1149, Krishna was reclassified ARL-38 on 14 August 1944; laid down 23 February 1945 by Chicago Bridge & Iron Company of Seneca, Illinois; launched 25 May 1945; sponsored by Mrs. Eva Best Smith; placed in reduced commission during transfer to Mobile, Alabama for conversion; and commissioned 3 December 1945 at Mobile, with LT Lyle E. Brown in command.

    Departing Mobile 8 January 1946 Krishna arrived Norfolk 14 January for duty with Amphibious Group 2 at Little Creek, Virginia. For more than 19 years the landing craft repair ship operated out of Little Creek, during which time support-and-repair operations carried her from Baffin Bay to the Caribbean.

    From 25 May to 31 August 1951 she participated in "Operation Blue Jay" during the initial phase of establishing the large air base at Thule, Greenland. While at Little Creek she made annual deployments to Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and other Caribbean islands supporting amphibious landing exercises.

    Krishna departed Little Creek 5 October 1964 and sailed to waters off southern Spain, arriving at Huelva 26 October. While there she participated in "Operation Steel Pike I" (the largest amphibious landing operation since World War II, which sent more than 28,000 2nd Division Marines storming the shores on a mock invasion).

    One of 84 naval ships, Krishna provided support and replenishment services during this impressive exercise that clearly illustrated the strength and diversity of American naval sea power and emphasized the Navy's ability and readiness to move a vast amphibious force to any shore if needed in keeping the peace.

    Departing Huelva 4 November, Krishna steamed to the East Coast via Oporto, Portugal, and arrived Little Creek 29 November.

    From 1 December to 22 February 1965 Krishna reactivated the USS Kirwin (APD-90), and on 1 June she was assigned to Service Force, Pacific Fleet. Departing Little Creek, she steamed via Pearl Harbor and Guam for duty in the Far East. Operating out of Subic Bay, Philippines, she reached the Gulf of Thailand off the coast of Vietnam 17 September and began duty as support ship for patrol craft of U.S. Coast Guard Squadron 1.

    While the cutters patrolled coastal waters to prevent infiltration of ammunition and supplies to the Viet Cong, Krishna served as a repair facility and fueling station as well as an operations, communications, and command center. Later in the year she also provided services for eight 50-foot "Swift" launches that arrived to strengthen the coastal surveillance program.

    Krishna remained on station until 1 December when she departed for Bangkok, Thailand, arriving 3 December. She returned to her various support duties in the Gulf of Thailand 11 December. In February Krishna raised and salvaged fast patrol craft PCF-4. On 30 April, men from Krishna helped extinguish a fire in An Thoi, a South Vietnamese village. She had a number of distinguished visitors through 1966, including Secretary of the Navy Paul H. Nitze on 15 July.

    On 21 July the landing craft repair ship headed for Sasebo, Japan with a stopover at Kaoshiung, Taiwan on 29 July to provide repair facilities, arriving Sasebo 9 August. Krishna departed Sasebo for Vietnam 22 September, arriving in the Gulf of Siam 7 October to resume her WestPac mission. Krishna continued to patrol off the coast of Vietnam through 1966 into 1967.




    Hare Krishna




    Protection and RAYERS for JAYAPATAKA MAHARAJA om YouTube





    Please Pray for HH JAYAPATAKA MAHARAJA who is seriously ill in Mumbai Hospital ICU..this is for You Guru Maharaja




    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD><!-- end vEntry -->

    default.jpgpixel-vfl73.gifHH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja speaks on Goloka Retreats

    default.jpgpixel-vfl73.gifISKCON - Tirupathi - Kirtan by HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja




    Grand Opening Festivity at ISKCON Tirupathi. <!-- end vEntry -->

    default.jpgpixel-vfl73.gifHarinama with HH Jayapataka Swami in Sydney

    Harinama with HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja in Parramatta (Sydney). AMAZING DAY!!!! Spiritual Seekers. Part 1






    </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft09cwqQtgY&NR=1 Part 2</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>




    Protection and RAYERS for JAYAPATAKA MAHARAJA om YouTube






    Please Pray for HH JAYAPATAKA MAHARAJA who is seriously ill in Mumbai Hospital ICU..this is for You Guru Maharaja










    Harinama with HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja in Parramatta (Sydney). AMAZING DAY!!!! Spiritual Seekers. Part 1






    gurupuja kirtan jayapadaka maharaja

    ISKCON Hong Kong temple


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