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Everything posted by neurostro

  1. hi timpak, i have already uploaded some books in vedic astrology. you can find them in my message titled "vedic astrology e books". the learning of astrology should be considered incomplete without this books. for your convenience i am providing the links as follows: h**p://rapidshare.com19817263/Vedic_Astrology_E-books_I.rar h**p://rapidshare.com19817382/Vedic_Astrology_E-books_II.rar h**p://rapidshare.com19817506/Vedic_Astrology_E-books_III.rar replace ** with "tt" in h**P above links regards
  2. Respected Gurujans and fellow members, <o></o>I have one question which I request you all to guide me. My question is as follows: We all use 8<sup>th</sup> house from a particular bhava to be an end of area related to that bhava and at the same time a new beginning of some new activity related to that bhava only. i.e. 8<sup>th</sup> from tenth shows end of current job\business and beginning of new job\business or 8<sup>th</sup> from UL shows second wife. Now my question is that which bhava shows a complete end of a particular activity? e.g. in India we often see that a working woman quits her job once she gets married or on a birth of child [end of job and no new job] or an accident makes a person unable to continue any activity he may be carrying on [again an end without any new beginning] What are the planets involved in such combinations involving an end to particular activity or a complete change in activity? Is this related to lordships of planets? Regards Neurostro
  3. Respected Gurujans and Fellow members, Today, while i was surfing different groups in which i am a member, I found birth data of Roger Federer (Tennis Player). I am hereby forwarding the mail (given below) as Mr. Pradeep has written. I am giving only the birth data. If anyone wants to know what Mr. Pradeep has analysed about this chart they can visit the group. The name of is JYOTISHGROUP. I request you all to please analyse this horoscope and throw some insight My few cents regarding this horoscope is that He rose to new heights during Sani Mahadasa (vimsottari). Even though Shani is lord of 6th and 7th bhava, he could break all the records of Tennis history because Shani is the Lagnesha of D-10 located in 9th bhava (in D-10) alonwith Budh and Guru. Guru being the Lagnesha of D-5 (chart of Fame, authority and power) is in own House in 4th bhava (in D-5) with Shani. Regards Neurostro The mail of Mr. Pradeep is as follows: Dear Respected members Recently, i was fortunate to communicate with Mrs.Lynette Federer ,mother of Roger Federer,regarding promotion of another game.The Lady was kind enough to give the birth details of Federer,including birth time.Hope this most authentic data can help,us with our studies. 08.August.1981,Basel - Switzerland,8.40 am,Leo Ascendant
  4. hi friends, recently i found some e books on vedic astrology. these are the classics of vedic astrology and without whom the study of jyotish would be considered incomplete. i thought to share it with you all so that these books would help to increase the value of discussion in this forum. the links are as follows: h**p://rapidshare.com19817263/Vedic_Astrology_E-books_I.rar h**p://rapidshare.com19817382/Vedic_Astrology_E-books_II.rar h**p://rapidshare.com19817506/Vedic_Astrology_E-books_III.rar replace ** with TT in h**P above regards
  5. Respected Gurujans, I present my brother's daughter's details as below: Date of Birth : 24th September, 2006 Place of Birth : Madurai, Tamil Nadu Time of Birth : 09:51:00 AM She has a very rare combination of planets. She has five planets in the 11th house and alongwith that all the eight planets {except Rahu} in consecutive four houses starting from 9th house. My limited experience doesn't has posed some problems for me to analyse her chart to the fullest of my satisfaction so I would like to request you all to please help me in this regard. Actually i have analysed charts with combination of five planets in one house but haven't seen any with all planets in consecutive four houses. Thanking you, Neurostro
  6. Hi friends, I wanted to ask you all some questions on different kind of Pravesha Charts, their calculation and their usages. Previously I knew only about Tajika chart but recently I came to know about the charts like Tithi Pravesha, Yoga Pravesha, Dasha Pravesha, Nakshatra Pravesha. I could get some information about the Tithi Pravesha Chart from the articles written by Shri Sanjay Rath and Shri PVR Narsimha Rao. Thanks a lot to them for sharing their knowledge, but at the same time i could not get any information about the other type of Pravesha charts. I even dont know how to calculate and how to use them in your predictions. I request you all to please help me in this regard as now I feel that I dont know some important aspects of Astrology. Please tell me any books which i should study or any other source of information. I thank you all in advance for your kind gesture. Thanks
  7. Hi Rohit, How are you? I studied your horoscope and I came to the following conclusions. * Your intelligence cannot be questioned because of the combination of Shani (lagnesha) with Guru (5th house karaka) along with Shukra (5th lord, which is neechabhanga) * Even though you possess the required intelligence for clearing the Exams you are facing difficulties because of your A5 is in conjunction with Ketu. * According to me the main reason for your failure is the combination of Chandra and Ketu in your Ascendant which makes your "mana" detached from whatever you do i.e. you don't apply yourself in whatever you are doing. * On overall study of your horoscope i.e. Natal chart and D-24 chart I can say that you could do good to your overall intelligence just by applying yourself with strong determination. Your Vimsottari dasa is also favourable during the time of your exams and results. * On your future prospects on your Job career I can say that you have a very bright career because of the Maha parivartan of the 9th and 10th lords in D-1 chart and position of Jupiter in 10th house in D-10 chart. * Your career may be related to your higher studies because of position of 10th lord in 9th house in both your Natal as well as D-10 Chart. :)The following remedies shall overcome your problem Offer water with a copper pot to Lord Sun in the morning. Worship Hanumaan Ji and offer prasad to the poor in the temple in the evening. You should never forget to offer water to Surya Dev. If possible do it for your lifetime. Hope our Friends here would like to correct me on any mistakes if i have done any. Thanking You Neurostro.
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