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  1. Call u Radhe Shyma or Meera Shyma You are mine nevertheless Do give a glimpse of yours show your grace Born in a material world ,inflicted by worldliness entangled by maya or Satan comitted unwillingness sins ,break parents hearts ,sometimes viewed as enemy .I am living just for name sake of living . I wish there was a path -route to come to you directly but have to wait so much years-cannot kill myself.You hate cowards-suiciders My soul yearns for you and is living just for you. Sometimes i think why i was not with you when u was on earth.Playing with u ,talking with u ,eating with u My family tells me i am obsessed with u I cannot live without u This world is inflicted -no pure love-everyone loves u for selfish reasons. When a boy and a girl falls in love,the girl is viewed as if she has implicated the boy for falling in love -family issues condemning the girl.Most girls are used by boys. Your love -Radha and you is considered as a prime example for lovers of today.You wriiten your love story so beautifully.Why do not u write beautifully love stories for us in our destiny.Love teaches us how to Love U. Enemies wish to write my destiny in their way.Protect me from them. Considered as mad by family due to my immense love for you .Am i mad? Or lOVE JUST FOR U. My love is not like Meera or Radha.Radha is your love companion.Meera can drink poison considering like milk just for your love. Are testing me? I love u Krsna.I know i will not have a statue erected like Radha ,associating myself with u or my name connected with u. I am not going to be famous like Radha or Meera. I am gripped with kali-yug impurities.Save me. Save my heart ,soul,body. Save me from worshipping ancestors ,demi-Gods. Save me from the effects of Karma. Save me from being humiliated,disgraced. I do not even know whether one day my world is going to crumble . Nevertheless be mine like a child. Hare Krsna Hare Rama
  2. i am reminded of my sins every minute of my life .Does He Care for me ? Which mistake I am paying for ?I care for Krsna every minute
  3. My eyes are aching for you What are my mistakes I have committed ? Is it my Karma or Destiny? Is it my fault? You are tearing my heart and soul constantly asking you the reasons why it happened so. What face i am going to show My heart and soul cries for you while my conscience is demanding pardon Forgive me Accept my prayer I am just your devotee Why did it had to happen so? My fate is written by you. Please spare me ,accept me as i am I am immense in your love Krsna I do not believe it is my karma as my life begins with you and ends with u. Where were you when i required your immense help and necessity. Do i have to believe my parents who say you destroyed my life or i have to continue praying to you Please tell me if I am worthy of praying to you.
  4. He is black or white. We all loved Him Hari Bol
  5. Why were u not there when i need u most? Why did not u help me then ?Sometimes i think u r made of a stone hearted heart.
  6. Hi We all love Krsna in our breadth and soul.Hare Krsna .Follow our leader Krsna ji.
  7. KRSNA DO YOU LISTEN TO MY CRIES,DESPERATION I commit so much sins will u forgive me .MY kundalini says i am extremely devoted to krsna ?wHERE U THERE WHEN I NEEDED UR HELP?
  8. Is Our Destiny Written By God? Is It Predestinated? Or It Is Us Who Wriiten Our Own Destiny? In
  9. Since my childhood i used to watch krsna serials and love krsna.But Krsna has put me in situations that are tearing my heart and soul into pieces. He has put me a situation where i do not know where i am heading .I FEEL LIKE DYING.SOMEONE HAS USED ME FOR OWN BENEFIT
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