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karma believer

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Everything posted by karma believer

  1. I have been following KP astrology for last 10 to 12 months and I like the approach for doing the prediction. But I don't think it is 100% accurate or more accurate than other systems of astrology (like parashari or vedic system etc). It is rather another way of doing the prediction, may be the method of doing the prediction is bit simpler (e.g. You don't have to remember different yogas etc) . But it is still not accurate as it has been claimed by different practitioners of KP astrology. In my case I consulted Mr. Bala Subramaniam (son of Mr. Krishnamurti ) for doing prediction of my horoscope. In fact I took his service (quite hugely paid one) to do my birth rectification and then doing the prediction. And he tried twice and also tried Horary too but unfortunately he failed to give accurate predictions in both the occasions. I also tried other KP astrologers too but the result is same, they also failed in giving the accurate prediction. So my suggestion should be that nobody should claim that this method of KP Astrology is the most accurate one, otherwise it is a case of misguiding the world who believes in astrology.
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