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Posts posted by sasisekaran_pti

  1. Dear mruduls(prsna)


    Mars in the seventh house means that your relationship with the outside world/partner will be like mars, \

    that is with lot of fire. If mind (moon) is not disposed well in such charts, anger , arguments, ill conceived

    logic will find its place in relationship with the outside world. This will lead to breaks. If other factors

    like dasa period and transits help, the event will happen.


    Instead of asking with limited data, why dont you post your birth detail along with that of the person you

    married,, and also date of marriage.





  2. Dear Prsna,


    Your question is valid and the reply is not simple. I will touch upon few points. My knowledge is limited

    and hence my reply too will be.


    1. If we believe in the theory of karma, then whatever parihara we do, events are to happen.


    2. If we believe in the theory of prayers , fate can be overcome through parihara.


    To prove the above, we are not equipped .


    Whether one can overcome the difficulties or not, astrology in many cases show what is likely to happen.

    Events that have occurred , also fit in with the laid out astrological rules.


    While applying the rules, if one genuinely applies his/her mind, prediction is possible. Knowing the future

    prepares the mind for the good or bad.


    But astrology does not change one's fate. Many people who consult astrologers are often given sweet

    predictions , either due to commercial approach or friendly/encouraging approach.


    Also the predictions are proportional to the knowledge of an astrologer/practitioner.


    Astrology has not been practiced by many and there is very little interaction between astrologers.

    Few people who practice are exposed to very little practical cases which is miniscule of the total

    population of the world. The theory of astrology cannot be fully understood or refined with such

    few cases.


    Ofcourse there may be few astrologers whose predictions are very close the truth, but who knows

    who ?


    you have said your horoscope is suppose to be good. On what basis ?


    Sri Rama's horoscope is good. Why did he live in forests instead of living on roses ?


    Astrology is true but astrologers are not.. just like doctors.





  3. Hello Poojagupta,


    It is heart breaking to know that such a long love life

    has ended in a tragedy. I feel for it.


    There are many number of ways a chart can be looked at.

    An astrologer or a practitioner should always have an eye

    of an eagle to look for certain combinations of importance.

    If such combinations are present, the chart should be ploughed

    more and all the good/bad timings should be conveyed to the person

    concerned irrespective of their ability to face it, especially if it is bad.


    Venus is the king of this chart. It is atma karaka. Any hit to

    atma karaka by more than one kroora , not only in Rasi but other

    vargas should be viewed seriously.


    venus suffers the onslaught by krooras in many vargas and in

    relevant places. Venus gains importance as it the is lord of the

    8th cusp. Venus is very closely associated with Mars.


    As far as i am concerned, this chart would not have eluded my sight.


    Did the accident happen during march-may period ?


    Vimsottari Dasa:


    Rah MD: 1992-07-18 - 2010-07-18

    Mars AD: 2009-06-29 - 2010-07-18

    Ven PD: 2010-03-23 - 2010-05-26 ?.........??

    can you please throw more light on the "day and time" of accident ?


    I will show you more on that.





  4. Hello Sri.Abhijitpotdar,


    If your birth time is accurate and withing 3 to 4 minutes, jupiter antar which started in apr 2010 can be troublesome. Though this period ends in july 2012, near chance for a job is in dec 2010. If you don't mind

    can give details regarding your career.. like first job, 2nd job which may include datof joining and date of quitting..



  5. hello sow.Gyatri,


    The names of the persons should be treated as phonetic sounds and one has to observe what kind of phonetic sound does the name have in the beginning. If you can tell the beginning of names of persons who betrayed her to make me understand the phonetics which have troubled her, I can cross check them and see if they appear so in kundali. Unless such an exercise is done, it is hard to tell. Pl understand that her chart has some fundamentally weak points as far as her relationships (includes friends, relatives, life partner..) are concerned.



  6. Hello Sow.Baby,


    thanks for the info. Given below are auspicious times of GURU for each day. The times are in 24 hrs format and IST., assuming that sunrise is 6:00 hrs. If actual sunrise on a day is , say 30 mins after 6 hrs, add 30mins to the given time below. If sunrise is before 6 am , deduct so many minutes. Guru blesses children

    and one may unite with the partner during this time. Union should be for getting children with good thoughts

    in the mind at the time of union.


    SUN 4 11 18

    MON 1 8 15 22

    TUE 5 12 19 1

    WED 2 9 16 23

    THU 6 13 20

    FRI 3 10 17

    SAT 0 7 14 21


    wish you good luck



  7. hello Baby


    The worst Rahu dasa is over. Though jupiter dasa is on, it is not favourably placed fully. It would be better

    if both start attending 'pradosha puja ' on trayodasi days and also offer special prayers to lord Shiva.

    Also arrange for abisheka to Lord Shiva on ten mondays with ghee, milk, sudha jala, sugarcane juice, honey and sacred ashes. This would help to come out of the curse from jupiter.


    did the abortion take place in mercury's period ?

    Vimsottari Dasa:


    Rah MD: 2007-08-27 - 2025-08-27

    Rah AD: 2007-08-27 - 2010-05-07

    Sat PD: 2008-05-30 - 2008-11-05


    Sookshma-antardasas in this PD:


    Sat: 2008-05-30 - 2008-06-25

    Merc: 2008-06-25 - 2008-07-18 ... was this the period of abortion ?

    Ket: 2008-07-18 - 2008-07-27

    Ven: 2008-07-27 - 2008-08-23

    Sun: 2008-08-23 - 2008-08-31

    Moon: 2008-08-31 - 2008-09-13

    Mars: 2008-09-13 - 2008-09-22

    Rah: 2008-09-22 - 2008-10-16

    Jup: 2008-10-16 - 2008-11-05





  8. hello


    Birth of a child is possible between 2011 and 2013. However , both of you may stick to healthy food and continuous yogic exercises to keep fit. You need not loose hope since women have given birth to children even after 40.



  9. Hello Sow.Gayatri,


    Your worry seem to be genuine as her chart shows delay and negatives as far as married life is concerned.


    She could have had few disappointments in her relationships., probably between 2004 and 2006.


    More after hearing from you.



  10. Hello codisil,

    For your age I don't think any advice is necessary. People of all ages run into problem in spite of inbuilt ability to find the difference between right and wrong or anger and cool. Why ? It is the inherent 'ego' that makes everyone feel that why should one change course when they are on the right side . This brings in anger and then slowly leads to hatred and finally to separation.


    These factors bring in havoc in those people whose kundali contain elements of discord by way of kroora grahas or planets positioned in strategic places.


    The period is not good for both of you now and it lasts atleast till the end of the year 2010. In the long run this period extends till 2013.


    It is advisable for both of to tone your anger and ego in the interest of children.

    Don't question as to who should start first. Some one has to start. If you feel as to why 'I' should start, that itself is a clear indication of the ego playing its devil role.


    Planet 'Sun' is your atma karaka, the king of the chart. When such people try to rule,

    naturally opposition comes in one way or the other. 'Sacrifice', the element that brings success in married life is hard to practice but it seems to be the only way.

    It is the theme of marriage.


    Will you do it ?


    Choose any mantra known to you and chant with utmost devotion and faith. All mantras produce good results and there is no difference between them if God wishes to bless. He is the ultimate. The prayer in the form of appeal to him and then practicing it in day to life is the crux of mantras.


    If you know astrology, I can tell you the exact 'dates' that can bring in fights. Basic techniques have been taught by our sages and it is we who have thrown them to the dust bins.



  11. hello Dinesh


    pl post your question in a separate thread.


    you were born in the junction of two stars. People use different standards to cast a horoscope.

    This brings in further confusion. Your star is in the junction of poorvabhadrapada 4th pada and uthrabhadrapada 1st pada.



  12. Hello Anand,

    This is exactly one of the tough challenges in astrology. It is really tough to differentiate between marriage and no marriage. When a chart has some negative points for not getting married, the tools available to our

    knowledge is so limited that we find hard to crack the code of karma. Saturn, though lagna lord but a kroora associating with sixth lord and mars placed in 12th along with 8th lord mercury aspecting the seventh house have played dominant role in preventing the marriage. Moon is sixth lord and mercury is 8th lord. Both are deterimental to the 7th house. The crux of the issue is that the period of mercury started in 2001 at the right time of marriage. Mercury is placed in marana karaka sthana in navamsa ( i have corrected your time of birth

    to 6:33:51 hrs using birth time correction techniques which i may not say is final ). Mercury is also a bhadaka

    in navamsa.


    When one gets married , one is supposed to get children. So if one looks at your saptamsa chart, there

    are strong indications for childlessness. Mercury is placed in kali-naasa shastiamsa which is bad.


    Strong curse is coming from jupiter in shastiamsa chart. Corrected shastiamsa chart clearly shows the

    deblitated 7th lord sun in rasi once again playing its role in the 7th joining the dasa lord mercury.

    Saturn and mars are placed in kendras to the 7th house in shastiamsa. The grahas who are playing vital

    role in the rasi chart (present) have a strong link to the shastiamsa (past birth - according to one school of



    The remedy lies in attending pradosha and a parikrama of shiva for forty days non stop. The curse from

    jupiter is very strong and hence your effort to clear it will have to be in equal amounts if not more.


    Apart from these what are the real reasons for the girls turning you down, like looks, not enough salary,

    average education, etc from the point of view of the opposite sex ?



  13. Hello anub


    Your moon(manas) is caught in between saturn and rahu who kroora grahas. You are also under sadesati.

    The dasa is that of Rahu. All these can give you no right direction. Hence seek some good advice from

    your elders ( not friends.. as they can sound good when advising whereas they themselves would be under

    problems.. generally). Rahu can easily mislead you and hence good guidance is need of the hour. Try to maintain your mind cool and calm. This is easier said than done. If you can try these things from now,

    guru pratyantar period from the very beginning of the next year can give you good guidance.


    Go to temples( MahaVishnu and SriDurga) or at home alot specific time for concentrated prayers.

    Stones can only stone( without any movement) you. Mantras alone can rejuvenate misguided souls. It is like

    flowing water and keeps you active.



  14. Hello Sow.meetss


    Thanks for the info regarding muhurtha. It helps me understand the timing of events better.


    You may pl refer to Shri.Ramdev for yoga asanaas. There is one butterfly asanaa for problems around stomach.

    You may pl confirm. He also supplies herbal medicines. Write to him . At the same time do not purchase

    any herbal medicine from anyone before confirming. It may not serve the purpose due its poor quality.


    You may unite with your husband during the hora.of Guru. Hora runs for an hour. Horas are seven in

    number. They are Surya hora, Chandra hora, Chevaai hora, Budha hora, Guru hora, Sukra hora and Sani hora.

    These are not the order but only the names. To learn about their order read below carefully.


    On a Sunday : The first hora is that of Surya starting at sunrise and runs for one hour. Next one is that of Sukra followed by budha, chandra, sani, Guru and chevaai. Now seven hours are over. The cycle once again repeats

    when 14 hours from sunrise would be completed. Another cycle would consume 7 hours thus 21 hours would be

    completed in three full cycles. In the same order three more hours will go when surya, SUKRA AND BUDHA horas run.

    24 horas are over. So the next day , that is on monday, the first hora will be that of Chandra. Every day the very first hora will belong to that day's graha or planet.


    Likewise do these tables for the remaining six days. For bearing children, it is preferable for one to unite with

    the partner during Guru hora.


    wish you good luck



  15. Hi Esha


    pl on your jamna nakshtra day( star on the day should be punarvasu ) , after bath and initial prayers at home

    go to a Shri. Vinayaka temple and garland him with flowers along with another garland made out of a thread(used for mangala sutra ) dipped in turmeric powder. Pl aks the priest to take that thread after garlanding the God, and tie it in your right hand. Then for forty days at a convenient time go to the vinayaka temple for dharshan. Chant some vinayaka stotra loudly in the temple.

    You will get a relief from stammering problem.



  16. Dear Passionate,


    Let me first appreciate you for courageously marrying a deaf lady. You have done a good karma and

    you shall be certainly be blessed by the Almighty for that.


    Having done a good karma, pl do not go back. You were aware of the problems when you were married.

    Thank God, you did do another karma by arranging for ear operation. It would take her a long time to

    understand the need of some basic education as she had been cut off from this world for most of the

    time till now. Hence you may pl wait till both of your children start schooling. Along with them you

    may take part in educating her in the house.


    If her birth date is assumed to be 31/8/1974, her star would be dhanishta. Saturn's placement is still in the

    8th house if bhava wise view is considered. 8th placement is not good. It is too difficult to predict and foresee many things in our life even with exact birth details. Any attempt to find the birth date of your wife

    with the available details would only be for the 'name-sake' and can always be countered.


    Just concentrated on giving good education to your children and you will be once again be blessed by the lord.



  17. Hello sow.meetss


    you are running the dasa of surya who is not placed well in the chart meant for children, It will be over

    in 2012. Pl dont assume that you will have to wait that long. God willing , you may have soon.


    I just paste below what I found in the site named yogawiz.com. you may follow the advice. If you are

    slightly over weight , reduce it first. Avoid oily foods. Always keep your quality of the blood at its best.


    Here is the text:-

    Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease is a reproductive disorder, or to be more precise a disorder that affects the reproductive tract. In each monthly cycle, one of follicles grow in the ovaries and ripen to deliver an egg, called an ovum. This ovulation process is stimulated by bodily hormones. On account of individual hormonal imbalances, sometimes, these follicles could just refuse to release an egg. Subsequently, the ovary gets full of immature follicles; these are termed cysts and the condition is referred to as Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD). The condition is characterized by an excess, or build up of cysts in the ovaries. PCOD, sometimes also referred to as PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) is characterized by excess of small cysts in the ovaries.



    Till today, no one has been able to identify the exact cause for PCOD / PCOS. However, research has indicated that it is most likely a hereditary phenomenon, since the condition is known to run in families. Studies also show that Obesity worsens the condition. As a matter of fact, approximately 50% of PCOD / PCOS sufferers have been found to be overweight. In PCOD / PCOS, obesity only augments the growth levels of androgen and estrogen which, in turn, intensifies the problems even more.



    Yoga Asanas for PCOD / PCOS


    Down the years, it has been found that Yoga is the only recourse left to PCOD / PCOS sufferers. Yoga is a holistic science and art of living. This is because routines Yoga consisting of asanas (poses), pranayamas (breathing techniques) and kriyas (cleansing exercises) prescribed in Yoga help tone up the whole system. There are certain fixed Yoga asanas (poses) like the sitting, standing and supine poses that haven proven to greatly help PCOD / PCOS patients. In general, the Yoga program for PCOD / PCOS is as follows:



    * A series of Yoga asanas (poses). While there is no exact pose or exercise that is known to help heal PCOD / PCOS, experience tells us that some of the poses – if done regularly – sitting, standing and lying on the back, over time yield the desired results. But, you should make sure to avoid all the inverted poses.


    * Practice lots of Pranayamas (Breathing Exercises) in a slow, unhurried, relaxed rhythm. You may breathe at your own slow pace, or inhale and exhale to the count of 3 or 4. But do this very slowly and avoid straining or putting pressure on your lungs. The recommended pranayamas (breathing exercises) for PCOD / PCOS women are Mild Kapalabhatti (Skull Cleansing), Anuloma-Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing) and Ujjayi (Ocean Breath).


    * You should also practise Nispanda Bhava (Unmoving Observation) and Shavasana (Corpse pose) 2 – 3 times every day. These will definitely help since PCOD / PCOS victims are, by and large, tense and stressed out. Subsequently, they need plenty of relaxation.


    * Finally, let your diet be Yogic and Sattvic. This essentially means pure and predominantly vegetarian, with lots of seasonal fruits, sprouts, fresh salads and dried fruits. Steer clear of milk and milk products, particularly cheeses and butter, all confectionery products, fatty, fried and spicy foods, cigarettes and alcohol



    Likewise, avoid stress and tension, so try and avoid all stressful situations. Even if difficult, you will find that taking the trouble and making a few short term sacrifices will benefit you enormously in the long run.



    Most of all consult your family physician and find a good, trained, qualified and experienced Yoga instructor, and a Yoga institute of repute.


    By the way , was the mangala sutra tied between 9 and 10:30 hrs ?( on march 10, 2008 .. mentioned by you)



  18. Hello Eela,


    Like any other subject, astrology is also a big ocean. Moreover, unlike other studies, the subject astrology

    has lots of variants. Hence we are unable to focus on one. The subject appears deep and tons of

    research have to be done. Ayanamsa involves lot of mathematics and astronomy and the science of planets evolution. None of us is qualified even in one subject fully. How can we choose and say that 'this'

    ayanamsa alone is correct ?.. Leave that ayanamsa factor, choose whatever you like, but focus on the

    subject, collect horoscopes as much as possible and without getting biased record all observations. Read

    the same observations after a year. You will only find some of them to be wrong and you will wonder how

    you failed to notice it !...



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