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Posts posted by ushailu

  1. I know this sounds very unrealistic, but when you forgive your enemies and actually pray for them,something truly amazing happens within yourself and around you.This has to be done genuinely and with sincerity,though.Just think that whatever they are doing to you, it is done in ignorance.But you know better than them.So you don't want to take their path of hatred and vengeance.Just forget and forgive them.You will feel so much lighter when you do this.

  2. Do not think that it is you who are doing anything,give all credit to Sri Bhagwan Krishna.Whatever criticism or praise you get,dedicate it to Krishna.Before you begin your day,as soon as you open your eyes, say"SARVAM KRISHNARPANAM"-I do not want any glory for my work today,let me just do my duty and let the rewards go to Krishna.

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