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  1. If you are familiar with Sikhism or Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, the are some "prayers or mantras" that can help in dire situations. One is reciting or singing the Shabd "Dhan Dhan Ram Das Guru" many times with devotion, which can make the impossible possible. Many Sikhs know this shabd from the Siri Gurur Granth sahib. Guru Ram Das is the Lord of Miracles. Another is reciting one of the pauris of Jap Ji Shaib which I could look up for you. Anyone can do it as long as you respect the sacred and divine in all. Blessings, Ambrosia321
  2. I would like to find a copy and purchase a book called, "The Man Called the Siri Singh Sahib." It is out of print. Can anyone help? Blessings, Ambrosia321
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