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Posts posted by animesh

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    <FONT FACE="Sanskrit 1.2" SIZE=5>



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    Testing to see how the following appears</P>

    </FONT><FONT FACE="Sanskrit 1.2" SIZE=5>


    tt! s?iv/turœ vre?{y/m! -gaˆR? de/vSy? xImih ,</FONT><FONT SIZE=2>


    </FONT><FONT FACE="Sanskrit 1.2" SIZE=5>ixyae/ yae n>? àcae/dya?t! . 3</FONT><FONT SIZE=4>-</FONT><FONT FACE="Sanskrit 1.2" SIZE=5>062</FONT><FONT SIZE=4>-</FONT><FONT FACE="Sanskrit 1.2" SIZE=5>10</P></FONT></BODY>



  2. Since the forum allows the usage of HTML, it can allow any font provided the font is installed in the system of the user who is viewing it (otherwise it will not be possible to decipher the text). I think you can add a ttf file for sanskrit font in the site. All of us will install it in our systems. I have got sanskrit font file. I think we can all use that.

  3. ___________

    Just to clarify, the original verse to this posting was concluded to be a bad translation.



    Yes, that is true. Jndas ji has clarified it in some other thread. But I chose this thread because the topic is Srimad Bhagvatam and I wanted to quote something from that.

  4. quote:


    Just because Manu wrote some foolish sastras it does not mean that women are not entitled for certain things. I do not care a damn for it.



    Some verses from Manu smriti:


    1. In families where women are respected, the Devatas tread. (3.55)


    2. In whichever family they are not respected, the ceremonial worship of the Devatas become useless exercise. (3.56)


    3. Families in which the women are in sorrow, are quickly destroyed, but where the women are not unhappy, the family prospers. (3.57)


    4. It is upto the father to protect her in young age, the husband in adulthood, the son in old age; she is not to be left alone. (9.3)


    5. Nobody can protect women by force. (9.10)


    6. Those women who can protect themselves (are the only ones) who are actually secure. (9.12)


    7. Find a cultured, handsome and a perfect

    match for their daughter. (9.88)


    8. Even after she is young, it is much better that she stays in her house all her life, than be given away in marriage to an unworthy guy. (9.89)


    9. After her coming of age, the young woman will wait for three years and then find a suitable husband on her own. (9.90)


    10. The young woman, if not given away in marriage by her parents, and in time, finds a husband on her own, is not at fault. (9.91)

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    <TITLE>I found this in Srimad Bhagwatam (2</TITLE>








    I found this in Srimad Bhagwatam (2.6.30)</P>



    Narayane bhagwati tadidam vishwamahitam</P>



    Griheetmaayorugunah sargdaawgunah swatah</P>




    This universe rests on the support of Narayan, who, though devoid of all attributes, assumes innumerable attributes at the dawn of creation by His maya.</P></DIR>





  6. [by jndas ji]

    In Srimad

    Bhagavatam we have reference to two Varaha incarnations, one in the Padma

    Kalpa (first day in the life of Brahma), and one in the present Kalpa. [/by jndas ji]


    According to Bhagwatam, first day in the life of Brahma is called as Brahma kalpa and not Padma kalpa. Padma kalpa refers to the last day of the first Parardha of Brahma's life.

  7. Bhagwatam mentions that Matsya avatar took place near the end of sixth Manavantara. It also mentions that there was dissolution of the lower three lokas at that time. In one day of Brahma there are 14 Manus. Also the dissolution takes place when Brahma's day is over and night starts. Since there are 14 Manus in a day of Brahma, it must have been a little before Brahma's afternoon during the time of Matsya incarnation. So, how come there was a universal dissolution?


    In one place, Bhagwatam mentions that Matsya incarnation took place during the time of sixth (Chakshush) Manu and somewhere else it mentions that it took place in previous kalpa. Are these two different incarnations?

  8. ___________

    How is it that Krsna gave this teaching to a ksatrya and not a brahmana? and I never read anywhere that Arjuna got any disciple. So how could he transmit it ?



    I do not think that the importance of the teaching is reduced just because it was given to a ksatrya and not a brahmana. Also, there was a very specific reason to give teachings to Arjuna. The reason being that he was overwhelmed with emotions and was not ready to fight. After giving various reasons as to why he did not want to fight, he asked Krsna to tell him what was right for him. This means that Arjuna's mind was quite attentive to listen to what Krsna was going to say.


    Arjuna did not have any disciple. But definitely, Ved Vyasa must have known what teachings Krsna gave to Arjuna (when he could give divine eyes to Sanjaya to see the complete war, why could he himself not have seen it?). Ved Vyasa definitely had disciples.

  9. -----------

    I think you are mixing up the word 'eternal' with 'original'. In Vaishnavism (any school) all the forms of the Lord are considered eternal, they exist beyond time.



    Hmmm.. yeah correct. In Bhagwat Puran, I have read something to this effect. You have used the phrase "all the forms of the Lord". What forms are included in this. Does it include the forms of various incarnations?

  10. jijaji says:

    "Prabhupada did not introduce the concept of God having eternal form shvu, The concept is as old as Vaishnavism."


    Let's make a distinction between God being eternal and one of His forms being eternal.

    The concept that God is eternal is definitely old, but in Vaishnavism, no single form of God is considered to be eternal. Is it mentioned that the two handed form of Krishna present before Arjuna in Kurikshetra is more important than any other form?


  11. Yes Shvu,

    I also guessed this but wanted to get it clarified by people on this forum. At nearly the end of Bhagwat Puran, Suta swami tells Saunak that there are 18,000 shlokas in Bhagwat Puran. This is exactly equal to the total no. of shlokas that we read in the Bhagwat Puran at present. This is strange because when Suta swami talked about Bhagwat PPuran, then definitely he was not talking about the Bhagwat Puran that we have now. He must have been talking about Bhagwat Puran that existed before he explained it to Saunak. (May be the talk between Sukdev and Parikshit). Let us assume that there is a book of stories in which there are x sentences. You are reading those to me. From time to time I ask you some questions, which you answer. Now if someone is to write down the dialog that took place between us, it will definitely have more than X sentences. Let it be Y. Now let us assume that while reading the stories from the book, you tell me the no. of sentences in the book. You will tell me X and not Y. Similarly, when Suta swami told Saunak about the no. of shlokas, he should have used a no. less than 18,000 because 18,000 includes the many shlokas which Sukdev swami had not told to Parikshit. It will be extremely surprising if it is found that you told me the no. of sentences in the book as Y and not X. Similarly, it is surprising that Suta swami told Saunak that the no. of shlokas in Bhagwat Puran was equal to 18,000 and not a no. less than that.

  12. Yes Shvu,

    I also guessed this but wanted to get it clarified by people on this forum. At nearly the end of Bhagwat Puran, Suta swami tells Saunak that there are 18,000 shlokas in Bhagwat Puran. This is exactly equal to the total no. of shlokas that we read in the Bhagwat Puran at present. This is strange because when Suta swami talked about Bhagwat PPuran, then definitely he was not talking about the Bhagwat Puran that we have now. He must have been talking about Bhagwat Puran that existed before he explained it to Saunak. (May be the talk between Sukdev and Parikshit). Let us assume that there is a book of stories in which there are x sentences. You are reading those to me. From time to time I ask you some questions, which you answer. Now if someone is to write down the dialog that took place between us, it will definitely have more than X sentences. Let it be Y. Now let us assume that while reading the stories from the book, you tell me the no. of sentences in the book. You will tell me X and not Y. Similarly, when Suta swami told Saunak about the no. of shlokas, he should have used a no. less than 18,000 because 18,000 includes the many shlokas which Sukdev swami had not told to Parikshit. It will be extremely surprising if it is found that you told me the no. of sentences in the book as Y and not X. Similarly, it is surprising that Suta swami told Saunak that the no. of shlokas in Bhagwat Puran was equal to 18,000 and not a no. less than that.

  13. Hi jajaji,

    I know most of acronyms used on internet. But I do not know the meaning of LOL. You have used this word. What does it mean? Once I guessed it meant "Lots of love." But I think that is not correct because I have seen this word being used in a context in which the meaning "Lots of love" did not fit. Ultimately I decided to ask you the meaning.

  14. Was Ved Vyasa present when the dialog between Suta swami and Saunak took place? In Bhagwat Puran, Sukdev Swami tells Parikshit what he learnt from his father Ved Vyasa. Suta swami tells Saunak and some other sages what Sukdev swami told Parikshit. Of course, he gives some other information too. Ved Vyasa writes what Suta swami told to Saunak.

  15. Was Ved Vyasa present when the dialog between Suta swami and Saunak took place? In Bhagwat Puran, Sukdev Swami tells Parikshit what he learnt from his father Ved Vyasa. Suta swami tells Saunak and some other sages what Sukdev swami told Parikshit. Of course, he gives some other information too. Ved Vyasa writes what Suta swami told to Saunak.

  16. Hi Ahimsa,

    Before Buddha, Vedic way of doing worship was very much prevalent. As is commonly held view, when Hindus talk of great sages, they include the ancient sages who were well versed in Vedas. So, in that sense, the aesthetics can be called as Hindus, because as I have read, they believed in Vedic way of worshipping, in doing yoga, and in austerities.

  17. The concept of reincarnation (rebirth) in Hinduism



    In Hinduism, there is concept of atman i.e. soul. It is believed that soul does not take birth and does not die. As a person changes clothes, so a soul changes body. When a person dies, then only body and not the soul dies. The soul again enters into a new body, thus resulting in reincarnation. The kind of body one will get in the next life depends on one's actions in the present life. This cycle of birth and death continues till one gets liberation from wordly bondage. After that he is not born again. Rather he goes back to God. There he gets absolute and eternal bliss.

  18. Out of many scriptures in Hinduism, Vedas are considered to be the oldest. In fact, it is believed that the teachings of Vedas are eternal transcedental sound. Nobody is considered to be the author of Vedas. Sometimes you will come across some articles which give some dates on which Vedas were written. But these articles can only tell when the Vedas were presented in printed form. But Indian sages had knowledge about the teachings of Vedas even before that, even if they may not have written them down. In ancient India, pupils had to live near their guru and gain knowledge. Knowledge was imparted orally, so there was no need of writing. Latter on writing was also used. It is said that the great sage Ved Vyasa wrote the four Vedas, viz. Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Saam Veda and Atharv Veda. What it really means is that Ved Vyasa wrote the teachings in the Veda in systematic form for easy understanding of people, but the knowledge in the Vedas were known to sages even before Ved Vyasa. As I have written above, Vedic knowledge is considered to be eternal. The Vedas contain hymns, prayers, rituals, blessings. They also contain righteous way of leading one's life.

  19. Dear Whey,

    There are many people on this forum who can make very good contribution towards this topic, but it is just not possible to explain Hinduism in detail in a short time. No matter, how much one explains, we can not do justice to the philosophies of Hinduism. Having said that, let me write some thing about Hinduism. But, as I have written above, whatever I am going to write should be considered less than tip of the iceberg.


    There is no human being who can be considered as the founder of Hinduism. There are many scriptures who are considered to be holy books by Hindus. Of course, while doing research on Hinduism, you will come to know about many sages of ancient India. They are respected, but they are not considered to be founders of Hinduism.

    Regarding Bhagwat Gita, it is considered to be very very important by Hindus. It will not be an exaggeration if I say that it is considered to be the most important of all hly books in Hinduism. The reason is that devotees consider this to be the epitome of Vedas. And yes, it is considered to be the word of God. The teachings of Gita were imparted to great warrior Arjun by Sri Krishna. It is said that God came on earth as Krishna to save righteousness and demolish unrighteousness.

  20. Let me just say something regarding geocentric theory. As such, there is nothing wrong in assuming Earth to be at rest and Sun to be moving. In Physics, there is no meaning of absolute rest. Rest is always relative. We can fix the frame of reference on anything we like. So, if we want we can fix the frame of reference on Earth and assume everything else in the universe to be moving. (Of course, those things that appear to be at rest from Earth will definitely be considered to be at rest). Why Earth? If I want, I can fix the frame of reference on myself (thus assuming myself to be at absolute rest). Now the question is: Why was geocentric theory rejected?

    Geocentric theory is wrong not because it assumes Earth to be stationary, but because it gives wrong path for Sun, moon and planets. If we assume Earth to be at rest, then Sun and moon have got elliptical paths.(nearly circular because these ellipses have small eccentricities). The planets in the solar system (other than Earth) will have elliptical paths with lots of epicycles in it. But the earlier geocentric theory assumed Earth to be at rest and everything else in the solar system to be moving in circular paths around it. They ignored epicycles. Of course latter on epicycles were added. But to have as much accuracy as we get in heliocentric theory, we have to assume lots of epicycles. The calculation becomes extremely complicated in that case.


    In summary: Theoretically, we can assume Earth to be at rest to explain movement of bodies in solar system, but we do not do because then the calculations become very complex.

  21. Why is God also called as "Vaasudev"? Earlier I was under impression that He was called Vaasudev because He took birth as son of Vasudev. But, as I have read in Bhagwat Puran, He was called by that name even before that. For example, Narad gave the mantra

    "Aum Namo Bhagvate Vaasudevaya"

    to Dhruv.


    So, why exactly is "Vaasudev" one of His many names?

  22. Why is God also called as "Vaasudev"? Earlier I was under impression that He was called Vaasudev because He took birth as son of Vasudev. But, as I have read in Bhagwat Puran, He was called by that name even before that. For example, Narad gave the mantra

    "Aum Namo Bhagvate Vaasudevaya"

    to Dhruv.


    So, why exactly is "Vaasudev" one of His many names?

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