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Star dream 33

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Everything posted by Star dream 33

  1. I've been seeing a white aura behind some cars and it doesn't matter the color or time of day either. Also the place. I see clear energy like heat waves on the ground, mostly on carpets. China vases jump in visuals to me no matter how long I look at these things it is always there! I see sparkles sometimes, white, light blue and rainbow squiggles! I seen those in bathrooms I am guessing water charges.i seen hundreds of blue stationary sparkles that lasted 20 sec or so, and I felt like I had to duck from them, and they were on each side. Kind of embarrassing when no one else seen them appear or at all! I can see white whispy movements in the dark too. I can see shadows of where people move with my hands over my eyes. I also see purple movements. I've started to see white sparkles in front of people's eyes. I have been through all the drs with nothing wrong. Just that I am a phenomena because I see sparkles in front not the sides
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