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  1. I never looked at it in that way..interesting
  2. Hi all, I'me working on a huge presentation on the Mahabharata, and it's complimentary piece: the Gita. I'm working on every aspect from historical accuracy, to it's message to it's meaning to everyone who follows it. I decided to come online and try to meet some people who have had some experiece with these texts in their lives to get a better sense of my direction. I would like to know what both mean to you on a personal level and how they have changed you as a person, or etcetra.... I would really like to know what the Mahabharata represents to you personally and also on a universal human level/conscioussness...The morals values (insert your other nouns here!) you derive from it. The greater meaning... I know this is a wide brush stroke to be asking this large question, but hopefully I can start from here and then maybe start a more detail engaged discussion here on this... thank you, and hopefully many of you will help me find the answer. thank you govinda
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