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Bhava dasa

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Posts posted by Bhava dasa


    Hare Krishna and all glories to Srila Prabhupada!!


    another explanation that i have heard is that this incident should teach us the importance of guru. Bharata Maharaja, when he retired in forest life, did not have a guru with him who would warn him against spending so much time and affection after the deer. In other words, if we dont have a guru, who will warn us to keep our affections and thoughts out of non-spiritual things? And the thoughts and affections one has at the time of death determine what life we get next.



    Thank you, this is a good point. However, it raises the question, How did he become elevated to bhava-bhakti without a guru?


    I dont whats happening to me .Nowadays I have got a strange feeling or rather i would say i can feel things happening well in advance.First i didnt notice I thought it was pure coincidence, But then yesterday I was returning from my office ,As I reached the station had a feeling something bad is going to happen and my mind said Bomblast!!! I swear when i reached home i switched on the TV there come the Mumbai Blasts.This

    strange phenomeneon occured 06:10 and blasts occured at 06:25..I think this is happening to me may be other instances are minor but this one shook me .Everyday I chant Hare Krishna morn and Eve...:pray:.

    Paramatma is situated in everyone's heart, and knows the wanderings of all living beings. If He allows us to have a hint of some impending event, that is one way for us to realize His presence. Non devotees and neophytes may become attracted to exploit this for their personal gain, but a more advanced devotee is not bewildered by it, and accepts it His mercy to convince us. To remind us of His greatness. This ability is coming from Him, not us.


    No bashin from here. I find the question intelligent, but the answer is as above. Being straight is no cure aganst being gay. Being straight is just as entangling. I had a great friend, a departed early disciple of Srila Prabhupada who came originally from the gay community. He quipped, "I was a perverted reflection of a perverted reflection". Meaning, gays have the same instruction as the straight, adapt the practices of sadhana bhakti, and purification will take place, unwanted habits (meaning attraction to promiscuity, with same (homo)or other (hetero), dont matter) will gradually subside and eventually drop off.


    Thanx, bhava, for including hotlink to your blog, it looks promising, hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

    This was the kind of sensitive and mature response I was hoping for.


    If he/she is born what makes you think they will remember to be a man, or a woman in mind.

    Not to “remember to be a man, or a woman”.


    He heard that the condition of the mind determines the body (both gross and subtle) in the next life. He feels like a woman trapped in a mans body, and wants to know if following Krsna consciousness will set the mind to be compatible with the body he has acquired in this life.


    He is reading these, so please be thoughtful and considerate in your replies

  5. There are obvious differences in our realizations and philosophical viewpoints. Nevertheless, for the sake of constructive discussions, let’s try to make it a little more respectful and friendly.



    Yogkriya: Where is the uttama-adhikari guru?? Any names? I'd like to have the fortune of meeting him.


    There are a number…Srila Prabhupada is one. If you are talking about one who is still present (in vapuh), that would have to be determined.



    Bhava das: No. This interpretation of yours is not correct.


    Yogkriya: So You are trying to imply that a regular gbc and Narada Muni are at the same level?


    No, I’m not implying that at all.


    I was responding to your statement, “Again the relevance of Narada Muni and a "Spiritual Master" as a regular Iskcon acharya seems to be on a same level.” By this statement it appeared that you were referring back to Hari Kesh. However, if you want to broaden it to include all the GBC, that’s your prerogative. My response is the same. However, by following in the footsteps of Narada Muni, they (or any one of us) can reach the same spiritual destination.


    Srila Prabhupada was specifically giving the example of Narada Muni. Such a Vaisnava guru is “always liberated”. He is situated on the eternal platform of Vaikuntha.


    According to Gaudiya Vaisnava siddhanta, Even if one is from the category of kanistha or madhyama, he can be accepted as guru. However, his conclusions and statements must properly align with the sastras and previous acaryas. If not, he should be rejected as guru. Also, if he accepts the responsibility of too many disciples, but is not mature enough, he runs the risk of falldown.


    In addition, the sadhaka should be aware that he can only advance as far as the adhikari of his guru. Even if his guru is in good standing, and properly situated, the disciple needs the siksa of gurus who are more advanced. Therefore, one may accept diksa from any of the categories, but to advance to the highest level, he must take the guidance and blessings from higher authorities. If that guidance is not available through a living guru, then by associating through hearing from the Uttama adhikari guru one can still make advancement, although it may be slower.



    Bhava dasa: Your opinion on this does not align itself with the great maha-bhagavata acaryas in our sampradaya. Their opinions is that the distribution of this great literature and the public chanting of the Holy Names is the yajna of the present age, and leads to the highest perfectional stage of love of God—Krsna prema. "But just service"?


    YogKriya: No I can't align with them. You are trying to align the whole Vedic culture according to one sampradaya and its view point / agenda.. How is this possible?

    Yagna? What happened to the original yagna and Vedic culture / Sanatana Dharma? Of course, chanting holy names is good too...


    You stated that, “Distributing books can be service but not a Vedic Sadhna leading to a Siddhi.” This appears to be your opinion, and I was pointing out that the acaryas (at least in our line) have stated otherwise. If what you are saying is from the Vedas, please provide evidence, and let’s discuss it further.


    Hare Krsna


    Real faith?


    It is wrong to paint the entire GBC of Iskcon with a broad brush. For there are certainly sincere souls among them.


    I think in the case of those still weak of heart among them, faith = courage and conviction to do the right thing despite the consequences. Sraddha. No matter what I will lose. No matter what I will gain. No matter what my peers will think of me. No matter what happens to the brick and mortar that shelters my body today. I will follow and oppose deviation.


    Hare Krsna

    Very well put.


    "Krsna's darsana can only be attained through the medium of the ear as one hears Hari-katha from pure Vaisnavas, there is no other way."

    The Upadesavali of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada

    Thank you for this very nice quote. Here are a few more:


    "O my Lord, Your devotees can see You through the ears by the process of bona fide hearing, and thus their hearts become cleansed, and You take Your seat there. You are so merciful to Your devotees that You manifest Yourself in the particular eternal form of transcendence in which they always think of You." (SB 3.9.11)


    "The Kumaras said: Our dear Lord, You are not manifested to rascals, even though You are seated within the heart of everyone. But as far as we are concerned, we see You face to face, although You are unlimited. The statements we have heard about You from our father, Brahma, through the ears have now been actually realized by Your kind appearance." (SB 3.15.46)


    "So therefore real eyes -- the ear, not these eyes. Real eyes. That is real seeing. Therefore sastra says, Vedic knowledge, that sastra-caksusat, pasyati jnana-caksusat: "One can see by the eyes of knowledge," not by these blunt eyes. This is useless. They cannot see. And how you can see through the sabda? Sastra means sabda. Through the ear... My Guru Maharaja used to say, "Don't try to see a saintly person by your eyes. You see a saintly person by the ear." (SB 6.1.42 Lecture-- Los Angeles, June 8, 1976)


    "susruma: "We have received knowledge through the ears, not with the eyes." Those rascals says, "I want to see practically." He cannot see. That is not possible. The modern defect is that they do not hear. The so-called scientists, philosophers, they do not hear. They simply want to see, want to touch, want to smell, want to lick up. That is not knowledge. So they are all failure. They do not hear. But the process is here, as it is said, susruma: "We have received knowledge by hearing from the authority." That is perfect knowledge." (SB 6.1.40 Lecture-- San Francisco, July 21, 1975)


    ""My dear king..." Sukadeva Gosvami is speaking to King Pariksit that "There are many subject matters for the persons who are materialistic." What sort of... Why they are engaged in so many topics? Atma-tattvam apasyatam. They do not see what is self-realization. Apasyatam atma-tattvam [sB 2.1.2]. Apasyatam... Generally, we do not know, we cannot see what is atma in these material eyes. Therefore the material scientists, they say that there is no soul, because they cannot see. With their instruments or with their knowledge it is not possible. Apasyatam. They do not see it. Therefore we cannot believe our eyes. These eyes are not fit to see anything. It is under certain condition it gives us some impression. Otherwise... Therefore my Guru Maharaja used to say that saintly persons should be seen not through the eyes, but through the ears. There are different processes of seeing. Don't believe that eyes are sufficient to see everything. No." (SB 2.1.1-6 Lecture Excerpts -- Los Angeles, July 2, 1970)


    Hare Krsna (Did you see that?)


    Doesn't this imply that the Person Bhagavata is present within the Book Bhagavata. Or perhaps that the Book Bhagavata is just an extension or an expresssion of the Person(s) Bhagavata?

    It appears that you are saying the same in both questions. "Person Bhagavata is present within the Book Bhagavata" = "Book Bhagavata is...an expresssion of the Person(s) Bhagavata". Is that how you meant to phrase this?

    Spiritual Master is always liberated!? hmm.. Depends what spiritual master he was talking about.. In general yes. But then ... Hari Kesh Swami was/is also a spiritual master.

    Even if one is from the category of kanistha or madhyama, he can accept the position of guru. Here Srila Prabhupada is specifically referring to the uttama-adhikari guru. He is always liberated.



    Again the relevance of Narada Muni and a "Spiritual Master" as a regular Iskcon acharya seems to be on a same level. That's the view reflected at least.

    No. This interpretation of yours is not correct.



    Distributing books can be service but not a Vedic Sadhna leading to a Siddhi. But just service. Though it can be exalted and glorified to any level.

    Your opinion on this does not align itself with the great maha-bhagavata acaryas in our sampradaya. Their opinions is that the distribution of this great literature and the public chanting of the Holy Names is the yajna of the present age, and leads to the highest perfectional stage of love of God—Krsna prema. "But just service"?



    Also, these are specific Iskcon questions that could be discussed in Iskcon Forum though. Since others are banned from Iskcon forums, hence strictly Iskcon questions should be also focused on hare Krishna/Iskcon Gaudiya forums.


    Yes, they could be, but since they are posted here, why should we not be allowed to discuss them? After all…you are. Aside from that, you enter into those forums and try to impose your viewpoints there. Why should we remain silent while you continue on with this distortion of Gaudiya siddhanta?



    The forums are marked differently, but all of them seems to be Hare Krishna Forums. lol.

    Hare Krsna


    "if" he had previous births, they would be to serve Krsna in this world? was Prahupada ever a fallen jiva?

    I have included the following for your consideration:


    Srila Prabhupada (Letter to: Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 21 June, 1970):


    "[1.] A Spiritual Master is always liberated. In any condition of His life He should not be mistaken as ordinary human being. This position of a Spiritual Master is achieved by three processes. One is called sadhana siddha. That means one who is liberated by executing the regulative principle of devotional service. Another is krpa siddha, one who is liberated by the mercy of Krsna or His devotee. And another is nitya siddha who is never forgetful of Krsna throughout his whole life. These are the three features of the perfection of life.


    So far Narada Muni is concerned, in His previous life He was a maidservant's son, but by the mercy of the devotees He later on became siddha and next life He appeared as Narada with complete freedom to move anywhere by the grace of the Lord. So even though He was in his previous life a maidservant's son there was no impediment in the achievement of His perfect spiritual life. Similarly any living entity who is conditioned can achieve the perfectional stage of life by the above mentioned processes and the vivid example is Narada Muni.


    [2.] So I do not know why you have asked about my previous life. Whether I was subjected to the laws of material nature? So, even though accepting that I was subjected to the laws of material nature, does it hamper in my becoming Spiritual Master? What is your opinion? From the life of Narada Muni it is distinct that although He was a conditioned soul in His previous life, there was no impediment of His becoming the Spiritual Master. This law is applicable not only to the Spiritual Master, but to every living entity.


    There are thousands of examples explained in our books that the conditioned soul is never affected with the material body. It is said in the Vedas asamga ayam purusa which means the living entity is always unaffected with matter. Another example is given that the reflection of the moon on water appears to be moving, but actually the moon is not moving, it is fixed up. So any living entity is like that. His reflection on the material body appears to be changing, but the spirit soul is fixed up, therefore this movement is called illusion.


    Liberation means liberation from this changing condition.


    So far I am concerned,[3.] I cannot say what I was in my previous life, but one great astrologer calculated that I was previously a physician and my life was sinless. Besides that, to corroborate the statement of Bhagavad-gita "sucinam srimatam gehe yogabhrasta samyayate'' which means an unfinished yogi takes birth in rich family or born of a suci or pious father. By the grace of Krsna I got these two opportunities in the present life to be born of a pious father and brought up in one of the richest, aristocratic families of Calcutta (Kasinath Mullick). The Radha Krsna Deity in this family called me to meet Him, and therefore last time when I was in Calcutta, I stayed in that temple along with my American disciples. Although I had immense opportunities to indulge in the four principles of sinful life because I was connected with a very aristocratic family, Krsna always saved me, and throughout my whole life I do not know what is illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating or gambling. [4.] So far my present life is concerned, I do not remember any part of my life when I was forgetful of Krsna."


    1. The instruction speaks for itself.


    2. This is practically a chastisement not to dwell on this subject. After all, what does it matter? If the guru comes from the category of "sadhana siddha" or “kripa siddha”, does that make him any less qualified? No. Not according to the example above regarding Narada Muni.


    3. Here Srila Prabhupada is not confirming as such, as much as stating that according to one great astrologer, he was a physician in his previous life. Note also that he includes the word "sinless". The point here is that even if he had a previous life, it was not ordinary—it was without sin. Who that person was is not known; that in itself raises a number of other questions. Was it as we might initially conclude, as a physician in the ordinary sense? Or, could it be personally with Krsna...? We don't know. Why speculate.


    We have a relationship with him as our Gurudeva in this life. We are his servants, to assist him in his mission of fulfilling the desire of his dear Lords, Sri Sri Radha Krsna. That is our meditation. And if he sees fit, we will continue to assist him in his future loving service to Them—even if it is as a blade of grass.


    4. Here he is clearly stating his position. This is nitya-siddha.


    Hare Krsna.


    So now all of Prabhupada's disciples have the order and wishes of their spiritual master to become guru. No need to check in with the GBC for final authorization, no need to canvass for disciples, just be scrupulously following his teachings it all arises naturally.

    When a new person comes to the temple, he (or she) doesn't have enough experience or realization to know who is qualified and who is not. Consequently, the kanistha may become misguided by sentiment to prematurely surrender to someone not qualified.


    The GBC have the responsibility to protect the neophyte devotees [sadhakas] from this, and they are doing their best.


    Hare Krsna


    do Gaudiyas pray to Radha as their Heavenly Mother?




    ataeva sarva-pujya, parama-devata

    sarva-palika, sarva jagatera mata



    ataeva -- therefore; sarva-pujya -- worshipable by all; parama -- supreme; devata -- goddess; sarva-palika -- the protectress of all; sarva jagatera -- of all the universes; mata -- the mother.


    "Therefore Radha is parama-devata, the supreme goddess, and She is worshipable for everyone. She is the protectress of all, and She is the mother of the entire universe." (Adi 4.89)


    Hare Krsna



    anayaradhito nunam

    bhagavan harir isvarah

    yan no vihaya govindah

    prito yam anayad rahah


    ["Certainly this particular gopi has perfectly worshiped the all-powerful Personality of Godhead, Govinda, since He was so pleased with Her that He abandoned the rest of us and brought Her to a secluded place." (Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.30.28)]



    This is from Sri Caitanya Caritamrita:




    krsna-vancha-purti-rupa kare aradhane

    ataeva ‘radhika' nama purane vakhane



    krsna-vancha -- of the desire of Lord Krsna; purti-rupa -- of the nature of fulfillment; kare -- does; aradhane -- worship; ataeva -- therefore; radhika -- Srimati Radhika; nama -- named; purane -- in the Puranas; vakhane -- in the description.


    "Her worship [aradhana] consists of fulfilling the desires of Lord Krsna. Therefore the Puranas call Her Radhika."


    "The name "Radha" is derived from the root word aradhana, which means 'worship.' The personality who excels all in worshiping Krsna may therefore be called Radhika, the greatest servitor." (Adi 4.87)


    Well so u can't reveal the source!
    It's not a matter of "can't".



    So, you only quote from the scriptures.

    Why do you have an objection to seeing quotes of scriptural authority?


    We are challenged to produce Vedic scriptural evidence. We ask if quotes from the smrti-sastras are acceptable...the response is yes. However, when we produce them, they're dismissed as text only acceptable to the Gaudiyas--even though spoken by such personalities as Lord Brahma himself.


    I find it odd that two individuals who appear to have so much objection to the supremacy of Radha & Krsna, are in the "Hare Krishna Discussions" forum. Why is this?


    Do you accept what I have shown YOU so far? Are you humble enough to accept that Bhagavaram 11.5.32 does not refer to Caitanya? Read the analysis of the verse and then tell me if you still maintain that it refers to Caitanya. And if so, why?


    Regarding the Radha issue, how can I quote vedic texts about her, when they do not exist? :confused:


    And why should I even bother to try to prove that Krishna is the avatara of Vishnu/Narayana? It is just too well known by everyone who knows even a little about the Vedas!

    Believe what you wish.


    Sorry, Pankaja. This is exactly what I am talking about. This doesn´t prove the existence your Radha. Only if you prior to reading this text have a Radha conception, then it is possible to read that into the verse. But all it talks about is that a gopi who adored Krishna was taken to a secluded place by Him.

    This is only one piece of the picture taken out of context. Unless you have experience with the other pieces, how can you possibly understand it? Naturally it won't make sense. The other pieces are there, but you refuse to accept them. What can be said?

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