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Posts posted by vrajavasi

  1. Radhe Krishna,


    Sorry friend, although I replied I wish to correct myself rather than yourself. Paying obeisances to the spirit of shri.Prabhupaada, I pray lord that he bless me to a matured level so that I could understand the "Aprakrutha" or what you call "Intimate" leelaas.


    Sorry - whatever I have uttered about those "Aprakrutha leelaas" are because of ignorance. I should be ripe enough even to think of the leelaas. To know about them, you may please ask exalted souls.


    Radhe Krishna

  2. Radhe Krishna,


    For those who have any doubt I suggest please go through the thread "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread". It is very clearly explained over there why such "ApraakruthaShrungaara rasa bharitha" leelaas are not for everyone. Even such an exalted soul like shri Prabhupada - how humble he was to keep distance from Shrungaara rasa leelas or what you call intimate pastimes. And where we are?. Shri krishna himself would mould us in bhakthi and take us to the higher platforms. Till then we can enjoy doing nama japam, recite Shrimad Bhagavatham, Bhagavath Geetha.


    Radhe Krishna

  3. Radhe Krishna,

    In smarta sampradaya wherein people do panchayatana puja (comprising of shiva, vishnu, durga, ganesha and surya), the sagunopaasana is pointedly to one devatha with ekagratha. As such, Rudraksha is worn by persons doing shiva upasana, Tulsi mala is worn by persons doing vaishnava upasana and spatika mani mala is used by shakthas.

    The mala used for chant of one manthra is not used for chant of another.

    Japa mala is never worn. It is kept with puja samagri with utmost respect.

    Regarding sacredness and not revealing manthras to one and all following quotationsmay be noted from gaudiya and shrivaishnava

    Gaudiya sampradayam :

    Hari Bhakthi vilaasam 2.147 sanaathana goswami

    gopayed devatam istam gopayed gurum atmanah

    gopayec ca nijam mantram gopayen nija-malikam

    Shri vaishnava sampradayam :

    SEsha Samhitai (14.50) (Vide Guru Parampara saaram

    in Swami Desika's Srimad Rahasya Traya Saaram")

    Gurum prakasayeth dheemaan mantra yathnena gopaeth

    aprakaasa prakaasabhyaam ksheeyate sampad aayushi

    Both Gaudiya sampradayam and shrivaishnava sampradayam requires that the manthra initiated by guru to sishya is not be revealed to one and all but passed on only by way of initiation. Same is the position in smarta sampradayam.

    Then manthra is defined as "Mananaath thraayathe ithi manthraha". Meaning manthra is that which is repetitively repeated in mind. As such a manthra is not sung in sankeerthanam.

    But refer your sampradaya acharyan for the position in vogue in your sampradayam and following the same would be befitting as follower of any sampradayam.

    Radhe krishna

  4. Radhe Krishna,


    Shri Madhvachariji, Radhe Krishna.


    Yes, one can not derive shri krishna as supreme to Vishnu by way of interpretting vedaas. Indirect interpretations are made from Shrimad Bhagavatham as to Radha devi.


    In shuka sthuthi,


    Nirastha saamyathi shayenaradha sa

    svadhaamani brahmani ramsyathe namaha


    Here svadhamani is interpretted to refer Radha Devi.


    A small help. Once I heard from the lectures of Mukkur swami about vaishnava lakshanaa - phrase I remember but not the purport.


    "kokkai pol iruppan; kozhiyai pol iruppan; Uppai pol iruppan; Ummai pol iruppan"


    Could you please explain the purport of this phrase which I heard long back but could not remember now?


    Radhe Krishna

  5. Radhe Krishna,


    Manthraas should be pronounced properly on doing the manthra japam after getting manthropadesham from guru.


    1. Manthra defined as "mananath thrayathe ithi manthraha". It should be properlly chanted and not prounounced in a way others hear it.


    2. Since the father of vruthrasura wrongly pronounced manthras, against his wishes of getting a son who could kill indra, he got a son who was ultimately killed by Indra.


    3. Whether manthraas should be kept gopaneeya, the following opinions of great vaishnava aacharyaas could be seen.


    1. Hari Bhakthi vilaasam 2.147 sanaathana goswami

    gopayed devatam istam gopayed gurum atmanah

    gopayec ca nijam mantram gopayen nija-malikam


    2. Against the popular belief, shrivaishnavaas reject the myth of Shri Ramanuja distributing Astakshara manthra to one and all by shouting it on the top of temple gopuram

    It is derogatory to Bhagavad Ramanuja, to suggest that he did not know the

    dictum contained in the SEsha Samhitai (14.50) (Vide Guru Parampara saaram

    in Swami Desika's Srimad Rahasya Traya Saaram") viz.,


    "Gurum praakasayEth dheemaan mantram yathnEna gOpayEth /

    aprakaasa prakaasabhyaam ksheeyatE sampad aayushi"


    roughly meaning

    " It is the duty of the Sishya to bring to light the glory of his Acharya.

    It is equally his duty to zealously and with utmost effort guard the secrets

    contained in the mantras taught to him by his Acharya. Not revealing the

    greatness of the Acharya and/or revealing the sacred secret mantras (Rahasyas) will destroy the spiritual wealth and the spiritual life of the sishya"


    Radhe Krishna

  6. Radhe Krishna,


    Tham Adbutham baalakam Ambujekshanam

    Chathurbujam Shanka Gathaaryudhayudham

    Shrivatsa lakshmam galashobi kausthubham

    Peethambaram saandra payodha sowbhagam

    Mahaarha vaidurya kireeta kundalathvisha

    parishvakta sahasrakuntalam

    Uddhaama Kanchyangada kankanaadhibihi

    virochamaanam vasudeva Aikshatha


    sadaa seethala komala charanaaravindaki jai


    "Naaham vasaami Vaikunte na yogi hrudaye ravau

    Mad Bhakthaha yatra gaayanti tathra thishtaami Naarada!"


    Hari! Hari! Hari! Hari! Hari! Hari!


    Radhe Krishna

  7. Radhe Krishna,


    Dear twinklle09, Radhe Krishna,


    better hear it from your guru if you are from ISKCON.


    If you are not from ISKCON, try to learn it from a sincere bhaktha who can perfectly pronounce it.


    because the beejakshara appearing as the last word can not be expressed in alphabets but should only be observed intently when it is pronounced. And many words above can not be easily deciphered with english alphabets.

    your good wish would surely be fulfilled by krishna


    Radhe Krishna

  8. Radhe Krishna,


    Radhe Krishna, shuvo.


    When one is ill, the digestive tracks need rest badly.


    It is better that even among vegetarian foods, one is supposed to take very light foods, which could be easily digested. During these conditions one normally avoid oily and spicy foods even though they are vegetarian.


    Eating meat at this condition would further worsen the condition rather than improving it.


    Yes when It comes to healthy food in some cases of illness, one can still go far many vegetarian healthy foods which would be healthier than non vegetarian foods.


    Radhe Krishna

  9. Radhe Krishna,


    Friends, Radhe Krishna,


    I am not a gaudiya, But I respect them.


    In shrimad Bhagawatham, it has been explained how one has to face this type of situation.


    "Gruheshu Athithi iva vasan"


    Meaning live like a guest in your house. that is in your mind. not on external impressions.


    For an unknown person entering the house, a guest looks like a member of the house where he is in. He takes part in their joys with other house members and he also takes part in their sorrow but exteranally. He will not be internally as happy as the member of the house or he will not be as sorrow as any member of the house. But externally he looks so.


    What I mean is externally you should appear you are with them. Being your blood relatives, even as per philosophy you may not agree with them, never forget, lt is because of them, you even got an opportunity to be in this world, and blessed to know about krishna. Internally, nurture your feelings for krishna. with his blessings and with your sincerety, one day your folks may also turn to krishna. be affectionatel and kind to all and still be yourself.


    Radhe krishna

  10. Radhe Krishna,


    What you refer as Rukmini devis pathra also known as Rukmini sandesham is in Shrimad Bhagawatham - dashama skandam - 52nd adyayam - shloka -37-43.


    Yes, there is a belief that an married girl reciting this would get married with a good god loving man. Dont worry about pronounciation. Shrimad Bhagawatham specifically sanctions anyone reciting the grantha with sincerety. It has been clearly mentioned in Shrimad Bhagawatham, "Yasmin prathishlokam abhadhyavatyapi". Meaning even if a soul recites Shrimad Bhagawatham by mispronouncing every shloka, god takes it kindly and bless his evotee.


    Vyakyaanams have been written for these 7 shlokas for hundreds of pages.


    Shloka composer is swayam jaganmatha.


    She is sending the sandesha to jagadeesha. Then you can imagine the content.


    I am narrating only two vishayaa in the shlokaas.


    "Shruthvaa gunaan Bhuvana sundara shrunvathaanthe"


    Rukmini says, hey! the most beautiful lord, I have heard about your anantha kalyaana gunaas.


    This is explained as the first step in bhakthi. Katha shravanam. To hear the leelas of Bhagawan. One gets Bhagawath ruchi on hearing the leelas of Bhagawan. That ultimately blesses him to reach his abode.


    "kaale nrusimha naraloka manobhiramam"


    Rukminidevi requests shri krishnaa to come as quickly as lord Nrusimhaa appeared for bhaktha prahlaada.


    I am telling this is in the context of the belief, that unmarried girls reciting these shlokaas would get their marriage quite quickly.


    Like lord krishnaa came quickly to take Rukminidevi with him,


    the divine couple bless the reciting unmarried girl for a quick vivaahaa.


    Recite the seven sholkaas forthwith. dont bather about pronounciation.


    Rukmini krishna yugalam would bless you that you get a good krishna bhaktha as your husband and you both do krishna bhakthi as grahasthaas.


    with prayers to Radha krishna yugalam to fulfill the wishes of their devotees.


    Radhe krishna

  11. Radhe Krishna,


    Avinash, Radhe Krishna.


    Part of your argument I agree with.


    I am not at all in agreement with the fact of calling vedas as science.


    A place for everything and everything in its place.


    Yes you would find lots of contradictions between vedas, puraanaas and science. This so happens with theories of science and Bible and Quoran also.


    In science you accept something on the basis of proof.


    In vedas and puraanaas you come across certain facts which are disproved in science as on date. Note it carefully. As on date.


    Till it was proved that atom can be split, Scientists were under belief that an Atom can not be split. Proving and disproving facts is but a scientific process which would continue for ever.


    That is the reason why I advocated in another thread also dont try to change the scriptures. Leave them as they are. For aftera all you study scriptures on the basis of faith and not at all on the basis of any scientific proof.


    If you put Radha and krishna in pippet and puret you may conduct scientific experiment but you can not enjoy the bhakthi rasaa.


    Leave everything in its place as they are.


    If you dont agree with any thing or dispute any thing - nothing wrong in it - debate it ; put forth your points.


    But, but, a place for everything and everything in its place.


    Radhe krishna

  12. Radhe Krishna,


    Dear guest at #11, cool,

    "Hare Rama Hare Rama

    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna ... ... Hare Hare"


    is recommended in Kali sandhaarana Upanishad.


    I dont understand as to why it is classified as manthra or Maha manthra.


    Manthra is defined in shaasthraas as "Mananath thrayathe ithi manthraha"


    Whereas with out any doubt one can say that in the age of kali,


    "Hare Rama ... ... ... Hare" is the most powerful bhagawannama, the logic of terming it as manthra, could not be understand although Bhagawannama is not at all less than any powerful manthra.


    Radhe krishna

  13. Radhe Krishna,


    Vayu putra, Radhe Krishna. Well explained. But I would suggest a small correction.


    Your quote :


    Only very few of the advaitins, those geared for some kind of debate, would ever make a distinction between SB and NB. They are one and the same. If you give a name, form and quality to the NB which is beyond such things, it is SB. A full blown SB could be called Vishnu according to advaita.


    Prinicipally no advaitin could err to make a difference between SB and NB. But at the same time, while doing sagunopaasana, NB is neither invoked nor contemplated.


    Radhe Krishna

  14. Radhe Krishna,


    Mohan Krishna, Radhe Krishna, for gaudiya vaishnavas, a scholar from that spectrum should clear your query.


    As I said above, for all the vaidikas belonging to Smarta, Shri Vaishnava and Maadhwa schools, the cycle of 60 years adhered according to saura chandramaana is in vogue.


    Zero base is the beginning of kali yuga.


    If my inference is correct, gaudiya vaishnavaas should take the first krishna janmaashtami as the zero base.


    Radhe Krishna

  15. Radhe Krishna,


    Yes, Onion and Garilic are a strict no. In all the vaidika sampradayaas of Smarta, Shrivaishnava and Maadhva, apart from onion and garlic other videshi vegetables like, potatoe, tomatoe, cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, beatroot etc., are also not used on occasions like puja, shradha.


    A small correction. The three types of temple worship are Vaidika, Aagama, thaanthrika. All shri vaishnava temples come under either of paancharaathra or vaikanasha Aagamaas.


    Radhe Krishna

  16. Radhe Krishna,


    I belong to salem.


    I have heard kalakshepams of Shri mukkur lakshmi nrusimhachariyar.


    He was well versed not only in tamil and samskrutham but also in telugu.


    During his Bhagavatha upanyaasam he used to quote even from a telugu grantha, viz., Pothanna bhagavatham.


    Those days I was a boy. After doing my saayam sandhyavandanam and samitha danam, I used to go for the upanyaasam. I am smartha and used to go to the upanyaasam with thripundra dharanam.


    Neverthless, he always received me with compassion and encouraged me to do nithya karmaas with dedication. If I am doing my nithya karmaas steadfastly I can not but remember Mukkur swamy.


    He even visited my house on my request with out ignoring the invitation of a small boy.


    Last but not least, hearing his kaalakshepam on Bhagawatham, I was induced to recite the grantha and I am doing Nithya paaraayanam of Shrimad Bhagawatham.


    Also he use to say our "Maalolan" is the most beautiful. Azhagiya singan.


    to me noble souls like mukkur swamy are example to


    "Yatha vrukshasys sampushpithasya"


    Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to remember the noble soul who should be in the abode of lord vishnu.


    Radhe krishna

  17. Radhe Krishna,


    By year you refer to the calender one is referring to.


    Shri vaishnavaas belong to south India where all smarthaas, shrivaishnavaas and maadhvaas refer to a calender followed according to saura chandhra maanam.


    In north India, all the sampradaayaas follow a calender which is followed according to baarhaspathya maana.


    Radhe Krishna

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