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Posts posted by Whitelotus019

  1. HARI BOLE!!


    I was talking to a person who tells me about this person Bhagwan Swaminarayan who he considers to be GOD ...not an incarnation. He was telling me that most of these Swaminarayan do not like most iskcon devotees ..I have no heard about this person till now..can someone tell me who this person was? And why these groups of people do not like most of us devotees?

  2. :)


    Hariiiiii bole!


    I am just wondering what should I do when I bring my Gaura-Nitai deities at home? Is there a specific prayer I have to say in order to place them in my new altar? Or should I just place them on the altar and begin my prayers? Any advice would be greatly appreciated .


    Thank you.

  3. Hari bole


    I wanted to know if you take the tulasi neckbead off your neck and then put it back on is that an offence? I Know you should always keep it on but what if you took it out when going to shower then ended up putting it back on is that ok? what should that person do afterwards when putting it back on?


    Thank you


  4. Hari bole


    Thank you so much for posting that converstaion I find it very very interesting and helpful.I appreciate you all take time to read and respond to my questions. I wanted to know a few things more ...If I do get a murti of Gauri-Nitai and I have to cook little vegetarian dishes for them is it ok to cook it in the same stove as my parents? Because the same stove is where they cook meat...?I know I will have to have seperate cookware but just let me know what to do before I get the murtis.And one more question I have is..where is a good place to have this altar in my home, because my apartment is very small?


    Thank you


    Radhe Krishna,


    white lotus - I have wonderful description of sweet lord from the chathurtha skanda given by Shri Narada.


    "Prasadabhimukham Shashwath Prasanna vadanekshanam

    sunasam subruvam charu kapolam surasundaram" 44

    Shrivatsangam Ghanashyamam purusham vanamaalinam

    Shanka chakra gadha padmaihi Abhivyaktha chathurbhujam" 46

    ........ "Darshaneeya tamam shantham mano nayana vardhanam" 49

    I hope above sholkas are self explanatory.

    Befor Dhruva goes to tapasya, Shri Narada guides him as to how to do tapasya, bless him with "Dwadasakshari", and describe him the rupa lavanya of Bhagawan.

    In the 9th adyaya Shri dhruva gets Dharshan of Bhagawan and submits his Dhruva sthuthi which is one of the most beautiful sthuthis in Shrimad Bhagavatham. If u require meaning I would post back. I posted it at a hurry.

    Radhe Krishna




    Dear friend,

    Yes I would love to know the meaning of that sweet description of the lord. Thank you .



  6. Hari boleeeee friends!


    I have been wondering since i've been attending temple..I haven't seen any women devotees singing I have only seen prabhus. Why is that? Is it always been like that or is it just my temple? And another thing I wanted to know is howcome there are only men gurus and brahmans>? Whats the highest position a women can be in krsna consciousness ? I dont mean to offend anyone ..please dont feel like I am ..I am just curious and I just want to know a little more.

    Thank you very much.

    -Padma :idea:

  7. take this from kunthi sthuthi

    "vipadaha santhu tah saswath tatra tatra jagadguro

    Bhavatho darshanam yatsyat apunarbhava darshanam"

    kunthi prays bhagwan, bless me with difficulties. Becuase whenever I am in difficulties I can not but remember u. If getting dfficulties result in rememberance of u then I would welcome difficulties.

    Pibatha Bhagavatham muhuraho rasikaha Bhuvi Bavukaha

    Radhe Krishna

  8. Hari bole prabhus!


    I was online couple of days ago reading about the holy city of Dwarka. I never knew about this holy place until I read about it and how lord krsna stayed there. I wanted to find out why did the city went underwater ? Did that indicate something? Was there a purpose for that happening? Any replies would be appreciated.


    Thank you

  9. Hari hari bole!


    When some people pray and they are very devoted sometimes they have certain auspicious powers that come over them, I wanted to ask some of your opinions on what causes this to happen? I have heard about lord hanuman comming onto devotees while they pray is that true? Why does these things happen?


    Thank you

  10. Hari bole!


    I don't have an altar in my home because my parents still consume non vegietarian dishes and I am waiting untill I move into my own apartment one day to get one. I know the most important thing in increasing krsna

    consciousness is chanting as much as I can but what I wanted to know is ..Should I still set up an altar? Because since I dont have one I attend temple twice a week. Is it a sin not to have one in the house? Please reply.


    Thank you


    Radhe Krishna,


    Hi white lotus, I dont know anything about u. But one thing I find very much common - passion for Shrimad Bhagavatham. I am so passionate about the Grantha. Do u recite it regularly. It is a wonderful experience to recite Shrimad Bhagavatham. Every word and every shloka in it is nectar. If it is said that that Shrimad Bhagavatham is Lord krishna himself what to speak of the grantha.


    And are u worried about mistakes committed while pronouncing the shlokas.


    It is explained in Bhagavatha itself


    "Yasmin prathisholkam abhadhyavatyapi"


    Even if u pronounce each and every shloka with mistakes, the dear lord still loves it.


    Radhe krishna




    Nice of you to notice! I also respect devotees who are very interested in the Srimad-Bhagavatam.I sometimes feel there should be more devotees like urself in this world.


    Hari bole!

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