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  1. Be at peace. This other writer has great excitement. It is blessed passion. It does not have to be logical, because it is beyond explanation. So let us not judge or be harsh. We are all at different points, not at different levels. Other than the condemnation, I like what you have written. I add... Krishna revealed "himself" to Arjuna in a form that Arjuna's mind understood as being Universal. Any manifestation (or vision) is by definition not complete nor universal. How can you see the Infinite? How can you measure Eternity? What was revealed to Arjuna was for Arjuna, no one else. And that revelation forced Arjuna to "see" who his driver was; and to listen to him as he would to "god himself".
  2. If you wish to see Krishna, if that is what your heart craves, then simply look around you. If you want to taste, smell, hear and touch Krishna, then know that everything that is, is Krishna. This is Krishna's Universal form manifested, right here. And, the best experience of Krishna is the personal, beyond the tangible, and beyond anything that anyone can explain. I can tell by your exuberance that you already know Krishna - you have personal experience. And your experience cannot be explained nor proven. Likewise, I could not convince you that Krishna has revealed "his" universal self to me, you would not believe me, so I will not try. Hare Krishna
  3. I would not have bothered entering this discussion if it wasn't for the reply by Ganeshprasad. It is good. Our minds are begining to awaken. When ever someone uses terms such as "only" paired with a name of deity, this person is either a young student emersed in the rapture of a new path, a guru who is creating baby steps for his/her new student, or a liar trying to confuse or profit from ignorant minds. Defining and otherwise limiting "god" is the true legacy of Kali Yuga and our limited minds. Unwittingly, this young student quoted above just illustrated this. Yet, I say to this young student, continue to move forward and let no man tell you Krishna is not supreme. Krishna is supreme for you. Never lose faith that Krishna is otherwise. One day, you will find Krishna and then you will know that Krishna... is you! Krishna (Christos, Christ), truthfully, are any person who finds him/herself and realizes (realization) that he/she is "god". This is the truth that minds cannot comprehend; this is what is behind the fog of "Kali Yuga". Imagine a man comes up to you and says "I am god!". Do you attempt to "believe". Ha! There is nothing to believe! He is telling the truth! Yet he is no more "god" than you or I. It is only a matter of quieting the mind enough to know that there is no separation. Parambrahma is indivisible. There is nothing that is not of the creator of all "things". There is no heirarchy accept what is created in the minds of man. Krishna is only supreme because he knew that he was "god" and tried to put others on the path to know the same within themselves. Krishna did not have to believe, Krishna knew. Yet, to Arjuna and to all mankind, he had to set himself as the example for those to follow until they could come to the same conclusions. Kali Yuga is over. (I know many will dissagree, especially Hare Krishnas. The great minds of this age made a mistake trying to decifer what had been intentionaly altered by a king who did not want to begin his reign at the dawning Kali Yuga. ~ read Yukteswar's Holy Science for an introduction.) We are firmly in Dwapara Yuga. The darkest part of Kali Yuga was around 500bc, the Dark Ages. It is no wonder why Yaoshua the Christos said much the same thing as Krishna. The student above was correct in saying "the Bhagavat Gita is simple". It had to be. The Bhagavat Gita is like the Bible in this way. It had to be simple because only "belief" in one living god, god in one man, could keep the people from destoying themselves. They could not see "god" in themselves. I know this is a digression and not part of this forum. Yet I said this only to illustrate that our minds are beginning to come out of the fog and we are starting to see the metaphors and subleties written in the Bhagavat Gita. It is simple, for those who need simplicity, and it is profound, for those who are beginning to see beyond substance: Krishna and Arjuna are you, your "spirit" and your "mind" respectively. Just as Arjuna and Krishna become united in purpose and destiny, so too your "mind" and "spirit" when your mind finally has faith in its true master, your true Self.
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