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Everything posted by ekalavya

  1. I see that you say that Manu smriti is written for a particular period of time, then it means that law of that was more biased than the laws we have today. This means that very fabric of law getting diminished in kaliyuga is wrong, I learnt that in Sathya yuga law walked on 4 legs, in Threta yuga law walked on 3 legs,in Dwapar yuga law walked on 2 legs and in Kaliyuga law is walking on 1 leg. Manu smriti law is way thousand of years back then law we have now so atleast i expect manu smriti law to be fair and equal. When manu smriti says that when a Brahmin abuses a shudra he will have mild fine and when shudra abuses brahmin then shudra will have capital punishment. this statement itself states how baised is the manu smriti law. Atleast now accept what is wrong and correct but dont hide behind the walls of time period excuses
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