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Posts posted by Nirali

  1. JSK...in 2003 when i came to england to study...i was only 15 and i had to stay with my aunty and uncle...there was a book shelf in the room i was in...many books belonging to my cousins...and there i spotted ''Coming back-the science of reincarnation'' a book by A.C Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada...i read the book and fell in love with Krishna...then i moved on to read the Bhagavad Gita..and Srimad Bhagavatam...


    and the strange thing is that when i asked my cousins whom the book belongs to,1 of my cousins said oh someone gave it to me randomly but ive never read it,didnt pay much attention to it...i kind of feel this book was planted there just for me...Lord Krishna wanted me to find it and read it...:) i love his Lila...

  2. JSK,


    i need help...today i was very happy and so i looked at lord krishna's picture and gave him a flying kiss as a sign of affection and how much i love him...i told a close friend i did that and he started accusing me of having sexual intentions in my mind...he said its not right to do that...you dont treat God as a human...but i never treat God as a human, i respect him a lot...i really dont understand why he said it is wrong...does that mean i cant even show affection through a small flying kiss?? i have no sexual intentions what so ever...i told my friend that Lord Krishna is a mum, a dad and a best friend to me so y would it be so wrong to give him a flying kiss...so does that mean i cannot even kiss his picture or kiss his feet??


    i am very disturbed after being accussed...i have already asked for forgiveness from Lord Krishna in case my friend is right about the affection issue but i really need to know from all you devotees what you think about this issue.


    I sincerely apologise if i have made a mistake by showing my affection...am only 19...didnt know it would be wrong...


    Thank you,



  3. Jay shree Krishna


    awww even i say 'i love you'...when ever i finish my daily rounds i will say to God '' I love you, i really love you'' and then i would ask god to just hold my hand...i dont need anything else as long as he is with me...


    nowadays i have been putting my hand out for him...i put my palm straight and wait for Lord Krishna to put his hand on my hand...and then when i think that he has put his hand in mine i will slowly close my hand and hold on for a few minutes...i dont really know if he puts his hand in my hand but i like to think he does

  4. Jay Shree Krishna,


    I focus on the words... when you start saying the mantra, just listen carefully to each word you say... i also think about Lord krishna's past times and laugh sometimes...in my home temple we have a big framed picture which has lots of little pictures of Lord Krishna whom appears to be stealing makhan or holding the govindam mountain on his finger or killing kansa...that picture actually came from a calendar...Lord Krishna looks soooooo adorable...why dont you put a picture of lord krishna infront of you while chanting and just look at him, admire him while chanting if you cant think of any of his past times...

  5. Jay Shree Krishna


    I wonder if anyone knows of a drink (apart from coffee) or particular food one can intake in order to stay awake...


    As i have my exams i wake up at 5 am to revise but even though i wash my face several times it is very hard to keep my eyes open...

  6. Jay shree Krishna


    You know i woke up today and went to school...it was a fine day and i thought to myself 'looks like today is going to be a nice day' and BAM everything just goes haywire and when i got onto the bus to go home i just thought is this what life is supposed to be?? Wake up-School-revise for exams-home...the thought just depressed me...Lord Krishna answered this question for me though...there really is more to life and i am happy to be a part of this supreme knowledge...the knowledge that we are here only temporary and we will soon go back home


    I wish we had shoes like dorothy from wizard of oz...we could tap our shoes 3 times and chant there's no place like home...there's no place like God's home and then we would be transported to God in an instant...*sigh* i really wish i could hug God right now

  7. Jay Shree krishna...


    In this same forum i read a quote from Swami Prabhupada that you are allowed to drink milk as long as you offer it to Lord Krishna before you drink it...


    Or maybe i misread it...please be kind to clarify


    Thank you

  8. Jay Shree Krishna...

    since i can't find the button that allows you to start a new thread (don't know why my pc is acting funny!) I want to ask on this thread whether there is such a thing called black magic......


    Some man who claims to be from Haridwar went up to my mum and aunt today when they were in a supermarket and he goes to my mum '' someone has done blackmagic on you...and it wont go away before 31 years...i can help you though'' and he wrote something on a piece of paper which my mum didnt understand and he agreed to tell her how to get rid of the black magic if she paid him....and then he told my aunt that someone has done black magic on her as well but its not affecting her since she chants the names of Gods all day(which is very true by the way) and thus she is protected.....


    My mum told me that someone said the same thing to her after she got married.... i am just curious whether there is such a thing called black magic...i told my mum that maybe it could be due to her actions in her previous life that she has to suffer what she is presently suffering...it may not even be due to blackmagic...


    i don't know.....can anyone help please?

  9. You could buy Vegetarian cheese... the Rennet in vegetarian cheese does not come from a calf's stomach but from either fungal or bacterial sources and then it is genetically engineered so that rennet can be produced on a large scale...i learnt this in A level Microbiology...

    Or read the below paragraph...


    Vegetable rennet is derived from plants. The enzymes are extracted from the plants and modified into a form similar to that of animal rennet. This type of rennet is acceptable for a lactovegetarian.


    This is a common enzyme made from microorganisms through a process of fermentation. Common microorganisms include fungi and bacteria. This type of rennet is also acceptable for a lactovegetarian.


    Additional enzymes may be added during the cheese making process. Unless otherwise noted these are microbial.

    Jay Shree Krishna

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