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  1. Namaste all. I have a question regarding the Hindu prayer beads and certain symbols Hindus wear on their foreheads. For example, some Hindus wear a U shaped symbol on their forehead and some with lines while others wear just a mark. What are the meanings for each of these symbols? In addition, are women allowed to wear these symbols on their foreheads as well as the prayer beads? I have seen women gurus wear it but traditionally in temples...atleast around here there only seems to be male pundits that wear it. Who are allowed to wear it and who are not? Hope to get my questions answered soon. Thank you.
  2. Ok so I am really confused about the accuracy of some Hindu scriptures floating around. For example, the Mahabharata, The Bhagavad Gita and the Puranas. I heard they are not authentic. I want to know where I can get the real copy of the Mahabaratha (Jaya) and the Puranas. I already ordered the Gita, as it was. Thanks.
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