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rajarshi chakraborty

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Posts posted by rajarshi chakraborty

  1. the things u r saying is not completely possible .if it was soo easy to remove sins they i would kill a man and take birth in river ganges . first thing is to accept , next is to make sure u dont repeat them again .try to say gaytri mantras of devs and devi whom u worship . u cant escape from ur sins but can surely ask for forgivenness from god . do daan in morning hours . feed the cows .help the needs . hope god might get pleased and help u in ur life

  2. hi ,

    i m having visions of devi kali . actually in do have visions of my past life , like who was i what i used to doo . i also see dead ppl some times future incidents too . nag represents my forefathers . i was also cursed due to my fault . the main problem is that i m stuck in the middle and both the materlistic and spiritual world is pulling me from both sides .i want to be a sadhak , learn tantra but cant do as i dont have a guru .i feel like i m loosing all my potentials day by day .i really feel helpless

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