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Posts posted by chris22

  1. Hello !

    Is there a pronunciation guide by patanjali how to produce the sounds for औ and ऐ correctly ? Because just by the sandhi for a + e = ai one can not go, as there is also the sandhi aa + i = ai which would apologize for the version of pronoucing ai as in the english i. Finally we hear both versions even in one mantra as in the navakshari mantra: Aum , Aim, hreem, kleem, chamundayai vicce. So here the ai in Aim is differently pronounced as the ai at the end in chamundayai. Why is that ? Thank You !

  2. Hello ! Yes, i found quotes about pronuinciation of औ and ऐ in taittiriya praatsihakhya like you described; that holds well for the taittiriya, but whats about classical sanskrit ? Is there a similar pronunciation guide by patanjali for औ and ऐ and what does he say how to pronounce these ?

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