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Posts posted by gurukul


    I agree, our lives are based on belief and experience. If we neither believed, nor experienced anything, how could we live? Life is about experience, and from that experience we should form beliefs, and most often we do. However, the problem with many of us, is that we base our beliefs on OTHER people's experiences, and many of those experiences are subjective. You can't base your own beliefs on other people's subjective experiences, although they can surely help to substantiate your experiences to solidify a belief system of yours..

    I appreciate your response in the way you have put it.

    Can we be open to all experiences of this world?. For sure We must not open to all experiences of life.now the question arises-what must we choose from the list of belief system or experiences to be experienced?.I think that is were reason plays a very important role.you see in every religion people have great experiences- but are they all good for us and provide us to live in reality?,can we expose ourselves to all experiences?,how does they provide us basis to live in this world? these are some of the important questions that need to be asked.for example a person may have an experience were he is told to get married by a supernatural being many times or divorce his wife or kill his child or choose the experience of an drug addict?-can such become the basis of his/her/our beleif system?. hence an experience to become a belief system must be logically consistent ,coherent with reality and life.It also must provide us views from an universal point of view and not subjected to specific geographical locations and kinds.

    Though an experience surely plays an important part of forming a beleif system there are other key factors that plays also the role so that we can confidently tread that path.



    I disagree here, a drug addict and a mystical yogi may have SIMILAR experiences, but the drug addict is dependent upon an external stimulant for his experiences, and lacks control of the mind, while the mystical yogi has no need for such things to bring about an altered consciousness, and he has complete control of his mind. The only validation for their experiences being real is to see if they have a correlation with this plane of consciousness, i.e. this world. The drug addict won't generally have such a correlation, and he has no power over his thoughts and actions, while the yogi may be able to share this experience for others with the slightest touch, or may manifest supernatural powers such as levitation or other such things as verification of Truth. Truth is not only contained in belief systems, it was there BEFORE any belief systems were formed, so if there were no belief systems in the first place, how could someone claim something was Truth according to your logic?.

    The point I made when used the example of an yogi and drug addict is that experiences alone cannot be the basis of forming a beleif system.because what one experiences can also be experienced through another means.the yogi uses yoga through focussing which itself is an altered method because a normal human being cannot have that kind of experience and a drug addict uses another method to stimulate his brain.for sure the diffrence is vast between them the experience are on similar lines. hence with experience one should also look to the means , reality,future implications on our systems etc.


    Supposedly Ramakrishna knew all the paths and experienced all of them to validate this idea. Of course, we cannot truly be dependent upon simply his perception, but all paths do lead to at least an alteration in consciousness as there are Sufi saints in Islam, Priests in Christianity, Kabbalists in Judaism, and yogis in Hinduism. Also, you have to remember experience can't be truly captured in any words. Truth is different things to different people. It FEELS different, it seems different, they describe it differently, yet it's all Truth to them. ?.

    Well thats a big speculation that a person might have experienced all paths to validate this data for the simple reasons that all greatly contradicts one another at fundamental levels.As rightly pointed by you we cannot and must not trust until one himself validate that data through reasonable means.therefore its imperative to check through reasonable means all the beleif system as pointed above.alteration in consciousness does not mean they all leads to the same destination.therefore a truth canot be tested only through experiences though the experience maybe genuine.


    IYou also have to understand what they're describing and WHAT they're actually talking about. A lot of things written back then were full of metaphors of their experiences, and they described the mechanism of action such as Kundalini in the manner of a rod turning into a snake (Moses experiences this in the Bible, with a sudden vision of a burning bush then and gaining elocutionary ability that he never had before, and the ability to perform miracles by talking to Yahweh the I AM principle of consciousness, which is also shared by the Upanishads which talk about consciousness being the base of all things.

    Do you think that what moses talked about was metaphors? well for the sake of reason its a recorded history and that the later miracolous experiences were seen by many peoples.the I AM is not a principle or conciousness as recorded in the bible but its a revelation of God who was seperate and other than human beings.

  2. Its grieveing and sad to see the rise of terrorism and the precious lives that are lost.Terrorism is a global problem today be it invasion in USA or afghanistan or India etc.One must think deeply what makes a terrorist and why he does it?.The way to tackle it for sure is intelligence reports ,tight security ,mental alertness , reporting suspicious person etc but also adressing the root cause -hatredness ,Inflamatory speeches ,intolerence ,unemployment among the youths (they are more vulnerable and succumb to fast buck) , holding to sectarian views etc. politicains must set aside their personal political agendas of religious vote banks and work positively with public adressing these issues.


    Hari OM

    a few amusing posts from Abhrahams was the inspiration for this posting

    1) All religions are nothing but belief-systems, formed by the personal experience of one or few people passed down from generation to generation (probably with some additions, modifications and deletions)

    If you are holding to any view other than the above view then yours too is a beleif system with some experience. Life cannot be seperated from belief and experience.


    6) Experience is the truth and the goal and destination, all beliefs are only paths towards that goal. Even if you find a beautiful resting place in the path, it is foolish to stay there and refusing to move towards the destination

    How does one know that what he or she experiences is truth or not without knowing what is truth? for example a drug addict has the same experience as that of a mystical yogi both of them feels that there experiences are real ones and hence what they experience are also a real entity.truth only becomes real when what is said in the belief system is actually attained. but before that one need to know what he beleives is truth or not.

    How do you know that all beleifs are paths towards the same goal ?-now to say that one need to know all the paths and experience them.secondly all the beliefs does not talks about the same goals.buddhism talks of the goal of nothingness ,hinduism talks of union with brahman ,Islam talks about pelasure paradise and chrsitianity talks about being with God in heaven- and that too through diffrent methods that are contradictory to one another.

  4. Instead of indulging in fingering get involved in spiritual discussions and put forth your view.we are discussing about matters of truth and truth has no religion.As humans we are sojourners discussing what possibly might be truth ,so that our life on earth ends with knowing and believing in the truth .


    I am here to put forth my ideology with others and listen to what others too believe.this helps us to know what we believe and why we believe.Not just blind faith.spiritual persuasions through discussion on forums like this sheds anything that is not truth and thus enhances our Joy to taste the pure ones.


    speculating that one is born in such and such family only gives a prejudiced mind and thus create a obstacle in knowing the truth.



  5. Your free to decide what you want to believe.its your personal decesion.


    Now coming to the refrecens you gave me about gnostic gospels have checked it and here is the answers from both the sources and its says exactly the same what I was saying.


    1. Gnostic gospels taken from wikipedia: A 1st or 2nd century date of composition for the lost Greek originals has been proposed, though this is disputed; the manuscripts themselves date from the 3rd and 4th centuries.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnostic#The_Nag_Hammadi_library)


    2.Encyclopedia britannica:Religious and philosophical movement popular in the Roman world in the 2nd–3rd century AD.(http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9365729)


    so looking at the above datings of both they are later centuries philosophical specualtions about Jesus christ and not first century witnesses.


  6. The people choose the congress and not sonia gandhi.

    when sonai gandhi was about to take the leadership there was a great political uporaring among the extremist parties and people not to make a foreginer as the PM.she has to succumb to that demand.


    The president is a muslim why should he purposely avoid malaysia -another muslim nation? there must be some solid reason for not visitng.dont become so emotional.presidents dosent move at their own whims and fancies of self and people.All things are planned for the benefit and security of our country.



  7. I think you are merely speculating things.The gnostic gospels dates back to 350 AD that is written more than 300 years later of the actual events of the life of Jesus wereas the new testaments gospels (cannonical gospels)and letters dates back to the first century,written by the disciples and first hand eye witnesses and their associates.besides these are thousands of ancient manuscripts copies aviliable dating near the first century even before the gnostic gospel.comparing with them shows they are the same as todays bible.Under critical analysis the bible was found to be much reliable that any ancient documents by scholars.


    Therefore I suggest that you study the bible for yourself and you will be amazed at its simplicity and yet power to speak directly to the heart.

  8. I am not ashamed to call myself as swadeshi.I am proud to be one.only the point is raising slogans is merely a lip service to nation just like some extremist politicians trying to put a show off or many of indians going to west ,serving them,eating their food,earning their money,paying them taxes and then and raise emotional slogans that they love being swadeshi-thats a double life and lip service.


    My being swadeshi is not by talking but serving the nation through means with those who has a heart to serve and see our country flourish and our people helped and transformed.

  9. I didnt say all religion are same.what I am implying is that we agree to disagree and yet live together for the development of our country.


    Secondly hinduism is a civilisation that is open to all religions.hinduism is democracy that allows to practise each one what they want to believe even if other may or may not have a correct belief.it encourages spiritual and social persuasion to convince one another about their own faith.even if a person in india after persuasion turns to any other faith that exisit within the country(it maybe islam ,sikhism buddism ,christianity etc), he/she yet remain a hindu.now the person may agree or disagree but its the truth .because the person by default is born within the fold of hindusim.so hinduism is like an umbrella with its spokes as various religions.


    Today few political parties and individuals has made it a sectarian view for the benefit of political power and divided each one to its own harm.but if we view hindusim from larger point of view then its not diminshing but growing in a new way.

  10. if you are understanding that hindusim is just vedas or gita or ramayana then think about it again.such an understadning is given by the extremist political parties promoting their communal agenda to divide and rule.


    I think Hindusim is a civilisation and thus a broader term embracing religions,cultures,values and people of any nation.its arms are far wider than we can ever think.Its a democratic view of allowing people to practise what religion or culture or faith they want to.hence a hindu can beleive in christ and yet be a hindu or in buddha or krishna or islam.his identity will never change as a hindu from a egalitarian point of view.Its not like taliban carrying guns to force people to beleive though there are few (individuals and parties who try to bring such ideology within the hindu community and innocents fall victim to it).we as a hindu must looks forward to development of our nation for the betterment of our millions of people residing in providing each hindustani with basic amenitites of life.comparmentalising indians,blaming and stopping people of other faiths for their social and spiritual uplifment will only breed contempt,stunt development, and put india backward.we have come all the way through because of each one being together.only one particular commmunity will not be able to cater to the billions.hence lets not fall victim to the political agendas but move forward helping one another.maybe in such a big vast community we may agree to disagree with respect.


    Such an egalitarian view is necessary to understand that hinduism is not diminshing but making a new way by shedding its dry branches as modern India -the pride of nations.no better example than our tricolor flowing side by side with the developed nation.why stop that development by using words like desi,swadewshi and pardeshi.?


    May God bless hindustan.




  11. namaste naryandasa


    Following questions actually tells about why I believe the bible to be word of God and above was but just a small description about it.this test can be applied to any scriptures to see weather there is any logical reason to believe the scripture.Some questions that we need to ask even if the scriptures make great claims are:

    1.Were the scriptures have evidences of its actual historical account? how much can we rely on the ancient materials? does it have enough copies to authenticate it?

    2.Are the characters/god/person mythological or mere stories to potray an aspiration of human mind?

    3.does it describe reality or is it claiming the world as unreal when actually its real?

    4.who wrote the scriptural event? was the writer actually present at the time of the events or atleast he had sufficeint first hand eye witnesses to atleast build the events?

    5.How does the scripture changes life morally ?

    6.does it provide hope for future life or does it keeps us unassured about life after death?

    7.was the god of that scripture practised holiness or was that particular god involved in lie ,deception ,killings ,tricker, theif ,adulterer etc that surely make him no God at all?

    8.Does it demonstrate suprenatural things?

    9.Does the god and scripture gives meaning and purpose to my life?

    10.Does it indicate any future prophecies and before that fuflfills great number of prophecies with examples so that future prophecies can also be trusted?

  12. namaste narayandasa

    YOUR QUESTION :"Can you prove that the bible is authentic? Did Christ write the bible? Can you prove that this was the word of God?


    If you ask weather the bible is authentic then the answer is YES.If you ask did christ ever wrote the bible then the answer is NO.yeshu did not come to write anything but entrusted all that to his disciples.The disciples and their associates of yeshu christ wrote that which they saw,experienced,learned from yeshu.thousands of copies were made and preserved by the next generation till today.hence all the gospels are accounted from the first hand witnesses of the events.the followers of yeshu were jewish with strong jewish faith.they would never budge to any foreign religious ideas because of what God has done in their lives in the past.when yeshu came many of them could not belive that he was claiming himself as God incarnate.yeshu told them that he came as a sacrifice for the sins of the world and fulfillment of all the jewish scriptures.he exactly fulfilled all the prophecies of the suffering messiah.


    what made the followers of yeshu beleieve that he was God incarnate inspite of their strong resistance to yeshu? something they saw,understood from the hundred of prophecies made in jewish scriptures getting fulfilled in yeshu,felt the power of yeshu to raise people from dead,heal the sick,blind,lame,lepers etc saw his power to conquer the natures fury by silencing the sea waves,walked on the sea,drived out demons,heard the demons confessing yeshu as son of God ,they saw his sinless life and finally saw him after he was raised from the dead .yeshu stayed with them for mroe than 40 days after his rising from the dead telling them about the prophecies about him and they saw him ascending into heaven in fron of their eyes.hearing such things are unbelievable but thats what we expect God to do-unbelievable things.then later they saw their life and others geting transformed from evil nature and in the name of yeshu they could perform miraclese etc.after all these confirmations they understood he was not just another human being but was what he claimed to be as the son of God.


    The bible from beginning to the end has one story in unity inspite of 40 diffrent writers writing from three diffrent continents of asia ,africa and europe ,with diffrent temperament in hostile situations and conditions,some without meeting each other over a period of 1500 years of history.they have one united message of God restoring mankind from their sin through sacrifice,new heavens and the earth in future,end of all suffering and day of judgement etc,the diagnosis of human nature,the solution to get freed from punishment of sins,honest in describing reality,prophecies told which got fulfilled about christ and the israel and some predictions of future getting fulfilled,its historical reliability etc all these provides a basis to beleive in the realm of reason that its truly the word of God.Of course the prophets heard,some saw God speaking to them.Jesus himself who is God incarnate affirmed the reality of the jewish scriptures and entursted with his power for his disciples to be guided in his spirit so that they can write what they saw,heard and experienced.


    hence it is logical to believe it and there is no propoganda as you may tend to think.these are writings of real experiences and not mythologies or aspirations of human mind.its upto to us with all evidences provided by the supreme being to either take it to reject it.

  13. I dont think hindusim is getting diminshed.


    if you are understanding that hindusim is just vedas or gita or ramayana then think about it again.such an understadning is given by the extremist political parties promoting their communal agenda to divide and rule.


    I think Hindusim is a civilisation and thus a broader term embracing religions,cultures,values and people of any nation.its arms are far wider than we can ever think.Its a democratic view of allowing people to practise what religion or culture or faith they want to.hence a hindu can beleive in christ and yet be a hindu or in buddha or krishna or islam.his identity will never change as a hindu from a egalitarian point of view.Its not like taliban carrying guns to force people to beleive though there are few (individuals and parties who try to bring such ideology within the hindu community and innocents fall victim to it).we as a hindu must looks forward to development of our nation for the betterment of our millions of people residing in providing each hindustani with basic amenitites of life.comparmentalising indians,blaming and stopping people of other faiths for their social and spiritual uplifment will only breed contempt,stunt development, and put india backward.we have come all the way through because of each one being together.only one particular commmunity will not be able to cater to the billions.hence lets not fall victim to the political agendas but move forward helping one another.maybe in such a big vast community we may agree to disagree with respect.


    Such an egalitarian view is necessary to understand that hinduism is not diminshing but making a new way by shedding its dry branches as modern India -the pride of nations.no better example than our tricolor flowing side by side with the developed nation.why stop that development by using words like desi,swadewshi and pardeshi.?


    May God bless hindustan.



  14. while I appreciate the observation done by francois gaueter for India he seems to come with his own communal agenda by putting each indians into a particular religious group while he himself categorising in another.Its seems to me he hails from the same pecular bloodline of the past and old biritsh policy of "divide and rule".his title itself is very accusing calling hindus as poor, were he forgot that the hindu Indians are one of the most richest and talented in the world.


    He forgot that talent and hard work has no religion.Did he ever see Hon.PM manmohan singh promoting sikhism ,or hon.president A.kalam promoting Islam or sonia gandhi promoting christianity.? its sheer nonsense to make a comment like that.suprisingly he forgot consciously or unconsciously that no particular community fully appreciate the stands taken by the above stalwarts in the area of practising their own religions.the muslims does not appreciate that Abdul kalam also pracitses hinduism or sonia gandhi visits temples and PM mixes in all religions.they all work for advancement of our nation by allowing each person to choose what they want in the democratic India.Article by francis is therfore totally baised.I am sure he is even not a christian except for his name that only sounds like a sheep in wolf clothing.I am sure we should start questioning what is his agenda for India? by compartmentalising Indians into a particluar religion, sect or race he is breeding hatred and communal disharmony like the taliban.


    By the way he forgot to add greg chappel-a australian heading the indian cricket team. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

  15. Yeshu khrist as a person is God in the heavenly realm and does not have a religion called christianity.he is the God of whole universe.for through him all things were created and have their being says the bible.he delivers people from the consequences of their sins and guilt.every person on the earth including a hindu looks for paap kshama (forgiveness of sins)and deliverance from the karmic cycle.yeshu khrist offers this liberation by becoming a paap balidaan or prajapati yaghana.there was no other paap balidaan that could offer us hope and liberation from the karmic cycle.as a hindu the gods that I worshipped were mythological and not real but it was an asipration that looked forward into a reality in a person which I find alone in yeshu christ.


    therefore a person irrespective of his religion can look to yeshu christ.I as a hindu ,do beleive christ yeshu because its the fullfillment of what I was looking in the person of God that has led me into an assurance of hope from the karmic chakra into a dwelling place were I enjoy an blissful relationship with my creator.

  16. I am not saying you must believe in christ.its your own choice based on your own convictions.the point I was presenting was the most closest for me to be assured that NOT I BUT HE GAINED SALAVATION FOR ME SO I NEED NOT WORRY WHEN I AM GOING TO DIE.


    Regarding evidences then again the example of yeshu christ rising from the dead and recorded in history seems more closer to me .what he said about his claims was proven through hs life and the power he displayed.thats closer to all known truth for me about what he said about life after death.

  17. Namaste shravankm


    Well I liked what Yeshu christ provides and said in the shastras (Holy Bible)that assures me more than to struggle and think what I will do at the end of my life.


    I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies (John 11:25)


    I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. (John 14:2-3)


    "If the Son (Jesus) sets you free (from wheel of suffering), you will be actually free." (John 8:36)

  18. Namaste guest


    God is uncaused cause since all the things created in the world needs a cause.? To understand it we dont start from God to world but from the seen reality of the world we go back looking for a cause.finally ending up positing that there need to be something very powerful that must have cause all these things which must be uncaused.

    because if we ask the question who created God then we look back infinitely asking what caused each thing.which is an impossibilty.


    secondly scientifically the universe has a beginning-it started at a point of time and that which started at a point of time will also have an end since again scientifically the universe is expanding to an end.


    if the universe would have been for eternity with infinite number of years then we would not have arrive at this point because as per the law of entropy the energy in the universe is decreasing.scientifically infinite energy does not exisit in the universe.


    So everything that has beginning and end is always created.


    I am always attracted towards the answer given in the holy bible of God making the universe and all living beings at a point of time and will end one day so as to have a new beginning with the creator.hence the purpose is enjoying God and his creation though distorted by sin and human negligence.For surely one day all these will come to an end.

  19. Jay74 :My question to him was Is God a narcissist to create entire human race just to worship him?


    Ans: what is a worship? -Have you seen and felt a beautiful scenary or an awesome and mighty waterfall or holding a tiny baby or had a bungee Jump? How did you responded to it? Was your response natural or forced one?


    I am sure you will agree with me that your response was natural with awe,thrilling,unexplainable and ecastic.Nothing is forced or pushed to express that way.


    That's worship.it is not ritualistic or out of fear as some religions practise.its natural without anyone telling about it to us.ABOVE ALL WE ENJOY IT AND WANTS THAT EXPERIENCE AGAIN AND AGAIN.So the answer is right as your freind suggested .It must not be seen as you look at it or understand it by looking at the way people practise it in this world (relationship of slave and master and ritualistic).


    I am sure heaven is all about that nonstop experience which you and I would desire to have.the biblical concept of worship is that of father and child relationship than slave and master.The Joy is for eternity-forever and ever.heaven is all about God's triumphant victory over suffering,death,pain and problems.Therefore the christian creed mentioned is :




    who wound't want to be there?


  20. namaste 1bhakta


    Thanks for your enlightening words.I am sure that bhakti marg is one of the most important thing when relating with God.But before bhakti we must ask the most important question to self -bhakti to what? hence the vyakti (person) becomes the object of our bhakti were our spiritual energy is directed.my bhakti is of no value if it cannot liberate me and to whom I cannot personally relate.also my object of worship must be pure,sinless,powerful,holy,personal and real.I cannot honestly commit to something which is opposite of what is mentioned above.It becomes more distressful if my vyakti or object is lifeless,unreal, mythical and above all not moral.


    secondly if the vyakti or the object of bhakti is holy ,sinless and pure then there is also the demand from the object to do bhakti in truth.yeshu christ said "The true bhaktas will do the bhakti in atma (spirit) and satya (truth)" (John 4:24).A true bhakti becomes meaningful and blessed when the bhakta is cleansed from sin and also keeps himself from sinful actions.

  21. please note that the gospel of Jesus christ is seen as coming from God and not from a specific community called christians into a civilisation.christianity as an established religion never exisited before till later centuries.it is purely a faith and an escape route for all mankind (as per the bible)from the punishment of sin.though set of people who follow christ has made it as a religion.Jesus himself never came to establish any religion.he said to the Roman governer pontius pilate before the execution :

    "My kingdom," replied Jesus, "does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my subjects would have resolutely fought to save me from being delivered up to the Jews. But, as a matter of fact, my kingdom has not this origin (John 18:36)

    Jesus even refused to become a political king when the many jews and others came to make him their king.


    WHO I AM?

    so when the gospel entered judaism there were jews who are christ bhaktas for their redemption,entered romans they are suppose to be Romans as christ bhaktas to get saved ,to hindustan then its our previlage and appointment from God to become a christ bhaktas for the sole purpose of experienceing love and finding a savior to get redeemed from the punishment of sin and also entering into a bliss of eternal life called salavtion or mukti.The gospel is not a force or a religion or a sect but a saving lifeline.I am born as a hindu ,I followed my gods for long and looked for assurance and a sinless ,perfect,holy and divine person to worship which I found in christ jesus alone.I think maybe that our vedic ancestors looked to this great sacrifice when they were talking about the yagnahas like prajapati in Rigvedas.what i have discovered in my bhakti of christ yeshu is the transformation within ,enlightment and assurance of life that is eternal with him in that kingdom called the kingdom of God.the invitation is for all.The choice is ours to accept or reject that great invitation from God.


  22. Well there is a diffrence between animals and humans.hence the question of guilt does not arise in animals.we are talking about humans who worship God and think of morality.


    you have not answered me if sin is a minor issue or even as you said in earlier posting that there is no sin in hinduism, then what is the context of law of karma and the dharma sutras? what happens of a person who breaks these laws? what is he called as- a holy man? or a sinner (papi)? on what basis the rebirths occurs? if sin is minor issue why is ther rituals towards washing of sins? if sin issue does not exisit then on what basis the law of karma operates? think about it.about tribals I have already told you and you can study it yourself that tribals do have the concept of sin within their own system.when their own law is broken they fear the supernaturals and hence performs sacrifices from ojhas and tantriks for escape.the guilt conscience do varies from tribe to tribe.


    please note sin is not about east or west or mideast its about reality.its right there within us.jealousy ,anger ,pride,lust,,abuse,foul language,lies etc.they do come out of human beings.but there is an escape route from the punishment of this paap chakra that God declares for all humans in the bible which I am attracted to as a hindu-


    The wages of sin is death (eternal seperation in hell) but the gift of God is eternal life in chirst jesus (Rom 3:23)

  23. source:films and books?? Are films meant to show that they dont feel guilty or do not sin?.what book tells you they dont feel guilty?

    who told you that if a person feels guilty they wont sing and dance.one can supress the feeling of guilt and move on with life.if you read the film world stars you will find them often going to religious pilgrimages for washing away the sins ,donating money to religious organisations for good karma etc.but that does not stop them to act in films ,dancing and art.


    As a christian newton disagreed with some principles of the church but that did not ceased him to be a christian.he continued in his faith.as per other scientists listed by me there are resources which can point of their beleif in christ.


    I did not understand the last paragraph regarding suffering and karma.

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